How To Use Oversight In A Sentence
The possible moves being not only manifold but involute, the chances of such oversights are multiplied; and in nine cases out of ten it is the more concentrative rather than the more acute player who conquers.
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
In defense of “keen grasp of economics,” one of Matt’s fortes is an ability to be extremely annoyed by fallacies and oversights in cost-benefit calculation.
Matthew Yglesias » Listmania
the oversight was not imputable to him
This error is largely due to my oversight.
And spurring that doubt are a growing crop of policy makers like Darrell Issa, profiled recently in the New Yorker, as a Republican representative poised to become Chairman of the Oversight Committee, who last year quoted Genesis at a congressional hearing to dismiss the dangers of climate change, As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease...
Kate Otto: "Rapid Response" to an Ancient Issue (VIDEO)

Bloomberg News NLRB acting general counsel Lafe Solomon, second left, shown at a House oversight committee hearing in North Charleston, S.C., Friday.
Labor Board Defends Boeing Actions
I assure you that the missing direct reference was certainly not intentional, more an oversight.
The lack of oversight alarms some members of Congress.
This reduction includes legitimate business oversight, and may even extend, I have been told, to actual malversation of funds.
In this case, an exception should be made not only for clumsy phrases, but for simple oversights, such as a girl going to "reconnoiter" rather than rendezvous with her boyfriend.
Hand Me Down World by Lloyd Jones – review
Governmental oversight of the private operation has been regularly criticised as inadequate.
Chairman Frank dismissed “plain vanilla” out of hand, cut deals, exempted some groups from oversight by the consumer agency and the derivative loopholes made it into the bill on his watch.
Matthew Yglesias » The Real Story on Bankster Political Influence
Last week Gunter, now director of the Reactor Oversight Program of the organization Beyond Nuclear, said the NRC re-licensing program is "blind to how these machines are breaking apart at the molecular level … they embrittle, crack and corrode.
If I have a patient who says she wants a bioidentical ... then I personally would prescribe a hormone like estradiol, which is what her ovaries made, and I would give it to her in a skin patch by one of the drug companies that I know; it has oversight by the FDA and it has the exact dose that I want her to have," says Schiff, who has no ties to any drug companies.
Medlogs - Recent stories
He said oversight of university councils should rest in semi-autonomous bodies such as the council on higher education and not in the hands of the state.
This recall is a reminder that we need better communications standards and oversight on safety features from both phone manufacturers and telecoms.
LG Phone Recalled Due to Poor 911 Connection
* It never occured to me, that she did not have any time to organize them, I just assumed it was some kind of neglectful lazy oversight on her part, and felt genetically ashamed that a) she could not seem to keep her coupons organized and b) that we were the kind of family that needed to use coupons.
Wendchymes Diary Entry
The final tier of the hierarchy is the Executive Oversight Committee.
I think the Republicans have been far more successful in promoting the general idea that less oversight is (usually) better, and that the free market will result in better solutions.
The Volokh Conspiracy » If you like the BP spill, you’ll love cyberwar
Due to an unintentional oversight, we failed to identify, prior to the release, the presence of two swastikas within the font.
Nevertheless, questions about the propriety of OMB's oversight activity have continued to arise.
Any use of clause 7 will also ‘be subject to parliamentary oversight by the affirmative resolution procedure’.
Establish a policy for synodical oversight of ELCA ministry rosters.
Was it the Greek verse, containing one senarius with a long syllable before the caesura in the fifth foot, as Herbert pointed out to his brother on the very evening when that hideous oversight -- say rather crime -- had been openly perpetrated in plain black and white on a virgin sheet of innocent paper?
Lack of notice of these arsons must be a TP oversight.
Think Progress » Nashville residents of all faiths pledge support for local Muslims after hate crime vandalism.
I ... firmly believe that you are tasked with executing a fatally flawed plan, and I have many questions about the operations of the CFPB," wrote Mr. Neugebauer, who leads the House Financial Services Committee's oversight and investigations subpanel.
Lawmaker Raises Concerns About Consumer Agency
It strengthens, safeguards and enhances judicial oversight.
Times, Sunday Times
The Empire set up a large number of independent local mints that were authorized subject to some degree of imperial oversight to mint coinage more or less without restriction.
The recent string of intelligence failures has provoked calls for creating a Director of National Intelligence who would have broad oversight over all spooks.
However, this was not an oversight, and the President lit the traditional "diya" or oil lamp for Diwali at the White House yesterday before embarking on this trip.
Georges Ugeux: Barack Obama Visits Mumbai...on Diwali!
The obvious solution is direct government oversight in the form of industry regulations.
Convenient oversights like this are all part of that sleight of hand this administration specializes in to pursue its aims.
There was a lack of proper risk management oversight.
Times, Sunday Times
As Elizabeth Warren, the brilliant head of the congressional oversight panel on the bank bailout has noted, no one has exposed the record of pervasive fraud and misdealing that was at the base of the housing bubble.
Robert L. Borosage: Time for a Grand Inquest on the Financial Crisis
To be less abstract, let us suppose a game of draughts where the pieces are reduced to four kings, and where, of course, no oversight is to be expected.
For example, finance ministers and central banks have a new agreement on financial oversight.
The advent of digital sources has improved the discovery period of the research phase, but has also increased the likelihood of oversights in the citation process.
He noted Rep. McCollum's "focus on kids and health care" and other related domestic needs of her local constituents (mostly in St. Paul) as well as her defined roles accorded by her appointments to the prestigious and powerful House Appropriations Committee (budget and spending) and the Government Oversight and Reform Committee while also expressing fears that impeachment hearings would become a "mobilizer" for the Republican voter base, thus costing votes and maybe elections in 2008. lobbies Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) to support accountability and justice through impeachment
Its regulatory oversight guarantees strict financial accountability.
Times, Sunday Times
The McCain-Palin administration will replace an outdated, patchwork quilt of regulatory oversight and bring transparency and accountability to Wall Street.
And spurring that doubt are a growing crop of policy makers like Darrell Issa, profiled recently in the New Yorker, as a Republican representative poised to become Chairman of the Oversight Committee, who last year quoted Genesis at a congressional hearing to dismiss the dangers of climate change, As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease ...
Kate Otto: "Rapid Response" to an Ancient Issue (VIDEO)
And while he's having his son's remains reinterred here, he wants Congress to enact legislation to allow families to have headstones of their loved ones at Arlington but allow them to be buried somewhere else where there's better oversight.
Iraq Veteran's Body Is Exhumed At Arlington
Junior doctors used to see their patients at least twice a day and provided oversight.
Times, Sunday Times
You can never entirely eliminate human error and oversight.
Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses.
On financial stability, he suggested a new systemic risk oversight body led by the government.
Times, Sunday Times
This lack of regulatory oversight can affect both international and domestic confidence in our market.
Of course I might not get the point I can almost assure you that whether to exempt admins from the username disallow was never considered, so it is neither oversight nor bug.
In the past year, numerous media accounts have revealed screw-ups, miscalculations and oversights.
There's no government oversight to ensure carbon offset projects are both effective and nonredundant.
Five Green Goods Not Worth the Added Green
The very oversight perceptible to any eye and painful to any ear not sealed up by stepdame nature from all perception of pleasure or of pain derivable from good verse or bad -- the reckless reiteration of the same rhyme with but one poor couplet intervening -- suggests rather the oversight of an unfledged poet than the obtuseness of a full-grown poeticule or poetaster.
A Study of Shakespeare
It is just a matter of "if government agrees and vote for the Federal Takeover of Wall St (and the rest of the United States, in a consilidation of goverment aand oversight), or them taking it by force.
Alex Jones' Prison
And the Department of Education's quasi-governmental accrediting oversight body comprises many university presidents, including the provost of the University of Phoenix and the board chairman of the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities, a chief lobbying group for the for-profit college industry.
Buying Legitimacy: How A Group Of California Executives Built An Online College Empire
Without such oversight, the consensus in support of our nuclear deterrent faces being undermined.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr Mitchell has apologised for what he described as a careless oversight, and has repaid the money.
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My first gut reaction is to wonder how the software and device development team could allow such a simple and easily fixable oversight to make it through to the finished product.
Her name was omitted through an oversight.
It is up to us to enact the regulation, oversight, and judgment necessary to insure that the correct rewards and punishments are doled out to the correct people.
As the Devil is ordinarily by no means wanting in shrewdness, the omission might perhaps be set down to his credit on the score of charity, but for his abominable taste in matters of diabolical vertûe, as shown by his penchant for sanguinary signatures to all compacts and bonds for bad behavior made with or exacted by him, in the course of his "regular dealings" with mankind, and hence it must be considered a clear case of ignorance or oversight, that this test, compared to which there is toleration for boils even, was not applied.
Life in the Rocky Mountains
Effective oversight of any nonprofit organization rests with its board of directors.
He had no great hopes for this mission to the City of Mexico; indeed, he feared that his continued employment had less to do with a keen governmental interest in undescribed flora than with bureaucratic oversight.
Excerpt: The Gates of The Alamo by Stephen Harrigan
But they already possess the scheduling, communications, decision-making, oversight, and reporting skills needed.
More stringent oversight would help restore confidence in organ and tissue donation programmes.
Times, Sunday Times
You can never entirely eliminate human error and oversight.
I consider this a gross oversight on your part.
Its brief is longer term and written to include missionary work, promotion and oversight of independent interoperability testing and branding.
Life scientists have more money, less oversight, and much more tolerance for imprecision than physicists.
But then he was passed over for a promotion because of his youth, an oversight that disgruntles him even today.
The law eliminated "loopholes" (or legislative oversights ) that in the past allowed the use of soft money to aid candidates running for federal office.
He shunned IMF aid to protect what he called "unorthodox" measures from oversight. -- Top News
Software doesn't create oversights and mistakes; the human beings who create the software do.
Other oversight bodies would include Select Committees and audit agencies.
Persisting in this oversight is a prescription for a degree of misery, social and political instability, and conflict in the twenty-first century that no amount of effort at arms control and crisis management will be able to contain.
Pugwash Conferences - Nobel Lecture
Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses.
The bank has been given an oversight role to tighten the scheme if necessary.
The Sun
He has general oversight of all training courses.
The role was designed to ensure judicial oversight, enforce standards and increase accountability.
Times, Sunday Times
Also this week, Rep. Randy Neugebauer, R-Tex, who leads the House Financial Services Committee's oversight and investigations subpanel, sent a letter to the CFPB's interim head Elizabeth Warren raising questions about how the bureau will operate, and even whether it should operate at all.
Consumer advocates: We need a nominee for CFPB head soon
Yes, my main complaint is that the only issue about bundling was completely ignored by Kling's article, and I can't really see how it could have been an unintentional oversight considering the context that Microsoft has been in the news lately.
Bundling II, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Presented with what was effectively a vase, big enough to drown a small cat, it struck me this apparent oversight was in fact a carefully orchestrated bar-tending conspiracy.
From there, Bachmann spent the week saying daffier and daffier things, like that Obama did not secretly supply Occupy Wall Street with bunker buster bombs the ACLU was running the CIA which is weird, because I'm pretty sure the ACLU doesn't approve of using drones to kill American citizens in Yemen without judicial oversight.
The Full Feed from
As I suggested, I think this situation has arisen due to some serious oversights on my part which I want to lay out for you.
The legislator had mentioned he was in charge of the committee that handles oversight.
Moreover, any developments would be exempt from normal regulatory oversight.
BISHO (ECN) - A whopping R355-million has been suspended from the provincial Welfare Department, but only R205-million of this was reflected in the Welfare standing committee financial oversight report delivered in the Bisho legislature yesterday.
ANC Daily News Briefing
There is little that the WH could do or should have done in capping the well other than the oversight and, apparently, approval of all efforts on the well.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Prosecuting BP
Without oversight, strong regulation and strict enforcement run away greed, self-indulgence and gross dishonesty take over and the result is what we have experienced.
Crist wants special session, amendment to ban offshore drilling
Paul, who is now chairman of the monetary policy subcommittee that has direct oversight of the Fed, put his question in a interrogatory gust of 670 words, in which he said he couldn't find a definition for the dollar in the U.S. code and asked the chairman what, as he sought to manage the dollar, was his definition of it.
Ben Bernanke Raises The Curtain On The Fed's Activities
They could hold visitations of all the dioceses in the province and exercise spiritual oversight of any vacant see.
The lack of court oversight is the problem, as the prosecutor is essentially free to create conditions or “education programs” (which in a criminal justice context has a frightening ring to it) that meet his personal ends.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Stringent Constitutional Limits on Anger Management Classes, Anti-Drug/Alcohol-Abuse Classes, or Even Traffic School as Alternatives to Prosecution?
At the same time, we should not allow it to distract attention from the need for reform of the SIS's general oversight provisions.
The student's omission from the honour roll was an oversight.
Tripartism allows them to extend their oversight by using other stakeholders as informants and agents for change.
Although Mr. King is losing a word in his title, he is gaining responsibility, adding oversight of capital-markets origination, that is, advising companies on the sale of stocks, bonds and the like, and corporate and commercial banking, i.e., lending.
Mortgage Woes, British Edition
More stringent oversight would help restore confidence in organ and tissue donation programmes.
Times, Sunday Times
Proper oversight should have spotted poor management of the investigation.
Times, Sunday Times
An Attorney-General representative denied this, pointing to safeguards in the legislation such as reporting to Parliament and oversight by an Ombudsman, The Age reports.
We are apt to despise tact as a petty accomplishment; but just as a trivial oversight may ruin the smooth working of complicated machinery, so trivial faults of tone and manner, or a little lack of conciliatoriness, which is something wholly different from unfaithful concession, may throw out of gear the movement of great societies.
Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
With this history in mind, a better approach regarding SILEX would be to permit the International Atomic Energy Agency to have a permanent co-management and/or monitoring personnel presence as part of a new rigorous oversight standard that would apply to all laser enrichment wherever built worldwide.
Bennett Ramberg, Ph.D.: New Peaceful Nuclear Technology and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation -- the Laser Enrichment Challenge
The reason these denunciations of the use of urgency carry some weight is because its misuse raises important questions of democratic oversight.
We would have appreciated serviettes but thought this was probably an oversight.
However, it is recommended to use the longer form in order to avoid any oversights or confusion arising.
Although the agency didn't mention any risks to its bond rating in its statement, Governors Andrew Cuomo of New York and Chris Christie of New Jersey, who share oversight of the bi- state agency, released a joint statement in which they said agency officials may have such worries. -- Top News
The only non-trivial difference from their study and what I outlined is that I forgot to say to include income as a regressor, an unfortunate oversight by me.
Beer and Taxes « PubliCola
Testifying before the Congressional Oversight Panel that monitors the Treasury's efforts to bail out troubled banks, he said toxic assets were "congesting" the U.S. financial system and hindering efforts to get credit flowing normally. RSS Feed - Politics & Policy
The establishment of independent oversight is definitely an improvement.
Times, Sunday Times
Was it the result of oversight or inadvertence or were there some employees in the company that were doing this without your knowledge or..." asked Cornyn R-Texas.
HUFFPOST HILL - Google Probably Not Plus-1ing Today's News
The President Pro Tempore serves as the second highest ranking officer within the Senate and chairs the Senate Oversight Committee.
May I apologize for this unconventional oversight as well as for other more serious ones-and some not so serious?
Mistakes and oversights are a daily risk for all doctors and I am no exception.
In his court declaration, he blames his election agent for the oversight.
This error is largely due to my oversight.
These stances, combined with a lack of internal oversight, contributed to Citi's overexpansion and overexposure to risk.
The records generated under the court order produced a comprehensive encyclopedia of why discipline in the police department is "fundamentally ineffective" - the corroborating of falsehoods among officers, the impotence of civilian oversight, the cursoriness of IAD investigations and investigators 'complicity in not connecting glaring discrepancies.
The Clog
Some overpayments result from oversights by claimants who may be in desperate circumstances and the council stresses there is a very lengthy process involving letters and telephone calls before the final demand.
The camp had no license and was subject to no government oversight.
Oversight and risk management improved dramatically at Bank Danamon under the watchful eyes of Singapore's Temasek (which bought a stake, now at 67%, when the bank was denationalized), and at Bank NISP under OCBC Bank of Singapore (which gradually acquired a majority last decade, as the founding family diluted its holding).
Can Indonesians Bank on Reform?
A spokesman for the agency said the penstock sluice gates were opened after the last bout of flooding to allow trapped water to return to the river, but after an ‘oversight’ they were left open.
This requires strong international oversight and supervision of any Iraqi tribunal.
The new, " flatter " structure would give Mr. Burke — who is slated to be NBC Universal ' s chief executive — more direct oversight of the company ' s biggest assets: cable and broadcast television networks.
Comcast to Reorganize, Streamline Executive Suite at NBC Universal
Biodiversity is already perfectly adequate without our needing to create novel life forms, unneeded for nutrition and unwelcome in the marketplace, to correct God's lamentable oversights.
These lacks, losses and oversights open up narrative possibilities for the characters to learn about themselves and, in some cases, to find what they have been looking for.
This is genuinely an oversight - or rather it is more a bit about everybody thinking that somebody else has done it.
Governmental oversight of the private operation has been regularly criticised as inadequate.
Apologies for the oversight and for those playing along at home here is side by side comparison of the helicopters from the two games.
The Atari Puzzler 003 - The Retroist
Specifically, the Board urges a revival of the oversight role of metropolitans, i.e., archbishops overseeing bishops in their province.
The committee has oversight of finance and general policy.
No other state agency exercises effective oversight over army expenditures.
Justice officials say the prosecutor's work was filled with a pattern of mistakes and oversights.
Come spring we will see whether or not that is going to be another costly oversight.
The Sun
Author charges of about $300 per published article are expected to cover the costs of peer review, editorial oversight, and publication.
All I care about are the improvements in governance and oversight that are taking place.
California Republican Representative Darrell Issa, who will take over chairmanship of a key investigatory panel, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, promises probes on a range of issues involving spending and performance.
Obama Faces Political Challenges Back in Washington
If the President continues to shake the hornets' nest by refusing to cede oversight and administrative power to the Parliament, then the fireworks show will continue.
In addition, given widespread over-the-counter availability of antibiotics in many developing countries, regulation and oversight of antibiotic use are key interventions.
If you've never been listed in Wikipedia, you can always argue that your omission is an oversight.
Archive 2007-02-01
Issa, the incoming chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has been especially critical of what he calls waste in Obama's economic stimulus spending.
2012 Elections Could Be Greatly Impacted By New GOP Agenda
This estate by entirety is an anomaly and it is perhaps an oversight that the Legislature has not changed it into a cotenancy, as has been done in so many States.
The Legal Status of Women in the United States of America. January 1, 1938. Report for North Carolina. An Advance Printing of Individual State Material, Constituting Part of a Compilation Now Being Prepared to Show the Present Legal Status of Women in the
Videlicet, sir, this week a fellow captive is minus a finger and thumb -- and all for oversight of six annas {the anna is the 16th part of a rupee}.
In Clive's Command A Story of the Fight for India
Tattooing can require injections of substantial amounts of black ink, meaning large amounts of chemicals shot into and under the skin; many of these chemicals -- such as benzoapyrene, a carcinogen found to cause skin cancer in animal tests -- are toxic, so some advocates have called for further scrutiny and oversight of tattoo inks.
Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Tattoos: Inks Raise New Health Concerns About Age-Old Designs
repair an oversight
For a man who remains, by his own admission, a great believer that stats do not lie, that is a surprising oversight.
Granted, many “pluralistic” events often mean “we invite everyone except traditional Orthodox people”, but to exclude the fastest growing sector of the Jewish population from a conference talking about the future of the Jewish people is a horrible oversight at best, a patch in panim slap in the face at worst.
JPPPI Don’t Like Frum People | Jewschool
Could oversight of the service at this critical juncture be any more incompetent?
Times, Sunday Times
I don't know why it has taken so many years for such an oversight to begin, but we Americans need to ensure that some two hundred hearings are held annually and get back every last penny of the billions boondoggled out of U.S. taxpayers over the past decade or so.
POGO-The Project on Government Oversight Needs More Support and Awareness-as do federal whistle-blowers
To be more accurate, it was perceived to be in a sorry state because of a series of small and individually insignificant problems, oversights and mistakes which collectively made the event look like a disorganised mess.
Nonetheless, the legal apparatus supporting the fiscal system recognized this oversight.
The ads should also be subject to independent oversight.
Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses.
They have to be controlled and a strong oversight is need for both of them. shmeckel
Obama: Banks 'don't get it'
For that to happen there must be independent oversight of an independence referendum.
Times, Sunday Times
At least 80 committees and subcommittees are responsible for oversight of our national security.
Though it didn't quantify the effect of what it called pervasive misapplication of accounting rules on the company's books, the report by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight cited one instance in 1998 where the company inappropriately deferred $200 million of estimated expenses, which enabled management to receive full annual bonuses.
Doug Ross @ Journal
We do need to make sure that Congress is doing its job of investigative oversight.
[2662] The title therefore does give proof of a certain authority of oversight or of action.
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
Such oversights are common in human experience.
Akaka���s bill gives the czar a budget for p.r. but no oversight over anyone else���s budget��� [and the] bill doesn���t specify to whom the czar would report ��� which leaves no one responsible when goals aren���t met.
Ross Chanin: ���� �������� ���� �������� ������ ��
What do you see as the critical lapses or perhaps oversights?
For an open-air concert venue, this seems to be a serious oversight.
Times, Sunday Times
It said that the regime was now lawful after proper oversight was put in place last year.
Times, Sunday Times
In her leadership role, Gray will be responsible for the oversight of the more than 7,000 awards in NCI's extramural research portfolio.
So whether it's done in Guantanamo or somewhere else, it needs to be done and it should be under the purview of the Pentagon with oversight from outside.
Full of contradictions, failures and oversights, the architect's personal life seemed to have none of the clarity possessed by his great works.
Yet, the OECD lauds the new European Supervisory Authorities, calling the bolstered oversight a major achievement.
OECD: Global Recovery Is Stabilizing
It takes constant training, constant oversight, constant diligence.
This oversight occurred because the university had recorded such incidents in segments -- forinstance, violations in dorms versus other parts of campus -- and it omitted some from the report to thedepartment.
U.S. finds violations of college crime reporting
Already his work has weathered rejection by publishers, objection by printers, suppression by censors, confiscation by custom officials, bowdlerization by pirates, oversight by proofreaders, attack by critics, and defense by coteries -- not to mention misunderstanding by readers.
James Joyce
The committee has oversight of finance and general policy.
The Human Resources Department in turn was responsible for contracting for these services and for ongoing administrative oversight of the programs.
An administrative oversight resulted in delays in updating the parking permit system, causing many residents to be overcharged for the renewal of their permits in December.
It must team up with more established charities that provide oversight and guidance.
Times, Sunday Times
In Britain oversight is performed both by members of Parliament and by judges.
Britain's MI6 operates a bit differently than CIA
For that to happen there must be independent oversight of an independence referendum.
Times, Sunday Times
-- DYRS has a weak policy on abscondence and oversight.
Opinion Source: Delivering summaries of editorial and op-ed pieces from major papers by email.
Although the agency didn't mention any risks to its bond rating in its statement, Governors Andrew Cuomo of New York and Chris Christie of New Jersey, who share oversight of the bi- state agency, released a joint statement in which they said agency officials may have such worries. -- Top News
Let's be honest, though; the GOP geniuses are going to be sifting through the expenditures looking for $500 toilet seats or whatever, so I suppose extreme oversight is a good idea (I mean, we all know how important government oversight is to Republicans, cough, cough).
Stimulus money needs to be spent faster, Dems say
The flagship magazine of centrist evangelicals, Christianity Today, editorialized in 2008 that the Grassley investigation amounted to an "oversight overstep" that risked delving improperly into theology.
Televangelists escape penalty in Senate inquiry
Nearly half blamed an oversight, while one in ten motorists claimed they could not afford the premiums.
The Sun
It seems likely that this was no mere oversight on his part, but in fact a logical impossibility.
From my point of view, it would be a gross oversight to create something on this subject without the input of the online peanut gallery.
Informants lost to historical representation by virtue of the aporia or oversights of historical conventions were not my primary concern.
With all the news about Big Government -- the cabinet reshuffle slated for next year, the Cross-Strait agreements slated to pass without real legislative oversight -- there's still plenty of stuff going on with Little Government that shows how KMT control of local faction networks and local agriculture and irrigation cooperatives translates into local political dominance.
Glimpses of local Taiwan politics
Complex legal standards apply to the level of review and judicial oversight necessary before police can obtain the warrants, subpoenas, or court orders required to compel disclosure of these records.
We will work to achieve even greater reforms and improvements in the areas of oversight, accountability, ethics, financial management and good governance, " Brimmer said.
Perhaps Ross believes them to be overexposed but it may just be oversight or personal prejudice.
Cohen is right that sensible societies shouldn't trust generals to navigate the myriad curvatures of war without civilian oversight.
When you know what you are doing, the time ceases to become a problem, but the absence of an untimed mode is arguably an oversight.
PixelJunk Eden
Upon which the same disorder, confusion, and error follow, as would if a man, going to demonstrate something of an heptagon, should, in the diagram he took to do it, leave out one of the angles, or by oversight make the figure with one angle more than the name ordinarily imported, or he intended it should when at first he thought of his demonstration.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
The decision to nonsuit ends court jurisdiction over the children, but it does not necessarily end CPS oversight.
253 FLDS children now dropped from YFZ custody battle
We'll wring our hands over how much oversight should there be for a financial system that nearly destroyed the US economy as though we are debating the best way to return a loaded gun that we just confiscated from a 5-year old.
Howard Steven Friedman: Shift Happens...Often
While continued coalition oversight and resources are still required, coalition forces are on the way to complete disengagement.
Notably, the article also revealed that "for months" human rights organizations had been pressing Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Washington to tighten oversight of its legal affairs in Russia.
Suann MacIsaac: Microsoft's Public Relations Nightmare
This same year MW had a list of new words that were added into the latest edition, many of the words were so obscure I could hardly find any use of the words at all … so I realized the omission of the word misandry was not an oversight.
MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory
The very oversight perceptible to any eye and painful to any ear not sealed up by stepdame nature from all perception of pleasure or of pain derivable from good verse or bad -- the reckless reiteration of the same rhyme with but one poor couplet intervening -- suggests rather the oversight of an unfledged poet than the obtuseness of a full-grown poeticule or poetaster.
A Study of Shakespeare
The intel community has successfully insulated themselves from that kind of scrutiny to the determent of taxpayers and we aren't getting oversight of the substantial amount of money we're spending on intelligence," Miller said in a phone interview.
They call it oversight
Again by an oversight the ‘Vocall Musick’ (to which Purcell seems to have acted as accompanist) received no official listing (or payment); they petitioned for arrears in 1693 but the matter was ‘to bee respited till the establishment is altered’.
Archive 2009-05-01
Thus far, the thieves fleeing with the trove would seem to be safe from Loophole's invincible oversight.
Senate lawmakers urged the Federal Communications Commission to strengthen its oversight of billing practices by telecommunications firms, after Verizon Wireless announced that it erroneously charged $50 million in unwanted data fees.
More monitoring of billing practices sought after Verizon overcharge
Here Dr K corrects a heinous Academy oversight with the help of a stylophone …. more about "Mark Kermode Offers MOON Tribute | Ma …", posted with vodpod
Lunar tunes
Health chiefs, who described the blunder as an ‘oversight’, have been ordered by a sheriff to explain how up to 250 tissue slides were exchanged.