How To Use Overtone In A Sentence

  • Once Roma were level, that incident acquired ominous overtones retrospectively.
  • And when I see how many people are being sucked into gold investments from all those cheesy radio and TV ads (with their overt or sometimes explicit survivalist overtones), I see another bubble being blown that at some sad point will go blooey. Fox Business News, Where Green Arrows Turn Brown Eyes Blue: James Wolcott
  • Our first reaction is enthralled delight, but then ominous overtones register.
  • To suggest - as some critics have - that the memoir owes its power to "Proustian" overtones is ridiculous. Books, Inq. — The Epilogue
  • The organization's cultural activities took on political overtones.
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  • The title nags at me the same way Google does – moral and righteous overtones applied to a company that seems to me to be remarkably amoral I’m not not saying immoral. WWJeffD? « BuzzMachine
  • Less than a year before the convention, it is hard not to find political overtones in virtually everything the president says and does.
  • The hunt has strong religious overtones, and it can only succeed if harmony and peace prevail.
  • This allows either the crystal's fundamental frequency or its third overtone to be selected.
  • It's a movie with very strong spiritual undertones and overtones.
  • The word "cheap" has negative overtones.
  • In different hands, it could have been hardcore pulp noir, with violent overtones.
  • But it's almost too slick for emotional engagement and beyond its generalised political overtones the play lacks solid ideas. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Euro title cruiserweight clash took on gladiatorial overtones as it was staged on Piazza del Colosseo where the fourth-century Arch of Constantine served as a backdrop. 2007 June 23 archive at
  • Hudson falls for wife of man he killed, studies, cures her uncurable blindness in bare-chested operation-starts in death, ends in salvation, and updates a medieval mythology of efficacious grace into the apostatic 50s of luxury condos and kultchah, with uneasy overtones of capitalist will-to-power: a full-grown stereotype of moonlit joy rides, canted California beachlight, Swiss oompahpah, the world's best optometrists in labcoats, a hidden desert valley in Arizona that exists only for a hospital that exists only as the bedspring of recovery-emotional and physical-for our cut-out protagonists. The L Magazine - New York City's Local Event and Arts & Culture Guide
  • But there are certain dizzy overtones to her narrative -- she only fell drunk into the orchestra pit once.
  • The concert was supposed to be a charity event but it had strong political overtones.
  • The concert was supposed to be a charity event but it had strong political overtones.
  • In his estimation, the Authorized Version, more than any other European Bible, had a flowing limpidity combined with ritual overtones.
  • Worried that the normal partisan overtones at the State of the Union address would seem off-key after the Jan. 8 shooting that targeted Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, some lawmakers sat with their colleagues across the aisle to listen to President Obama's speech. Odd Couples at the State of the Union
  • Basically a wry comedy, it has serious overtones and philosophical implications.
  • There could have been an overtone of mockery in Romira's interjection. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Prophets is a book-length poem with an ambitiously epic scope, a sensibility and language that is rooted in Jamaica and a work with a markedly religious overtone — not doctrinaire or even ideological, but openly exploring the day-to-day implications of Pentecostalism in Jamaica through a language that is sensual, that invokes myth and reggae and that is best described as risky and experimental. Poetry Terrors : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • It's sexy and dark, with a lingering floral overtone and a subtle animality that will undoubtedly prompt people to ask "Mmm, what are you wearing? All I Want for Christmas...
  • Although it had some religious overtones, Carnival has become a purely secular event.
  • The outstanding soloist in the concerto was 26-year-old Alec Frank-Gemmill, playing a valveless instrument, as were the obbligato horn section, conjuring misty overtones and harmonics, mellow in mood as well as raw. LPO/Jurowski; Betrothal in a Monastery; Psappha ensemble; SCO/Ticciati – review
  • Despite the problems the book had initially faced in finding a publisher in China - purportedly for its political overtones - it had finally received official sanction.
  • The Chamber Symphony from 1967 is definitely a massive leap forward and here one can sense the deep atonal overtones that lie behind the heart of the music.
  • It comes as quite a shock to still hear a judge describing a child as 'illegitimate', with all the pejorative overtones of that word.
  • It's a quite profound story, with powerful religious overtones.
  • This problem with misapprehension is very familiar, with overtones of those people (you know who you are) who think of the Internet as a bunch of "tubes," for example. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Furthermore, that overtone was of deep concern to all colonizing nations troubled about the issue of racial contact and race mixture.
  • Furthermore, that overtone was of deep concern to all colonizing nations troubled about the issue of racial contact and race mixture.
  • Though many on the ground in the struggle against the Shah were leftists and other secular democratic forces -- some of whom organized important strikes, demonstrations, and other actions independently from the religious hierarchy -- the religious overtone of the demonstrations was apparent in the slogans, communiqués, banners, graffiti, and other means throughout the 13-month struggle that led to the Shah's overthrow in February 1979. Stephen Zunes: Why Egypt Will Not Turn Into Another Iran
  • This word "overtone" is used unscientifically by many. Expressive Voice Culture, Including the Emerson System
  • He's an influence on Coleman's own arcane ways of developing material like dipping into the so-called undertone series, which is basically the natural overtone series turned upside down. Steve Coleman: 'Harvesting' Funky, Brainy Jazz
  • His vibrant paintings offer traditional scenes of Nigerian villages and tribal customs, with only a few subtle political overtones.
  • Being a purple foliage lover, I am also fascinated by the deep purples and purples with slate blue overtones that have been developed in the flower colors.
  • A dry full - flavored wine with spicy aromas overtone of elder , black currant, vanilla, almond.
  • Also refreshing are the crunchy pickled carrot sticks, with tamarind overtones that add a vivid splash of colour to the palette and palate alike.
  • The word nude, on the other hand, carries in educated usage no uncomfortable overtone. In a Place of Dreams and Dreamers
  • We certainly are" came a voice from the shortest of the cabal members, with a kind of overtone of 'there's strength in numbers' - or was it 'the more the merrier'? Open source theology - Comments
  • It then suddenly becomes an underwater fantasy with a strong metafictional overtone. More stories : Bev Vincent
  • Perhaps the most repellant scene in the movie, it quickly takes the ugly overtones of a rape scene as he forces himself into her.
  • There are moral overtones to all of this, and we say no, don't use your industrial muscle, don't use your patients as bargaining chips in your yike with the government.
  • reprehensibility" now has constitutional overtones - especially as to the amount of punitive damages that a jury can award. Drug and Device Law
  • Usage Many Aborigines understandably dislike the use of 'Aborigine' or 'Aboriginal' since these terms have been foisted on them and can carry pejorative overtones: they prefer to use the word for 'person' from a local language. ABORIGINES.
  • The racial andpolitical overtones surrounding the incident reflects public anxiety over what many see as a neocolonial order imposed by rising star of the “developing world.” Michelle Chen: Zambia Mine Shooting Blights Chinese 'Development' in Africa
  • The racial andpolitical overtones surrounding the incident reflects public anxiety over what many see as a neocolonial order imposed by rising star of the “developing world.” Michelle Chen: Zambia Mine Shooting Blights Chinese 'Development' in Africa
  • One, with strongly racist overtones, links three disparate elements.
  • Crisply dry, with almost mineral overtones, this elegant Champagne is drinking well now but will cellar comfortably for 5 - 8 years.
  • I suggested at the outset that there are theological overtones to these overtly political and historical questions.
  • Those Romans had a word for everything and the meanings carried social, emotional and political overtones often as not.
  • The classical anarchist thinkers, envisaging the future organisation of society, thought in terms of two kinds of social institution: as the territorial unit, the commune, a French word which you might consider as the equivalent of the word 'parish' or the Russian word 'soviet' in its original meaning, but which also has overtones of the ancient village institutions for cultivating the land in common; and the syndicate, another French word from trade union terminology, the syndicate or workers 'council as the unit of industrial organisation. Slackbastard
  • The basic notes of his music are very few and usually surrounded by a haze of the overtones created by the damper pedal of the piano.
  • In addition, Thurii had for centuries been a center of Orphic religion, a cult with Dionysiac overtones that offered a natural opening to the Thracian woman and her prophecies. The Spartacus War
  • Yes, Samuelson's argument is that absurd, and the pejorative overtones of the word "absurd" are deliberate. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Contempt
  • Harmonics • An 'overtone' is a partial (a \ "partial wave\" or \ "constituent frequency\") that can be either a harmonic or an inharmonic. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • There was an overtone of regret in his farewell speech.
  • Juggling attending a Catholic school and being an active member of the Catholic church with a rather intense Church of Scotland Sunday school, it's fair to say that my younger days were heavily laced with religious overtones. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Speculation: presumably, the system has also evolved to transmit information about high frequency overtones.
  • All this is described with a certain gay abandon and without any overtones of regret.
  • The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones.
  • To this day, I cannot divest the word damson or the word plum of a slightly saucy overtone. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • Not all of the issues were religious, although they had religious overtones at times. Christianity Today
  • Furthermore, that overtone was of deep concern to all colonizing nations troubled about the issue of racial contact and race mixture.
  • Edit we can linguistically deconstruct “evolve” into “e” (out) and “volve” (roll or turn with a kind of overtone of fold). Special Magazine Issues on Darwin, Evolution, ID Creationism - The Panda's Thumb
  • Taste: The palate is dry and supple with hints of red currant and blueberry overtones.
  • The beer segment is especially funny with its blatant sexist overtones.
  • The overtones of patriotism impose powerful moral constraints. Times, Sunday Times
  • As such it gradually lost its pejorative overtone, so that both to Jews themselves and to sympathetic gentiles, it sometimes seemed preferable to 'Jew' as a racial term. Archive 2010-01-01
  • It appears, moreover, to be impossible to overtone the citro-chloro emulsion paper with it in the sense that it is possible to overtone prints on albumenized paper with the ordinary alkaline bath. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • His ideological pretensions, which justified the mass murder of political opponents, had acquired religious overtones.
  • The principle is the same, but the notes become even more complex through the use of harmonic overtones and (again, my guess) unconventional bowing.
  • Our first reaction is enthralled delight, but then ominous overtones register.
  • It's a new sound for the legends and fans may be surprised by funk overtones. The Sun
  • This show also had a lot of racist undertones and overtones.
  • As if it imbibed a primordial inherence that is devoid of fascist overtones. FEATURE ARTICLE: ON THE PHILIPPINES' 2009 NATIONAL ARTIST AWARDS
  • Hissing drones and cymbal crashes sweep away any memory of the former's dulcet overtones.
  • ‘Good morning Thomas,’ she said with a flirtatious overtone that both surprised and nauseated Esther.
  • The transaction carries overtones of moves to reduce the autonomy of rural African Americans with the debt peonage of sharecropping or exploitation in industrial mills.
  • I liked the meditative nature of it, though, as well as all the western overtones; it was brilliant.
  • The term ‘reactionary force’ has political overtones and historical connotations.
  • Beyond the quite frankly racist overtones, "authentically black" is a code word for "liberal". Say Anything
  • Although it had some religious overtones, Carnival has become a purely secular event.
  • With unrelenting precision and distinct overtones of mockery, Tolstoy dissects the notion that men dictate events.
  • Music with no religious overtones, music in public, began to appear as an undesirable thing for more and more of the population. Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain
  • Some of the songs carry darker overtones with no segues to glossier and happier settings.
  • Fantastic, pure, rich, full nose of fruit and caramel, with an almost minty overtone.
  • Coming as I do from the era when women were called "wimmin" and bad cess to the bold biddies, I find it hard to hear the word "lady" without a comedic overtone. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Mr. Krauze's "redeemers"—he uses the word intentionally for its religious overtones—include famous figures like Evita Perón, Che Guevara, Hugo Chávez and the novelists Gabriel García Márquez and Mario Vargas Llosa. The Lost Century
  • And all is told with an almost prophetic Biblical tone, with infinite foreboding and dark overtones.
  • It has both political and sociological overtones.
  • It's a quite profound story, with powerful religious overtones.
  • Styling is clean, has sporty overtones with its wedge profile, chiseled belt line and twin chrome exhaust tailpipes.
  • The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones.
  • Further compounding the peril is the fact that this is basically a murder mystery, a whodunit with slasher overtones.
  • The hunt has strong religious overtones, and it can only succeed if harmony and peace prevail.
  • The term carta for 'leaf', used by Giani and Ramelli, rather than the simpler foglio, has overtones not unlike those of 'charter' in English. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • There were overtones of anger in his voice.
  • The professor disinfected his speech of political overtones.
  • Furthermore, these viewpoints in this problem situation are very emotive as they have moral and political overtones.
  • A spokesman for West Yorrkshire police said an insecure back door of the the semi-derelict house had been forced and they were treating the attack as a burglary with racial overtones.
  • overtones of despair
  • As the string continues its natural division, creating ever-higher overtones, the intervals between them become smaller and sound more dissonant.
  • i go for walk. power line about 250kw from transformer goes about 30 feet above head. will it affect health? can integral multiples of fundamental frequency be called overtones? what do the term harmonics mean? Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • For, he told his fans to stay clear of supporting issues that had political overtones.
  • Despite the problems the book had initially faced in finding a publisher in China - purportedly for its political overtones - it had finally received official sanction.
  • In furthering this project, I suggest, it is critical to establish the play's precise date if we would recuperate political overtones and connotations activated in the earliest productions.
  • The city child's counterpart game, " Arrow Chase ", is an adaptation for sidewalk playing with detective - like overtones.
  • Though many on the ground in the struggle against the Shah were leftists and other secular democratic forces -- some of whom organized important strikes, demonstrations, and other actions independently from the religious hierarchy -- the religious overtone of the demonstrations was apparent in the slogans, communiqués, banners, graffiti, and other means throughout the 13-month struggle that led to the Shah's overthrow in February 1979. Stephen Zunes: Why Egypt Will Not Turn Into Another Iran
  • There are Japanesque overtones in both the style and execution of the woodwork. The Berkeley Daily Planet, The East Bay's Independent Newspaper
  • The film version is almost a word-for-word reenactment of the books 'most important plot points, leaving out some of the more controversial elements that gave the book a dark overtone. Elites TV
  • The play of light through the space has overtones of spirituality and introspection.
  • The movie's unmistakable, though largely tacit theme is homosexuality in the full, unliberated postwar sense of the word - Matthew Parris said that its clenched pejorative overtone is traditionally conveyed with the long vowels fastidiously drawn out: hoa-moa-sexuality. Culture |
  • The original lyrics were swapped with political overtones that sang paeans of the political party.
  • Similarly, laws with distinctly racial overtones may have also had gendered meanings.
  • That is, vowels are created by the first few broad peaks on the amplitude envelope imposed on the overtone spectrum by vocal-tract resonances.
  • A few of the songs from his early period hold up remarkably well, usually those without the overt political overtones.
  • I object to the pro-slavery overtones of the Gunmen's confederate army uniforms.
  • The word "cheap" has negative overtones.
  • The canvases, with their overtones of pointillism and computer art, appear to shift depending on where you stand, transforming human skin into a landscape to be explored through detailed scientific observation.
  • Hardy wrote of country habits and traditions which had passed away but, though historical in form, the novels had a contemporary overtone.
  • These highly domesticated blossoms carry overtones of the convivial rituals of patrician social life.
  • The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones.
  • Many varieties also have a vegetable or fruity overtone, variously described as cucumber or melon.
  • But the occasions of departmental non-statutory publication raising, as in that case, a clearly defined issue of law unclouded by political, social or moral overtones, will be rare.
  • It is quite full-bodied and has raspberry flavours with plummy, slightly spicy overtones.
  • It contrasts with the soprano voice, which has overtones of someone more out-going than Mary.
  • And resolution has a musical overtone that I like as well: the progression of a dissonant chord to a consonant one.
  • More troublingly, it has acquired political overtones.
  • The city child's counterpart game, " Arrow Chase ", is an adaptation for sidewalk playing with detective - like overtones.
  • But I don't think it has had big political ramifications or overtones.
  • There are metallic overtones and an accompanying percussive sound, as if something were pounding upon an electric guitar's strings.
  • Digital processing morphs the clarinet's mournful tones into deep sinewave swoops, zooms in on the crackle of spit on the reed or squeezes out didgeridoo-like overtones.
  • This third phase of tonal theory argued in favour of a natural basis for major - minor tonality in the overtones of the harmonic series.
  • The promotional materials presented the film strictly as a romance with no hint of its political overtones.
  • The chardonnay is described as zesty with notes of apricot, peach and honey, and the cab as full-bodied with "juicy plum overtones." by smoknmirrors November 4, 2009 11: 37 AM EST Breaking News: CBS News
  • ‘The Breaking Heart’ is an adagio with somewhat maudlin overtones.
  • To be sure, the question of Irish Home Rule added to the tensions inside Britain, and the suffrage controversy divided Britons on an issue with both political and emotional overtones.
  • It is not clear how it became assimilated into the word cailleach which from then onwards signified a 'nun' in the growing Christian society, while retaining in secular mythology its original meaning of 'old hag ', and carrying with it overtones of the sacred. Irish Odalisques and Other Seductive Figures: Thomas Moore
  • But, unlike those rustic instruments, the sarode - with its expressive resonance and rich overtones - has a heft to it. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • I'm going back to see if Jackoff called anybody a "blaggard" in past posts, because we know that the FIRST part of that "period" term means "Black" and has some serious racist overtones to it. City Council Stands Up To ACLU on Behalf of LAPD and The City
  • The race-baiting has become so common and cavalier that when Donald Trump insinuated the president was an affirmative action baby it was hard to spend any real energy getting outraged because the comment--though clearly dripping with racial under- and overtones--was tame compared to others. Keli Goff: Is the GOP Finally Ready to Tackle Its Race Problem in 2012?
  • There could have been an overtone of mockery in Romira's interjection. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • There are metallic overtones and an accompanying percussive sound, as if something were pounding upon an electric guitar's strings.
  • The afternoon carried heavy overtones of impermanency; the look of a rose on the way to being overblown conveys the same mood. THE FIVE MILLION DOLLAR PRINCE
  • In the 20th century, the Bluebeard story, with its savagely misogynistic overtones, fell into disfavor.
  • But there are clear racial overtones, which the press has been quick to highlight.
  • This attitude towards his superiors would be mere insolence if it did not have political overtones.
  • This picture, stripped of its moral overtones and exaggeration, is an essentially accurate portrayal of the modally different work motivations of miners and surfacemen.
  • Relations with Britain have subsequently been tinged with racial overtones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further compounding the peril is the fact that this is basically a murder mystery, a whodunit with slasher overtones.
  • The domestic overtones set up by endearing dolls, toys and china bric-a-brac bring this menace close to home.
  • From these it is clear that Sassanian genethlialogy was essentially an imitation of the Hellenistic (without, however, all the philosophical overtones) onto which were grafted some Indian features, such as the use of the ninths (navāṃśas) and the Řaivite interpretations of the Greco-Egyptian Decans; it specialized in various forms of continuous astrology. ASTROLOGY
  • The bell has tolled, the crow has cawed in ominous overtones, there's been a dark and stormy night, and now finally we know the results of the election.
  • She is not, of course; but does her work have overtones of a totalitarian or dictatorial mentality?
  • String tension has increased to the extent that strings are almost as rigid as metal bars, and sharing some of the same inharmonicity of overtones.
  • The manband in question, the Overtones, are both dull as dishwater and half as attractive in total as the cleft in Gary Barlow's chin, but they do add a layer of crapulous doowop harmony that really does make everything better. This week's new singles
  • By contrast, the TV news producer I know (also libertarian) who shall remain nameless, who thought I was some sort of perv imagining things for detecting lesbian overtones in the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle, is just clueless. Unfunny = Racist
  • It's a quite profound story, with powerful religious overtones.
  • The restrictions included advertisements with ‘sexual’ overtones, including images of camiknickers and of course birth control devices.
  • Just in case you are wondering what giblets are doing in the last answer, giblets is the translation of the popular grilled beef restaurant dish ホルモン, or hormone, which I wonder if it has similar overtones to that of the English word from which the Japanese derives. …and then I was in like Flynn | 世論 What Japan Thinks
  • There were overtones of anger in his voice.
  • Although they are playing the same note, what allows us to readily detect that two quite different instruments are being played is the sonic energy being produced at higher frequencies by each instrument called "harmonics", or more generally "overtones". Peer Reviewing Ammann and Wahl #1 – The Correspondence « Climate Audit
  • Supplication, of course, also carries a religious overtone; his plea to Poetry may be secular in name, but it has the cadence of a prayer.
  • Their first impact is to bring an aroma of balsam wood, but when they break down they create the lovely vanilla and cinnamon overtones detectable in some brandies.
  • The traditional overtones of the image meld seamlessly with a modernist concern with abstract form.
  • The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones.
  • A requiem was led by the violas and `cellos, with overtones from a choir of descant clarinets. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • It is a smooth luscious port with nectareous overtones.
  • In the thousands of posters produced by both governments, loyalty to the state frames the messages, work is extolled as a means to dignity, masculinity and manual labor are glorified, and homoerotic overtones abound. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The word "cheap" has negative overtones.
  • Honestly, though - there were only a few reviewers who could look past the pseudo-incestual overtones to see what was underneath, and your description of the "underneath" is better than any I could give myself. Anyone But You
  • The water reeked, was coffee-colored, and had a pungent overtone because of waste from the nearby pulp-and-paper mill.
  • With fragrance, the best mix balances flowers with heady scents with those with more subtle fragrant overtones.
  • Sharon wanted to leave before she was drawn into another word battle laced with sexual overtones. Western Man
  • The concert was supposed to be a charity event but it had strong political overtones.
  • But the contest is riddled with corruption and murky politics, tinged with racial overtones. Times, Sunday Times
  • For instance, the first overtone for any sound is found at 2X the fundamental frequency (an octave above).
  • It was a curious mixture of staid respectability with overtones of holiday fun.
  • His play on the word bunyip, with its overtones of anachronistic absurdity, reflected the refusal by Australians to institutionalise an upper class.
  • The standing wave with the longest wavelength is called the fundamental; the overtone number keeps count of the number of half-wavelengths.
  • Meet the new general, (not quite the) same as the old general; let's say Petraeus is a silkier version of Captain Willard, without the Kurtzean overtones of McChrystal. Pepe Escobar: Mistah McChrystal - He Dead
  • This includes stories, jokes, or lyrics which have double meanings or have sexual overtones.
  • In this way Voltaire paid tribute to the moral and philosophical overtones of the Enlightenment thinkers.
  • Further compounding the peril is the fact that this is basically a murder mystery, a whodunit with slasher overtones.
  • It takes on especially menacing overtones with its placement next to another shadow box by the same artist.
  • The basic notes of Philip Glass's music are very few and usually surrounded by a haze of the overtones created by the damper pedal of the piano.
  • Externally, this pavilion has disturbing overtones of abandoned blockhouses or military vehicles.
  • It's a quite profound story, with powerful religious overtones.
  • But, as he must have pronounced it, the word ‘mud’ had overtones of another of Dickens's favourite words, merde.
  • It's just tongues placed firmly in cheek, perfectly executed, doom-laden heavy metal with Beatle-esque overtones brought to you by these really nice fellas from Brooklyn.
  • The concert was supposed to be a charity event but it had strong political overtones.
  • Many Aborigines understandably dislike the use of 'Aborigine' or 'Aboriginal' since these terms have been foisted on them and can carry pejorative overtones: they prefer to use the word for 'person' from a local language. ABORIGINES.
  • But Beijing made it clear that surveys with noncommercial overtones, such as political opinion polls, are strictly prohibited.
  • His voice burred with overtones of a mother-tongue which wasn't English or South African - German, probably. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Mead labels the rise of neoconservative thinking in international relations as ‘American Revivalism’ - the religious overtone of the phrase is intentional.
  • Late in the century, with the eruption of the American and French revolutions, the phrase assumed democratic overtones. All Things To All People
  • Many of his paintings were large, with allegorical overtones, typically painted in a vigorous Expressionist style.

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