
How To Use Overwrought In A Sentence

  • She described at last with extraordinary clearness, which is so often seen, though only for a moment, in such overwrought states, how Ivan had been nearly driven out of his mind during the last two months trying to save “the monster and murderer,” his brother. The Brothers Karamazov
  • We often read about overwrought ladies reaching for their vinaigrettes, or of stalwart heroes reviving a swooning damsel by waving a vinaigrette beneath her nose.
  • Yes, I know it's rather stilted, nay overwrought, prose.
  • Minus the film interaction, however, the opus suffered from overwrought verbiage and meandering vignettes.
  • We infatuate humanity with overwrought images of success and riches. Dying America Needs A Miracle
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  • Some overwrought writing mars an otherwise sharp and insightful exploration of homophobia in the deep South.
  • She dismissed the thought as the result of her overwrought imagination, but it was all she could do not to run the last few steps to her cell.
  • Uranian mind-vibes can sometimes get Mercurial Virgos overwrought and on edge.
  • She was in a very overwrought state after the accident.
  • Overweight, overtired and overwrought with grief, Duncan presented an excessively undisciplined body.
  • And aside from an overwrought moment or two, all four actors turn in gracefully subtle and passively implosive performances.
  • He commands this role, speaking in a frenzied bark of orders, put-downs and overwrought egomania.
  • In other words, he was an easy, if overwrought, target.
  • By what right did this ragged beachcomber, in dungaree trousers and a cotton shirt, suggest such a thing as peace and content to him and his overwrought, exhausted soul? THE SEED OF McCOY
  • Bearing all that in mind, it would be a real shipwreck for an overwrought orchestrator to take the graceful skiff depicted on the cover of "Maiden Voyage" and overinflate it into a bulky ocean liner. Piano Perspectives, Visions of Vaudeville
  • She was in a very overwrought state after the accident.
  • His overwrought extemporizing on Monday night proved that his ego's still in it; maybe his political imagination will rejoin the wagon train at some future stop.
  • A clothesbrush and a tin cup were the only foreign objects on the overwrought, gilded table to the other side of a red velvet chair beside the fringed canopy bed. Temple of the Winds
  • In the end, when the ‘crisis’ has been resolved in the usual muddy compromise, people are embarrassed to look back and see how overwrought they had become.
  • Long before he died, he wrote an essay, The Myth of Sisyphus, which in a normal mood I usually dismiss as overwrought claptrap.
  • That last label is the funniest of the three because a story about a notorious miser visited by four ghosts who scare the hell out of him to make him change his life is by definition overwrought. Lev Raphael: Does A Christmas Carol Really Need to be Rescued?
  • A constitution which gets overwrought by emotional turmoil may find parenthood a tougher road. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • December 20th, 2008 at 2: 01 pm indeed. an overwrought review of a sonic youth album for Ego Trip was the crowing achievement of my fleeting career in music criticism. noah callahan-bever – mid 90s berkeley carroll school represent! Ego Trip | ATTACKERMAN
  • At times his work gets bogged down in its own abstract acrobatics, becoming contrived and overwrought.
  • These overwrought visitors to the site of the tragedy, clutch each other in their grief, almost inconsolable - until they return to their safe suburban homes and turn on the tv to await their next bite of reality.
  • He breathed stertorously, and in his throat were the queer little gasping noises of one overwrought.
  • On the other hand, the straight-ahead rock, soul and Eurodance is the overwrought work of a man who should know better.
  • She was so tired and overwrought that she burst into tears.
  • Yoshimoto, however, is a legitimate storyteller, and avoids the overwrought sentiment that forces a reader to cry unwilling tears.
  • Tilly delivers a particularly hilarious, overwrought performance, apparently channelling Courtney Love.
  • I mean, the most overwrought jury in the history of America.
  • The award for most overwrought writing about snow goes to…
  • A year on from their emergence into the public eye, we are swamped with soporific, overwrought, piano-led rock played by lip-trembling white boys with messy hair, student debts and fey voices.
  • Yoshimoto, however, is a legitimate storyteller, and avoids the overwrought sentiment that forces a reader to cry unwilling tears.
  • It is a vibrant piece - perhaps a little overwrought to be fully credible - that promises quite a ride. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overwrought’ by the same token must mean ‘overworked’, yet I guess that at least 94% of us sometimes get overwrought for reasons unconnected with overworking.
  • Best of all, she's got a playful sensibility that keeps the covers from getting bogged down in overwrought gravitas, no matter the subject. Jo Chen covers kick ass | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • She was so tired and overwrought that she burst into tears.
  • The prolonged tension of mind and effort during four years of overwrought activity was followed by a period of reaction, to which, as far as the administration of the navy was concerned, the term collapse would scarcely be misapplied. From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life
  • The heat in the street was terrible: and the airlessness, the bustle and the plaster, scaffolding, bricks, and dust all about him, and that special Petersburg stench, so familiar to all who are unable to get out of town in summer - all worked painfully upon the young man's already overwrought nerves.
  • After a second, I realized she was joking, partly in response to my complaints about the hysterical and occasionally overwrought response to this new disease.
  • But what good is bawdy when its purveyors, from low to high, seem unfailingly recruited for their unsightliness, and act like overwrought underachievers or maundering bystanders?
  • His soliloquies on fate and historical accidence, delivered to an overwrought Monty Bodkin, are among the best things that Wodehouse ever wrote.
  • She had replaced the receiver before I could launch into my overwrought hymn of contrition. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • This is the kind of overwrought, underreported business story I expect to see in Fortune magazine, not my local business journal. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » A Little Much With the Drama, DBJ
  • Italian wakes are dramatic and overwrought enough without half-witted celebrities in attendance.
  • For one thing, Barry's prose style, while occasionally overwrought, is brilliant.
  • Opera Tattler finds the characters caricatures and the production "overwrought," with the music unfocussed and too much in the background. Archive 2008-09-01
  • But it does have the effect of pouring balm on overwrought emotions. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, in a picturesque scene, just as Dante and Virgil doze off on the ledge of lento amore, they are awakened by a crowd of penitents rushing by, shouting and weeping with overwrought passion.
  • There is a refreshing simple charm and provocativeness to many of these narratives that is perhaps a result of simply not being overwrought by academic rhetoric and formal writing training.
  • Racing lately has been surrounded by hysteria, which is one of the most pejorative words in the language, as it was foisted upon us in antiquity by men who had determined that only women became emotionally overwrought.
  • A nasty, overwrought contrived thriller about a woman suspected of bumping off her appalling husband.
  • Happily, there is a move afoot to accommodate my overwrought correspondent.
  • It persists with its misty gaze in shuttered rooms… and in overwrought prose…
  • Accusations and recriminations are thrown about and the characters occasionally become overwrought.
  • Cilea's alternately swooning, scintillating and thundering score does much to ennoble the overwrought claptrap of the opera's libretto. Review: Washington Concert Opera's 'Adriana Lecouvreur' at Lisner Auditorium
  • The child is usually too emotionally overwrought to listen to reason.
  • Hundreds of bands roamed the land, exciting already overwrought emotions in city after city. Christianity Today
  • And I still thought the piece from Soul Stories was overwrought and pretentious.
  • Elements such as this can potentially add much character to a genre that's typically overwrought with banality.
  • When you're emotionally overwrought, it can be hard to remember exactly what was said.
  • Cecile was emotionally overwrought.
  • I have been overwrought & unsettled in mind by apprehensions, & that is a thing that is not helpable when one is in Mark Twain, a Biography — Volume II, Part 2: 1886-1900
  • Amusing at points, but overwrought and contrived for the most part
  • She was in a very overwrought state after the accident.
  • On these five instrumental pieces he's stripped away all of his music's inessentials, excising overwrought vocals or flashy solos to instead pare these blues-based excursions down to a streamlined, locomotive core.
  • His most recent memories seemed to be of lying on a trolley in the Landau Clinic, while technicians prepared him for the scan — on the face of it, a bad sign — but he'd been overwrought, and he'd spent so long psyching himself up for “this”, that perhaps he'd forgotten coming home, still hazy from the anaesthetic, crashing into bed, dreaming … Free Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Permutation City Prologue - Greg Egan
  • Yes, I know it's rather stilted, nay overwrought, prose.
  • ______ Your overwrought prose would be well-suited to the direst contraindication leaflets of the pharmaceutical industry, protecting wealthy corporations from liability whilst sparing the reading public at large from your exhausting melodrama. SPECIAL CONTEST ACTIVITY
  • Tademy's bold, controlled account of these horrific events never shies away from the gruesome facts, or becomes overwrought, which is a remarkable feat considering her emotional attachment to the story and its characters. Red River: Summary and book reviews of Red River by Lalita Tademy.
  • On the way into central Bucharest our bus-driver seemed overwrought, gesticulating wildly.
  • Dalgliesh's private verdict was that it was technically brilliant, but overwrought and painted, he felt, in hatred.
  • Uranian mind-vibes can sometimes get Mercurial Virgos overwrought and on edge.
  • Bearing all that in mind, it would be a real shipwreck for an overwrought orchestrator to take the graceful skiff depicted on the cover of "Maiden Voyage" and overinflate it into a bulky ocean liner. Piano Perspectives, Visions of Vaudeville
  • Many of the writers here on Alternet like to indulge themselves in pointless verbiage and clever, but overwrought, turns of wordish phrase that obfuscate the point and render the article difficult to read. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • My sixth and worst episode struck at the end of my junior year of college when I was overwrought about a recent breakup with a boyfriend and exhausted from school.
  • As he told his story, he appeared overwrought, fatigued and unsure of how to deal with what he characterized as the extreme pressure of national attention.
  • I wondered as I listened to the mannered and overwrought theatrical stuff why he hadn't put that in there instead.
  • I now forget the initial inspiration for the poem, but its not hard to imagine that I had recently read some morose poem and thought it a bit overwrought.
  • An FBI chaplain answered the phone saying, ‘Her husband's overwrought.’
  • The good news for lovers of overwrought kitsch is that the second series promises to live up, or down, to expectations.
  • The problem is that when a parent is feeling depressed or overwrought it is difficult for them to think of alternative strategies.
  • I wondered as I listened to the mannered and overwrought theatrical stuff why he hadn't put that in there instead.
  • THEY seem to be getting a little bit tense at Chelsea right now, a little bit overwrought. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I hate that song with a passion that goes back to 1973, when my ears were first assaulted by that overwrought piece of music.
  • Christensen got mentioned for a number of acting awards by the great Award Mentioner, and he is certainly much better than average as an overwrought teenage drug fiend.
  • The problem is that when a parent is feeling depressed or overwrought it is difficult for them to think of alternative strategies.
  • Some people just can't see past the wooden characters, overwrought prose, and fantastic speculations about the nature of the universe.
  • Striking a decent balance between pop catchyness and powerful rock dynamics, they're sweet but not syrupy, punchy but not overwrought.
  • Her anguish over the unfairness of life and love can seem overwrought at times, but it's tolerable and really helps vivify her ordeals. Rabid Reads "The Forest of Hands and Teeth" by Carrie Ryan
  • But it's hard not to examine the writing or the characterization without regretting their overwrought, bombastic tones.
  • Its lessons may at times seem overwrought, but they can be widely applied. The Times Literary Supplement
  • She had looked forward to his return after a long absence; she had been in a nervous overwrought state after her husband's death and her health was not good.
  • Ultimately, the lines of the image become hyperreal as the structural meshes of models metamorphose into overwrought strands of hair - living yet lifeless.
  • He is understandably dispirited by the accession of the new pontiff, but expresses his concerns in language that seems to me overwrought and misplaced.
  • Add to these the author's overwrought imagination, which refuses to settle for the number of persons the vehicle can safely carry.
  • He breathed stertorously, and in his throat were the queer little gasping noises of one overwrought. CHAPTER 29
  • Not sure how that became "overwrought" in your mind, but maybe we've misunderstood each other. Science fiction's subordination - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games
  • The prose is sometimes overwrought, and often obscure for those without some knowledge of opera.
  • All the expected characters are there: the frantic mother, the overwhelmed and overwrought bride-to-be, the endlessly patient bridesmaid, and her cynical cohort.
  • A careful, if not conservative, expression of Cadillac's design language a concession to global markets where the fighting-kite design of the CTS might seem overwrought, the ATS is a rear- or all-wheel-drive compact sedan with a choice of three engines—including a 2.0-liter, turbocharged four-cylinder rated at 270 horsepower and a 318-hp direct-injection V6—and a choice of manual or automatic six-speed transmission. Detroit Show's Soundtrack: America the Beautiful
  • And his initial reaction to the food is overwrought: In one scene he vomits immediately after eating, and it reeks of theatricalism.
  • I would be so excited about my latest acquisition that I would start to read in the car a habit that always triggered my motion sickness, but I didn't care, and then, the second I got home, sign my name in overwrought cursive on the inside cover. News
  • Yet much else seems overwrought. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result, in some places the images have an overwrought, almost drunken hyperbolism.
  • And insofar as we might say that the poetry of emotion is synonymous with its expression in language, then it becomes clear that writing from a place of the 'overwrought', the 'cheap', the 'excessive', the 'insufficient' and the 'incapable' is actually also writing from a place of abjection women writers are consigned to in a kind of categorical quarantine. David's comment
  • It is a giant, overwrought contrivance, a vehicle for communicating the filmmakers' murky and unappealing musings about society and human beings.
  • A murmur of much humming rose from half the tables in the room, and some of the more overwrought listeners laid down knife and fork in order to be able to burst in with loud clappings at the earliest permissible moment.
  • She explains that animation was used as a tool to dramatize the passionate, hysterical, overwrought and angry elements of teenagers' lives.
  • Her character has to contend with flowery, overwrought speeches full of melodrama that are meant to generate some degree of humor, but which tend to fall flat.
  • An overwrought Beverly Hills mom with tonsillitis droned on at adenoid pitch. DO NO HARM
  • Beautifully written, if somewhat doomy and overwrought. Times, Sunday Times
  • About the same time I revelled in the romanticism of 'Henry Esmond,' with its pseudo-eighteenth-century sentiment, and its appeals to an overwrought ideal of gentlemanhood and honor. My Literary Passions
  • One of those songs that was on the radio all. the.time when I was a teenager and still listened to the radio, and so I know all the words and can sing along in my hammiest overwrought fashion. ITunes and I « Gin&Comment
  • Pleased to see that I was at "overwrought" before J. Hoberman got there. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Isild Le Besco.
  • Entrées like potato-crusted, spice-rubbed redfish, accoutred with lump crabmeat and sweet tomato marmalade, although tasty, can seem overwrought.
  • By what right did this ragged beach-comber, in dungaree trousers and a cotton shirt, suggest such a thing as peace and content to him and his overwrought, exhausted soul? The Seed of McCoy
  • Sometimes you are so emotionally overwrought that you can't speak for half an hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Supposedly laying ones neurotic soul bare through primal, overwrought wailing has become a commodity.
  • Bear in mind I was very tired and emotionally overwrought when I wrote this blog, my imagination may have run away with itself.
  • They're derided because of the E-word, and I'd be lying if I said that part of their appeal isn't in the overwrought, baroque delivery.
  • Admittedly, what you learn near June 18 will make you feel emotionally overwrought.
  • His account of his road trip has an endearingly amateurish quality-not least because of the author's penchant for mixed metaphors and overwrought prose.

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