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How To Use Overtly In A Sentence

  • When nothing overtly is going on, make sure that a great deal is at work beneath the surface. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Weapons of Mass Instruction
  • I dunno," said the plaguesome boy, looking at the address covertly. Janice Day at Poketown
  • Peace, prosperity, democracy, environmental conservation and the elimination of racism and ethnocentrism are all overtly gender-neutral ideals, but each of them is also a distinctively women's issue.
  • Terrorists have been operating covertly in England for several years.
  • Through projective identification, the clinging and overtly dependent borderline partner can express the split-off dependency needs of both.
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  • The cheddar mash had no overtly cheesy taste but was rich and creamy and the dish was served with a thick onion gravy, dotted with baby onions.
  • Writing in the British journal New Scientist, the famed poet and historian Robert Graves said in 1972, "Technology is now warring openly against the crafts, and science covertly against poetry.
  • Guthrie considered "God Bless America" too complacent, so he wrote a folk song with overtly political verses that are sometimes omitted in performances.
  • MR: Now, back in the day, "The Weight" was used often as a counter-culture anthem, and there seemed to be an anti-war sentiment in "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"--although, when you follow those songs' storylines, they don't overtly commit to those themes. Mike Ragogna: How To Become Clairvoyant: A Conversation with Robbie Robertson
  • Later, in postdivorce, I covertly launched a personal blog under a pen name. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Everywhere in the city the tension is papable, we have always had the sense that the jim crow mentality was beneath the surface but with all the racially devisive inuendo being put out by Mccain/Palin the rippling currents of animosities that haven’t been felt here covertly for a very long time are boilng beneath the surface. Evening Buzz: 18 days to go
  • Mr Nawaz does not overtly accuse America of sabotaging the plane.
  • The outcome was a caricature of Western knowledge of the Orient, driven by an overtly political agenda.
  • Not only is it a science fiction author's ultimate idea repository and writer's-block alleviator, but the folks at DARPA obviously have a sense of humor about their overtly Matrix-like, world-dominating aspirations. Brave New World Order: A Googlement Above, Around, and Ahead of the People
  • They do not adopt an overtly political stance or contradict the precept that physical attractiveness equals romantic appeal.
  • Vendors and retailers dealing in pirated products, either covertly or overtly, pose an omnipresent temptation to already vulnerable consumers
  • 'Corn observed them covertly, hoping to leam something that might be useful in his relationship with Nepe. Here There Are Monsters
  • These overtly workhorse carryalls will continue to attract many, especially those requiring genuine tough-going four-wheel-drive.
  • He was a notorious parasite and schnorrer, but few of his hosts were overtly unwelcoming, since he could be ingeniously vindictive in print, even when seeming to offer praise.
  • The cheddar mash had no overtly cheesy taste but was rich and creamy and the dish was served with a thick onion gravy, dotted with baby onions.
  • The new favored term is ‘the pro-family movement,’ but that's so overtly propagandistic - secularists are anti-family?
  • Should Japanese publishers take to more overtly publishing for an international market, then it would make sense for them to be more aggressively represented in the largest North American comics awards competition, but as it stands, what we are honoring is an English language localization. The new real
  • It's not subtly or covertly homophobic for a soap to have a gay character experience homophobia, is it?
  • Bedlam - one of Scotland's largest paintball operators - has scrapped the game's overtly military trappings in favour of something more akin to a 1980s sci-fi series.
  • As large buyers of flights and hotel rooms, consultancies can arrange with travel agencies to deliver covertly discounts of about 40 per cent.
  • But to see these images as either overtly sexual or even primarily erotic would be a big mistake.
  • First-person animal narratives, such as Black Beauty, are overtly anthropomorphic fantasies and cannot operate within or even congruent to the framework of natural science.
  • Footage recorded covertly showed a nurse announcing her intention to give morphine to a resident'to shut her up'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The American Festival featured 15 ballets many with overtly American themes and all with American music.
  • Children identified by teachers as unpopular were likely to be overtly exposed to aversive social environments, either because they clearly had few friends and playmates or because peers were actively mean or hostile toward them.
  • Notice that, for him, it's just a fact, entirely incontestable, that there's no evidence againstthe Standard Narrative of 9/11; and so he doesn't even think of actually contending withthe evidence, but urges that it be "debunked" covertly -- and pre-emptively, so that thepublic never gets to hear about it, and discuss it for themselves. Obama's Info Chief advocates Disinformation and Domestic Covert Ops
  • Michael B: Overtly talking about “McCarthyism” or depicting a desire for transparency in govt. as somehow indicating a crypto-McCarthyite interest serves to deflect from the high and holy office attorneys too often imagine themselves holding. The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • Some of the narrative is overtly sexual, with a flash of lewd for good measure.
  • My focus of course has been upon bio-warfare related activities, which, since termination of the overtly offensive program, have been conducted by the U.S. Inside America's Biological Warfare Center
  • Another feature of the cartoon that has been overtly spoofed over the years is the formulaic unfolding of the plot.
  • The former team proposed the most overtly environmental design of any of the finalists.
  • From my position of total ignorance on the topic, I can imagine that Mr Tsvangirai could have"outmanoeuvred" Mr Mugabe by getting the leaders of surrounding states to covertly support a civil war of the sort that brought Mr Mugabe himself to power. The BBC, Zimbabwe and some disturbing reporting
  • They were dressed with some overtly sweet vinaigrette (I suspect raspberry) that jarred with the savouriness of the crêpes.
  • A dramatic change of pace from the overtly oaked wines from everywhere else.
  • However, his unsubtle, overtly physical techniques of persuasion fail to win them over.
  • Beginning 'There is is no longer any Temple of the Sun' there is a disturbing resonance with the recognition by both Lettrists and Situationists that the 33rd degree Masonry embodied the final syllable of the secret word JAHBULON as a reference to the Biblical city of On - more recently Heliopolis - refined by ANONYMOUS to the deceitful (cunning) Albertopolis - a name which covertly draws in the European Monarchical cabbala linking the Kaiser to Ra, the sun-God, rededicated to Osiris, God of the Dead. Brit Lit Blogs
  • What seems more doubtful is that Charles's future share in the realm was overtly discussed in June 823.
  • Abbershaw nodded and stared covertly at the fresh-faced young man with the tow-coloured hair and the foolish, pale-blue eyes behind tortoiseshell-rimmed spectacles, and wondered where he had seen him before.
  • Today's social decorum might dictate a dismissal of overtly sexist, cheap popular imagery.
  • To earthbound astronomy enthusiasts, Saturn was the serenely beautiful and mysterious counterpart to the overtly violent Jupiter, floating in a distant, frigid realm.
  • For instance, should lawmakers in Washington enact overtly hostile policies that further weaken China's trade-dependent economy, the blowback could be substantial.
  • Footage recorded covertly showed a nurse announcing her intention to give morphine to a resident'to shut her up'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many activists have received messages purporting to offer an app used by the protesters, but which actually installed software that covertly monitored their phone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bordeaux whites, based on Sauvignon Blanc and sometimes blended with Semillon, are crisp and dry but usually not overtly herbaceous.
  • Other discourse types do not have such overtly marked units; but they may also be susceptible to the same representation.
  • For instance, should lawmakers in Washington enact overtly hostile policies that further weaken China's trade-dependent economy, the blowback could be substantial.
  • By fostering a work environment that is overtly misandrist and hostile to male employees they create discrimination against men.
  • Thus livyer ` a permanent coastal settler, 'after the citing of forms and of occurrences in other dictionaries, is overtly referred to the OED treatment of ier with the direction to compare lovyer, millier (entered as millyer), and shoreyer. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 2
  • But the institution of the pope is steeped in overtly history-shaping doctrine that, in my humble opinion, has lead directly to planetary overpopulation. Duh pookie
  • Around the same time, changes in the phone network made old-style technical ingenuity less effective as a way of hacking it, so phreaking came to depend more on overtly criminal acts such as stealing phone-card numbers.
  • Overtly medicinal ingredients, such as horehound, wintergreen, and liquorice, turned the confections into cough drops.
  • Or that as an adult Obama joined an overtly black racist church run by the "Afrocentric" wingnut Jeremiah Wright. Mitt Romney on "Meet the Press."
  • So it's perhaps not surprising he traded the overtly political for a more oblique approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ex falso sequitur quodlibet, from a false hypothesis anything can follow, likewise sums up your own m.o. all too well and all too frequently; whether subtly or more overtly and more arrogantly still; distorting what others say, then adding the pointed barb and the tacit, the barely unspoken “fuck-off”. The Volokh Conspiracy » Our Own Randy Barnett Talks to Prof. Glenn Reynolds (InstaPundit) About Whether ObamaCare Is Constitutional
  • Grosvenor is offering something more overtly grand in the 5,500 sq ft four-bedroom apartment in the ground and first floors. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suggested at the outset that there are theological overtones to these overtly political and historical questions.
  • The natural instinct for self enhancement of professional status has led most practitioners to subscribe to organisations overtly raising standards.
  • The only avenue left to them to excuse the extremists of their party whom they have been encouraging, tacitly or overtly, is to say “both parties do it.” Think Progress » GOP congressman: Palin’s ‘reload’ map with crosshairs targeted at House Democrats is ‘inappropriate.’
  • It could be that Second Life is so overtly and adultly sexual, but I don’t think that that’s it. Virtual Worlds as non-predatory spaces
  • They covertly observed Lauren, who was sitting between Ned and Algie at a nearby table.
  • After 1938, Coughlin's pronouncements were not only overtly anti-Semitic, but also increasingly profascist. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • The USA has had to take an hands-off approach to the Salvadorean election ... for once forbearing, at least overtly, to threaten that tiny nation with dire consequences for voting its conscience. It truly soothes the soul to watch the USA empire in its death-throes...
  • He covertly hired one of the era's poison pen writers, James Callendar to smear president John Adams as a "repulsive pedant" and "a hideous hermaphroditical character. Caryl Rivers: Goodbye to St. Barack
  • This proposition was most overtly put in the arrangement of the opening of The Dawn of Photography.
  • It was an overtly sexual advertising campaign.
  • Therefore, sending him to operate covertly behind enemy lines was a tremendous risk for the regime.
  • Barry covertly watched Natalie while Leyden's rattish characteristics were under discussion. Gold Out of Celebes
  • They're called upon to seamlessly morph from domestic, to squire, to ingénue, to dragoman, to the overtly freakish.
  • Most readers are not interested in overtly religious stories and publishers want to make sure that the story is aimed at the right audience. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Plot elements that cannot be added lightly
  • Modern terrorism is noteworthy today in that it is being done covertly.
  • Like the services themselves, the Naval Academy has a strong culture which in some respects is overtly hostile to women.
  • For all it pretends to laugh at that 1950s ideal, covertly the film celebrates it.
  • If their struggles against Lithuania, Iceland and the Faroe Islands are anything to go by, it will be another plodding effort, overtly physical, occasionally ill-tempered and, very possibly, without even a goal to enhance it.
  • These two beliefs, not overtly of political relevance, are to exert a profound influence on political thought.
  • In order to be classified as sci-fi does a piece have to overtly explain itself in scientific terms?
  • You can't say these regimes haven't allowed their countries to develop economically and socially, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Stefania Craxi said in an interview, describing her government's reluctance in overtly criticizing Col. Europe's Ties With Libya Questioned
  • Has it occurred to anyone that a US military force's field positions might be covertly mapped by an opposing force with the foresight to invest in a pie-tin and an RFID reader?
  • So it's perhaps not surprising he traded the overtly political for a more oblique approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fleeing the Organization Less overtly heroic than those who fight the dysfunctional organization are the people who choose to flee from it.
  • Similarly, the Workgroup's approach overtly confined its triage guidelines to those patients in hospitals or in need of acute care, and excluded patients on long-term ventilator support in long-term care facilities. Jacob M. Appel: The Coming Ethical Crisis: Oxygen Rationing
  • But here we are, spending the afternoon together, and he's quite (extrovertly) adamant about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the first time in a lot of years, the governor has stepped overtly into political affairs.
  • For neither would Teufelsdröckh's mad daydream, here as we presume covertly intended, of levelling Society (_levelling_ it indeed with a vengeance, into one huge drowned marsh!), and so attaining the political effects of Nudity without its frigorific or other consequences, -- be thereby realised. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • Vanessa covertly observes him as he sets their dinnerware at the table, while she cooks their dinner.
  • Rupert covertly extracted with his hoof and pastern the correct payment for Alexander's numerous orders.
  • They often disguise their affiliation by wearing civilian clothes, and they often carry arms covertly to infiltrate various places.
  • Our lauded racial tolerance may have squelched overtly racist jokes but it often seems like a lot of different kinds of people living side-by-side, mostly peacefully, but not really together.
  • Parents of children with Canavan's disease sued the University of Miami when they discovered that it had also covertly patented the defective ASPA gene isolated from the donated tissues of their doomed children. Harriet A. Washington: Gene Patenting Produces Profits, Not Cures
  • The reason for doing something symbolic rather than overtly religious is that we're not just talking to a church audience.
  • It is part of a move away from overtly sexual clothing such as push-up bras, crop tops and low-cut jeans.
  • But frankly, the whole wizard stance worked just fine, and most of the other arrangements on the EP range from simply paling in comparison to the original to more overtly lifeless and uninventive.
  • For instance, should lawmakers in Washington enact overtly hostile policies that further weaken China's trade-dependent economy, the blowback could be substantial.
  • The overtly sexual nature of the body compels the viewer into the position of voyeur, only to reveal itself as an inanimate object.
  • Cringing, cowling, hiding, and overtly voicing fear for all to hear, is an integrated tool used at times savagely as part of the sensationalist news and of terroristic gore, which grabs one by the collar and literally shakes you senseless into believing whatever they are bent on making you believe. Safety in Michoacan
  • The Bochum Symphony Orchestra are attuned to these overtly romantic pieces and both soloists are also top class interpreters.
  • He was a notorious parasite and schnorrer, but few of his hosts were overtly unwelcoming, since he could be ingeniously vindictive in print, even when seeming to offer praise.
  • Finally, I remember reading in Payne's Describing morphosyntax that there's a tendency to mark only objects with a definite article, if definite nouns aren't always overtly marked. Nipping the PIE ergative *-s theory right in the bud
  • Among the road blocks, there are, for starters, the numerous theories -- highly loquacious in cyberspace -- that contend not only that flu vaccination is overtly dangerous, but that there is a systematic effort to delude the public about those dangers. David Katz, M.D.: What to Do About Flu? Get Vaccinated
  • In contemporary suburban life, the overtly denaturalized mall offers the gadgets that are of the cultural realm, while the parks and sanctuaries are supposed to offer ‘raw’ nature.
  • On Monday, more than 200 students rallied at Wheeler Hall in Berkeley to protest against what they called overtly aggressive tactics by the police. Democracy Now!
  • There is no overtly political comment, and hardly any mention of social evils such as racism and sexism.
  • Although set in an overtly political atmosphere, its purpose is unashamedly entertainment.
  • Lynchings, so often overtly sexual in their sadism, also betray profound economic anxieties.
  • I anticipated someone overtly bookish, withdrawn or slightly gauche, and whose idea of fun was deciphering crossword puzzles.
  • This overtly camp track comes complete with bitter and twisted lyrics and a hint of europop. The Sun
  • The government's response to the firefighters' demands has been overtly hostile from the outset.
  • Overtly talking about “McCarthyism” or depicting a desire for transparency in govt. as somehow indicating a crypto-McCarthyite interest serves to deflect from the high and holy office attorneys too often imagine themselves holding. The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • Meanwhile, an advancing force, by taking advantage of terrain irregularities, can covertly penetrate the flanks and rear service areas of defending troops.
  • For the first time in a lot of years, the governor has stepped overtly into political affairs.
  • I think pragmatically the politics are such that we would be wise to resist grants and/or contracts directly to ACORN, Inc. but try and either set up separate corporations … or use existing corporations … that are less overtly moving the money di- rectly into ACORN, Inc., though in truth it would be going there in other ways. Radical-In-Chief
  • Sue Appaloosa A group of Delphi Corp. creditors claims that investors led by hedge fund Appaloosa Management "defrauded" the bankrupt auto-parts supplier by promising to invest $2.55 billion in it while "simultaneously and covertly" working to undermine its exit from Chapter 11 protection from creditors. Delphi Creditors
  • Innocence is a prized and overtly moral concept in North American society.
  • Hungary, a German satellite in the war, tried, covertly, to negotiate a separate peace.
  • There are also overtly romantic and pastoral images as well.
  • There are some other familiar faces within the cast, but no one overtly famous.
  • Sometimes, influential people are not the most overtly powerful.
  • Like many of the other distinctive oysters plucked from the South Sound -- the Tottens and Chelsea Gems, the Hammersleys, Elds, Wildcat Coves, and Eagle Rocks -- Little Skookums are notably full-flavored, but veer off into non-mermaidly characteristics, like minerals, earth, cream, and melon; they are often sweet rather than overtly briny. The American Oyster Paradise
  • Any overtly religious aspects or denominational classes will have to be paid for.
  • Robust ratings prevail, while the departure of Amanda "middle distance" Burton in 2004 has seen wilful abstruseness replaced by a slicker, Spooks-ier, less overtly guff approach. Top Gear, New Tricks, Lewis … the television shows that won't die
  • His work - in the traditional, classical style of the sonata form - is so in structure, but not overtly so in its music.
  • Even as you learn to endure the slaughter McCarthy describes, you become accustomed to the book's high style, again as overtly Shakespearean as it is Faulknerian.
  • It is a light-hearted look at the system and not overtly political.
  • Ultimately, both chains seem to be losing out to rivals that appeal overtly to the more health-conscious.
  • Giggs and especially Beckham started to do homoerotic calendars and overtly sexual magazine spreads.
  • They considered the overtly political theories of classical republicanism a more important influence on the revolution than religion. The Times Literary Supplement
  • At the time, the US was covertly backing the contras, the counter-revolutionaries who opposed the Sandinistas.
  • And it's surely no coincidence that this most overtly mercenary of musical forms springs from an urban area lying only a few miles from Hollywood where the global entertainment industry is headquartered.
  • The role of the media as information providers is often overlooked by those who emphasize their overtly political functions.
  • But writers who overtly seek political change through fiction rarely succeed, according to British belletrist Ferdinand Mount, former editor of the Times Literary Supplement. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • She did not overtly try to attract Edgar, but he was still falling in love with her.
  • Well, I don't think overtly commercial large-budget films offer the viewers/fans much.
  • After Mary's murderer brutally kills his cousin and nearly liquidates McGee, Travis fakes his death at sea and covertly returns to Florida.
  • His attitude, the attitude of an old and understanding professor, shaking his head musingly as his tender pupils, unmellowed yet in the autumnal fragrances of life, giggle covertly over the pages of Balzac and Flaubert, over the nudes of Manet, over even the innocent yearnings of the bachelor Chopin. Europe After 8:15
  • At twenty-five past six I turned on the hot water in the bath, and covertly swallowed a small glass of brandy.
  • Flowing gowns with side-splits reveal slim-line trousers and overtly high necks have dangerously low backs, whilst knitted snoods and jumpers are layered over strapless columned dresses.
  • I need you to go in covertly and collect as much information as possible so that I can present it to those thickheads and get approval.
  • The data was said to be delayed because of the official "purdah" period, which prevents civil servants from releasing overtly party political information, even though this only officially begins once the election has been called.
  • Well, since Reid's remark doesn't come close to equating Obama to a porch monkey, spook, spade, moolie, jigaboo, or nig-nog, it's not overtly racist. Media Coverage of Reid Deepens America's Illiteracy, Fear, and Anxiety Toward Race
  • It was an overtly sexual advertising campaign.
  • Many artists in the 1930s followed an overtly political agenda.
  • In the U.S. writers can be muzzled less overtly.
  • I think pragmatically the politics are such that we would be wise to resist grants and/or contracts directly to ACORN, Inc. but try and either set up separate corporations … or use existing corporations … that are less overtly moving the money di- rectly into ACORN, Inc., though in truth it would be going there in other ways. Radical-In-Chief
  • I thought it was going to be an Abigail ` s Party it had ALison Steadman in it ... it was overtly anti Conservative though and I was obliged to stalk from the room in righteous fury. The Labour ..sorry..Dinner Party
  • In this, the volume is representative of current scholarship generally - and with some reason: the earlier decades are certainly less overtly sexy than the later, and more shrouded by those fabled Victorian decorums.
  • (ABC 1967-68) neither Irwin Allen 1960s SF tv series has the overtly "fannish" attraction and appeal that in large part accounts for the popularities of Home Theater Forum
  • He's written a few overtly political lyrics over the years.
  • In the midst of an interesting Spiked essay on the disconcerting popularity of “denier” (as in “Holocaust denier”) as an increasingly broad descriptor for people who demur from the majority view on issues like climate change, Frank Furedi has a passing remark about how we increasingly tend to suppress overtly moral rhetoric, to conceal the normative claims we’re making: How Inappropriate!
  • Many activists have received messages purporting to offer an app used by the protesters, but which actually installed software that covertly monitored their phone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dispensation of the award for overtly political purposes is by no means unprecedented.
  • he did it overtly
  • None of it was overtly or newly fascistic, which is what I was really looking for. Recording Surface
  • This was not easy indeed it was almost impossible with a couple of somewhat eccentric parents (in particular an extrovertly gregarious mother) who were born in Harold Kroto - Autobiography
  • Like the services themselves, the Naval Academy has a strong culture which in some respects is overtly hostile to women.
  • Many of Alexander's architectural achievements in Rome were overtly political gestures.
  • By time he had completed The Comfort Of Strangers, McEwan had steered his oeuvre away from the overtly dark themes of his first four publications.
  • I am not saying that it is deserved to some extent, but it is hard to deny that many critics seem to openly approve and applaud movies that purposely cut against the grain theism, while offering harshing criticsm to overtly theistic films. Overlooked Movie Monday: The Ninth Configuration » Scene-Stealers
  • It is no longer acceptable to pretend to be entertaining clients while overtly pushing your business at them.
  • On the plus side, it does enable you to act out your John Le Carre Cold War fantasies with no shortage of dead letter drops and darkened doorways from which to covertly observe the locals.
  • At first the committee had to work covertly as under the Neutrality Acts an American could lose his citizenship if he fought in the armed forces of a belligerent power.
  • While in Rome Boullan wrote his doctrines down in a notebook known as the cahier rose, overtly after the colour of the cover, which was found by the writer J.K. Huysmans among his papers after his death in 1893. The Templar Revelation
  • There were a number of overtly-dressed and armed security guards at the entrances to the room, and my trained eye noted five special agents – dressed in finery and mingled with the crowd. 365 tomorrows » 2008 » October : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Having a great lively character, the dog extrovertly show its intelligence in almost all aspects. Xml's
  • Is it something of a counterpoint or does it counteract the overtly religious narrative art tradition of Catholicism?
  • Since the departure of the inspectors in 1998, Saddam has bought or attempted to buy specialized vacuum pumps of the design needed for the gas centrifuge cascade to enrich uranium; an entire magnet production line of the specification for use in the motors and top bearings of gas centrifuges; dual use products such as anhydrous hydrogen fluoride and fluoride gas, which can be used both in petrochemicals, but also in gas centrifuge cascades; a filament winding machine which can be used to manufacture carbon fiber gas centrifuge rotors and has attempted covertly to acquire 60,000 or more specialized aluminum tubes, which are subject to strict controls due to their potential use in the construction of gas centrifuges. CNN Transcript Sep 24, 2002
  • So it's perhaps not surprising he traded the overtly political for a more oblique approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • What can anyone say to anything so overtly biased and self-righteous? Does '7 Questions for Dan Froomkin'
  • I have often wondered why so many theologians are keen on the very writers who are most overtly antagonistic to Christianity.
  • Remarkably he displays no self-pity and is not overtly bitter over his treatment, although he admits that the drive to prove his innocence ‘has taken over my life’.
  • Where corporations wield political clout overtly, it is generally to Democratic ends. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those views, though misguided, were not overtly racist.
  • Some attentive press coverage also misses the larger point by focusing on whether the award is collectable, which is certainly an open question as Chevron will pursue protracted appeals both in Ecuador and the United States, and has also made a persuasive fraud case charging that a report favorable to the plaintiffs was covertly written by the plaintiffs' lawyers themselves. News
  • Jefferson was also one of the first "leakers" in the federal government, covertly slipping compromising state documents to journalist Philip Freneau, who was a chief correspondent for the Gazette. Joshua Schoen: Two Generations
  • For instance, Schelling showed that an agent may strengthen its position in bargaining by overtly worsening its own options, and that the capacity to retaliate can be more useful than the ability to resist attack. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969-2006
  • Why are there less overtly political left-wing or centrist weblogs?
  • The doctor's statement is so overtly sexist that I don't feel the need to elaborate any further.
  • Individual scientists - because they are prepossessed as anti-theists or atheists, for other reasons as well - say a great deal, both openly and covertly, about the idea - of a creator, that's why. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • They delve into their whole harm reduction conspiracy theory assome politically motivated collaboration to enslave women that is funded openly and covertly by the “pro trafficking lobby” with the second goal of destroying feminism. Harm reduction and Human Rights (both) for Sex Work Plenary « Bound, Not Gagged
  • It's true that the film is overtly message driven, but that's a difficult trap to escape.
  • The delicacy and mineral-infused fruitiness of the Riesling accentuates the freshness of the spicy ingredients, keeping the dish lively rather than overtly hot.
  • FURTHER UPDATE: The point of the screenshot is to illustrate that "official" Obama spokespeople are not overtly engaged in attacks on Joe. Worth Knowing: Who’s Sliming the Plumber - Swampland -
  • Consequently, these private or selective incentives also served to "depoliticize" the base issue in Kyrgyz politics, as political parties, the Kyrgyz parliament, and the media neither publicized nor overtly criticized the terms of the basing agreement. The Duck of Minerva
  • First, the Chamber of Commerce is really not the nice little local volunteer organization of pro-small business chambers that most people think it is, but rather covertly functions as a guileful “Chamber of EMPIRE”. Think Progress » Kudlow: ‘The Chamber Of Commerce Is A Very Negative Force,’ ‘Absolutely Negative And Absolutely Wrong’
  • The phone tap that had been covertly installed into the their phones was working perfectly, broadcasting the conversation directly into a control room located deep within the recesses of his home.
  • Judging by the recent rise in overtly violent and revolutionary rhetoric, the entire community at FreeRepublic and similar sites should be placed on a watch list just as a start. Think Progress » Rep. King Justifies Suicide Attack On IRS: Sympathizes With Hatred Of IRS, Hopes For Its Destruction
  • This overtly camp track comes complete with bitter and twisted lyrics and a hint of europop. The Sun
  • In particular, the massing of men and equipment along the axis of attack should proceed more covertly and only within a period that is necessary to perform specific tasks in order to avoid heavy losses from possible enemy counterstrokes.
  • Second, there is the issue of the increase or decrease in overtly exploitative, degrading and violent forms of sexuality.
  • Oliver Twist draws most overtly on the model of the didactic tracts by providing negative monitory examples.
  • Putin overtly threatened Igor Zyuzin, the CEO of Mechel (MTL), a mining and metals giant, accusing him of price fixing in order to evade corporate taxes.
  • It's a semidry rather than overtly sweet wine, and well-chilled it would be a very nice aperitif. Why You'll Be Drinking Moscato This Year
  • What happens is that managers may overtly reject it because of a lack of understanding of the technique or because of its lack of practical utility. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • Yet another way is for top management to covertly divert company resources to friends and family and self through sweetheart deals.
  • For neither would Teufelsdröckh's mad daydream, here as we presume covertly intended, of levelling Society (_levelling_ it indeed with a vengeance, into one huge drowned marsh!), and so attaining the political effects of Nudity without its frigorific or other consequences, -- be thereby realised. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • These patterns are usually less clear and testable than those described in overtly biological theories.
  • It was an overtly sexual advertising campaign.

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