How To Use Overseer In A Sentence
The overseer, a great strong man, cracking his "blacksnake" from time to time, to enforce authority, excited our strong indignation.
'Three Score Years and Ten' Life-Long Memories of Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and Other Parts of the West
And we buck intreat as good as designate a saied Thomas Russell esquier as good as Frauncis Collins gent. to be overseers hereof, as good as buck revoke all former wills, as good as publishe this to be my final will as good as testament.
Archive 2009-11-01
Plus, too many black children see school as a place where they're supposed to get reprimanded and putting black educators as main executioner; we're essentially fortifying centuries-old traditions of promoting blacks as overseer in the proverbial plantation.
Jose Vilson: Why Black/Latino Male Teachers aren't as Effective in the Classroom... Yet
In the morning, my mistress sent to the overseer to give me a severe whipping, for she said the homony was not beat quite enough, though very good.
Life of William Grimes, the Runaway Slave, Brought Down to the Present Time
The hospital was the parent of all foundlings admitted until they reached the age of 21, overseers and other local officials having no power in the hospital.

Looking at the readings from the Daily Office for today, I thought it would be nice to share St. Paul's words on this Advent greater feria about those who are called to exercise the ministry of episcope that is, bishops or "overseers".
Archive 2005-12-01
These experiences included assignments such as product coordinator, overseer of sales meetings, trainer of inexperienced salespeople, and task-force member.
He gesticulated violently, and delivered himself in short, emphatic sentences, interlarded, I am sorry to say, with rather too many of those objectionable expletives that an ex-slave-overseer may be supposed to be addicted to.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2 No 4, October, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
Specially, poor whites were granted certain minimal but real rights and opportunities, such as being "deputized" as overseers to police slaves.
Why We Need Black-White Unity to Save America-An Historical Perspective
He then sailed across the Aegean, replacing pro-Athenian democracies on the allied islands with oligarchies of Ten (decarchies) under a Spartan overseer (harmost).
3. The Decelean (Or Ionian) War
We also thank our area engineer, overseer workers, and FAS overseers for their help and support.
Who is here playing the overseer over white men -- who but he, who is throwing his filthy gall and assailing everybody as Northern Whig Dough-faces, and what he calls the vile slave-holders?
Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
Inanimate things, as a church, a hospital, a bridge, may be personated by a rector, master, or overseer.
Accounts of plantation life confirm that women gave their labor unwillingly and were a constant source of frustration to managers and overseers.
The chazan, or "overseer," in the synagogue answered to the bishop or "angel" of the Church, who called seven of the synagogue to read the law every sabbath, and oversaw them.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Even with an all-public panel, arbitration is still an opaque process," according to a source inside FINRA, the brokerage industry's bought-and-paid-for "overseer.
Phil Trupp: FINRA Proposes All-Public Dispute Panels
Q .3 Why recent convert is not suitable to be overseer?
Responsibility for identifying jurors was thus taken from the constables and given to churchwardens and local overseers of every parish or township in each county.
From the beginning the Press has conspired in perpetuating what the sadly departed and sorely missed George Carlin called the American Okee-doke, the pretty lies and comforting half-truths that our corporate overseers use to keep us in line by getting us to accept the illusion that all is well in this great Republic of ours, feeding us, as Carlin says in his last concert for HBO, "just enough bullshit to hold things together.
Franklin Roosevelt, Barack Obama, and the American Okee-doke
The duty of the board of overseers is to supervise the major institutions in major markets in the industrial world.
The powers of the friars were the fullest possible and enabled them to inquire into all matters touching the welfare of the Indians and to correct abuses, but they were not “governors” as has been supposed and stated by many writers, but rather overseers, charged to ensure the proper execution of the laws which had been enacted to protect the natives.
Bartholomew de Las Casas; his life, apostolate, and writings
Lehner speculates that the Eastern town housed skilled craftsmen, artisans, stone masons, quarrymen, overseers, and officials.
Sure he is the overseer of local governance, but he should set it up to run smoothly, and then keep his finger out of it.
Miss Pinshon and the overseer agreed in shunning it.
The overseer was asked to construct a frame ‘for ascertaining the proper form of the Road’ and the trustees requested that the contractor should ‘make a small Part of the Road shewing three different Slopes, when the same would be fixed’.
Then, by chance, an Indian sirdar — a driver or overseer — learns that he is a Brahmin and can read Sanskrit.
'The World Is What It Is: The Authorized Biography of V.S. Naipaul'
To incorporate the Montgomery Ouard Association of * the city of Boston; and In relation to qualification of voters (amended on motions of Messrs. Babson and Pillsbury of Boston and Dunham of Pittsfield, and the title amended on motion of the first-named gentleman to read ** Bill requiring overseers of the poor to make certain returns'*); and Resolves:
Journal of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Mrs. Robertson had been intimate friends when girls, in precisely the same rank in life, although one had married a doctor and the other the overseer of the bookbindery.
Katie Robertson A Girls Story of Factory Life
But a week later The Harvard Crimson called for her to resign as a Harvard overseer.
But in most of these past and present instances, the so called protectorate was receiving much more in financial aid from their respective overseers than the country or state being protected was contributing.
Louisiana Conservative
Of how the obvious justice of Brown vs. The Board of Education, eliminating de jure segregation, led to the judicial activism of de facto remedies and federal judges, not parents or teachers, as overseers of public education.
Michael Jones: Waiting for "Superman"
There were no slave uprisings but sometimes when they did not work fast enough or do the task right, they were "whupped" by the overseer and given no food until it was done right.
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Arkansas Narratives, Part 3
I had been working as an overseer of cattle for a few weeks and had spent the last few days initiating her into her new role.
It is another training opportunity for staff to work together, practice skills, and think of themselves as risk managers or overseers of camper safety.
Most notably from the perspective of an inter-Sunni breakdown in Anbar Province, which had the potential to flare into violence: after election overseers nullified several fraudulent ballot boxes, the party of the Awakening Councils racked up a narrow victory.
Good marse and good mistress had heap of slaves and overseers.
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves South Carolina Narratives, Part 1
Slavery was full of examples of those in charge—the planter, overseer, or driver—doing violence to and brutalizing someone weaker or more vulnerable.
Each of the smaller stories is as interesting as the main story, especially the one focused on Erik and his refusal to bend to the will of the Danish overseers.
The reliance on nature or fate to move a story forward - the residents of the village need the rain in order to produce crops and pay taxes to their British overseers.
Bill Thomson, whose reputation for pure, unadulterated "cussedness" was notorious in this semi-barbarous section, was his overseer and most intimate friend.
Winona: A Tale of Negro Life in the South and Southwest
At the end of this title, interlined by another hand, follow the words "_newly, overseer ... ignorants_;" but these words are also struck through and re-written on the preceding leaf, on which, written by the same hand by which the interlineation was made (Garnet's, as it would seem), the title stands, --
Notes and Queries, Number 41, August 10, 1850
Down the middle, by the ends of the benches, ran a gangway, along which three overseers paced leisurably, each with a tall, flexible wand in his hand.
The Blue Pavilions
As overseer of the largest mortgage bond portfolio in the world, the central bank itself has indicated it wants to steer clear of selling agency MBS outright, at least for now.
Horned Overseers can commit a suicide explosion.
In a manufactory there is a wide distinction to be made between to-day's dirt and yesterday's dirt; valuable results may be obtained by an inspection of the whole property made on Saturday afternoon by two men, such as foremen or overseers of rooms, who may be appointed to serve four weeks, their assignment terminating on alternate fortnights.
The American Architect and Building News, Vol. 27, No. 733, January 11, 1890
Pharoah is so impressed with the young man that he makes him the second most powerful man in Egypt, the overseer of food supplies.
He envisions a system of discipline imposed by independent overseers, inside and outside the corporation, with the power to say no and make it stick.
Miss Augusta had with the overseer on religion, and many other subjects; of one jackeroo who gabbed never-endingly about his great relations at home; another who incessantly clattered about spurs, whips, horses, and sport; and the third one -- Joe Archer -- who talked literature and trash with me.
My Brilliant Career
No one form of Church polity as permanently unalterable is laid down in the New Testament though the apostolical order of bishops, or presbyters, and deacons, superintended by higher overseers (called bishops after the apostolic times), has the highest sanction of primitive usage.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
After all, when you're a spy, what's most important is not to inform congressional overseers or educate the American people about intelligence - it's to keep your pucker.
It is the epicenter of the post-World War II international regime and the overseer of international peace and security.
The authority of the UN and the key position of the Security Council as the generator of mandates, the overseer of security maintenance operations, and the granter of legitimacy, was defended.
Southern masters and overseers used timepieces to ensure that tasks were completed in a timely fashion and that slaves were not malingering.
I was put in the tailor shop, and I loved it. I was promoted to overseer.
These were a doorkeeper, four seated scribes with their document boxes, an overseer and his assistant, and three laborers.
For some years previous to his death, he was one of the Overseers of the Poor, and was a fireward in 1784-89.
Tea Leaves Being a Collection of Letters and Documents relating to the shipment of Tea to the American Colonies in the year 1773, by the East India Tea Company. (With an introduction, notes, and biographical notices of the Boston Tea Party)
There was an overseer on each farm and what they called a riding boss over Nash and Edgecombe.
Oral History Interview with Elizabeth Pearsall, May 25, 1988. Interview C-0056. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
I thought of them, cool and rich from many punnets picked and rated highly by the matronly overseer, laughing and drinking in some city bar.
Can’t the congress see that this is just another fraud to erase a trail of responsibility and overseers, so they can continue to fly by the seat of their pants, and freeboot?
Bush Wants a War Czar: Will Congress Give Him One?
As an overseer, he suddenly found himself a person of consequence.
As an overseer, he suddenly found himself a person of consequence.
A few weeks later he advertised for twelve dogs and a working overseer to take charge of the rabbit catchers.
A long stint on the Harvard Board of Overseers immersed him in the inner workings of his alma mater.
Yet the general staff of overseers is small, only about 40 employees, supplemented by local officials in 94 judicial districts.
These experiences included assignments such as product coordinator, overseer of sales meetings, trainer of inexperienced salespeople, and task-force member.
The canal was indeed built by what amounted to slavery, the forced labour (corvee) of the Egyptian peasants being enforced by the rawhide whip of the overseers (courbash).
Flashman on the March
ALASKA WRITE-IN VOTE COUNT BEGINS NEXT WEDNESDAY - AP: The overseer of Alaska elections says officials will begin counting write-in ballots in the Senate race next Wednesday in Juneau.
The overseers were required to provide oakum so that the able-bodied poor could be kept at labor.
They knew that they would be housed, clothed and well fed whether they earned these comforts or not; so, in order to insure diligence, reliable men were chosen from among them as assistants to the white overseers; these were called "foremen," and were looked up to with respect by their fellows.
Plantation Sketches
The term pastor means in the New Testament, an overseer.
Pastor Henry N. Jeter's Twenty-five Years Experience with the Shiloh Baptist Church and Her History. Corner School and Mary Streets, Newport, R. I.
Rashleigh, who had never before worked at any species of manual labour, was quickly termed a skulker, and was obliged to endure a double share of the oppression of his overseer on this account.
Ralph Rashleigh
An overseer of Mochuda's monastery at Rahen had occasion to order by name a young monk called Colman to do something which involved his wading into a river.
Lives of SS Declan and Mochuda
I walked up to the building site, where I was met by one of the overseers of the workers.
One theme of these inaccurate descriptions of the assault is the claim that I had provoked it by calling Rabbi Seidler-Feller a "capo," an expression referring to concentration camp inmates during World War II who were forced by the Nazi guards to act as overseers over their fellow prisoners.
My Not-So-Peaceful Encounter with the "Peace Camp"
Here, therefore, is great danger, lest one of these jurisdictions intrench upon the other, and discord arise between the keeper of the public peace and the overseers of souls.
A Letter Concerning Toleration
The stern overseer would never have allowed her to distract the other children.
The kids had left her in the darkness, knowing the overseers would have punished them for wasting electricity.
According to Mr Tobin, a Council overseer spotted the black plumes of polluting smoke from the burning pyre.
But in South Africa, many judges are loath to be government overseers.
But one of the rifles carried by Fordham, was the German yager, short, and with a strap attached, which the overseer contrived to bind pretty close to his body, and beneath it, when he crawled; the stock being just under his left shoulder.
The Sword and the Distaff: Or, "Fair, Fat, and Forty." A Story of the South, at the Close of the Revolution by the Author of "The Partisan," "Mellichampe," "Katharine Walton," Etc. Etc.
Page 15 morning, my mistress sent to the overseer to give me a severe whipping for she said the homony was not beat quite enough, though very good.
Life of William Grimes, the Runaway Slave. Written by Himself
The trio has close ties to the National Security Agency, the overseer of U.S. naval communications files.
The overseer always went around with a whip, about nine feet long, made of the toughest kind of cowhide, the but-end of which was loaded with lead, and was about four or five inches in circumference, running to a point at the opposite extremity.
Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman Embracing a Correspondence of Several Years, While President of Wilberforce Colony, London, Canada West
And he set threescore and ten thousand of them to be bearers of burdens, and fourscore thousand to be hewers in the mountain, and three thousand and six hundred overseers to set the people awork.
2 Chronicles 2.
Further, in many cases temple overseers were laymen attached to other state services, and the necropolis workmen (a state body) were frequently given food provisions by the temples.
Beyond the transparisteel pane that crowned the gleaming monitoring deck moved a steady stream of YT-1300 freighters fresh off the assembly line, though not yet painted, and shepherded by a flock of guidance buoys slaved to the facility’s cybernetic overseer.
This Time It's Personal.... - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games
_Quinqueviri_ in Portingale, that in the interregnum were appointed overseers of the comon wealthe, and so hath joyned that kingdome to his, with all the ilandes, townes, domynions belonginge to that crowne?
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II.
And as we speak, Martin McGuiness, a senior figure in Sinn Fein, has announced that he will act as the overseer for Sinn Fein in connection with decommissioning, which is, again, another positive step along the process towards making the Good Friday agreement a reality and giving support for putting the process into effect.
Press Briefing By Jim Steinberg And Mike Mccurry
Overall, the railroad industry and its federal overseer have long been closely intertwined.
As overseer of the largest mortgage bond portfolio in the world, the central bank itself has indicated it wants to steer clear of selling agency MBS outright, at least for now.
But government overseers do not have that level of understanding.
Gone are the shadowy streets of Manhattan, skyscrapers blotting out the sun like overseers to the perversion playing out below.
When he had cut only a little, the Overseer entered the Judgment Hall, saying: "The two apostles tricked Jude and crawled under the barrier, and they shot back the bolts of the gate of the Chariot House and called a charioteer to take them to Heaven.
My Neighbors Stories of the Welsh People
It began on the decks of ships that brought the first slaves to the New World, where European crewmen gleefully joined the dances of their African hostages, and it continued on the plantations in the southern colonies, where masters and overseers were known to partake in the revelries in the slave quarters.
A Renegade History of the United States
These royal slaves, who lived for more than a century in a community without overseers, masters or managers, form the subject of this important book.
Jensen as an overseer and he brought some of his men along to help make trouble--damage equipment, spoil wine--things like that.
If their owners fled the islands, they fell under the supervision of an overseer often more interested in a good crop than the welfare of his charges.
A sharper editorial overseer would help chisel Randerson's ambitious but oblique fabulations into shape; such an eye might also have caught several typos.
Though they had no true slaves of their own they paid an overseer off the Bend to take Abel out neath a tree overlooking the river.
Prisoners appointed as overseers asked for the designation havildar, evoking police or military service, instead of the jail designation - daffadar.
They swore me in and one or two others of the … I was kind of classed as an overseer, you know.
Oral History Interview with Jefferson M. Robinette, July 1977. Interview H-0041. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
In bigger breweries, the brewmaster is an overseer and the day-to-day task of making beer falls to the brewers. rss feed
The man who conducts any business requiring labor and capital not only exacts an unjust proportion of the laborer's hire, but takes more than he justly should as interest upon his capital and as reward for his own time and labor, often amounting to no trouble or labor, he delegating to other hands, such as foremen or overseers, the absolute control of his investment.
Black and White Land, Labor, and Politics in the South
Meetings, and if unsuitable persons are chosen, the fault rests with them The description which Paul has given of a good bishop will apply to ministers and elders, for the term bishop only means an overseer in spiritual things.
Memoirs of Samuel M. Janney,
* "Many of these gentlemen-managers, as well as the overseers under them, contribute, in a great degree, to stock the plantation with mulatto and mestee slaves.
Journal of a Lady of Quality; Being the Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the Years 1774 to 1776
Why not some panchayat, a round table under the overseer moon, or a palaver by the banyan tree?
In some instances, with the agreement of trustees, an overseer might be employed by more than one local trust.
And after he gives them this charge, "Take heed therefore to yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God," ver. 28; all were but _one flock, one church_.
The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
The overseer covered beneath this energetic re-proof.
The Slave: or Memoirs of Archy Moore. Vol. II 163 p.
The evidence of tradition, however, with hints from the Bible, indicate the truth is very different: that Mary was the first functioning overseer (episcope, ie bishop) of the Jerusalem church, collecting and distributing alms for the poor and sick.
From the very beginning, we see that the role of the overseer is to be an involver and encourager of the brethren, not unlike the way Jesus went about doing things.
Guardians, encouragers, examples to the flock