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How To Use Overstock In A Sentence

  • Far from speculating on a price rise when demand picks up in the future, our retailer will put his overstock on sale when demand is weak.
  • The effect of the virus became especially acute in Britain when swine fever and restrictions on animal movement meant overstocking and overcrowding.
  • The inventory showed that the store was overstocked.
  • In addition, sellers will be able to quickly move overstocks and discontinued products.
  • Chilling: Don't overstock your fridge or freezer.
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  • The company's expanded nutrition segment and continued strength in seeds and crop protection have helped insulate some of the declines in coatings for consumer electronics equipment and photovoltaic solar cells, the latter weighed by overstocking in the second half of last year. DuPont's Profit Declines Slightly
  • Overstock contradiction will also highlight the investment growth.
  • For many of us, the hamper is like an overstock bin where clothes go into a complex holding pattern, and a quick windventory will often produce a perfectly respectable outfit. Word Fugitives
  • But it is not the interest of merchants and manufacturers… that the home market should be overstocked with their goods, an event which a bounty upon production might sometimes occasion.
  • Did some mascara factory accidentally make a batch too much and invent Goth to sell the overstock?
  • The retailer saved millions in distribution and warehousing costs as improved sales and order forecasts reduced the need to overstock in-house supplies.
  • Be on the lookout for warehouse sales on discontinued styles, samples and overstocks.
  • Overstocked major retailers are discounting so deeply that smaller, less nimble stores may not survive, financial backers are beating a retreat, and barely a day goes by without the news of store closures, label discontinuation, or outright bankruptcy. Jezebel
  • Mahoney knew what was wrong with it; because the native land was overstocked, it had eaten something bad. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • But when it came to matching Saskatchewan's contribution of beef overstock to food banks, the province considered it for two seconds before delivering an unceremonious, ‘We're not getting involved.’
  • The New York Times reported a glut of white gloves on the market, citing their obscenely cheap prices as a result of glovers overstocking their wares in anticipation of the inauguration. The Presidential Inauguration | Edwardian Promenade
  • Where the total grazing rights available on the common do not lead to the potential for overstocking it will be open to the common owner, who must also be a farmer, to claim entitlements on the surplus grazing.
  • It means the warehouse is perpetually overstocked.
  • Though intensive farms are cleaning up their act, overstocking is still a problem.
  • The consultant finds that designer in-store shops ‘do a great job,’ but she adds that department stores still have too much inventory, and many times in-store units are also overstocked.
  • By buying overstock and, since 1996, repressing classic recordings, the company has firmly occupied what remains a lucrative niche.
  • Some 78 brand name stores offer overstock, out-of-season and even slightly faulty items at bargain prices.
  • The answer, then, to keeping our second-hand bookshops in new stock is for our book distributors and publishers to let second-hand book dealers have access to their overstock.
  • The boom-and-bust economy sent a few poor men to the pinnacle of success while merchants dreaded overstocked markets and plummeting fortunes.
  • One of the items everybody got overstocked with is rubber-tired backhoes.
  • Anderson suggests this was the case because, although the Baringo lowlands had too many livestock for the available land, the lands were not overstocked in terms of Tugen subsistence requirements.
  • We've struggled to keep up and cleared out most of our overstock.
  • Major player in the drama" kind of understates Byrne and Overstock's role in this.
  • I think she should take a very limited amount so she doesn't have a huge overstock on hand.
  • In fact some manufacturers are selling surplus or overstock through eBay to open other channels of revenue without inflicting channel conflict.
  • The care of livestock required those who shared common rights to act together to provide supervision for their beasts and to prevent overstocking.
  • Anyway, it's a really nice quality guitar, brand new (part of an overstock from a music fair, by all accounts), and it's great for noodling around on; just pick it up - no worries about leads and amplifiers and effects or whatever - and play.
  • My cabinets / shelves / re-frigs, freezers, have been overstocked for years and years. Undefined
  • Anticipating huge increases in sales, Li Ning stuffed the retail channels with inventory, resulting in overstocking that is only now being resolved. No Linsanity for Li Ning
  • Pepper could not sell his animals and that led to overstocking on the farm.
  • There would be penalties - today it is voluntary - where there would be penalties for failing to comply when they overstock the transmission lines with excessive electricity.
  • ‘He could not sell the sheep and the farm got overstocked,’ Mr McDonald stated.
  • What it says there, in the ‘model’ contract between publisher and author, is that, one year after a book has appeared, the publisher shall have the right to dispose of copies as a remainder or overstock.
  • When a country is overstocked with people, as a pasture is oft overlaid with cattle, they had wont in former times to disburden themselves, by sending out colonies, or by wars, as those old Romans; or by employing them at home about some public buildings, as bridges, roadways, for which those Romans were famous in this island; as Augustus Caesar did in Rome, the Anatomy of Melancholy
  • People can go into farming with insufficient capital, skip investment in dams and water conservation, and overstock their farms, safe in the knowledge that the government will bail them out when there is a drought.
  • They carry overstock and clearance, so the same brand might even be available…
  • The figures come as the volume players in Britain face up to the crisis of an overstocked market which is decimating the residuals of cars up to six months old.
  • In the case of stock farming and game ranching care can be taken not to overstock and nesting areas of ground nesting bees and wasps can be protected from trampling.
  • Toward the end of a book's life, before it goes into paperback, you end up with some overstock.
  • You see, it was her final request that Ralph should perform in a circus company, besides which all the zoos have indicated that they are presently overstocked with African elephants (of which Ralph is one).
  • While book sales did not reach the level of the reader option, and the level of overstock was higher than in the author option (indicating a greater level of waste), the publisher's strategy maximized their overall profit.
  • Little heed is taken of the overstocking of the markets, till at last they are flooded with commodities. What Communities Lose by the Competitive System
  • Publishers would surely lose some money in a diminution of their sale of overstock hardcover books to discount stores.
  • Oh, and there was at least three cases were my boss made significant profits by overstocking (ordering three times his anticipated volume) and then basically auctioning off his overstock at the peak of the season to those who had ordered poorly. What I Learned at the Tower Records Going Out of Business Sale, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • There are, indeed, evidences that the market has become overstocked and that a considerable. number who are willing and anxious to work are unable to get occupation.
  • Overgrazing, caused by gross overstocking of sheep, has been singled out as one of the biggest threats to habitats and nature conservation.
  • As said by him, the administration of the enterprise explains shut down of the work by mystical "overstocking". Хартия'97 :: Новости из Беларуси - Белорусские новости - Республика Беларусь - Минск
  • Deforestation, soil erosion, overstocking of cattle are no longer seen as bogeys or as inevitable consequences of population increase.
  • The inventory showed that the store was overstocked.
  • I looked forlornly past the celebratory bottle of champagne, consoling myself that it could be saved for New Years, and selected a bottle of Barbados dark rum from my disturbingly overstocked bar.
  • Producers who are overstocked have been grazing silage ground and will be forced to buy a large percentage of the winter feed this year, unless they can move out stock this month and target for a good cut of silage early in Autumn.
  • I like this baby bedding set at but it's not very 'babyish' in the sense of bunnies, teddy bears, bouncing frogs and whatnot. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The guy selling them tried to say they were "overstocked". Is Your New Leupold Scope A Fake?
  • In early 1999 the company suffered a setback following the discovery that its Glenmorangie Single Highland Malt brand had been overstocked in the UK distribution chain.
  • Producers would sell coupons one or two months before the Mid-autumn Festival and, based on the sales volume of the coupons, they could produce just enough mooncakes to avoid overstocking.
  • Savvy shoppers expect even deeper discounts than what you would find from just being "overstocked". The Motley Fool
  • Sapient advised that there was no need to overstock commodity items like office supplies that can be obtained easily anywhere.
  • Uncommercial use of cattle caused overstocking, soil erosion, and ‘desert’ conditions.
  • Vendors also move many ‘remainders,’ publisher overstocks they obtain at 80 percent off the retail price, then sell to customers as half-price off bargains.
  • Finally, faced with an overstocking situation, the company was forced to write off nearly Rs. 25 crore worth of stocks over a period of two years. Remaking Indian Tobacco Co.
  • The black topped bar stretched the length of the right wall overstocked with enough alcohol to satisfy anyone's needs.
  • Did they overstock at the seaside tat warehouse then?
  • He questioned why there was not enough grazing land for the sheep and if the Curragh was overstocked.
  • Don't overstock your pantry with grain products.
  • It has focused on stripping out unprofitable lines and expanding its accessories range, while also investing in new supply infrastructure to facilitate order growth without the impact of overstocking or discounting. Burberry Raises Full-Year Guidance
  • Franklin knows that the hogan project will not solve all the problems for either the Navajo community or the overstocked forests still threatened by wildfire.
  • Check stores that carry overstocks, closeouts and slightly dented items for great deals on storage racks and freestanding units.
  • In anticipation of higher sales, and due to poor forecasting, a gallery may overstock a particular item or resource.
  • A major cause of the dwindling numbers has been degradation of habitat through overstocking of sheep, bush encroachment, cultivation, erosion and alien invaders.
  • This has allowed the company to handle overstock from key suppliers internationally and supply specific packages of music products to non-traditional outlets such as bars, restaurants and clothes retailers.
  • But soon the rack was so overstocked that customers couldn't move the merchandise to see what was available.
  • Today, of course, the concept of selling remainder books has expanded to where you now have whole bookstores comprised entirely of overstock.
  • All the cake, chocs, biscuits and other fattening foodstuffs we tend to overstock on for Christmas.
  • In addition, sellers will be able to quickly move overstocks and discontinued products.
  • An ERP system can help a business owner figure out the amount of inventory needed to prevent overstocking, which can reduce overhead. Technology Basics for Business
  • A few years later, British supermarkets were overstocked with green products that the same consumers later qualified as too expensive.
  • Overstock, based in Salt Lake City, is an online "closeout" retailer offering discount brand-name merchandise to its customers. Overstock Posts Loss; Shares Plunge
  • In the past year, the company has reined in costs and continued to strip out unprofitable lines, curb overstocking and minimize the discounting of heritage items like raincoats and scarves to boost margins and "further purify the brand," said Ms. Cartwright. Burberry Sales Jump 27%
  • We found some good values at quite a few sites, sometimes at prices that look like the retailer is trying to get rid of some overstock.

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