How To Use Overreaching In A Sentence

  • Your statement that the courts are reluctant to intervene is irrelevant since the Judicial branch was specifically created to serve as a check and balance against overreaching by the legislative and executive branches, and thankfully, we as citizens do have the standing to sue in the federal court if the Congress attempts to pass the Health Care “Whatever” into a law. Think Progress » Bachmann Accuses The Media Of ‘Treason,’ Claims Use Of ‘Deem And Pass’ Warrants ‘Impeachment’
  • The name Pat Cash still conjures images of a fighter nonpareil and of an untiring athlete overreaching physical limits to reach his target.
  • Pissarro does indeed seem to be overreaching himself in this picture.
  • She called the victory a resounding rejection of the policies of President Barack Obama and the country's Democratic leadership and of what she described as a "bigger, more expansive and overreaching government". Republican easily wins Nevada House election
  • Don't apply for that job: you're in danger of overreaching yourself.
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  • The from home business irena, capaciousness, film, and the perspective restharrow are shipboard polder of niche stormbound by a lustily overreaching druthers of fossil and we palaeobotany ugly the pharmaceutical superstition on that woodgrain. Rational Review
  • The from home business irena, capaciousness, film, and the perspective restharrow are shipboard polder of niche stormbound by a lustily overreaching druthers of fossil and we palaeobotany ugly the pharmaceutical superstition on that woodgrain. Rational Review
  • C.ristopher C. Healy, the chairman of the C.nnecticut Republican Party, said Republicans were justified in blocking what he described as a drastic overreaching by Mr. Obama. NYT > Home Page
  • Lurking there is the idea behind foreign-policy overreaching -- the anticonservative delusion that political will can control the world. A LETHAL IDEA STILL LIVES
  • When your muscles don't recover, overload training evolves into overreaching, characterized by fatigue, decreased performance and a recovery time of about 2-3 weeks.
  • Band standing because you think bobby is overreaching his authority or stigmatizing others will not stop lawless underclass types “stickin it in” others on da streets. Knife Crime Spin. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Please tell me if I am overreaching myself but my namesake is an ancient Celtic-Irish goddess, so I feel an affinity with her.
  • Witness clowns, fools, and fellows that from nothing are lifted some few steps upon fortune's ladder; where, seeing the glorious representment of honour above, they are so greedy of embracing, that they strive to leap thither at once: so by overreaching themselves in the way, they fail of the end, and fall. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 572, October 20, 1832
  • When overreaching occurs a horse may strike the sole of the front foot, as it lifts off the ground, with the toe of the hind foot.
  • Even the author's most sympathetic reviewers have expressed the opinion that this sexual encounter from beyond the grave is an unsuccessful instance of overreaching.
  • He had marked out for himself a careful path between the adventurist rebels of America and an overreaching British Parliament. Robert Morris
  • Civil libertarians and many Democrats say those powers are overreaching and have fought to have them rolled back.
  • When, in the early sixteenth century, Johann Tetzel jacked up the price of indulgences and even had one of the first singing commercials composed to push sales ( "When the coin into the platter pings, the soul out of purgatory springs"), he failed to realize that he was overreaching. The Market as God
  • The plaintiff then amended his complaint to add a claim for relief from the Illinois judgment on the ground that it had been obtained by fraudulently overreaching him.
  • And Rudy, shocked down to his adulterous Underoos, went off on a rampaging fit of Comstockery that made even ardent supporters think he was an overreaching jerkbag. December 2006
  • We who live under heaven, we of the clovery kingdom, we middlesins people have often watched the sky overreaching the land. Finnegans Wake
  • Let me point to one recent anecdote that to me suggests such overreaching is possible.
  • But how deep-seated is that popularity, and how long would it last in a 3-month pseudo-debate about “overreaching.” Matthew Yglesias » Setback for Public Option Revival as Rockefeller Says No
  • When a standoff between ATF agents and Five Points quickly devolves into a violent cataclysm explicitly recalling the 1993 fiasco at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, Smith critiques the horrors of an overreaching, inhumane government that cares more about avoiding bad press than the lives of innocents trapped inside the compound. Cathleen Falsani: Kevin Smith's 'Red State': Masterful, Spiritually Powerful
  • What was needed to make rule by the people effective was the addition of mechanisms to restrain those people from overreaching and destructively turning on themselves.
  • But the truth is that many who struggle to borrow the money to do so are in danger of overreaching themselves.
  • The comment Obama made several weeks ago about McCain's 5o years of experience was a snide comment about his age, but I think the McCain camp is overreaching here. Blitzer: Was Obama taking aim at McCain's age?
  • Forging and overreaching are indications that the horse is moving out of balance, either in the foot specifically or in the entire body.

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