How To Use Ovulate In A Sentence
It usually happens once a month but can be more or less depending upon a woman's own ovulatory cycle. sometimes you can release more than one egg. if you don't get pregnant that cycle then your body will have a period in about a couple of weeks. women with annovulatory cycles don't ovulate but still get their period. women with irregular cycles could have a 14 day cycle and then a 60 day cycle the next time.www. taking charge of your fertility - a book In humans, the period when ovulation occurs is called the ovulatory phase, and it occupies the fourteenth day of an idealized twenty-eight day menstrual cycle.
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Baillon, [265] wherein the pistil of _Trifolium repens_ consisted of three carpels, either separate, or combined so as to form a one-celled ovary with three parietal, pluri-ovulate placentæ; the ovary in these flowers was formed of the basal vaginiform part of the leaf; the three styles were formed by the petioles, while the stigmas were represented by trifoliolate leaves.
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Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant.
While most women ovulated monthly, my ovaries either released an egg too small, too early, or did not release one at all.
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Though not all Paini have muscular forearms combined with keratinous spines, like coarse sandpaper, on their chests and forearms, those who live in fast-flowing streams do, evidently to prevent the slimy female from being whisked away during the sometimes hours-long amplexus required for the female to ovulate. - latest science and technology news stories
Homeopathically, I decided to use glandular remedies to stimulate her ovaries to ovulate.
As you read earlier, the fimbriated or “fingerlike” ends of the tube “catch” your egg as it is ovulated and gently guide it inside.
Getting Pregnant
Among many of these species, females ovulate just after giving birth, perhaps encouraging males to stick around until after babies are born.
The fimbria or tube ends, which help your egg to ovulate
Getting Pregnant
For women who ovulate irregularly, infrequently or not at all, fertility drugs such as Clomid (clomiphene) can certainly help them achieve pregnancy.
Health For Life M.D.: Our Doctor's Advice
The key is for the woman to keep a diary to work out when she ovulates - the point of the cycle where sex is most likely to result in pregnancy.
When the donor mare ovulates, she is bred to the chosen stallion through artificial insemination, using frozen, cooled or fresh semen.
Should consider managing cycle to ensure mare has ovulated and finished oestrus before start of competition.
A preincubated, capacitated sperm suspension was gently added to the freshly ovulated oocytes to give a final motile sperm concentration of 1 x [10.sup.6] / ml.
As we reported last week, Mei Xiang ovulated on March 19.
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Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant.
The average fertile period for a woman lasts only six days per menstrual cycle and ends the day she ovulates.
Your temperature rises after ovulation and falls back down again at menstruation, until the next time you ovulate.
Women menstruate on the full moon, ovulate on the new moon, and use lunaception as a form of contraception.
Daniel Bruno Sanz: Bad Moon, Burnt Qurans, Birthers and Flat Earthers
Seems like a pretty basic rule to follow. the major key to that, though, is understanding exactly how to tell when your body is about to ovulate, which is certainly a lot harder than it appears in some women, especially the ones that have an irregular menstruation cycles.
Some girls may first ovulate even before they menstruate.
Women who miss birth-control pills—say, by taking an inert pill when they should take an active one—are at risk of an unintended pregnancy because they may ovulate in the absence of the hormonal medicines meant to prevent it.
Pfizer Cites Packaging Flaws in Birth-Control Pill Recall
Women menstruate on the full moon, ovulate on the new moon, and use lunaception as a form of contraception.
Daniel Bruno Sanz: Bad Moon, Burnt Qurans, Birthers and Flat Earthers
When your egg is ripe and ready to be ovulated, it gently pops from your ovary and is caught by the fimbriated ends of your fallopian tubes and quickly swept inside.
Getting Pregnant
There is NO NEED for a rooster or "****" around, because the chickens are going to "ovulate" regardless.
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I went from not having ovulated since I was 16, to becoming a mother at 40, just by this intervention.
Treating Infertility by Flushing the Tubes
If patients ovulated in six subsequent cycles, no further treatment was given.
Most embryos from natural estrous rats migrated into the uterus ahead of morula stage, while embryos from superovulated rat entered the uterus at 8-cell stage.
In vitro fertilization can restore fertility to women who ovulate but can not conceive because their Fallopian tubes are blocked.
You can use these types of natural family planning to predict when you'll ovulate — and when you need to avoid unprotected sex if you don't want to conceive.
Ovary inserted on an hypogynous disk, with 2 biovulate compartments.
The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
Even for women who ovulate, there is no information about oocyte quality and consequent embryo quality after fertilisation.
If you've already ovulated, you're pregnant by the time you get to the pharmacy for Plan B, and it won't work.
Emergency Contraception Use Does Not Adversely Affect Pregnancy Outcome
We did a process called intrauterine insemination, so we gave her shots of a fertility drug called Follistim to help her ovulate more.
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To use the rhythm method, you simply track your menstrual history to predict when you'll ovulate.In turn, this may help you determine when you're most likely to conceive.
Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant.
Marissa experienced cramping with ovulation—especially when she ovulated on the left side—that seemed to increase as she approached perimenopause.
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To examine sperm transport in the female reproductive tract, males were mated with superovulated females.
We share our female reproductive organs, but have four ovaries, and we appear to ovulate differently.
The flowers of the species are bisexual and protogynous, producing on average 13 unfused uniovulate carpels.
For women who ovulate irregularly, infrequently or not at all, fertility drugs such as Clomid (clomiphene) can certainly help them achieve pregnancy.
Health For Life M.D.: Our Doctor's Advice
There is more discharge when you ovulate or breastfeed, or when you are sexually excited.
Females ovulate only after spending several days with a male and then mate several times over several days to ensure fertilization.
The chance of getting pregnant by artificial insemination is increased if the female partner has healthy Fallopian tubes and ovulates regularly.
The second part of the plan was a bit more complicated; I had to ovulate.
Times Two
Luteal Cysts: - follicle that only partially ovulates, because of inadequate LH - a problem mainly of cattle, not horses Clinical Signs: - anestrus (occurring post-partum usually) - Can palpate a unilateral, 35-50 mm diameter, round, smooth, thick walled structure on the ovary 63
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These women are getting the signal to ovulate all the time," before their follicles are mature enough, Nelson says.
Don't say 'early menopause,' it's primary ovarian insufficiency
Ovary rudimentary in the male flower; unilocular and uniovulate in the female.
The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
A current theory is that the eggs are ovulated through the cloacal pore and are expelled under pressure by muscular contractions.
If a woman doesn't ovulate, there's no egg to be fertilized, and the most common cause of ovulatory problems is a little talked about -- and frequently undiagnosed -- health problem called polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS.
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Infertility among women is often due to ovulation problems, including failure to ovulate.
Usually the women who ovulate have missed a larger number," said Dr. Westhoff, who has studied the ovarian effects of missing birth-control pills.
Pfizer Cites Packaging Flaws in Birth-Control Pill Recall
Firstly, only a small percentage of women ovulate exactly 14 days before the onset of menses.
women ovulate about once every month
Human mothers, by contrast, don't ovulate again right after birth, nor do they produce offspring with more than one genetic father at a time.
While it was once necessary for the menstrual cycles of both donor and recipient to be carefully coordinated—her eggs had to be ready to ovulate at the precise time your uterus was ready to accept an embryo—this is no longer necessary, thanks to an innovation called cryopreservation, or embryo freezing.
Getting Pregnant