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[ US /ˈoʊən/ ]
  1. English comparative anatomist and paleontologist who was an opponent of Darwinism (1804-1892)
  2. Welsh industrialist and social reformer who founded cooperative communities (1771-1858)

How To Use Owen In A Sentence

  • Many of the major characters are historical figures, notably Llewellyn and David, their mother Lady Senena and their two other brothers Owen Goch “Owen the Red” and Rhodri, and King Henry III of England. Sunrise in the West, by Edith Pargeter. Book review
  • Owen had a much more convincing penalty appeal just before half-time, but Andreas Dober somehow got away with a blatant, over-the-top foul.
  • In a sweeping half-moon behind me, the rugged, unspoiled Inishowen Peninsula rolls out across this little known spear of North West Ireland.
  • And when euery manne hath throwen his darte, or shotte his arrowe: whilest the beast is troubled and amased with the stripes, thei steppe in to her and slea her. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Additional information about this conference can be found at www. News
  • Consistently, Owen rhymes the last two words in the fifth and seventh lines of each stanza, which is very effective.
  • According to company officials, Owen has gained widespread recognition as a Western painter of fine art, and his work in gouache captures present-day working cowboys.
  • Dr Owen might have added, I suppose, that a necessary interest in the private lives of public figures was a feature even of powerful monarchies, where wedding-night consummation was a dynastic issue to be settled with the production of the kind of gloopy evidence now entertaining audiences for forensic science TV shows such as Top stories from Times Online
  • I came by to pay my respects to Mrs Owens.
  • His brief brush with crime came early yesterday morning while he was attending the annual UWI Splash fête at Bowen Marine, Chaguaramas.
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