How To Use Overtire In A Sentence
The only emotional drama I'll get into with my robot partner is what I've programmed into it. No jealousy, no hormones, no overtired crankiness, no insecurity, no 'tude.
You may know he snores loudly every night, but not realize that the snoring is a sign that he might not be breathing satisfactorily, a problem that can interfere with his sleep and leave him overtired and irritable during the day.
Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems
“You can be what they call overtired and still not fall asleep,” he said.
Overtired and overfed politicians negotiate stupendous sums of other people's money into the night, finally agreeing to any nonsense so as to get home for Christmas.
They were with Thea and Herbert a part of each day, but not staying so long as to overtire Herbert.

Otherwise, she will get overtired, and it will take longer to fall asleep, she said.
Cry for Help: Make This Tot Sleep
Last night my son was overtired, and needing a lot of hugs, his eyes tearing up from exhaustion and wanting his mom.
Instead of cleaning the house in a single day, spread the chores across several days to prevent the person from becoming overtired.
Imagine the horror of spending a 17 hr travel day with an infant becoming increasingly hysterical and overtired who is screaming RIGHT INTO YOUR FACE while everyone on the plane stares death-daggers at you for being unable to “control” your child.
Last Time I Checked, Babies Were People Too - Her Bad Mother
I'm happy you caught yourself snoring, which means you did relax, (probably because you are overtired from staying up far too late blogging or watching that bloody wrestling).
Tyler gets his first professional massage
Ollie cried about you last night, v overtired, but had quite forgotten you by this morning.
Although being overtired and giddy can cause us to act out, so there is definite shenanigan potential.
On the blueline: One game to go, vs. Canada, gold at stake
-- Do they seem overtired, cranky, irritable, aggressive, overemotional or hyperactive, or have trouble thinking during the day?
Kids tucked in with a dose of melatonin
I have found that it is really important to make sure that Jacopo gets his normal naps on the flight so he isn't overtired but then push him to stay up until normal bedtime when we land, he loves airport stimulation so that works pretty well.
Ondine Cohane: Tokyo Delights
Parenting. com message board whether a baby being "overtired" is a myth.
Mother Talkers
If disaster strikes - sunspots, clueless spouse, overtired self - you enter Time Machine's recovery mode.
The brunette hovered around her like a mother hen, watching carefully to ensure that she did not overtire herself, while the blonde hung back.
At 4 a.m. on Dec. 11, 2000, overtired and overtasked national leaders broke days of deadlock when Germany compromised by accepting a skewed voting system for the EU.
Kick The Can, Please!
I visited her every day for at least a few hours each time, being careful not to overtire her.
Nobody would’ve been surprised that I couldn’t sleep that night, overtired from the drive and feeling like I’d entered a house of amiable neighbors.
EXIT • by Donna Steiner
A 10-or 15-minute visit may seem short to you, but longer than that can overtire a patient, even when he seems to relish a long chat.
Gwen did too much, was overtired -- part of the reason he'd insisted on this weekend away.
Overweight, overtired and overwrought with grief, Duncan presented an excessively undisciplined body.