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How To Use Overstuffed In A Sentence

  • Flatbed trucks overstuffed with the carcasses of alligators shot through the back of the heads or brimmed with those skins of what were once alligators, now the figments of shoes and boots and briefcases and the homes of rats and the nests of birds. The Clown Show
  • This was little more than a large house overstuffed with prize pieces salvaged during the pell-mell escape from the capital. Fire The Sky
  • As an accent, this pink implies a 1940s-style take on decorating, when chintz floral prints and lampshades with fringe were all the rage in comfy, overstuffed living rooms.
  • Some walk away with a handful of letters, others haul overstuffed orange mailbags to their workspaces where shipmates are standing by in anticipation.
  • I specifically told election judges to be prepared for 'overstuffed' and spillover ballots similar to 2004. Sound Politics: "Ballot-bag problems may slow counting of 8th District votes"
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  • Out on the sidewalk patio, Mantra's inviting overstuffed wing chairs baked in the heat.
  • Friends and family bound into the house, tracking in mud or snow, stashing coats in already overstuffed closets or heaping them over the backs of chairs.
  • A few overstuffed chairs were laid against the walls, and several bookshelves held old, dusty volumes that Liq had probably never even opened.
  • Thompson's compact book also stands as a rebuke to the hefty, overstuffed volumes lugged around by today's college calculus students.
  • I'm not blogging today but this deserves a mention: King County Elections staff said about 100 bags -- containing up to 20,000 absentee ballots that had been dropped off at polling sites on Election Day -- remain uncounted because of an array of problems caused by the bags 'being overstuffed. Sound Politics: "Ballot-bag problems may slow counting of 8th District votes"
  • But instead of lingering outdoors, we head up to our room, where it feels wonderful to kick off our shoes and lie back on the overstuffed feather bed in a room filled with delicate antique furniture.
  • They entered a warm, well-lit room with several small round tables and overstuffed armchairs, most occupied by robed Arabs drinking out of mugs and smoking hookahs, who ignored them after cursory glances.
  • The only seat not taken was a rather overstuffed leather chair.
  • The Champions of Mytheon package is truly an 'overstuffed' offering with unbelievable in and out of game goodies, head starts, and exclusive gear," said Peter Cesario, director of new business and product development at UTV True Games.
  • Eat sitting at tables in gilded overstuffed dining room chairs, reclining on cushions in a diwan, or kneeling on a concrete floor around a sheet of plastic weighed down with bowls of kubba. Day of Honey
  • Excellent borscht is $1.50; seven oversize, overstuffed pierogi made from scratch are $3.80.
  • This is one of the more jam-packed weeks of a seriously overstuffed TV summer, so let's break it down by night. Matt's Picks: Week of June 20-23
  • After the bill was paid-Ethan's eyes bugged out at the price, but refused to let me see it - we went and sat on the big, overstuffed sofa in front of the fireplace.
  • Her back failed to support her even propped by overstuffed cushions and she slumped, weakness overtaking her.
  • Others dozed in overstuffed armchairs among stacks of suitcases, waking intermittently to drink espresso or whiskey and smoke cigarettes.
  • His TV Dinner was a feast of curiosities enmeshed with the everyday, a meal that leaves one feeling slightly queasy, even overstuffed, but eager for more.
  • The walls were still brick, but she had brought in an overstuffed couch and glass coffee table for furniture and placed plants and a very nice book case in the corner.
  • The black rotting cabinet doors were open and the drawers were overstuffed with magazines.
  • Just more oversized trousers, bold colors and the overstuffed parkas that are rapidly becoming fashion classics.
  • Can he indeed ‘buy’ more hardware for the already overstuffed trophy case, as his detractors and fellow owners grumble?
  • First there's a downturn in the market which makes flotation a pipe dream, then there's overstuffed and time-consuming portfolios as well as the demands of growing businesses in turbulent times.
  • It was delightful and satisfying to come into the spacious and cozy livingroom, filled with overstuffed easychairs and comfortable couches, warmed by the most efficient of centralheating systems or to use one of the perfectly appointed bathrooms whose every fixture was the best money could buy and recall the dank stone floors and walls leading up to a mammoth and -- from a thermal point of view -- perfectly useless fireplace flanked by the coatsofarms of deadandgone gentry who were content to shuffle out on inclement mornings to answer nature's calls in chilly outhouses. Greener Than You Think
  • Captain Sir Henry (Black Bart) Quill was seated in an old-fashioned, formyl-covered, overstuffed chair, chewing angrily at the end of an unlighted cigar. Unwise Child
  • The cramped tenement homes with their drab, flocked wallpaper and overstuffed sofas, the black market sugar and washed-out floral aprons evoke a world so real you can almost smell the damp.
  • After skiing, warm up with hot toddies in the log lodge, cozy with its Persian rugs, overstuffed chairs, slope-facing windows, and 175-ton stone fireplace.
  • After the meal, everyone minded their overstuffed stomachs and reclined on the back porch of the old house.
  • And you thought their backpacks were overstuffed.
  • Using high-back, overstuffed furniture in northern rooms to reduce drafts and allow one to become engulfed in the chair.
  • an overstuffed sofa
  • The bedroom door led to a vast lounge with a sofa and two overstuffed armchairs. DESPERADOES
  • The overstuffed chairs, the curtains, the rice-carved bed, the highboy, the bath fixtures, all evoked a sense of that decorous, long-past era.
  • ‘It's done,’ she pronounced, slumping heavily into an overstuffed armchair and peeling off her disposable latex gloves.
  • From Ryan Murphy Glee in his garishly gothic psychosexual Nip/Tuck mode of wretched excess, this is so overstuffed and disjointed in its reckless piling on of nasty shocks-for-shock's-sake, it often feels as if it were edited with a Cuisinart on "chain saw" setting. Matt's Guide to Wednesday TV: FX's Horror Story, HBO's Tribute to George Harrison and More
  • He also had an inexplicable fondness for overstuffed pastrami sandwiches. FLOATING CITY
  • McPherson pulled a large bundle of keys out of his overstuffed pocket, causing them to chink and jingle noisily.
  • The house was very nice, with warm honey brown wood furniture and overstuffed couches; it gave off a homey feeling.
  • It was like a combination of a living room and a bedroom, with a big bed but also overstuffed chairs, bookshelves, and a TV.
  • There is clearly much to do, if archaeology is to put its supremely untidy and overstuffed house in order
  • There were other doors, bulky and overstuffed-looking pieces of furniture, woven rugs on the floor and paintings on the walls.
  • Uttering a cross word about Lefty usually provokes the same kind of reaction as wresting a child's favorite overstuffed teddy bear from his or her arms.
  • The "overstuffed" pitches tend to be the ones that our clients insist on helping us craft. PR-Squared
  • Speak ever so slowly, so carefully picking out which immaculately groomed flowers to point out to you, and then stepping quietly backwards in their oh so finely-turned out  gentlemen's clothes and letting you go on ahead to admire things from your own safely chosen distances, your own freedom's comfortable as a big fat overstuffed chair perspective. The Undertakers of the Dead by Unseen Hands
  • You're overstuffed from dinner, yet you can't resist ordering the Double Dark Chocolate Two-Layer Cake for dessert.
  • The camp itself was essentially a series of huge tents decorated with an eye toward sumptuousness—overstuffed couches, a dinner table made from beached wood, a makeshift bar area—all atop raised, rich hardwood flooring. In the Time of Bobby Cox
  • The unfortunate part of this story is that the container is too large for the meagre space that I've allotted for lip gloss in my already overstuffed purse.
  • Businessmen with their suits and briefcases, mother's with their crying children and overstuffed luggage, it all seems so unrealistic.
  • Industry jargon calls such models desktop replacements, but "luggable" is a better word for an overstuffed and oversize notebook PC. Latest from Computerworld
  • Its five songs are divvied up in several, nearly indistinguishable movements, but the album moves wholly, as a gross, plodding, overstuffed mass.
  • Rick opened the door to find a teenage girl lolling about the overstuffed chair in the room.
  • The decorator Ben had hired turned out to have had a vastly different view of what the word overstuffed meant than I did. Goodnight Nobody
  • Patients who smoke should do so in a room without flammables, such as rugs, curtains and overstuffed furniture.
  • luggable" is a better word for an overstuffed and oversize notebook PC. PCWorld
  • Emily sat down in a big blue overstuffed easy chair and wrapped herself in a chenille throw cover as she warmed by the fire.
  • Inspired by a local newspaper review, I ordered a delicious (but heavy) pirogi-filled overstuffed sandwich and managed to eat it without spilling sauce on my shirt. With my iPhone alone, I'm apped to travel
  • I have always referred to large, overstuffed seats with no backs (commonly used as footrests these days) as ‘ottomans,’ and I'm sure I'm not alone on this.
  • Every year, billions of these clamshells and other foodservice containers made from petroleum-based foams end up in already overstuffed landfills.
  • I smiled and made myself comfortable in my usual corner in a big, squashy, overstuffed chair.
  • The camp itself was essentially a series of huge tents decorated with an eye toward sumptuousness—overstuffed couches, a dinner table made from beached wood, a makeshift bar area—all atop raised, rich hardwood flooring. In the Time of Bobby Cox
  • He airships across the country, but believe me, his cured "overstuffed" sandwich meats and homemade dishes are best eaten right in the deli. Liza de Guia: VIDEO: The NYC Jewish Delicatessen: A Dying Breed's Secrets to Survival
  • Instead I went to sit on the squashy overstuffed leather chair by the books.
  • she expostulated, tugging at the ticket in her overstuffed pocket. LOST CHILDREN
  • She was sitting in the overstuffed leather armchair, concentrating on her darning, but painfully aware of the man who was sitting in a similar chair no more than three feet away from her.
  • The walls were still brick, but she had brought in an overstuffed couch and glass coffee table for furniture and placed plants and a very nice book case in the corner.
  • Overstuffed pink chairs and a couch rested in one corner, a small kitchenette with a washtub and icebox in another.
  • How many times had they crammed for exams on the soft, overstuffed couch?
  • It cost $400 and weighed more than my overstuffed briefcase.
  • Update: I hope the hopelessly "overstuffed" Po Boy Preservation event didn't factor into the Presidential Debate committee's unfortunate decision. Archive 2007-11-01
  • There is somebody sitting in one of those overstuffed chairs reading Le Monde.
  • An overstuffed chair for the use of the interrogatee is sometimes preferable to a straight-backed, wooden chair because if he is made to stand for a lengthy period or is otherwise deprived of physical comfort, the contrast is intensified and increased disorientation results. The Dark Art of Interrogation
  • The food writer has eaten more braciola stateside than in Italy, where, he says, it is less likely to be fussed with or overstuffed.
  • I'm a sucker for a library that looks like a library - a little unkept, a little dusty, mildly disorganized and definitely overstuffed.
  • To that end, there are fine antiques and paintings, overstuffed sofas, roaring log fires, solicitous staff, visiting dogs and spectacular views.
  • After walking your fill, stop for a bite at Adele's, where an antique bar and overstuffed furniture invite leisurely drinking.
  • Picking up the overstuffed duffle bag, which contained all his belongings, plus his coat, and the berries, he went through a door of an even larger room.
  • The twin overstuffed chairs were upholstered in a deep gold brocade.
  • Standing in the shade of a mango tree, overstuffed backpacks slung over our shoulders, we were soon introduced to a string of others caked in mud.
  • Members sat beneath handmade mobiles hung with colorful Origami birds. Oriental rugs and an overstuffed sofa made the room feel cozy.
  • Several overstuffed recliners lined the back walls, and at the front of the skybox was a bar lined with all types of food.
  • The pillow was overstuffed
  • He seated himself in his overstuffed wing backed executive chair and waited until the lights went down and the door closed behind his personal assistant.
  • Now the field is somewhat overpopulated and generically overstuffed.
  • Perched on an overstuffed cushion before the wood stove was a Buddha-shaped woman of fifty dressed in purple and playing a small hand drum called a djembe, which was tucked between her crossed legs.
  • For all its faults, Elephants on the Edge deals with a fascinating and little-understood subject, which makes it doubly disappointing to find it so devoid of facts and overstuffed with opinion.
  • I find myself staring at my father's back as he bends over and peers lengthily into the dangerously overstuffed interior of the fridge.
  • The show's overstuffed visual style seems perfectly suited to today's MTV-era of image bombardment.
  • This is the design philosophy that leads to overstuffed websites that resemble Times Square in their relentless attack on the senses.
  • Well, nominally anyway: in fact, comics Matt Crosby, Tom Parry and Ben Clark use the credit crunch as little more than a jumping-off point for their usual overstuffed ragbag of imaginative, larger-than-life sketch comedy. This week's new comedy
  • When I opened my bleary eyes once again, I found myself lying on the soft, overstuffed sofa in the centre of the small living room in which I was currently residing.
  • I resolve to take out the trash in a timely manner rather than continue piling things precariously on top of an already overstuffed trash bin.
  • Out on the sidewalk patio, Mantra's inviting overstuffed wing chairs baked in the heat.
  • She headed into the living room, pausing to leave her purse and briefcase on an overstuffed easy chair.
  • Overstuffed gunnysacks are squeezed through windows, and cash hurriedly changes hands as traders rush to unload their goods before the train leaves the station.
  • Entering it, one finds microscopes and computers, a battered, overstuffed sofa and easy chair, and a row of cabinets with tiers of shallow drawers.
  • I shrunk visibly deeper into my seat on the overstuffed couch.

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