
How To Use Overshadow In A Sentence

  • In the decisive battle of Ipsus in 301 B.C. the overshadowing power of Antigonus was broken and the control of southwestern Asia was divided between Seleucus and Ptolemy. The Makers and Teachers of Judaism
  • His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding.
  • The balsam impatiens usually grows as a two- or three-stemmed plant to a height of 2 1/2 feet, with white to dark red flowers tucked into the leaf axils, where they tend to be overshadowed by leaves.
  • It was a cavern in the side of a mountain, overshadowed with palm trees, at such a distance from the cataract that nothing more was heard than a gentle uniform murmur, such as composes the mind to pensive meditation, especially when it was assisted by the wind whistling among the branches. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia
  • And the title essay picks up this theme: "Let the dedicated activist never overshadow the dedicated servant of literature — the matchless storyteller. Books: Sontag's Last Stands
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  • Why then does his plight overshadow the tender story of the prince?
  • Musical backing is kept low key with touches of strings, brass and brooding electronica, never overshadowing Jane's fragile but emotive vocals.
  • Her vocals are mousy yet pretty (think Suzanne Vega, Julie Doiron), never overshadowing the delicate ambiance created by simple layers of loops and noodling.
  • So no supporting struts, cables or columns to overshadow the trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevertheless, her performance was somewhat overshadowed by the increasingly exhibitionistic shape-throwing of Stephen McAllister, the in-house main-course chef.
  • Spending cuts also overshadow the rail industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • The poor outlook and rumours of price cuts to drive sales of its smartphones overshadowed an improved financial performance after savage cost-cutting over the past year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Christ Church has an interesting connection with Lang Park and rugby league… and even though the stadium completely overshadows the historic church the goodwill between the two remains very strong.
  • Test team, but an exciting climax to the story ought not to overshadow some of the less satisfactory elements of the chapters that have preceded it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sputtering of the economy over the past 18 months now has been overshadowed by terror and tragedy.
  • The mridangam and tabla players were excellent as well and none of the musicians tried to overshadow the other.
  • But that mustn't be allowed to overshadow what is very good news indeed.
  • Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister.
  • Johnson, on the other hand, with his razzle-dazzle style, had captured America's imagination, in many ways overshadowing Bird. Bird-Magic showdown of 1979 was start of something special
  • It wasn't a nice area, as far as Milan goes, being overshadowed by the ugly Pirelli Tower.
  • She said stations should be in the open, near housing, not overshadowed by trees or walls.
  • Having viewed the shed from the rear ground floor room of number 90 and from its garden, I do not consider that it overshadows that property to any significant extent or causes any material loss of light.
  • Perhaps only in a year filled with movies like Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, Stagecoach, Hitchcock's The Lady Vanishes, the larkier but somewhat similar Gunga Dun, Ninotchka, of course Gone With The Wind and so many others could The Four Feathers be relatively overshadowed. Michael Giltz: DVDs: 1939 -- Still Hollywood's Greatest Year
  • The earnest performances of Ford and Pitt are finally overshadowed by the cliches of the genre.
  • Stanford's win overshadowed a sterling performance by Jerome Harrison, who rushed 29 times for 218 yards and scored a TD for the Cougars. - Scores
  • Fields were turned into subdivisions, and the town's small downtown was overshadowed by a sprawling regional mall.
  • He had always been overshadowed by his elder sister.
  • The highly publicized abortion debate overshadowed the rest of the platform that calls for a smorgasbord of constitutional amendments.
  • People living near the site fear the development will overshadow their homes, increase noise and traffic and lead to a loss of privacy.
  • While Anita was sociable and well-liked by her peers, Betty was often overshadowed by her cousin and believed to be snobbish as a result of common misperceptions.
  • So no supporting struts, cables or columns to overshadow the trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Capitals 'win overshadowed Joe Sakic's 1,500th point. - Hockey - Washington vs. Colorado
  • Dollar Bill Jefferson will win comfortably tonight, and luckily this embarrassment will presumably be overshadowed by an Obama win. Your Right Hand Thief
  • At the '96 Olympics, the U.S. women's team so overshadowed the men that the NBA stars almost could slip in and out the back door.
  • Mr. Lindberg, a conservatory-trained pianist, is himself among the soloists, but his efforts are likely to be overshadowed by two of the Philharmonic's percussionists, Christopher Lamb and Daniel Druckman, whose arsenal of noise-making instruments will be augmented by various found objects, including sandpaper, stones and scrap metal. Lindberg Makes His Mark on the N.Y. Philharmonic
  • Routine modernization and the recapitalization of legacy systems appear to overshadow programs that could yield disruptive innovation.
  • Already overshadowed by political complexity the elections will also take place against a backdrop of violence.
  • His second and third sons were brought up in Aquitaine, and imbued with its poetical spirit; and the House of Anjou entirely overshadowed that of Capet. A Parallel History of France and England; Consisting of Outlines and Dates
  • But even this sad circumstance was overshadowed for me by political events of the week.
  • The achievement of the men's team was overshadowed by the continuing success of the women's team.
  • He said many areas had serious underlying problems which were overshadowing significant improvements being made to health services.
  • But the speculation has overshadowed that, and it also has overshadowed the wins and the great plays.
  • He used the Golden Legend, Huon de Meri's allegorical poem of the fight between Jesus and the Antichrist, Peter Comestor's Bible History, Rustebeuf's La Voie de Paradis, Grosseteste's religious allegory of Le Chastel d 'Amour, the paraded learning of Vincent of Beauvais in Speculum Historiale, and other works -- numerous and small signs of booklore, which are completely overshadowed by his illuminating comprehension of the popular side in the politics of his day. Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages
  • So no supporting struts, cables or columns to overshadow the trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hester is overshadowed by her younger and more attractive sister.
  • A feisty performance threatens to overwhelm some of her co-performers, but in a real test of her ability she plays her part without overshadowing the main leads.
  • This long-desired union completely overshadows the rather questionable marriage of Olivia to her seducer.
  • Some important stories are being overshadowed in the process.
  • So no supporting struts, cables or columns to overshadow the trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • The constant arguing also overshadowed the other relationships in the house. The Sun
  • The big natural arch of rock that overshadows them all is grimed with the dead black of smoke, and two great white crosses painted on the cliff mark the shrine.
  • To my mind it succeeds in evoking the excitement and interest inherent in mathematics but so often overshadowed by complexity and social fear.
  • Grand Central Station in New York is overshadowed by the PanAm building.
  • As for extra-virgin olive oil, I do use it quite often but its ubiquity serves to overshadow many wonderful oils like pistachio, walnut, argan and even grapeseed. Lela Rose
  • FRANKFURT -- The European Central Bank's meeting here Thursday in mellow Frankfurt will be overshadowed by the blur of Group of 20 protests and political faceoffs across the Channel. ECB Rate Cut Is Expected at Meeting
  • He birdied thirteen of fourteen holes but these scores were overshadowed by the events on the par three eight.
  • We continued, however, to ride on without pause and even when night fell and overshadowed the desolate wilds which we traversed, we were, as I understood from Mr. Jarvie, still three miles and a bittock distant from the place where we were to spend the night. Rob Roy
  • Sivaism and Vishnuism have overshadowed the older religion like a rank growth of poisonous weeds. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • In spite of every advantage of university training, and in the face of her bachelorship of arts, his power of intellect overshadowed hers, and his year or so of self-study and equipment gave him a mastery of the affairs of the world and art and life that she could never hope to possess. Chapter 23
  • The conventual buildings are strung out along a narrow ridge above the water, supported but also overshadowed by solid rock.
  • The tuna, salmon and yellow-tail sashimi far outshines the sushi you get in the ‘sushi and sashimi’ mix, as the balance is upset in the sushi rolls, perhaps by the taste of mayo, which tends to overshadow other small ingredients.
  • The court hopes that this film's quality will eventually overshadow its bizarre notoriety.
  • Has it finally dawned on you that your reputation as an entertainer - for the crowds and therefore, for the corporate moneybags - is fast overshadowing your greatness as a batsman?
  • I thought the accompaniments would overshadow the fowl, but the chicken taste actually crept through to add a complex layer to the international tapestry of flavours.
  • Black Nielson overshadowed them, with drowsy, soporific vocals, and unexpected twists and turns within each song.
  • Overshadowing the square was a tall hill topped by a crumbling castle.
  • Things start going wrong, bad news overshadows the good, the odds seem stacked against us.
  • Yesterday's bad-tempered exchange threatened to overshadow what should have been a constructive insight into the state of broadband in Britain.
  • The giant pole has been erected just inside the boundary wall of the ESB depot but it completely overshadows the adjacent town library and it towers over a seated picnic area in the immediate vicinity.
  • Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister.
  • Most likely, though, it's because he was overshadowed by the opening band.
  • Alain Locke's role as a general factotum of the Harlem Renaissance has tended to overshadow the full dimensions of an active and productive life.
  • The additional problem being the large windows which are overshadowed by the Gallery and so cast a flat light on the stair making it difficult to distinguish treads from risers.
  • The spectacle of the female medium in pain - a body often tied down, exposed in various stages of undress, or both - threatens to overshadow the curious display of flocculent ectoplasmic oozings and their iconographic content.
  • But the landmark could quickly be overshadowed by divisions in the Church over the Bible and sexuality throughout world Anglicanism.
  • But the report cautioned against "overconcern" about the numbers, which it said could overshadow the need to help policy makers address the problem. NYT > Home Page
  • Since then, Coco has developed into something nervier and the reggae has been overshadowed by synth-driven rock: comparisons with the Killers would be more apt. I Blame Coco: The Constant – review
  • He said the scheme was pitched below the height of Victorian Behrens Warehouse standing opposite and would not overshadow it.
  • The constant arguing also overshadowed the other relationships in the house. The Sun
  • Her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet.
  • Somewhat to his shame, private concerns overshadowed even the exaltation of the hour. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • Their messages to Russia should include stronger backing for the democracies of central and eastern Europe—natural allies that have watched apprehensively as their interests are overshadowed by Russia's relations with the U.S., Germany and other influential Western powers. Russian Reality-Check
  • The warning is against allowing the aftermath of instantaneous tragedy to overshadow the various ongoing crises that are ignored because the effects are stretched over time.
  • ‘You don't want someone overshadowing the President,’ said an official.
  • However, this victory for state lawmakers is being overshadowed by persistent stories of voter confusion over which way to vote.
  • Whatever the case, it's a sign of our miserabilist times that precisely the time of year when there is the most fun to be had is overshadowed by tales of gloom.
  • And as, once he adopted the nobiliary point of view which for him overshadowed everything else, M. de Charlus was capable of the most childish extravagances, he told me, in the same serious tone as if he were speaking of the Marne or of Verdun, that there were most interesting and curious things which should not be excluded by any historian of this war. Time Regained
  • She tried to imagine what the young woman was feeling - the chiliarch's daughter, once revered in society, now overshadowed by an outsider.
  • Possibly because of this tragedy rightly overshadowing all other aspects, little has been heard of the monetary cost of this misbegotten adventure.
  • The petals from the surrounding cherry blossoms were falling, as the shadow of Tokyo Tower overshadowed us.
  • The poor outlook and rumours of price cuts to drive sales of its smartphones overshadowed an improved financial performance after savage cost-cutting over the past year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The performances were somewhat overshadowed by a certain coolness between composer and librettist.
  • Our first mission: to open a new shopping centre (presumably some great carbuncle overshadowing Clifford's Tower).
  • I believe that a good film is always the result of team work where each one has a part to play and no one overshadows anyone.
  • There was no denying Ballylinan's superiority as they completely overshadowed an abysmal Rock performance.
  • However, deep rooms must receive a minimum lux by law hence the large windows and care that there are no balconies overshadowing them.
  • The incident overshadowed a day of disappointment and frustration for both countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Large oak trees overshadow the garden.
  • The rail chaos which has gripped Britain has overshadowed the forthcoming billion pound franchise for one of the UK's major intercity routes from Scotland to London - the East Coast mainline.
  • The rot at the top overshadows what some see as a bright spot in the banking sector.
  • The first was that the adjoining bungalow would not be overshadowed, either practically or figuratively, by the new house.
  • His reputation as a hellraiser and a big drinker was coming to dominate and even overshadow his work.
  • The caricature of celebrity-friendly religions, of course, is that they are long on consolation and short on anything else, such as uncongenial moral codes or an actual God whose own celebrity, celeb-watching snarks suggest, might occasionally overshadow the star's own. Undefined
  • Once again, however, while it is a strong female with both feminine and masculinized qualities who has saved the day, there is no strong male partner present to overshadow her.
  • But isn't it a bit of a stretch, even for TIME magazine, to claim this has "overshadowed" the Pope's declaration of the Year for Priests? Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • The architect couple also overcame the overshadowing by giving each home a green and grassy outlook. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if I add that Fischer has demonstrated the occurrence of haemin in yeast, all this is overshadowed by the fact that, chemically speaking, the pigment of green plants, i.e. chlorophyll, is closely related with the red blood pigment, and even derives, as Fischer has shown, from exactly the same parent substance, as regards the porphyrins. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1930 - Presentation Speech
  • Fears for the President's safety could overshadow his peace-making mission.
  • Even events of the most serious nature get overshadowed by the political squabbles that will result as both sides attempt to leverage the issue to their advantage.
  • Could he ever overshadow the 'indefatigable' moment with Saddam Hussein? Keep On Rockin' In The Trots World
  • Have college athletics become too important, in some cases overshadowing colleges' primary goal?
  • He became a recluse, and his rare film appearances were overshadowed by tales of his eccentric behaviour on set.
  • Though overshadowed by the injuries, at least there was one redeeming point for the Bobcats last Friday: second-string gridders got in some extra playing time.
  • We stopped a few times to photograph some of these views, especially the valley oases overshadowed by the colourful mountains, streaked with amber, brown, copper and deep purple.
  • Failure may not kill the President's second-term, but it will weaken it and overshadow successes in other areas.
  • Still, the display could not overshadow McKerrow's airy performance of the opera.
  • The bitterly fought contest was also overshadowed by allegations of voting fraud. Times, Sunday Times
  • In more recent years, Brando's brilliance as an actor was overshadowed by his eccentric reclusion, the turmoil in his family life and financial disputes.
  • But I probably have spoken enough of this element since any real depth is completely overshadowed by the comedy.
  • If a piece is too large or ostentatious, the rest of your garden could pale into insignificance, overshadowing all your previous months or years of hard work in an instant.
  • Körbes, normally luminous on the State Theater stage, here never seemed to come alive, looking wan and passive, and was completely overshadowed by either.
  • The actor too often overshadows the character he plays.
  • The bathhouse was overshadowed by the enormous, lanky scattered trees.
  • In the end, the question of why the campaign was initiated may overshadow the campaign itself.
  • Their proactive constituencies espouse approaches that their opponents claim overshadow more important issues.
  • Wekiva Springs was one of the nation's top handicap runners in the mid-1990s despite being overshadowed by stablemate and two-time Horse of the Year Cigar.
  • Put together three unrelated embarrassments on a single day and all the good that has been achieved since 1997 is supposed to be overshadowed and forgotten.
  • An interesting, if not ridiculous, premise is somehow overshadowed by a moronic script filled with stupid lines.
  • Her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet.
  • And his parents always caught him at the wrong times - and then there was always Quasim to overshadow him and make everything worse.
  • But the designer is a little shaken by an accident that has overshadowed her new collection.
  • Possibly because of this tragedy rightly overshadowing all other aspects, little has been heard of the monetary cost of this misbegotten adventure.
  • Not to mention that all this moaning and groaning overshadows an impressive comeback, the kind of gutty rally can build off for Wednesday's critical game against Algeria, which drew with Yahoo! News: Top Stories
  • The film's reception at the time was overshadowed by its extravagant cost (50 times the average French budget), but Les Amants du Pont-Neuf is rhapsodic cinema at any price.
  • The tall tree overshadowed the house
  • But success was overshadowed when he was accused of property fraud the day after his victory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the third man in the contest had been overshadowed by the megadollar donnybrook being waged by the frontrunners, the press had not forgotten him.
  • The public turmoil and the Bakken-Flowers win overshadowed a long-term trend in the sport: The German teams have caught up with and perhaps surpassed the Americans. - World Championships preview: Women's bobsled
  • Or do sucesfull polit enterpreneurs create meaningless cleavages over center/pheriphery and ethnictiy that overshadow the class lines in a way that allows the rich to rule both parties? Matthew Yglesias » Malapportionment Is Destroying the Planet
  • Druid leader King Arthur Pendragon presided over the festivities standing amid a ring of flaming torches overshadowed by a pair of giant horns, themselves lit by burning branches.
  • Mr. Cioffi's first essay on Freud, "Freud and the Idea of a Pseudo-Science," attracted little attention when it was published in 1970, partly because it appeared in a philosophy journal and partly because it was overshadowed by another Freud critique that drew a lot of attention that year: Kate Millett's "Sexual Politics," which condemned Freud along with many others for what she called his patriarchal bias against women. NYT > Home Page
  • The frowning barrel of his gun overshadowing. Times, Sunday Times
  • But one or two questionable editorial decisions overshadowed good work elsewhere in the paper.
  • Phantasia steadied herself and made for the steps that led up to the main entrance, overshadowed by a large, dark canopy.
  • The relatively recent recognition of the Sun as the central star of the Solar System has elevated it to a position of supreme significance in modern astrology that has overshadowed the traditional importance of the Moon.
  • The slide for oil and other commodity prices suggests a "disinflation" process is under way, as the falloff in demand from consumers and commercial interests world-wide overshadows questions of supply, driving prices down. Starbucks and AmEx Lead Stocks' Decline
  • Unfortunately, they're overshadowed by the recent trend which seems to derive its architectural aesthetics from Miami Beach drug dealer cribs and superpimp movies. Brownstoner
  • Based on an analysis of 692 binomial tokens from online corpora, we show that a number of semantic, metrical, and frequency constraints contribute significantly to ordering preferences, overshadowing the phonological factors that have traditionally been considered important.
  • He was an unhappy loser living with his mother, also a pathetic depressive, always overshadowed by his stuntman brother Cisse (Robbie Cleiren). Fantastic Fest – Dirty Mind « Geek Related
  • His recent death overshadowed the family gathering.
  • Her promising career was overshadowed by the doping scandal, when she was accused of taking a derivative of the steroid nandrolone.
  • The ballet slipper is a danseur's best friend but, in the hearts of ballerinas, it's been overshadowed by the pointe shoe.
  • But bust-ups with his leggy wives tended to overshadow his abilities and father-of-two Moore has lurched from one health scare to another with open-heart heart surgery and strokes.
  • On they went, and it led them straight to a great open dell, covered with the loveliest flowers, bordered with banks of wild strawberries, and all overshadowed by one enormous oak, whose like had never been seen in grove or forest. Granny's Wonderful Chair
  • Its dense growth is overshadowing native wild flowers such as ragged robin, marsh woundwart and meadow cranesbill.
  • The bridegroom overshadowed the bride in almost every way: he was the one looking like an oversized Jaffa, decked out in a bright orange suite with a gay, orange floral tie.
  • And then was she overshadowed [1954] by the enhypostatic Wisdom and Power of the most high God, the Son of God Who is of like essence with the Father as of Divine seed, and from her holy and most pure blood He formed flesh animated with the spirit of reason and thought, the first-fruits of our compound nature [1955]: not by procreation but by creation through the NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • That takes courage, and also we shouldn't forget that this account will also overshadow all of the good that they also did. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the other three novels frothy dialogue and sparkling wit tend to overshadow the deeper philosophical issues at stake.
  • He was an excellent player, but he was overshadowed by Jordan.
  • His business was overshadowed by fellow Italian designer Gianni Versace who made his name courting Hollywood starlets as clotheshorses for his provocative looks. For Roberto Cavalli,
  • This rip-roaring growth, however, has left other areas of archaeology totally overshadowed.
  • This is important but it can overshadow the equally important imperative to free some of the useful data that is currently held by publicly funded bodies. Computing
  • I found several stories, admittedly usually overshadowed by the tragic and heroic stories of Australian victims and survivors.
  • It is almost as large-minded and various as its outrageous creator, but will continue to be overshadowed by his legend. Pilgrim to Eros
  • Day, on the contrary, was amazingly cheerful, particularly when the sun shone; never troubled his head about what was to happen when his fun was over: on the contrary, thought his fun ought to last for ever because it was pleasant, was quite vexed when it was put a stop to, and had no scruple in railing at his rival; whose only object, as it seemed to him, was to overshadow and put an end to all the happiness that was to be found. Parables From Nature
  • Their business was still overshadowed by private arrangements between individuals, and the commissariat was to hold sway in foreign exchange dealings until the 1830s.
  • He was small-minded enough to think that a subject overshadowed him, _nec pluribus impar_. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 78, April, 1864
  • Social values and the promotion of a positive self image are at the forefront and for some, overshadow mere competition.
  • The city had monumental palace buildings constructed on a huge artificial stone terrace overshadowed by a fortified hill. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • It was an anxiety so consuming that it overshadowed what actually happened once the war came.
  • So bewitching is this exuberance that public opinion occasionally overshadows artistic instinct.
  • Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister.
  • Waddle is often remembered for his penalty miss in Turin and that criminally overshadows a tremendous performance by the former sausage factory worker in the game.
  • Olumer personally thought that Cadona, or Destiny, didn't want the Kings and Queens overshadowing her, but of course he didn't say that.
  • The conventual buildings are strung out along a narrow ridge above the water, supported but also overshadowed by solid rock.
  • The bitterly fought contest was also overshadowed by allegations of voting fraud. Times, Sunday Times
  • But such hopes should not overshadow any time alone to the extent that they lead to depression and lack of self appreciation.
  • When musicians become famous - or infamous - the hype can often overshadow their talent and technique.
  • He was an excellent player, but he was overshadowed by Jordan.
  • the tragedy overshadowed the couple's happiness
  • The upper part of his form, notwithstanding the season required no such defence, was shrouded in a large great-coat, belted over his under habiliments, and crested with a huge cowl of the same stale, which, when drawn over the head and hat, completely overshadowed both, and being buttoned beneath the chin, was called a trot-cozy. The Waverley
  • The play was overshadowed by the stunt casting of Madonna as Karen, the naïve temporary secretary trapped in a power struggle between two whorish movie producers, Bobby and Charlie.
  • Grand Central Station in New York is overshadowed by the PanAm building.
  • The achievement of the men's team was overshadowed by the continuing success of the women's team.
  • On one side stood an ink-standish with paper; and behind this desk appeared the conjurer himself, in sable vestments, his head so overshadowed with hair, that, far from contemplating his features, Timothy could distinguish nothing but a long white beard, which, for aught he knew, might have belonged to The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • A giant frangipani tree overshadows the house, which remains the family home.
  • The illegal use of public employees 'pension funds of was one of the channels for siphoning off money to political parties in the "bribes for vote" scandal, known as the mensalão, which overshadowed Lula's first term in office and wrecked any idea that the PT was more ethical than other parties it always claimed were corrupt. Home
  • The twisted (but compelling) mythology often overshadows the tremendous depth of the characters, but the two come together to create one of the best shows of all time. pts Says: Matthew Yglesias » TV Show of the Decade
  • U.S. officials don't want the spat over nuclear liability to overshadow other areas of cooperation Mr. Obama will highlight, including combined efforts in counterterrorism, energy research and education, and growing bilateral trade that is expected to reach $50 billion next year. India Signs Nuclear-Liability Pact
  • It was inevitable that the tragedy would overshadow the rout.
  • Whatever benefits the plant provides to wildlife are greatly overshadowed by the environmental invasiveness of the noxious species.
  • You will need to keep them relatively clean and make sure that they are not overshadowed by new tree growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had entranced me with the mere feeling of his sound, so much to the point that everything around me was mist, and every impulse which would have owned me was torturously overshadowed by the power of that capriccio.
  • Unfortunately, the questionable nature of this association overshadowed the validity of her theory of translation.
  • The attractive foliage of the latter is splashed with green, pink and cream and forms an interesting block of colour, which if it appeared later in the season would be overshadowed by showier plants.
  • The fear of nuclear annihilation overshadowed all others. Red Hunting in the Promised Land: Anticommunism and the Making of America
  • For Pat, who is 40, the first half of the pregnancy was completely overshadowed by worry about the amniocentesis.
  • His title was overshadowed by Djokovic's injury, but it shouldn't go unremarked upon: Murray looked awfully strong.
  • During the heightened moments of the film, the feeling of fearfulness is overshadowed by the stupidity of the plot.

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