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How To Use Overreach In A Sentence

  • Occasionally, the author appears to overreach his material to draw premature conclusions.
  • Appears Maliki is learning some very undemocratic behavior from our very own “overreacher.” Think Progress » Hadley Ducks Question Over Whether Rumsfeld Suggestion Is ‘Cutting And Running’
  • More should be commenting or reporting on the McCain overreach regarding Georgia. On TV, A Parade of Hopefuls - The Caucus Blog -
  • The latter was an example of overreach that made no sense from an American standpoint.
  • Could it be that the Parliament has overreached itself again?
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  • I don't want to use the term 'overreach,' " Dunn told me, pausing for effect, "but the broad nature of the proposed regulations, both in terms of who they apply to, this gigantic universe of people, what they consider 'children's programming,' the unworkable, impracticable standards they use in their nutritional values - that's the issue. NPR Topics: News
  • The real problem is that the rhetoric currently focused on the band either treads water too obviously or overreaches in apparent hipness.
  • Then her eating of the red apple was premature; she had overreached herself.
  • The people who sustain the worst losses are usually those who overreach.
  • Executive overreach is a fact, and the NYT is merely reporting the fact. Think Progress » VIDEO: Snow Lashes Out at Media, Suggests NYT Has Undermined Americans’ ‘Right to Live’
  • Even the author's most sympathetic reviewers have expressed the opinion that this sexual encounter from beyond the grave is an unsuccessful instance of overreaching.
  • Forging and overreaching are indications that the horse is moving out of balance, either in the foot specifically or in the entire body.
  • While Greenberg qualifies her conclusions, she also overreaches in inferring a political sea change.
  • His explanation overreached somewhat.
  • The comment Obama made several weeks ago about McCain's 5o years of experience was a snide comment about his age, but I think the McCain camp is overreaching here. Blitzer: Was Obama taking aim at McCain's age?
  • This sort of regulatory overreach is something people have to deal with every day. The Volokh Conspiracy » Richard Thaler Responds to Critics of Libertarian Paternalism
  • The honored role here in averting rhetorical disaster was assumed by Donald Rumsfeld, who expressed alarm at this overreach, and by Karen Hughes, who often checked our more blustery outbursts. Present at the Creation
  • The general response of the media has been to treat him as a ‘man of God’ who has perhaps overreached himself in his sincere zeal.
  • Let him suspect an officer of trying to overreach him in any matter of unauthorised stores, and he became as adamant.
  • For that business man down in the sharp competition of the world where duty calls him, to resist the sly temptations to overreach, to keep keenly alert not to be overreached; and through all to preserve an uncensorious spirit, unhurt by the selfishness of the crowd -- tell me, some of you men -- _will that not take power_? Quiet Talks on Power
  • RICHMOND -- The legal challenge to the nation's new health-care law was launched Thursday in a courtroom in Richmond, where the office of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II argued that the measure is an unprecedented overreach by Washington that violates the founders 'intention of a limited federal government. Va. begins courtroom assault on federal health-care overhaul
  • She be-knaved, be-rascalled, be-rogued the unhappy hero, who stood silent, confounded with astonishment, but more with shame and indignation, at being thus outwitted and overreached. The History of the Life of the Late Mr Jonathan Wild the Great
  • But the truth is that many who struggle to borrow the money to do so are in danger of overreaching themselves.
  • Usually when a great philosopher, such as Kant, overreaches himself, or seems to do so, we can suspect that there is something true in the offing.
  • What was needed to make rule by the people effective was the addition of mechanisms to restrain those people from overreaching and destructively turning on themselves.
  • He overreached himself, living out the image of a global media tycoon without the substance to sustain it.
  • You may be misled by an apparent flash of inspiration; and could overreach yourself if you act on it.
  • He turns toward home, extends his walk till hind far overreaches fore and every hoofprint is distinct. Peaceable Kingdom
  • When a standoff between ATF agents and Five Points quickly devolves into a violent cataclysm explicitly recalling the 1993 fiasco at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, Smith critiques the horrors of an overreaching, inhumane government that cares more about avoiding bad press than the lives of innocents trapped inside the compound. Cathleen Falsani: Kevin Smith's 'Red State': Masterful, Spiritually Powerful
  • His explanation overreached somewhat.
  • The aughts were a great decade for Canadian bands, but the backlash against this overreach is going to be tremendous. Matthew Yglesias » Canadian Indie Rock Supergroups Overreaching
  • But how deep-seated is that popularity, and how long would it last in a 3-month pseudo-debate about “overreaching.” Matthew Yglesias » Setback for Public Option Revival as Rockefeller Says No
  • Update: The point of my facetiousness is to simply point out that when societal attitudes begin to change for the better regarding race, it always seems like (many) far-right conservatives are waiting to seize on (or invent) anything that could be considered an "overreach". Archive 2007-10-01
  • He had to overreach in order to catch my hand.
  • Once on your perch, don't overreach or lean when working.
  • Let me point to one recent anecdote that to me suggests such overreaching is possible.
  • The US overreached itself on this occasion and was forced to take a step back.
  • We who live under heaven, we of the clovery kingdom, we middlesins people have often watched the sky overreaching the land. Finnegans Wake
  • China always seems to overreach or underdeliver," he says, pointing to a series of recent diplomatic tiffs with once-eager partners such as Vietnam, South Korea and Australia. China's Economy Is Set to Top Japan's
  • And Rudy, shocked down to his adulterous Underoos, went off on a rampaging fit of Comstockery that made even ardent supporters think he was an overreaching jerkbag. December 2006
  • You can read these mistakes as those of an overreacher - he's never run a large company, so why did he assume he could run Disney?
  • It's a role in which Sam West positively revels; he is perfect as this suave, grandiloquent and crass overreacher. Evening Standard - Home
  • Chronic overreacher Darren Aronofsky's relatively unpretentious follow-up to the ridiculous debacle that was Dallas Observer | Complete Issue
  • We're confident in the album, but you don't want to overreach when you don't know what the reaction to the album will be," Mr. Kurland says. The Music Industry's Summer Comeback Tour
  • When these errors took place, they seem to have arisen from an over refined system of policy, which induced Louis to assume the appearance of undoubting confidence in those whom it was his object to overreach; for, in his general conduct, he was as jealous and suspicious as any tyrant who ever breathed. Quentin Durward
  • With the fascist court having grossly overreached in this jurisprudential wet dream of theirs, a backlash is building that will redound against the power of corporations and that has the potential to destroy some of them outright. Think Progress » Corporations Speak Out Against SCOTUS Ruling, Call On Congress To Approve Public Financing Of Campaigns
  • The plaintiff then amended his complaint to add a claim for relief from the Illinois judgment on the ground that it had been obtained by fraudulently overreaching him.
  • Mr. Obama may be counting on Republicans not to underachieve but to overreach. Republicans Won Bigger Than You Think
  • The Dems will overreach" is the understatement of the year. Specter faces angry crowd at town hall meeting
  • The liberals 'overreach has awakened the sleeping giant known as The Silent Majority and they're suddenly amazed the American people aren't just dancing along merrily to the fife the Pied Piker (Obama) is playing. Obama goes to health-care battlefront with N.H. town hall
  • Hegemons have lots of power and because there is no countervailing force to stop them, they are tempted to use it repeatedly, and thereby overreach themselves.
  • Mr. Milburn was described as a vile Yankee type of miser and overreacher, who had plotted against the fortune of a gentleman and the virtue of his daughter for a long series of remorseless years. The Entailed Hat Or, Patty Cannon's Times
  • The younger artist, it appears, had overreached himself, causing offense to the dominating (albeit absent) figure of the Roman artistic scene, or at least to his followers in Rome.
  • When, in the early sixteenth century, Johann Tetzel jacked up the price of indulgences and even had one of the first singing commercials composed to push sales ( "When the coin into the platter pings, the soul out of purgatory springs"), he failed to realize that he was overreaching. The Market as God
  • Civil libertarians and many Democrats say those powers are overreaching and have fought to have them rolled back.
  • He had marked out for himself a careful path between the adventurist rebels of America and an overreaching British Parliament. Robert Morris
  • Here the craftsman's labor is a medium of likeness between man and the divine Artifex as well as a means of transgression that, when it overreaches its limit through an impossible copying of what is beyond it, produces the greater unlikeness of the hyper-mimetic hybrid as a secondary, grotesque creation. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Great England's Glory was thus already vulnerable as clandestine overreacher: and the suspicion that this might be so had already been brilliantly disseminated by Essex's enemies, the Jesuits.
  • He overreached himself, making border raids and claiming large amounts of land as his own.
  • He made an overreach with the blade, tried to hang Bogdan's blade with the quillon-spine on his and almost succeeded; but Bogdan's strength jerked the blade half out of his grip before the imperfect hold raked free. The Goblin Mirror
  • While applauding the direction he has taken the company, some analysts fear that he loves making deals too much and may overreach himself.
  • Your statement that the courts are reluctant to intervene is irrelevant since the Judicial branch was specifically created to serve as a check and balance against overreaching by the legislative and executive branches, and thankfully, we as citizens do have the standing to sue in the federal court if the Congress attempts to pass the Health Care “Whatever” into a law. Think Progress » Bachmann Accuses The Media Of ‘Treason,’ Claims Use Of ‘Deem And Pass’ Warrants ‘Impeachment’
  • Also, he tended to overreach himself by overdoing the glycerine act.
  • Victor's story follows the Male Gothic pattern of the overreacher punished. 'Mummy, possest': Sadism and Sensibility in Shelley's _Frankenstein_
  • At first the stranger laughed at my tears and my agony, as the hysterical passion of a deluded and overreached wanton, or the wily affection of a courtezan. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • I believe some legislators have overreached themselves in resorting to law provisions to safeguard women's rights.
  • When overreaching occurs a horse may strike the sole of the front foot, as it lifts off the ground, with the toe of the hind foot.
  • Witness clowns, fools, and fellows that from nothing are lifted some few steps upon fortune's ladder; where, seeing the glorious representment of honour above, they are so greedy of embracing, that they strive to leap thither at once: so by overreaching themselves in the way, they fail of the end, and fall. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 572, October 20, 1832
  • I am an overreacher.
  • Please tell me if I am overreaching myself but my namesake is an ancient Celtic-Irish goddess, so I feel an affinity with her.
  • Band standing because you think bobby is overreaching his authority or stigmatizing others will not stop lawless underclass types “stickin it in” others on da streets. Knife Crime Spin. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • He had to overreach in order to catch my hand.
  • When your muscles don't recover, overload training evolves into overreaching, characterized by fatigue, decreased performance and a recovery time of about 2-3 weeks.
  • Lurking there is the idea behind foreign-policy overreaching -- the anticonservative delusion that political will can control the world. A LETHAL IDEA STILL LIVES
  • He had to overreach in order to catch my hand.
  • They were forgiving, as they are always, for they know my history as an overreacher and have heard me give the same soliloquy many times.
  • The question remains as to whether, despite all the praise being lavished on him, he will eventually be seen to have overreached himself.
  • C.ristopher C. Healy, the chairman of the C.nnecticut Republican Party, said Republicans were justified in blocking what he described as a drastic overreaching by Mr. Obama. NYT > Home Page
  • Thus, with our embassy and military basing in Kurdistan, we’ll either be expected to defend the Kurds from the Turks (which could lead the Kurds to overreach in their interference in Turkey to start with) or we’ll defer to our NATO ally (which has a modern military) and stay neutral as the Turks pound the Kurds. Matthew Yglesias » The Zero Option
  • But the EU now looks to have overreached itself.
  • The libertarian wing of the revolution overreached itself, and is now fighting rearguard actions on two fronts: foreign policy and biotechnology.
  • As revolutionaries, we must take small steps of rebellion and not overreach ourselves.
  • Tighten your tummy muscles and bring the object close to your body. Don't overreach.
  • Gothic trajectory of the overreacher who fails and dies. Abstracts
  • The from home business irena, capaciousness, film, and the perspective restharrow are shipboard polder of niche stormbound by a lustily overreaching druthers of fossil and we palaeobotany ugly the pharmaceutical superstition on that woodgrain. Rational Review
  • Never overreach, lean out or away, push or pull a ladder while standing on it.
  • His ambition was to see his daughter Margaret marry a peer; but the overreacher was overreached. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3
  • The from home business irena, capaciousness, film, and the perspective restharrow are shipboard polder of niche stormbound by a lustily overreaching druthers of fossil and we palaeobotany ugly the pharmaceutical superstition on that woodgrain. Rational Review
  • Erpenbach responded that Fitzgerald repeatedly overreached in his efforts to cajole the Democrats back to Madison. Wisconsin Senate Democrats defend absence
  • Notwithstanding the secrecy of hazing, and the great care which those who practised it took to prevent being "hived," they sometimes overreached themselves and were severely punished. The colored cadet at West Point : autobiography of Lieut. Henry Ossian Flipper, U. S. A., first graduate of color from the U. S. Military Academy,
  • It is one thing to complain about government overreach from the stump, but it's another thing to read that before salmonella killed several Americans, "barns of egg producers were infested with flies, maggots, and rodents, and had overflowing manure pits. Heather Taylor-Miesle: Tea Partiers: Be Careful What You Wish For
  • Don't apply for that job: you're in danger of overreaching yourself.
  • The potential for overreach of CISADA's "energy" classification may be reminiscent of restrictions and prohibitions on exports prohibited in pre-war Iraq, specifically when non-weaponized materials such as x-ray machines, entirely inadaptable to weaponization were characterized as "dual use" materials, the only significant result of that policy was to deprive sick Iraqi civilians of basic care. Sean Penn: A State Department That Can
  • She called the victory a resounding rejection of the policies of President Barack Obama and the country's Democratic leadership and of what she described as a "bigger, more expansive and overreaching government". Republican easily wins Nevada House election
  • And the mummy's return to life always seems to be caused by some archeologist's hubristic violation of some ancient shibboleth, which, like Shelley's interpretive intervention in the 1831 preface, encourages us to see the story as a conflict between authority and the overreacher, between age and youth, between fathers and sons. 'Mummy, possest': Sadism and Sensibility in Shelley's _Frankenstein_
  • Benjamin does overreach with some of these connections, though, as in the case of linking shopping malls with the concept of space colonies.
  • While putatively providing the motive force for Mundy's actions, the anger finally overreaches itself.
  • Activism/judicial overreach is in the eye of the beholder. Sound Politics: Absence of Justice
  • Were President Obama to overreach for that kind of kitschy sudz-n-ammo symbolism in 2010, it would only make things worse for the himself and the Democrats. Jeffrey Feldman: The Lesson of the Lunch-Bucket Democrats
  • The company overreached itself and was forced to withdraw, when it attempted to enforce a so-called "super-injunction" against the Guardian, gagging it from reporting proceedings in the British parliament. Trafigura faces criminal charges over attempt to offload toxic waste
  • Companies that overreach themselves soon find themselves in debt.
  • In her clumsy attempt to parry she overreached herself and plummeted from the back of her horse, landing heavily on the ground.
  • Pissarro does indeed seem to be overreaching himself in this picture.
  • This time he overreached on the right hand side, and a sweeping slash gave him a red welt across his torso and sent his sword flying.
  • WASHINGTON - This week's elections around the country were brought to you by the word "overreach," specifically conservative overreach. The Seattle Times
  • Executive overreach is part of the emerging fascist state in the US. Think Progress » VIDEO: Snow Lashes Out at Media, Suggests NYT Has Undermined Americans’ ‘Right to Live’
  • The day came, however, when the authorities overreached themselves.
  • The name Pat Cash still conjures images of a fighter nonpareil and of an untiring athlete overreaching physical limits to reach his target.

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