How To Use Pachyderm In A Sentence
Cutler, the British officer, was pachydermatous to ideas, but punctilious about behaviour.
The Complete Father Brown
He then elects to take his new pet to California, but he only has five days to unload his pachyderm.
And the challenges arrived: Stories with titles like “She Killed Me Twice”, “The Brain That Exploded”, “The Pachyderm Wore Pink” and “Single White Fee Male” with words like ranunculus, vaginate and carronade. 300 stories later, here for the first time in print are 180 of the best.
Srs Book Lnx - I mean, for real — check these out for lo, they contain much awesomeness
The Centre has hurriedly taken the much-awaited decision of implementation of the project in Tripura in tune with the State's considerable increase of green cover, which would help the pachyderms to find their required habitat.
The station then lay well within the domain of the pachyderms i.e., the elephant corridor while migrating from one end of the Western Ghats to the other.
A huge chart had various action poses of the pachyderm such as catching butterflies, fishing, sleeping, walking with shorts, pushing a baby elephant in a perambulator and sitting on a drum eating ice cream.
So far the red peppers appear to be an easy, cost-effective means of warding off pachyderms without harming them, Osborn says.
It and the peccary are the only two Pachydermata, or thick-skinned animals, indigenous to the southern continent.
The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
One of the most terrifying sights in the animal world is an elephant in a state of must: Huge bulls, oozing a weird, foul-smelling, greenish glop from glands near their eyes, behave with violent abandon, taking risks and defying the basic rules of pachyderm propriety and also giving rise to the term "rogue elephant".
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Wildlife groups have slammed a move by an Indian state to give contraceptives to domesticated elephants to control their numbers, saying it would hurt the pachyderm population already under threat.
Farther on, the pachydermatous lophiodon (crested toothed), a gigantic tapir, hides behind the rocks to dispute its prey with the anoplotherium
Journey to the Interior of the Earth
At length, he left the road on which the pachydermic aggregation had lumbered for some distance, and turned up a long lane, leading to a farm-house.
T. Haviland Hicks Senior
T.e spectacle Butch Brewster beheld was indeed one to paralyze that pachydermic collegian, T. Haviland Hicks, Jr., the sunny-souled, irrepressible Senior, danced madly about on the tiger-skin rug in midfloor, evidently laboring under the delusion that he was a lunatical Hottentot at
T. Haviland Hicks Senior
The presiding deity is taken out on a caparisoned elephant accompanied by other pachyderms in full paraphernalia.
And absolutely nothing is quite so ghastly sad as the sight of those same well-flushed, well-fleshed Germans cavorting about between the hours of two and four-thirty A.M., trying, with all the pachydermic ponderosity of
Europe Revised
I do not wish to have our coins festooned with his pachydermal ears.
Kicking it, Auld School : Law is Cool
All three pachyderms sized up their mirror images by inspecting behind the mirror, rubbing their trunks the length of the mirror, or probing their mouths with their trunks to see if their reflections did the same.
Half hippopotamus, half seal, yet in no way related to either, something between a pachyderm and cetacean, the dugong is a herbivorous marine mammal, commonly known as “the sea cow,” because of its resemblance in some particulars to that useful domesticated animal.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
She had piqued his curiosity, aroused his interest and disturbed by just a pin-prick his pachydermatous equanimity; she would not raise again before the draw.
The Fifth Ace
The African elephant, I learned recently, requires four hundred fifty pounds of forage and fifty gallons of water every day, but the colossus of culture is far larger than the largest ever herd of these pachyderms.
The waters were haunted by huge pachyderms, such as the dinotherium and hippopotamus; while the rhinoceros and mastodon roamed through the woodlands.
Geographical Evolution
And that doesn't even include Camby's energetically youthful presence on a Knicks team that's old, older, oldest, playing at a pachydermic pace that borders on the geriatric.
The pachydermic Butch, fully dressed -- and awake, raging in his wrath like an active volcano, glanced at his watch, and discovered that it was exactly five A.M.!
T. Haviland Hicks Senior
Conflicts between farmers and elephants have long been widespread in Africa, where pachyderms nightly destroy crops, raid grain houses, and sometimes kill people.
Big Butch Brewster, his pachydermic frame draped in his gown, and his mortar-board cap on his head, for the Seniors were required to wear their regalia during Commencement week, was bellowing through a megaphone, as he stood on the steps of Bannister Hall, and Mr. Hicks, with his cheerful son, listened:
T. Haviland Hicks Senior
Besides hauling around oodles of stuff, including monarchs and their entourages, the plump pachyderms became the weapon of choice for ancient warriors with lots of time on their hands.
The sexes of other pachydermatous animals differ very little or not at all, and, as far as known, they are not polygamists.
We taxied from the revetment, swaying and lurching into our assigned spot in that pachydermal-like parade which always disappears, plane by plane, whenever a bomber group is launched into battle.
When she sequenced the ribosomal DNA from three species - and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma-she found the genes to be so similar that, she says
Scientific American
The cool-water assemblage was dominated by another species, which rejoiced in the glorious name Neogloboquadrina pachyderma.
In Africa and Asia, elephant attacks appear to be becoming more common as human development pushes the pachyderms into ever smaller and more fragmented living spaces.
This combination, of ratlike claws and pachydermatous-size insteps, causes the subject to be very cautious about where, and indeed when, he takes off his shoes.
On the Limits of Self-Improvement, Part I
In advance of the troops came the armoured train, a pachydermatous monster which moved cumbrously in front of the column, and was saluted by the smoking wrath of big guns as soon as it appeared.
South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 2 (of 6) From the Commencement of the War to the Battle of Colenso, 15th Dec. 1899
But even a Flamburian may at last be pierced; and then (as with other pachydermatous animals) the hole, once made, is almost certain to grow larger.
Mary Anerley
In another species (_S. catenulata_) what seems a minute chain of distinctly formed elliptical links drops down the middle of each flute; in yet another (_S. oculata_) the carvings are of an oval form, and, bearing each a round impression in its centre, they somewhat resemble rows of staring goggle-eyes; while the carvings in yet another species (_S. pachyderma_) consist chiefly of crescent-shaped depressions.
The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
Paddling this coast, you're always looking at the rocks: the crevices, the soaring heights, the color and texture, and the shapes - some like pachyderms, others angular and severe.
Photographs of the pachyderms, their habitat, camp management, day-to-day activities, aspects of reproduction, disease, resistance and man-animal conflicts were exhibited at the gallery.
In the first Fayard was being driven by his pachyderm sergeant.
We went to a performance where trained pachyderms put on an amazing demonstration of skill and talent, walking tightropes, dunking basketballs with their trunks and standing on their heads.
Instinctively realizing that the pachydermic parade was headed for < i > his room, T. Haviland Hicks, Jr., rushed to the closet, murmuring, "Safety first!" as usual, and stowed away his banjo.
T. Haviland Hicks Senior
Then a certain pachyderm type would overpaint a picture of a rhino kissing its bicep with the famour quote as a caption.
Cheeseburger Gothic » First Discussion thread for After America.
Driving of them, and they won't go," thought the watcher; and the speaker, a stunted-looking Malay with a short, iron-spiked implement, somewhat like the iron of a boat-hook, in his hand, came into sight between the huge pachyderms and the door, shouting and growling at his charge as he waved the hook and progged the nearest beast as if trying to drive them away.
Trapped by Malays A Tale of Bayonet and Kris
However, as it turned out, the pachyderm was just feeding in roadside grasslands, but the mahout had left the animal on a very long chain and it was blocking one lane of traffic, with the animal's keeper nowhere in sight.
Bill Geist has the lowdown on the team of New Yorkers who are a kind of pachydermal equivalent of the Jamaican bobsled team.
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N. pachyderma (s) left coiling, (c) the concentrations of microcharcoal surface area
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And the challenges arrived: Stories with titles like “She Killed Me Twice”, “The Brain That Exploded”, “The Pachyderm Wore Pink” and “Single White Fee Male” with words like ranunculus, vaginate and carronade. 300 stories later, here for the first time in print are 180 of the best.
Srs Book Lnx - I mean, for real — check these out for lo, they contain much awesomeness
A dozen of red partridges and rays were speedily brought down, and Glenarvan also managed very cleverly to kill a TAY-TETRE, or peccary, a pachydermatous animal, the flesh of which is excellent eating.
In Search of the Castaways
The wonder is that the country ever got governed at all, but it seems that all public men who had any fixed and sensible ideas and wished to see them carried out, had to make themselves callous, pachydermatous, hardened against this offensive mud-slinging.
The Dominion in 1983
“That fish, as you call it, Joe, is really a mammiferous animal of the pachydermal species.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
London Zookeepers created the African pachyderm's name by mixing two Swahili words, "jambo" (hello) and "jumbe" chief.
Frugal In Virginia
Under the systems of older naturalists the thick-skinned animals were lumped together under the order UNGULATA, or _hoofed animals_, subdivided by Cuvier into _Pachydermata_, or thick-skinned non-ruminants, and _Ruminantia_, or ruminating animals; but neither the elephant nor the coney can be called hoofed animals, and in other respects they so entirely differ from the rest that recent systematists have separated them into three distinct orders -- _Proboscidea_, _Hyracoidea_ and _Ungulata_, which classification I here adopt.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
No potentate ever nurtured their children more gently than a pachyderm fondles its young.
18O values of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides and the development of the polar foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s.) left coiling.
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Their contention is the stage is not strong enough to have the pachyderm onstage.
I have, for instance, not even mentioned the sea, which swept smoother and smoother in toward the feet of those precipices and grew more and more trans-lucently purple and yellow and green, while half a score of cascades shot straight down their fronts in shafts of snowy foam, and over their pachydermatous shoulders streamed and hung long reaches of gray vines or mosses.
Roman Holidays, and Others
Never before, or afterward, not even when the luckless Butch fell in love, and T. Haviland Hicks, Jr., assisted Cupid, did the pachydermic Butch act so insanely as on this occasion.
T. Haviland Hicks Senior
His love for pachyderms developed further when he undertook study on man - elephant conflict.
And the challenges arrived: Stories with titles like “She Killed Me Twice”, “The Brain That Exploded”, “The Pachyderm Wore Pink” and “Single White Fee Male” with words like ranunculus, vaginate and carronade. 300 stories later, here for the first time in print are 180 of the best.
Srs Book Lnx - I mean, for real — check these out for lo, they contain much awesomeness
In that short statement, Took came to better understand the very genuine affection and high regard Thai people held for these giant pachyderms whose ancestors had played no small part in helping build the Kingdom.
So the pachydermic concept with the thunderous footfall is this: can a painter who veers back and forth between emphatically paint-as-paint abstractions (Richter squeegees the stuff across canvases on the studio floor) and a form of painstaking realism be taken seriously as a whole?
Looking Back At Richter
Anne Savage, the park's senior conservation biologist, says understanding how pachyderms use vocalizations to communicate will help people better manage them in the wild and in captivity.
That final resting place of ponderous pachyderms would be, for the unscrupulous and disturbingly clean bad guy, the mother lode of ivory.
Guests at the launch were told that the return of elephants to South Africa's eastern shores would be the first step towards reinstating an ancient migration route for a sub-group of Maputaland pachyderms.
It all comes down to ignorance though, fundamentally, if a substantial minority of the population is unable to even attempt an informed debate without resorting to pachydermal vitriol, then you will unfortunately be left with a corrupt, morally bankrupt set of lunatics.
McCain's Lying Has Gone Too Far, According To ... Karl Rove!
These pachyderms, originally kept at the Kozhikamudhi working campsite are used for entertaining tourists, conducting elephant safari and for removing fallen trees or for shifting logs.
The impressionable peasant leads a larger, fuller, more dramatic life than the pachydermatous king.
Half hippopotamus, half seal, yet in no way related to either, something between a pachyderm and cetacean, the dugong is a herbivorous marine mammal, commonly known as "the sea cow," because of its resemblance in some particulars to that useful domesticated animal.
Confessions of a Beachcomber
The duo, involved in rescue and rehabilitation of a number of elephants, gave a presentation on nature of elephants and said that the pachyderms are only reactive and never proactive when it comes to man-animal conflict.
A fine pair of shabrack (Tapirus indicus) and another pair of American tapirs (Tapirus americanus) constitute the chief attraction of the house devoted to pachyderms in the Zoological Garden at Breslau, and interest in this section of the garden has recently been greatly enhanced by the appearance of a healthy young shabrack.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 1157, March 5, 1898
So many fossil links have been disentombed that he has had to alter the whole classification, and has placed certain Pachyderms in the same sub-order with ruminants.
It also can be a focal point, as with the smooth and gray pachydermic monoliths of the European Beech, in the garden the year round.
This is the first instance where a FDB (frozen dead bird) has been used in our labs for testing purposes, and, in the future, we hope to expand our procedures to include rodents, and pachyderms.
The returning train was derailed by the drunken pachyderms, and by the time the line was cleared and we arrived back in the capital, I was feeling spectacularly rough.
In consequence of the great alterations in the skin of the limbs, which are covered with ulcerated tubercles, crusts, and cicatrices, the pachydermic state of skin which gives the limbs the appearance of elephantiasis, and of the lesions of the peripheral nerves which are present at this time, the sense of touch is abolished.
Perhaps the pachydermic Beef's grim attitude unnerved the wonderful Bob
T. Haviland Hicks Senior
The resemblance, in the shape of the body and in the fin-like anterior limbs, between the dugong, which is a pachydermatous animal, and the whale, and between both these mammals and fishes, is analogical.
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
Apart from sheltering smaller wildlife like rabbits, gaur and jackal, a part of the estate forms an elephant trail which pachyderms from the Bannerghatta range frequent.
Likewise one of the elephant parks should be on the agenda - pachyderms being a fairly rare sight in the Highlands of Scotland.
They studied dO18 in N pachyderma, also constrained sedimentatino rate by tephra fromn 1947 dated to Hekla and 1918 at 15 cm dated to Katia.
AGU Fall Meeting « Climate Audit
To many, while the pachyderms still made parade for The Season, that mason was still a canvasman, that cobit-root gatherer was still a juggler, and that painter was still a propman.
Elephant Song
Soar high above Fantasyland aboard everyone s favorite pachyderm.
The DRDO and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are now working on developing the 'chilly' into a powder that could be coated on fences and ropes to scare away wild pachyderms.
'Naga chilly' to scare away wild elephants
Those having the fewest dermal plates were most agile, while their more pachydermatous mates toiled in ponderous slow motion.
Perseus Spur
Our blundering political system is pachydermic in its irresponsiveness.
A Preface to Politics
The Government also asked private owners of four elephants in the city to send their pachyderms to the camp.
An pachyderm is pictured at Addo Elephant National Park in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa.