How To Use Ovipositor In A Sentence

  • Ovipositor is a reproductive organ and it located between the cercus. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • A sharp, piercing organ or part, often ejecting a venomous secretion, as the modified ovipositor of a bee or wasp or the spine of certain fishes.
  • Honeybee Stinger - The stinger is located on female honeybees at the end of the abdomen and is part of the ovipositor, which is an egg-laying device. Undefined
  • The poet ig-nored his stare, was gazing past him and admiring the sol'dier's ovipositors. Nor Crystal Tears
  • A sharp, piercing organ or part, often ejecting a venomous secretion, as the modified ovipositor of a bee or wasp or the spine of certain fishes.
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  • Medflies ruin crops when fertile females use their tubelike ovipositors to punch holes in the skin of a ripening fruit or vegetable, then pump their eggs inside.
  • At this stage, the conical ovipositor of the female becomes visible.
  • An ovipositor may have produced the short posterior medial projection, or terminal imprint if it were long, but given that an orthopteroid producer is unlikely, the terminal imprint was probably produced by a tail spine.
  • The protruding end of the ovipositor was grasped with fine tweezers and the whole reproductive tract pulled out.
  • Females have an organ called ovipositor where eggs are deposited. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The ovipositor, which is about four-tenths of an inch in length, is plunged obliquely and up to the hilt into the twig. Social Life in the Insect World
  • Mature eggs pass from the oviduct along the ovipositor to be placed between leaves, along with an adhesive that attaches the eggs to the leaves and keeps the leaves together.
  • [4] On the very end part of their body is abdomen, there are cercus and ovipositor. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • But they still retain the ovipositor, which is converted into a sting, and supplied with a poisonous liquid to eject afterwards into the wound. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • Abdomen petiolated, the petiole as long as the abdomen; the ovipositor as long as the petiole and abdomen united. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • After we placed a wasp on the fruit, she typically initiated searching, which involved slow scanning of the fruit surface using her antennae, and probing with her ovipositor inside fruit wounds and punctures in search for eggs.
  • The female ovipositor becomes loosely articulated.
  • From Luke comes news of the ovipository feats of the world's rarest parrot, the kakapo.
  • Braconid females can use the ovipositor, the tube through which eggs are laid, to sting.
  • Collecting sites were chosen on the basis of previous collecting experience, and crickets were identified on the basis of differences in body length, hind wing length, ovipositor length, and tegmina color.
  • Liparid snailfish in the genus Careproctus extrude eggs through an anteriorly positioned ovipositor into the branchial chambers of large lithodid crabs.
  • When the puncture into the nut is completed one or more eggs are inserted by means of an extensile, thread-like tube, or ovipositor, of the same length as the snout. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Eleventh Annual Meeting Washington, D. C. October 7 and 8, 1920
  • Episternites: the upper pair of corneous appendages forming the ovipositor in grasshoppers. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Injuries were visible as sclerotized scars in the female ovipositor, and their occurrence increased with mating frequency.
  • Parasitoid wasps and flies use their long ovipositors to thrust their eggs into the eggs and bodies of other insects. Roughly 10 percent of all insect species are parasitoids.
  • Ovipositor ¼ abdomen, latter depressed = cordate [.] Appellation spring
  • There are a few exceptions to this pattern, most famously in seahorses where females have an ovipositor which places unfertilized ova into the male's pouch for insemination.
  • In L. forcipatus females the ovipositor valves reach the tips of the cerci; in L. disjunctus they do not.
  • He says female cicadas use a sword-like organ, called an ovipositor, to slice into small tree branches and insert their eggs. Cicadas Swarm Wide Portions of US

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