How To Use Owlish In A Sentence
He saw instead a heavy, cruel, jowlish face, with eyelids hooded down over the eyes, and a square thrusting chin buttressed on a mass of jaw and suetty cheek that glistened with an oily shimmer.
The Haunted Bookshop
The nutjobs did the screaming about ‘witchcraft’ in this day and age (little different than the Taliban in principle), and the secular politicians just looked owlishly at them and it (being the kookiest stuff) went ignored.
Bush officials vs. J.K. Rowling: Were they seriously worried about 'Harry Potter' promoting witchcraft?! |
From 1955 to 1963, he was Chairman of the National Bank, an Irish clearing bank, again confounding those who took his owlish, academic demeanour at face value.
She was petite, with small features behind owlish glasses, and her short hair was clipped into salt-and-pepper waves.
Bottom line: Outlines might be more suited to owlish writers, but they can be used effectively by hummingbirds like me, too.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » How pantsers can embrace the outline
the gentle-looking barrister peered owlishly around him
A scientist… the one who gave me my steroid shots, if I remember rightly… appeared, red-faced and out of breath, his owlish glasses askew on his wrinkled face.
The Canadian-born, "owlish" architect loses his cool with a reporter from the British newspaper the
Her eyes are huge, like something you would expect to see magnified behind thick owlish glasses, lovely and bright blue, the sapphire enhanced wonderfully by her ivory skin and dyed black bob.
The American nodded with a kind of owlish solemnity.
Partners In Crime
In flashbulbs they went owlish, lacquered in oil blue.
Anis Shivani: Poetry Book Contests Should be Abolished: Why Contests Are the Stupidest Way to Publish First Books
Close's self-portrait underlines this paradox, his owlish glasses reiterating that artist and audience are creatures who long to see clearly.
The owlish soldier takes off his helmet, holds out his hand.
He was an owlish figure, sitting in the corner of the library.
The neat, precise man peering through owlish spectacles corrected him painstakingly in English spoken with a clipped, formal accent.
The rather unimposing, bespectacled, owlish-looking cabinet officer thus gave President Wilson a strong hand at the peace table and achieved recognition as a successful secretary of war.
At one stage he seemed to become almost as well-known for his flamboyant dress sense - the wide-brimmed hats, the peroxide hair, the big owlish glasses - as for his paintings.
Physically, she brilliantly embodied the shrewd, sharp-eyed, owlish spinster, while also conveying her intuitive acumen and razor-sharp mind.
The owlish, quietly passionate woman stepped forward.
He was an owlish figure, sitting in the corner of the library.
I suspect that I, too, am a hummingbird trying to learn owlish ways.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » How pantsers can embrace the outline
Harry was a tall, thin individual with a large Billy Bunter owlish face on top of his lean body.
Senate Minority Leader McConnell, 68, is owlish, phlegmatic, and gray, and often looks bothered, as though lunch isn't agreeing with him.
Morning Bits
Radcliffe may be a lantern-jawed 22-year-old leading man, and Watson a 21-year-old fashion maven, but the memory of those schoolkid personas – owlish and goody-two-shoes respectively – will stick around for ever.
The arts in 2012: life after Twilight and Harry Potter
In comments I admitted I had a hummingbird spirit but was striving to learn owlish ways.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » How pantsers can embrace the outline
He moons through vast owlish specs as he plumps cushions and scurries off for an ashtray.
Times, Sunday Times
We must first deal with his successor, the owlish Ayman al-Zawahiri and perhaps the Taliban's Mullah Omar.
Richard Klass: Death of a Salesman
Were I not persona non grata I would like to witness the classroom performances of these young professors -- chosen with owlish gravity by men who cannot write deer sur without the expenditure of enough nervo-muscular energy to raise a cotton crop, chewing off the tips of their tongues and blotting the paper with their proboscides.
The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
I was pulling a book from the shelf when I heard the tinkle of the bell over the door, and before I knew it, Matt's aunt was standing in front of me, peering up at me through her wide, owlish glasses.
It had large, owlish eyes; ears that were capable of facing backward or forward; a wide, toothless mouth that seemed to split its flattened, ovoidal skull almost in half; and a small, constantly wiggling proboscis.
Lost And Found
He was an owlish figure, sitting in the corner of the library.
And if his features have recently seemed to take on a new youthfulness, his is still a face etched with experience, slowly hardening into the same benignly owlish countenance you see in photographs of his long-departed father, Jim.