How To Use Override In A Sentence
The vote fell short of the majority needed for an override of the Governor's veto.
If Amy weren't under guard, she'd be working on overriding the overrides and getting control back.
Having access to big portions can override our natural sense of fullness.
health considerations override financial concerns
It is difficult to override a deep-rooted cultural bias.
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However, my sympathy didn't override my professional ethics.
The Constitution of the Year VIII provided for three consuls, with a First Consul, elected for ten years, having power to override the other two.
I think about Donovan as a Redskin, and that kind of overrides any friendships," said wide receiver Jason Avant, who caught the last of McNabb's 216 touchdown passes as an Eagle.
Donovan McNabb admits there will be emotion in facing Philadelphia Eagles, but says focus is on Washington Redskins
Like all air signs, Aquarians carry the double-edged gift of being able to detach their reason from their emotions, allowing them to rationalise their feelings and override base instincts or lustful passions.
Is he a journalist for whom the principles of his profession override everything else, or is he a complete humbug who has lied to protect a source of information for a story which led to him winning an award for journalism?
If it means to override freedom of expression, then it can bloody well go on the record and say so.
‘This new system not only monitors and treats critical patients but it can also learn from the experiences of medical staff, who can override the machine at any time,’ he said.
I'm having to override some kind of lockout... good thing I bought that lockpick grist instead of paying my rent that time... there.
Even if he had some kind of weird pseudo consciousness it would be no more than that of a wraith; nothing you couldn't override.
The Senate voted to override the president's veto.
This suggests information from the visual system can override attention to tactile sensation (or lack thereof) from the hands, to create an apparently impossible sensation.
Michael says: cboldt: – the 2/3 for a veto override is explicitly in the Constitution.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Marshall Field v. Clark Preclude a Challenge to “Deem and Pass”?
The vote fell short of the majority needed for an override of the Governor's veto.
O'Brian killed the power override and the ship powered down.
To get rid of the overrides, comment them out of the .Xresources file and restart X.
In all but four of the interviews, the creatives noted that pragmatic considerations override personal preferences and motives when creating ads.
Also, list the beneficiaries on the accounts since the beneficiary designation overrides a will and determines who will get the asset (s).
Paula Bruno: The Untold Story of Financial Infidelity
For example, abstract, virtual, extern, override, and other modifiers are available in the stereotype properties.
There are issues which override party considerations and/or the mollification of an office holder's base.
Bi-Partisanship in a Non-Partisan World
The bill overrides a decision of the court, depriving those people of their right to access and to receive justice in that forum.
This can be overriden, but is generally a good idea since it helps you avoid problems caused by minification.
The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto.
The lead researcher Clifford Saper explains: The neat thing about this second clock is that it can override the main clock ... and you should just flip into that new time zone in one day.
Sections of the world trade agreement have simply been pasted into the draft negotiating text, ensuring that corporate freedom overrides environmental protection.
Though he was called the Galen of his time, and looked up to the Greek physician as his master, even the authority of Galen did not override that of the
Old-Time Makers of Medicine The Story of The Students And Teachers of the Sciences Related to Medicine During the Middle Ages
The Supreme Court disagreed in Wyeth v. Levine on March 4, 2009. By a 6-to-3 vote, the Court ruled that federal approval of a drug does not "preempt," or override, a state's consumer protection law.
His argument held water with the Senate, where an override attempt failed by one vote.
Not being able to hold in a hoarse laugh of relief the General reached out to the manual override sitting in front of him, the redness beaming invitingly.
And that has to override any ‘disamenity or disruption’ that may befall the unfortunate residents of Erris in the months and years ahead.
A special code is needed to override the time lock.
It overrides all conception, all preconceived ideas of what you think you want or need.
We can have a unanimous vote but the mayor can override it.
Times, Sunday Times
No manual gearbox option, but standard six-speed auto with manual override is superb.
Times, Sunday Times
If they were rejected, the automatic override button was used to compel their acceptance.
They say devices that would allow air traffic controllers to override the controls of a hijacked plane are close to development.
They do agree that the courts can override the power of testation but on what basis should they approach it.
Parents' concern for their children's future often overrides all their other concerns.
This is irritating, and it'd be great if the software could override that somehow.
Upon further thought, I have to say that it worries me that a governor has the right to override a court's decision and to decide someone's fate.
The Kansas legislature is likely to try to override the veto, and unless some legislators change their votes, the override will pass.
Enter a customised width for third road of junction. This will override the page Road Properties.
At the same time, Hals's celebration of the materiality of his medium is so seductive that sheer painterliness often overrides all other concerns, including the fact that his subjects are often blunt-featured, fleshy, self-satisfied types whose company you might not seek.
Picture-Perfect Rogues' Gallery
What the rationalist calls nonentity is the substrate and locus of all ideas, having the obstinate reality of matter, the crushing irrationality of existence itself; and one who attempts to override it becomes to that extent an irrelevant rhapsodist, dealing with thin after-images of being.
The Life of Reason
The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto.
So to say that a single sentence in the 14th amendment operates as some sort of compressed zip file that clearly and lucidly by its terms overrides whatever in the Constitution appears to run afoul of more modern ideas of the political compact is ludicrous.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Kagan’s New View of Confirmation Hearings?
One annoying problem with Vista's auto-elevation filename heuristic is that it overrides any manifests specified in the application.
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Opponents are unlikely to be able to muster enough votes to override the veto.
If it be birds that ultimately euphemize human death and decomposition in Silas' hands, it's for no other reason than that our fear of death, a fear necessary to life, overrides even our fascination with the death of our own kind, the deaths of the animals nearest to us in the evolutionary chain, and so on down the line.
G. Roger Denson: Holocaust and Redemption in the Photography of Susan Silas
Poignant, moving and highly original, it taps into the heroic essence of Spencer's paintings while at the same time acknowledging a collective history which overrides imported values.
The neat thing about this second clock is that it can override the main clock ... and you should just flip into that new time zone in one day .
Sandy worried sometimes that she had after all let her desires override her scruples, but Nika's own determination bolstered her.
It would therefore appear that the ensuring of successful pollination must override the importance of losses due to seed predation.
The two have different management styles with one trying to override the other by verbal aggression.
It is an awkward thing to play with souls," — you override the fastidiousness of the soul in marrying your companion.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
Most automatic fixtures have manual overrides should the sensors fail to function properly, manufacturers say.
Most photographic factors, from focus to shutter speed, have manual overrides, so you can control pictures of the children unwrapping presents if you choose, or rely on the surprisingly effective automatic modes.
The bill, supported by more than the majority of state house and senate representatives, barely failed to gather the two-thirds vote necessary in the senate (alone) to override a veto.
Emma Ruby-Sachs: Lingle Vetoes Hawaii Civil Unions, Threatens Tax Base And Equal Rights
The camera defaults to auto-flash mode, but a button on the back allows you to keep the flash off, or to override the sensor when you want to take people shots in daylight.
It is her ambition, her dream that once again override the need of people and the country, even her own party.
Schneider: The electability argument falls flat
The Senate had a sufficient majority to override the presidential veto .
So to say that a single sentence in the 14th amendment operates as some sort of compressed zip file that clearly and lucidly by its terms overrides whatever in the Constitution appears to run afoul of more modern ideas of the political compact is ludicrous.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Kagan’s New View of Confirmation Hearings?
So your assessment is almost certainly the case — The $$$ overrides the D&D …
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In 1997, he initiated federal legislation to override another self-governing territory, killing off a Northern Territory law allowing voluntary euthanasia .
However, overly strong, untimely or uninformed opinions and input that override a well thought-out process can torpedo the best plans for no reason.
Pavel was frantically pressing switches and overrides.
More and more governments are having to step in and override these magistrates who arrogantly refuse to take note of public disquiet.
You easily can override the built-in time command by preceding it with a backslash, as in the examples that follow.
It is that we allowed our competitiveness to override our common sense.
The Supreme Court gave business a new shield against class actions, ruling in AT&T's favor that state laws can't override contracts requiring that disputes be arbitrated.
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There is a £20 penalty for passengers who travel without a ticket or override.
- d using this you can override the default "dist" directory.
Sun Bloggers
Extended families that are incredibly tightly bound are really the enemy of civil society because the alliances of family override any consideration of fairness to people in the larger society.
Instead of helping to ease the situation, I allow my own self-obsessed feelings of guilt override my duties to a wounded friend.
Mass culture also seemed to blur social distinctions, override nation-state boundaries, and spread the capitalist marketplace.
Additionally, the bank would have to override and remove any bounced check fees or other debits from affected accounts caused by the error.
They also claim that aircraft systems were designed to override the manual cut-off of fuel to the engines and to continue pumping fuel to them.
Times, Sunday Times
To claim otherwise would surely be to objectify music and to override the anthropomorphic quality of musical engagement, at the root of which is the very possibility of surprise central to live performance.
So far they have preferred not to open the road at weekends and it is difficult to override their decision.
The ruling also does not override state proscriptions on funding to private or religious schools.
A player's desperation to represent his country can and will override rational judgment.
Times, Sunday Times
Dylla SJ, Muijtjens M, Weissman IL (2005) Enforced Bcl-2 expression overrides serum and feeder cell requirements for mouse embryonic stem cell self-renewal.
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The president had veto power over any bill passed by Congress, subject to a congressional override by a two-thirds vote of each house.
Only in one particular circumstance could the court legally override the decision.
He located the locking mechanism and accessed it, changing the emergency codes so no ship's personnel could override the room lock.
In both it was accepted that, where the matter was a question of priorities determining which patients should be treated first, the courts could not override the decisions of the doctors.
Typically in a robot film, the script eventually calls for the obliging machine to override its software program and run amok, wreaking vengeance on its masters.
The offending items were mechanical overrides, which permit the key to be removed from the ignition with the shifter in a position other than park and allow the transmission to be shifted out of park with the ignition in the off position.
The fire control system is automatic with manual override for both gunner and commander.
Can you override the automatic locking system?
The welfare of a child should always override the wishes of its parents.
Enter a customised width for road. This will override the page Road Properties.
I tried both the automatic and manual override functions.
Click on the Advanced button to override automatic cookie handling and better control your own preferences.
The assistant county manager overrides this decision.
You can switch from full-program mode to manual override for exposure control, and it has a built-in flash and nifty remote control.
In the crusade for civil rights, the federal government sets a uniform standard that overrides local prejudices.
Milieu is sufficiently abstracted from locale layout, in fact, that dressing and general staging may override specifics -- e.g. the milieus of two contemporary realist novels could be functionally equivalent despite the fact that one locale layout is mapped closely to Liverpool while the other is mapped closely to Glasgow.
Archive 2009-12-01
More complex systems have built-in overrides using call-in, occupancy sensing or reaction to out-of-spec temperatures that turn on systems for zones having special needs.
For those with specialist training, a manual override facility allows the programming of specific frequencies.
The Senate had a sufficient majority to override the presidential veto .
I feel that the County Manager will be forced by legislation to override the decision of the County Council and go ahead regardless.
Breakoffs and override have occurred without warning, under locally benign weather conditions.
His theological view would always override any purely political allegiance.
Times, Sunday Times
Sometimes, it is permitted to override the borrowing limits with the sanction of an ordinary resolution.
Enlightened Jewish physicians wanted to cooperate with the government and override rabbinic authority but were unable to change this long-standing Jewish custom.
Multilateral Environmental Agreements – WTO rules should not override multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) designed to address global environmental problems such as biosafety, climate change and hazardous waste.
WTO to be Held in Cancun -Sept 10
Supporters of these decisions endorse the view that unalienated genetic claims to children can override months or even years of rearing by the adoptive parents, as well as the earlier failure of the father to claim the child.
Parenthood and Procreation
The EU commission exercised its power to override British policy.
No manual gearbox option, but standard six-speed auto with manual override is superb.
Times, Sunday Times
Cook hearing the testimony from rasmussen and harrell made it seem like a veto override is unlikely. they both spoke pretty passionately against the bill. rasmussen less so, but it seems like he doesn't ever really get passionate about anything, so who knows. blog comments powered by Disqus publicola nerds
Five-Four Vote Sends Panhandling Law to Mayor for Promised Veto « PubliCola
Slipping back into old overeating habits requires a certain amount of dedication to consistently override the pain and discomfort of fullness, until you no longer register it.
But that's always with an override to the civil courts.
Times, Sunday Times
In a plenary session of the National Assembly, 209 out of 266 who cast ballots voted to override the veto, while 54 voted against it.
Once again this government is trying to override common sense, human nature and personal freedom in the interests of a policy not fit for purpose.
Times, Sunday Times
You are charged an access fee by your landline or mobile company and a low service charge by the override company.
Times, Sunday Times
Such a positive attitude will override any negative thoughts.
Why not to include an override button on your device.
Unfortunately, there are too many people who may allow feelings of revenge to override fairness.
It is, nevertheless, possible for the application back end to which CLE-I is connected to override this ordering.
I'm having to override some kind of lockout... good thing I bought that lockpick grist instead of paying my rent that time... there.
This was explained by the action of rare alleles of autosomal modifiers that can influence or override the sex chromosome genes.
By design, neither set of rules purports to override existing international water agreements.
Through segment overrides a data read can use any segment register including CS.
The force of the impact is so great that it pushes the minivan toward the curb where the force of inertia overrides its center of gravity.
However, he warned that gimmicks could never override the importance of the top property buzzword: location.
If automatic valves are used, they should be controlled from a central location and be easy to override with manual controls.
One is a draft bill that could override current tax treaties that exclude private-equity firms from paying a capital-gains tax.
You need to apply the stereotype only if you want to set the modifiers, such as new, override, extern, virtual, protected internal, and unsafe.
The final decision of whether or not the test should be done is up to the judgment of clinicians; a court will not override their decision, regardless of the woman's wishes.
The article also explains how to override the default file creation location.
Nice job by the mayor in burying this bad news announcement in today's headline that the city council doesn't have the votes to override his veto of the panhandle ordinance.
Deputy Mayor Fujii Resigns « PubliCola
We are unable to countermand or override the process.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
The reason for that Amendment was to override the English who denied armes to the colonists that were faced with the above scenario's.
Sotomayor says she recognizes individual right to bear arms
The Magloc includes a mechanical override on the left side of the grip.
And the few times I didn't follow my own path; when I paid too much attention to my label bosses, or let anyone else override my best instincts, it jus 'didn't work.
Jermaine Dupri: Let President-Elect Obama Stay in His Own Lane
He then spun around, realising that Luc could manually override the elevators and get up to higher levels.
Trade in weapons, moreover, not only overrides any kind of law on whom to trade with, but also on what to sell.
Every time I make a suggestion at work, my boss overrides me/it.
It took technicians over 20 minutes to engage the manual override as horrified friends watched.
The EU commission exercised its power to override British policy.
Did they love Gretzky enough to override their antipathy toward the Kings and celebrate his return?
To cohere, the United States must ‘identify and build a common culture that overrides all of our particularities.’
An act of paternalism, in short, overrides the value of autonomous choice on grounds of beneficence.
The Principle of Beneficence in Applied Ethics
At some point in the political evolution of the Charter, it will be worthwhile to encourage a more reasoned public and political understanding of the override than currently exists.
Despite some concerns, brake override doesn't impede a boy racer from using fancy footwork like heel-and-toe downshifting or left-foot braking to tease a car through fast turns or from pulling off those crowd-pleasing, tire-smoking, "brake stand" burnouts.
Track test: How does brake-override affect enthusiast driving?
It might contain an underlying message that overrides careful analysis discoverable only by the few who go through it with a fine-tooth comb.
If automatic valves are used, they should be controlled from a central location and be easy to override with manual controls.
Disillusioned, Grace physically harms herself to override the emotional pain from inside.
They also claim that aircraft systems were designed to override the manual cut-off of fuel to the engines and to continue pumping fuel to them.
Times, Sunday Times
Again this is a situation where you need to override an automatic camera and set the controls manually.
In order to have any efficacy whatever, a world organization must be able to override big states as well as small ones.
After bank security realised there was no way to override the lock, firefighters were called.
Your Honour, that would override the decision of this Court in Hoch.
In this sense, economic disparity overrides political equality in the information sphere; the marketplace of ideas has grown severely skewed.
Founders may lose their sparkle, move on or try to override the board one too many times.
Times, Sunday Times
No manual gearbox option, but standard six-speed auto with manual override is superb.
Times, Sunday Times
That signal would act both as a homing device for Migilas to find the particular landing bay they were in, as well as allow her to override its door control mechanism.
But he has subsequently interpreted that authorization to pursue terrorism in Afghanistan and other jurisdictions around the world to mean he had been given the permanent title of commander in chief in a "war on terror" that has no conceivable end, and no boundaries (it includes the domestic U.S. in his view), and that this title authorizes him to override acts of Congress, orders of the Courts, the rules of government laid out in the U.S.
Commemorating 9-11 by Impeaching the President
Yet, it is increasingly common for people to override basic biorhythms and ignore the biological signals for sleep.
In each case, motion comprises the work, yet the concept of motion and, often, motion contributed by the viewer, overrides the context and import of the original movement.
Ms Martin's dementia interferes with her insight and it may be considered acceptable to override her autonomy by reference to the principle of non- maleficence - the requirement to prevent harm.
The Senate voted to override the President's veto of the proposed measures.
The unspeculative, dogmatic type of school religion does not make an appeal to the ordinary boy sufficiently strong to override what he has found to be the most fascinating thing in his experience.
The School and the World
All custom configuration done in conf. d directory overrides settings in the default configuration.
Archive 2008-06-01
As he went to enter his office, he had to use the manual override to get it to open.
Among the guidelines are provisions for unpredictable audit tests and procedures to test management's ability to override controls in order to commit fraud.
Founders may lose their sparkle, move on or try to override the board one too many times.
Times, Sunday Times
It was the genius of those early scholars to be able to reconcile the apparent contradictions in the Quran and Sunnah by resorting to "abrogation," where certain verses of the Quran "override" earlier ones.
Lim Kit Siang
However, the override is given little chance of passing the Senate where 54 senators voted for the ban last year.
The party believes that Indian nationhood stems from a deep cultural bonding of the people which overrides differences of caste, region, religion and language.
Parliament would have the power to override presidential vetoes on legislation with a two-thirds majority.
A special code is needed to override the time lock.
From this, we can say that there are other values that can potentially override democracy in creating institutions for a just government — one of which, I would argue, is the value of discussion, whereby no policy is made without all interested parties saying their peace, and where those that govern are forced to make at least some justification to their detractors.
Matthew Yglesias » A Flawed Stimulus is Better than No Stimulus
Instead, their argument boils down to the contention that the hospital should have gone to Family Court if it sought to override their decision.
Their similarities override their differences, and yet in these towns race has become a divisive issue.
That commitment overrides any personal investment, making him an ideal collaborator for a field guide.
You are charged an access fee by your landline or mobile company and a low service charge by the override company.
Times, Sunday Times
Did they love Gretzky enough to override their antipathy toward the Kings and celebrate his return?
User makes no physical contact with the Flushometer surface except initiate the Override Button when required.
In the ticking bomb instance, does the duty to protect thousands of innocents override the duty not to torture?
For old hands, there's enough laugh-out-loud buffoonery to override any reservations.
Times, Sunday Times
The Senate had a sufficient majority to override the presidential veto .
Enter a customised width for first road of junction. This will override the page Road Properties.
He tapped away at the keyboard, trying to override the computer so he could use the thrusters.
Dawkins coined the term selfish gene as a way of expressing the gene-centered view of evolution, which holds that evolution is best viewed as acting on genes, and that selection at the level of organisms or populations almost never overrides selection based on genes.
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When a conflict of norms occurs, some balance, harmony, or form of equilibrium between two or more norms must be found; or, alternatively, one norm overrides the other.
It is also a powerful tale about whether a friendship can override and survive conflict, movingly and realistically brought to life in this play.
Times, Sunday Times
The principal question before the Court was whether FDA approval of a drug's label overrides
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The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto.
Moreover, executive power, able to act quickly and decisively, is often at odds with both democracy and liberal constitutionalism and is sometimes able to override the mechanisms of both.
The heating system has a manual override.
The moonwalkers were not opposed to increased use of automation, but they still wanted manual backups and overrides.
Every time I make a suggestion at work, my boss overrides me/it.
If automatic valves are used, they should be controlled from a central location and be easy to override with manual controls.
In order to override that, they intend to introduce a statutory instrument.