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How To Use Overtop In A Sentence

  • Smeared makeup, somewhat messy hair, vinyl outfit and only a small sweater to wear overtop
  • This was used as the base for a large ram moved up under the protection of a wooden shed, or for siege towers designed to overtop the defenders' walls.
  • On the banks of the Ungerengeri flourished the banana, and overtopping it by seventy feet and more, shot up the stately mparamusi, the rival in beauty of the Persian chenar and How I Found Livingstone
  • Huge blocks topped and overtopped one another, only to serve as pedestals for great white masses, which blazed and scintillated in the sun like monstrous jewels. CHAPTER 25
  • The top of the stairs brought them into another hall which ran directly overtop the one they had exited.
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  • US debt overtops debts held by almost all other nations combined. Recession, the "R-word" and the "D-word"
  • All these factors together would have piled up the sea against the coast and possibly overtopped the sea defences. Times, Sunday Times
  • His great contemporaries undoubtedly overtopped him in popularity.
  • The clock overtop the teak lingerie chest is a local antique, while the toss cushions hail from India, the area rug from Iran and the seagrass ottoman from Vietnam.
  • Until recently, our understanding of the evolution of megaphylls largely stemmed from Zimmermann's telome theory describing the sequence of overtopping, planation and webbing leading to appearance of the laminated leaf blade.
  • And I remember specifically asking about, "What are the conditions of levees," and hearing at some point early in the afternoon, an initial report that said there may be some overtopping, there may be some loss of the I guess they call it "rickrack" (ph) or something on top of the levees -- but no substantial levee breach. CNN Transcript Feb 15, 2006
  • Chaotic and unfocused, though also ambitious and intriguing, the production work was at times akin to listening to two perfectly solid tracks laid overtop of one another.
  • The brow of the upland overtops the square tower of the Colebrook Church.
  • When these are reduced, if the hands are contracted, and become trembling, convulsion and delirium seize such a person; but blisters break out on the eyebrow, erythema takes place, the one eyelid being tumefied overtops the other, a hard inflammation sets in, the eye become strongly swelled, and the delirium increases much, but makes its attacks rather at night than by day. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Another gate delivered them into the second court, grass-grown, and more wild than the first, where, as she surveyed through the twilight its desolation — its lofty walls, overtopt with briony, moss and nightshade, and the embattled towers that rose above, — long-suffering and murder came to her thoughts. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • No individual shall overtop the law.
  • After Rhea had regathered her wits, taken off her outer overtop and gypsy - shirt and placed the photo-like projection pad in her room, she decided to return to the others, perhaps to mingle with a certain someone.
  • The net effect is to increase peak discharge heights and the probability of overtopping flood defences in the lowlands. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the inside of the wall, and as an additional security against the constant danger a hedge of the rhamnus had been planted, an invention so successful that now a sparrow could hardly penetrate the overtopping branches, armed as they were with great clusters of thorns hard as spikes. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • A police spokesman said there was a risk of the River Ouse overtopping its banks at Cawood when the swollen river peaked this evening.
  • Who are they to overtop their fellows?
  • There is also the possibility of lifting the building still higher if needed, for instance, if sea level rise exceeds the design parameters of the barriers and overtops them. Venice on Stilts
  • Wet areas support powerful, fast-growing vegetation that both overtops seedlings in summer and compresses them in fall and winter.
  • The immediate storm surge didn't overtop the levees.
  • Rise the bergs, now overtoppling like great fountains in the air, The Voyage of Magellan
  • Indeed, a house is by many considered 'handsomer' than its neighbors, just so far forth as it overtops them. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 1864
  • And the bad news about this is that, what that means is the homes that are right between the primary levee and the secondary levee, if the water overtops the first, and the mud levee stops the second, that means any homes right in the middle -- and it looks like just one long row of homes, they'd be in no man's land. CNN Transcript Mar 28, 2009
  • The green grass of the kingdom flashed past within a few minutes then we were flying overtop the desert badlands.
  • ( 'overtopped' or 'intermediate' FIA crown class). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Hours before the worst of Hurricane Rita ravages the Texas and Louisiana coasts, water overwhelms or overtops a newly patched levee.
  • Water overtopped the levee of the industrial canal and poured into the lower Ninth Ward, reflooding it for the second time in three weeks.
  • The peril in which she stood but kindled in her heart a fiery depth of passion, such as overtopped and tamed the very terrors of her position. Bressant
  • The wall is designed to prevent waves overtopping the seafront road but Scarborough Civic Society and the Sons of Neptune environmental group say it is clear from their own consultant's report the wall is not needed.
  • In the Carbonate Woodland Zone the pinyon – juniper woodland canopy overtops and spans the existing sagebrush and mountain brush communities. Ecoregions of Nevada (EPA)
  • I have never seen so much water overtopping a dam.
  • It has been climbing up in nettlebeds and overtopping them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The probability of a more recently established canopy tree of smaller stature overtopping its taller neighbors is low.
  • Elsinore, one moment overtoppling her slender frailness, the next moment splashing a hundred tons of water on her deck and flinging her skyward as they passed beneath and foamed and crested from sight in the murky gray to leeward. CHAPTER XXXIV
  • Only at a fairly late developmental stage does the corolla finally overtop the androecium and gynoecium.
  • Others are little more than mounds of dirt that get overtopped frequently. Mo. opposes river-taming effort
  • And should every proprietor exercise his equal right to embank all his own lands, and thus the general operation shall strive to confine the river within the limits of its shores, the attempt must fail, and the floods, rising higher in proportion to their lateral confinement, will overtop any dykes which can be made by separate individuals, each working on his own separate plan. Agricultural, Geological, and Descriptive Sketches of Lower North Carolina, and the Similar Adjacent Lands
  • Areas susceptible to wave attack and overtopping during storms were demarcated, and additional stone revetments were installed to stabilize the land.
  • He winced for a second then rested his hand overtop hers, holding the cloth in place.
  • The volume in overtops aggetto on the access to garage and it check the entrance to the property. Interior Photos of Duilio Damilano’s B-House
  • From the thirteenth century onwards _pilei_, and the overtopping tufts, were of various colours according to the faculties which it was intended to distinguish. The Customs of Old England
  • But there is this about some women, which overtops the best gymnosophist among men, that they suffice to themselves, and can walk in a high and cold zone without the countenance of any trousered being. An Inland Voyage
  • However, waves generated in deep offshore waters that eventually overtop in shallower water and break on the coast, creating a surf-zone with reversing undercurrents, are fundamentally different from the waves in shallow lakes.
  • ‘Sit down, sit down,’ he growled, for he hated - or pretended to hate-big men to overtop him, even in the more physical matter of height which of course none of us can help.
  • He shall find nothing remaining but those sorrows which grow up after our fast-springing youth, overtake it when it is at a stand, and overtop it utterly when it begins to wither; insomuch as, looking back from the very instant time, and from our now being, the poor, diseased, and captive creature hath as little sense of all his former miseries and pains as he that is most blest, in common opinion, hath of his forepast pleasures and delights. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. Volume III (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland I
  • Presents the obvious history as the ideology and the overtop structure culture to inherit the nature and blends the nature with other cultures.
  • At Andover the River Anton has overtopped its banks and there are scores of roads across the south blocked by flooding.
  • This supports the administration's contention that the White House was receiving conflicting reports during the course of Aug. 29 about whether the levees had been breached or simply "overtopped" by hurricane-driven flood waters. Who Knew What?
  • But there is this about some women, which overtops the best gymnosophist among men, that they suffice themselves, and can walk in a high and cold zone without the countenance of any trousered being. The Pocket R.L.S., being favourite passages from the works of Stevenson
  • Hours before the worst of Hurricane Rita ravages the Texas and Louisiana coasts, water overwhelms or overtops a newly patched levee.
  • In Sawyer, N.D., the Souris overtopped a levee Saturday morning, flooding four homes, Mayor Cy Kotaska said. North Dakota City Braces For Rising Floodwaters
  • (A) STU is the raw proportion of saplings of each species in the FIA data with crown class 'overtopped' or 'intermediate,' and (B) PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This is the area that got overtop right there in the northward.
  • With 26 acres and more than 12 million square feet of potential developable space overtop Hudson Yards competes with the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site as New York's current, highest-profile development effort. Architect Returns to Drawing Board
  • The prominent feature in the landscape near Tehran is the grand cone-shaped Mount Demavend, about forty miles to the north-east, which shoots up 19,400 feet above ocean-level, and overtops all the surrounding heights by 6,000 feet or more. Persia Revisited
  • I am a tall woman but he overtops me by a head; he must be far more than six feet tall. The White Queen
  • For, be it known in advance, Lee Barton was a super-man and Ida Barton a super-woman -- or at least the were personalities so designated by the cub book reviewers, flat-floor men and women, and scholastically emasculated critics, who, from across the dreary levels of their living, can descry no glorious humans overtopping their horizons. “It was the Golden Fleece ready for the shearing.”
  • Along with it, the overtop structure, the ideology also inevitably must change.
  • Volcanism in the Pliocene epoch overtopped the existing Miocene volcanics of Ecoregion 4b. Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
  • According to Bourgeois, the tsunami overtopped a three-story office building in the town of Minamisanriku. US West Coast Residents Prep for 'Big One'
  • He would lift himself from their ranks, which he scarcely overtopped, as you came up the footway to his door, and peer purblindly across at you. Literary Friends and Acquaintance; a Personal Retrospect of American Authorship
  • There are moments, I must say, when Mr. Hodges overtops himself. The Worst of All Possible Worlds

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