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oxalic acid

  1. a toxic colorless crystalline organic acid found in oxalis and other plants; used as a bleach and rust remover and in chemical analysis

How To Use oxalic acid In A Sentence

  • While the leafstalks are edible, the leaves themselves contain oxalic acid and should not be eaten.
  • EPR method is consistent with the oxalic acid etching test.
  • Not only do these vegetables contain high amounts of oxalic acid, they also add to the acidic burden of the bloodstream during stressful periods. William Spear: Radiation Emergency Measures You Can Take Now
  • The reaction of calcium ions with oxalic acid produces an insoluble solid, calcium oxalate.
  • The advantage of this method lies in the fact that it is not necessary to dissolve the oxide which is precipitated upon the glass within the tubes, E, E, since, in the presence of an excess of permanganate, the reduction by nitric oxide extends only to the formation of MnO_ {2}; also in the fact that the solution of manganous sulphate is more stable than that of oxalic acid. Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886
  • So the oxalic acid in your meals is easily absorbed.
  • Other dye-stuffs, such as fustic, Persian berries and Alizarine yellow, are best dyed on a basic chrome mordant, which is effected when tartar or oxalic acid is the assistant mordant used, or when some other form of chrome compound than bichrome is employed. The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics
  • Kidney stones are formed when the concentration of minerals and substances like calcium oxalate, phosphate, oxalic acid and uric acid are too high in the urine.
  • With these (p. 116) are used sulphuric acid, oxalic acid, cream of tartar or argol, lactic acid, etc. The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics
  • Like spinach, lambsquarter contains oxalic acid, so be sure to get adequate calcium if you're ingesting a lot of this plant. Brigitte Mars: Lamsquarter: A Wild Spinach in Your Yard (VIDEO)
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