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How To Use Overwhelmingly In A Sentence

  • Physicist and ufologist Stan Friedman argues that it's overwhelmingly likely that some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft. Posthuman Blues
  • And if signage is any indicator, supporters were overwhelmingly in favor of the public option. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Older people overwhelmingly feel that children have less respect for the older generation and older people are unable to discipline their children and grandchildren.
  • Yet again invidious comparisons are made with our continental neighbours whose milk consumption, in part because of very different climatic conditions, is overwhelmingly of UHT milk. Archive 2007-10-14
  • The general odor of the man she loves, one woman states, is highly, sometimes even overwhelmingly, attractive to her; but the specific odor of the male sexual organs which she describes as fishy has no attraction. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
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  • Mormons, an overwhelmingly Republican demographic (nicknamed the blacks of the GOP), make up something like a third of the people in dentistry school. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: Teacher’s Unions
  • The weather was warm and clear; the mood happy in this, the cradle of the American Revolution, which is overwhelmingly pro-Obama. At the Polls: Lines and Lawsuits - The Caucus Blog -
  • In baggy collarless cream shirt and hip-hugging chino trousers he looked so overwhelmingly attractive that she couldn't drag her eyes away.
  • Nepal is overwhelmingly patrilineal and patrilocal.
  • Against this, however, stood the successful isolation of the political resistance organizations and the overwhelmingly closed nature of the different social milieux inherited from the Weimar period.
  • A new Constitution was overwhelmingly approved in a referendum on Dec. 23, 1990.
  • In the absence of payment, amateur reviewers write overwhelmingly about topics they love.
  • When most people think about Australian national identity, the images they remember are overwhelmingly blokey - drovers, surfies, lifesavers, Anzac soldiers.
  • Primary education, having become universal and largely public, became overwhelmingly secular.
  • Faced by an overwhelmingly superior force, our badly depleted three divisions had barely escaped being bagged in the net of which the enemy had all but drawn the noose in a strategetic surrounding movement. The Escape of a Princess Pat Being the full account of the capture and fifteen months' imprisonment of Corporal Edwards, of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and his final escape from Germany into Holland
  • First up in the breezy but not overwhelmingly difficult conditions yesterday was Ian Lawson, in the men's single sculls.
  • Make a virtue of your tenacity, or overwhelmingly feel that life is too short? Times, Sunday Times
  • PC Steve Bushby, a police motorcyclist for 19 years, challenged the perception that bikers were overwhelmingly to blame for accidents.
  • GATINEAU, QC, Nov. 26/CNW Telbec/- Striking workers from the Museum of Civilization and War Museum voted overwhelmingly to reject a final offer from the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation this evening, at a membership meeting in Gatineau. Undefined
  • It said evidence pointed overwhelmingly to MMR as the most effective and safest way of protecting children from measles, mumps and rubella.
  • Asian manual laborers who came to the United States in the nineteenth century were overwhelmingly male.
  • On national housing policy: He believes that although "homeownership is a very important national goal," federal policy is "imbalanced" - overwhelmingly favoring single-family ownership over rental housing options, which tend to allow greater density and more-efficient land use. Business -
  • It's easy to notice that these miscreants are overwhelmingly white, educated, and well-heeled enough to sink enormous expense and labor into realizing a few days of whimsy and weirdness.
  • The controversy is heating up just days after voters overwhelmingly turned down a ballot proposition to increase mountain lion hunting.
  • The results overwhelmingly favored 1 operation over the other, that is, transaxillary rib resection over supraclavicular neuroplasty without rib resection.
  • Voters overwhelmingly rejected the far right in the May elections.
  • Voters overwhelmingly rejected the far right in the May elections.
  • This focus on "niceness" in critical approaches to young adult fiction -- a genre almost overwhelmingly produced and consumed by women -- is not accidental. Sarah McCarry: Faking Nice in the Blogosphere: Women and Book Reviews
  • Yes, the ship was overwhelmingly German and German-American, and during bingo sessions I learned to count in German.
  • Because this legislation, which entrenches the power of traditional leaders over their rural subjects, will make life infinitely worse for the 15 million overwhelmingly poor people who live in the former Bantustans.
  • The outcome of the book, while almost overwhelmingly dystopian, is also the most fascinating perspective on the nature of humanity in a very long time. Are There Any SF/F Books You Could Not Finish?
  • Responses from audiences have been overwhelmingly favorable.
  • Activists voted overwhelmingly for a conference motion attacking the victory at all costs mentality in the sport. The Sun
  • An overwhelmingly strong motive made the ship anchor there.
  • The ranks of conservatives are overwhelmingly a bunch of mouthy chickenhawk cowards; in particular, conservative politicians.
  • He manages to avoid the revisionist, anti-establishment, overwhelmingly negative posturing.
  • In an overwhelmingly male milieu, the diminutive Borda added verve and vigour.
  • When most people think about Australian national identity, the images they remember are overwhelmingly blokey - drovers, surfies, lifesavers, Anzac soldiers.
  • The key target audience for the reports was overwhelmingly stated as being the company's own employees.
  • -The Uribe administration has called for Plan Colombia to enter a "second stage," moving away from the recent overwhelmingly military focus toward a more "multidimensional" approach. Priorities Will Change For 'Plan Colombia'
  • What I find so attractive about poteau(x) rose(s) (lit. "pink pole") as an equivalent for "eggcorn" is not it is a common misspelling for pot aux roses (it isn't; the substitutions are overwhelmingly jocular, including in film and literature), but that it has undergone the double eggcornification process, just like æcern-acorn-eggcorn. POT AUX ROSES.
  • As usual, it's overwhelmingly the rich who get the pleasure while the poor put up with lousy services and fares which have rocketed since deregulation.
  • That afternoon the vote, augmented by signed proxy statements, went overwhelmingly in favor of instructing the board of directors to cease its efforts to obtain the Main Street space.
  • We fully support these measures which are backed overwhelmingly by the public and expert opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I’ve spoken to dozens of audiences during the two months since the Democratic National Convention, where I was an elected Obama delegate, there’s been an overwhelmingly positive response when I make a simple statement about Obama and the prospects of an Obama presidency: the best way to avoid becoming disillusioned is to not have illusions in the first place. 29 « October « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • He supported a for-profit privatization plan by the Edison company that parents voted down overwhelmingly.
  • The northern part of the diocese, the old archdeaconry of Brecon, is almost entirely rural, sparsely populated, and overwhelmingly dependent upon agriculture.
  • Hindu scripture is overwhelmingly written in Sanskrit.
  • As in much of Europe, many young couples in this overwhelmingly Roman Catholic nation tend to live together out of wedlock.
  • The European democracies have received, with overwhelmingly good reason, much obloquy for their failure to take effective measures against fascism in the 1930s.
  • At the start of the period the region was overwhelmingly agrarian, with small farmers working arable land in the river valleys, keeping livestock in the meadows, and sometimes working for the lumber industry.
  • The biggest shake-up of the qualification since it was introduced will make the GCSE structure overwhelmingly modular. Times, Sunday Times
  • Northern Ireland's overwhelmingly Catholic republicans want the province united with the Irish Republic, while the mostly Protestant unionists want it to remain part of the UK.
  • The meeting overwhelmingly passed a resolution threatening further industrial action if management persisted.
  • The Assad regime is dominated by the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shiite Islam, but the country is overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim.
  • Although the Kikuyu are the largest of the east African country's many tribes, they are a minority in western Kenya, where people overwhelmingly backed Odinga, a Luo, who also has strong support from the Kalenjin. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Many in the military, more bluntly, have a stereotype of gays as mincing, epicene "others" —a cartoon image which, the Pentagon survey shows, overwhelmingly evaporates on personal acquaintance.
  • Also we could overwhelmingly minimize undesired mechanical shock and impact during tool-transferring process.
  • The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative.
  • Voters responded overwhelmingly, carrying the proposition into law by a margin of nearly 20 percent.
  • That anger, however, will not lead me into a terrorist response, any more than it will the vast majority of our overwhelmingly peaceable citizens.
  • BAGHDAD — The Iraqi cabinet voted overwhelmingly Sunday to approve the security agreement that sets the conditions for the Americans' continued presence in Iraq from Jan. 1 until the end of 2011.
  • Early studies found male alcoholics to be overwhelmingly pathologically jealous.
  • A motion passed overwhelmingly with no votes against and two abstentions was proposed jointly by Labour and the Conservatives.
  • In November, the people in Maine overwhelmingly voted to uphold same-day voter registration. Voto Latino: 10 Reasons Voto Latino is Grateful
  • Workers overwhelmingly rejected the giveback and the union has threatened a strike on July 25 if no agreement is reached.
  • In the survey politicians came out overwhelmingly in favour of capital punishment.
  • Activists voted overwhelmingly for a conference motion attacking the victory at all costs mentality in the sport. The Sun
  • Note that Lee calls Congress a "coequal" branch of government, but the Constitution says no such thing and overwhelmingly gives the bulk of the authority to govern our nation to the Congress. Lee Rejects Bush's 3-More-Years-in-Iraq Treaty
  • Predictably, as Table 3.4 confirms, their liabilities are overwhelmingly in foreign currency and are heavily weighted towards time deposits.
  • We fully support these measures which are backed overwhelmingly by the public and expert opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • This partially explains why the powerful challenges to the corporate order in the postwar period overwhelmingly failed.
  • Others argue that, for most, their wartime experiences were overwhelmingly positive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the bill.
  • Obama also made a point in Turkey, a strategic U.S. ally whose population is overwhelmingly Muslim but which prides itself on an officially secular government, of pulling out the same middle name slyly used as a slur by some during the election campaign as a badge of honour and evidence that America remains the land of opportunity. London Free Press - News
  • Voters gave their verdict on the government's economic record last night by voting overwhelmingly for the opposition.
  • As the economy was on the verge of crashing around us, the president-elect decided to make his bet overwhelmingly with the Wall Street-oriented side of the party, the folks who were proteges and aligned ideologically with Bob Rubin. Mike Lux: Restoring the Balance
  • Dock-leaved knotweed appeared in 1998, and overwhelmingly dominated the submergent littoral zone in 1999.
  • Historians during the 20th century tended overwhelmingly to write about single countries - almost always their own.
  • The sauerkraut is not overwhelmingly difficult, but for those of us in Michoacán, the rye flour to make sour rye bread is very hard to find. Canned tomato products
  • The term pro-life originated historically in the struggle to end abortion on demand and continues to be used in public discourse overwhelmingly in that sense. Charles Redfern: The Far-Right Fringe Embarrasses the Pro-Life Movement -- Again
  • The neighboring kingdoms, in manpower and resources are still overwhelmingly powerful as compared to yourselves.
  • Now, the nuts-and-bolts biochemistry of the brain is overwhelmingly complex.
  • The members of the 26-strong congressional black caucus voted overwhelmingly on July 11 to oppose the nomination.
  • The tide of opinion seems overwhelmingly in his favour.
  • Professionals don't completely eschew the standard win and place bet, but their focus is overwhelmingly on the exotic bets, especially trifectas.
  • The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected calls to bring back the death penalty for murder.
  • Beyond this point the river becomes overwhelmingly polluted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Tatars are a rare ethnic and religious minority in homogenous, overwhelmingly Roman Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The Senate has overwhelmingly approved a hike in minimum wage.
  • The 2008 parliamentary vote, the first in 16 years, was won overwhelmingly by dos Santos's Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola party, known as the MPLA for the initials of its name in Portuguese. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Union members overwhelmingly rejected the company's counter-offer, including separate contracts for the two sites and 7 percent pay rise over 20 months, at a union meeting on July 20.
  • Then with a bright yellow multimeter (something which I think would be overwhelmingly cool to have, but which I know I'd use once then keep in a drawer forever) he measured the signal strength, filled in a form, then went away.
  • The tide of opinion seems overwhelmingly in his favour.
  • Teachers or paraprofessionals need not speak the language of the students, and the language of instruction is overwhelmingly in English.
  • Do we really want to be overwhelmingly dependent upon a single supplier for our current affairs, documentaries, arts and regional news programmes? Times, Sunday Times
  • But LA county, san francisco, alameda, san jose, sacremento counties etc will overwhelmingly vote democratic. Blitzer: Does McCain have a chance in California this fall?
  • The government remains overwhelmingly white Anglo-Saxon, as is the political culture.
  • the candy looked overwhelmingly desirable to the dieting man
  • Spaniards, overwhelmingly house owners rather than renters, have plunged into negative equity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inhabitants have voted overwhelmingly to restore the city's original name of Chemnitz.
  • His own father, blithe gadabout Edward VII 1901-1910 was solely a horse racing buff who was oblivious to his subjects becoming, in his lifetime, suddenly and overwhelmingly enamoured with ball games. Royalty has finally become wedded to the national sporting obsession | Frank Keating
  • The state of being whose ontogenesis we explore has overwhelmingly included such experiences. Nadine Gordimer - Nobel Lecture
  • It needs remembering that these early cities were all founded in overwhelmingly agricultural societies where the hoe and horse, the field and the farmhouse, and the rhythms of life followed sidereal rather than clock time.
  • Overwhelmingly, the cause of bleaching is solar irradiation and elevated sea water temperatures - both events linked to global warming.
  • Market research showed that low tar brands were perceived as the healthiest option: "When asked why the brands they named were better for your health, answers overwhelmingly were concerned with lower tar content."
  • The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.
  • The House voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to authorize the DOT to award multi-year contracts for highway projects and a variety of other activities, a system of "accrual" accounting the agency used before a 2008 state audit concluded that it violated Georgia's Constitution. Jacksonville Business News - Local Jacksonville News | Jacksonville Business Journal
  • Public opinion and the economic self-interest of his own nation were overwhelmingly against him. Christianity Today
  • Californians overwhelmingly favor the educational reforms that the state has embraced over the last few years, according to a new study.
  • The atmosphere was overwhelmingly blue collar and unpretentious. Times, Sunday Times
  • The evidence — from the proposal, the obviously! expectedly low support for eugenism in the US, and foreign experience — overwhelmingly suggest you are terribly wrong calling the paranoia “not nearly as irrational”. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Paranoid Conservatives”:
  • Voters also overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment which would limit state legislators to no more than 12 years in office.
  • Again, the public's response was overwhelmingly positive; the single sold eight million copies.
  • Overwhelmingly, however, the global has been assimilated to the popular.
  • The pastry was delicately flaky, rich and buttery but not overwhelmingly so, and the frangipane was soft, flavorful and simply marvellous.
  • The actors portraying their screen doubles are overwhelmingly so well cast, they save this movie of the week from well, being a cheesy movie of the week.
  • The principals stated overwhelmingly that government funds were inadequate.
  • But before the country knew how to react – it is at once overwhelmingly Catholic but is also a macho society that may consider the procreational activities of its leader a sign of fortitude – two more shoes or, rather, babies, dropped. As the world Paraguay
  • We fully support these measures which are backed overwhelmingly by the public and expert opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think the majority of farmers overwhelmingly support containing and eradicating the disease.
  • This overwhelmingly excellent news was somewhat dented by the further revelation that she could collect the body anytime from the mortuary, but that was hardly the fault of the fuzz.
  • The inhabitants have voted overwhelmingly to restore the city's original name of Chemnitz.
  • Do we really want to be overwhelmingly dependent upon a single supplier for our current affairs, documentaries, arts and regional news programmes? Times, Sunday Times
  • Irrigation is overwhelmingly the largest use of the water from each of these aquifers.
  • It is a freestanding bronze figure in a pallium; it reverberated, overwhelmingly, with antique associations.
  • The atmosphere was overwhelmingly blue collar and unpretentious. Times, Sunday Times
  • The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.
  • Most of Baghdad - overwhelmingly - is unscarred physically by the war.
  • Protestants believe overwhelmingly in predestination, which equates to “i deserve this cadillac because i am a good person and god judged me deserving of a cadillac.” Think Progress » American Family Association Pins SeaWorld Death On Lack Of Christianity: ‘Bible Ignored, Trainer Died’
  • The burden of proof is overwhelmingly on the cancer-cluster-claimers, and oil companies customarily wear out plaintiffs 'attorneys' funds in extenuated litigation. Sheila Weller: Beverly High, Oil Wells, Power Plants, Cancer: Disproven? Not So Fast
  • The worst slums tend to vote overwhelmingly Democratic, and the fanciest suburbs tend to be Republican strongholds.
  • The main victims were overwhelmingly ill-educated working-class boys and therefore expendable.
  • Obviously, the first problem with McCain position is that for years Alaskans have overwhelmingly favored drilling in ANWR. An Unanswered Question for McCain - Real Clear Politics –
  • For a song about dancing in the streets, it's overwhelmingly joyless.
  • Looking down at the curve of her cheekbone, still wet with tears, he suddenly wanted her, quite overwhelmingly.
  • But, I think, you're dead right, Democrats don't like the term weakness but Barack Obama has needs and the fact that he has needs coming into his convention and what should be, by fundamentals, an overwhelmingly Democratic year, has many of the people who will be here in this hall, more than a little anxious. CNN Transcript Aug 23, 2008
  • Had not the Peers too overwhelmingly expressed their preference for no change?
  • Let's face it: the commercial channel's output is overwhelmingly inconsequential, but this bomb of a sudser occupied an even lower rung on the ladder of popular entertainment.
  • For the last 20 years, those most committed to discipleship overwhelmingly moved toward intense "one on one" relationships. Christianity Today
  • But for now, while you are up to your elbows in sandpits and play dough, the world around you is overwhelmingly female.
  • Consequently the suspensive veto passed overwhelmingly on 15 September.
  • While the findings of the Pew poll are not terribly new -- Republican gubernatorial candidates won independents overwhelmingly in New Jersey and Virginia in 2009 as did Sen. Scott Brown earlier this year in Massachusetts -- the level of changeability apparent in their voting patterns suggest they will keep the national political climate unstable for years to come. The amazingly unpredictable independent voter
  • So the proposed corrective is overwhelmingly likely not to work. Balkinization
  • Interestingly, the few studies that have explored this issue seem to point to an overwhelmingly large contribution of wing inertia to the total forces that must be generated.
  • It's overwhelmingly likely he will die of old age in prison rather than be executed.
  • Does the idea that the funniness of the money is overwhelmingly the product of free market activity have any implications for your belief in their powers of “self-regulation”? Matthew Yglesias » (Part of) The Case for Higher Inflation
  • Although Europeans overwhelmingly identified Japan with the highest quality lacquer, as a practical matter Japan was unable to sustain a monopoly in the medium much beyond the middle of the century.
  • But just across the border, Oak Park and especially River Forest are overwhelmingly white. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative.
  • At the end of the 17th century England was still overwhelmingly rural.
  • In the end, the conference voted overwhelmingly to endorse the amendment.
  • Indeed, Kosovo and East Timor may have been easier cases, because each had a colorable claim to self-determination and a local population that overwhelmingly favored intervention.
  • Thursdays ruled at the former club Business, and after that faded in the early '90s, gay evening adventure choices overwhelmingly meant a schlep down to the Village.
  • Columbus, Ohio is now overwhelmingly Democratic in statewide and local races, and if you add up the votes democrats win comparable margins in congressional and legislative races as well. Matthew Yglesias » Busting More Gerrymandering Myths
  • By Jim Taylor Newsbeat reporter The people of the Falkland Islands have voted overwhelmingly to stay part of UK territory.
  • It will be noted that singulars far outnumber plurals, also that the cherished object is overwhelmingly associated with a speech act participant (mainly the addressee) rather than with a third party.
  • Taking full advantage, he produced an entire cliché-defying book — one that despite a built-in pathos had an overwhelmingly prankish tone. A Close Read
  • They are overwhelmingly in work and live largely independent of means-tested benefits, though they lean heavily on tax credits. Why the 'squeezed middle' is here to stay
  • Despite the crumminess, I find the image of Monk and Cole doing their sleepy snuggling to be overwhelmingly adorable. Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: Feet.
  • We did a little riding on the back/country roads, getting some nice lean angles and corner speeds, but he took those pretty tamely considering the extra 165 pounds on the back (that's another thing, this thing was so friggin 'overwhelmingly powerful and fast, and it was carrying around an extra person ... and he didn't use full throttle because the extra weight at the back makes it kind of wheelie-prone). Kevynwight Diary Entry
  • The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.
  • It is striking to reflect upon how overwhelmingly male the cast is: every character in the text, excluding the husband in his lupine form and the wife, is a man.
  • The towering walls of the trench are bare and rocky in places, but overwhelmingly they are covered with sediment that builds up as dead plankton, the glass skeletons from algae called diatoms, and the excrement from all the marine life swimming above, descend and settle. The Guardian World News
  • They voted overwhelmingly against the proposal.
  • Making Microsoft sexy is certain to be Crispin's biggest challenge yet, as its creative types are surely aware-since they, in line with the rest of their industry, overwhelmingly own and use Macs.
  • I felt invincible, breathless and overwhelmingly strong.
  • They are overwhelmingly relegated to low paying jobs and are grossly under-represented in the Universities.
  • The Liberals overwhelmingly won the over-55 vote at the election, while Labor outpolled them in just about every other age group.
  • No mention, for instance, of the people of Ireland having voted overwhelmingly for the agreement, which stated categorically that prisoners would be released.
  • Overwhelmingly negative from the outset, the campaign has been all about being right.
  • I'm sure his wife was overwhelmingly grateful to be relieved of conjugal duties after thirty-five years of marriage.
  • The sleep-deprived people overwhelmingly asked for candy, starchy foods, and salty snacks such as potato chips.
  • The shapeup is the traditional system of hiring longshoremen on the waterfront; in his book, Jim quotes this description of (overwhelmingly Irish) longshoremen gathering at the Chelsea piers on the West Side of New York, hopeful of finding work, from Charles Brinton Barnes's 1915 study Autism Hub
  • Based simply on the forms found, we must conclude with certainty that the word is overwhelmingly a noun since Etruscan adjectives, which postpose the nouns they modify just as in Modern French, for eg., are never declined unless used as nouns by themselves. Archive 2009-06-01
  • While religious diversity loses a little luster among those with the highest levels of religiosity, they still endorse it overwhelmingly 74 percent of Americans in the top decile of religiosity see the good in religious diversity. American Grace
  • Members of the Northern Horticultural Society have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a link-up with the Royal Horticultural Society, and the move is expected to be endorsed by the ruling council next week.
  • Overwhelmingly, it's the taxpayer mopping up the mess as obsolete computers are dumped into the municipal waste stream.
  • According to Dan Duddingston, the community response has been overwhelmingly positive.
  • The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected calls to bring back the death penalty for murder.
  • Secretarial or low-level administrative jobs are so overwhelmingly female that they have been termed pink-collar jobs.
  • Given the resources of the CIA, the evidence would be overwhelmingly against him. CORMORANT
  • The game's biggest weakness is its lack of any levity or humor to counterpoint the story's overwhelmingly serious tone.
  • The response has been overwhelmingly favorable.
  • Argument by Insignification — For any given argument where an overwhelmingly sufficient number of points of evidence is advanced to justify an assertion as to theme or subtext, and where these points of evidence are undeniably manifest in the text, a rejection of significance for each notable element of a work, large or small, recurrent or isolated, may be employed to uncouple the link between evidence and interpretation on each count. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The visuals are really good, the pacing is a teensy bit slow at first but overwhelmingly solid, the direction is about 85% outstanding, the storytelling elements are all present and accounted for, the setting is a novel one (more or less), the acting is fine, the characters aren't too stupid to breathe but they're not smart enough to see the whole threat in time to do something about it ... and here's where this review must take a turn for the strange: even so, The Abandoned doesn't work. The Abandoned
  • But by and large, the country was as glorious, as vast and as overwhelmingly spectacular as those know-nothing kids had expected!
  • Any extremist attempts at violence would overwhelmingly consolidate support for a moderate policy.
  • In the absence of payment, amateur reviewers write overwhelmingly about topics they love.
  • Exceedingly short and overwhelmingly plump, Rhonda nevertheless exuded a kind of vitality and vigor that struck Rufus ' eye immediately. THE CRASH OF HENNINGTON
  • The traffic movements would also have a significantly negative impact on an area that is overwhelmingly residential.
  • Following the Yalta agreement of 1945, Mongolians voted overwhelmingly for independence in a plebiscite, which the Republic of China recognized.
  • That almost exclusive source is the scientific community, which is now overwhelmingly dominated by an atheistic majority. creationist views with two main schools of thought known as uniformitarianism, which is the doctrine that geologic processes have acted in the same regular manner and intensity throughout geologic time. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • But what was overwhelmingly obvious about the coverage was that a terrible family tragedy was being exploited, without a scintilla of compassion for communal loss, for the sole purpose of newspaper sales.
  • Liberals became increasingly confident as polls showed the public overwhelmingly concerned about federal intrusion into a private family matter.
  • When the national political parties were demographically realigned in the 1930s, both Italian Americans and African Americans moved overwhelmingly to the Democratic Party and remained solid voting blocs for the Democrats for the next thirty years. A Renegade History of the United States
  • At the beginning of the twentieth century the Czars ruled over a population of 164 million, consisting overwhelmingly of peasants who had been emancipated from actual serfdom only a generation earlier.
  • The controversy is heating up just days after voters overwhelmingly turned down a ballot proposition to increase mountain lion hunting.
  • Markos 'point, pourmorecoffee's reiteration, is that the reason, the overwhelmingly important reason, that this strategy worked is because it is profoundly centrist. The Vindication of Howard Dean - Swampland -
  • While the disaster has destroyed the homes of rich and poor alike, the deaths are overwhelmingly seen in humbler areas, where homes are flimsier, most lacking foundations, and located in steep areas known to be at high risk of mudslides. Brazil mudslide survivors left to fend on own

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