How To Use Overpopulation In A Sentence

  • Overpopulation demands that no rational government provide economic incentives for further procreation.
  • Anyone who doesn't see that the oil, food and climate crises are due to overpopulation is simply not paying attention. Stay at Home Moms: Not So Many
  • The most moderate critics of longevity simply worry that immortality would cause massive overpopulation.
  • Right now the dire consequences of overpopulation is irrefutable, by just looking at the congestion in our cities, along with the ever growing pollution. The Early Word: Being John McCain - The Caucus Blog -
  • In a region of narrow valleys, steep mountainsides, and rocky ridges, continuous population growth and practices of partible inheritance over time produced overpopulation, land scarcity, and rural poverty.
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  • At least here and in most states with a ton of deer overpopulation is the most dangerous problem facing the herd. What does everybody think about Antler Restrictions? I personnally do not like the idea for many reasons.
  • I especially like the idea that waste, impoliteness and overpopulation become "abominations," although I'm not sure recycling one's aunt will ever truly catch on. Jasper Fforde discusses Shades of Grey, the first in a trilogy set in a future world recognizable as our own - but only just
  • Deforestation and desertification, caused in part by overpopulation, force people off of the hinterlands and into the cities.
  • Due to the exponential growth rate of companion animals, sterilization is a critical behavior that should be targeted in efforts to reduce overpopulation.
  • While I support the promotion of contraceptive pills, and think that having reliable means of chemical contraception is an important tool for allowing people to regulate their family size and for avoiding the societal and environmental dangers of overpopulation, I would be very leery of talk about ‘reproductive autonomy’ as some sort or absolute right, for men or women, because of what it carries in its train. Matthew Yglesias » Show Me the Votes
  • The Oregonian, the current possum count is around 60 million and, since there are no possum predators in New Zealand, the government manages overpopulation by using aerial drops of sodium fluoroacetate, which kills more slowly and can harm dogs, deer and other wildlife. Apartment Therapy Main
  • I strongly believe above all else that overpopulation is the most dangerous threat to the survival of the human race and the planet. Think Progress » Court expands review of ‘partial birth’ abortion.
  • Sarah Palin has five kids, so she doesn't think human overpopulation is a problem obviously. EPA Lets Miners Dump In Waterways
  • The Haluk almost certainly have a severe overpopulation problem in their star-cluster that's being made worse by eradication of their allomorphism. Sagittarius Whorl
  • Dorgan said geese overpopulation is not easily solved.
  • However, as the town develops rapidly, this hides serious risks related mainly to the overpopulation and environmental pollution.
  • Many believe that poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation.
  • Because of this, the evolutionary process will continue; the human race will ascend from the pit of apathy and greed and overpopulation and disease, and become strong again. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » March : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The single largest problem facing the environment is human overpopulation.
  • Outside of Africa and the Arab world (with the exception of Lebanon), overpopulation is one problem we are well on our way to conquering. Matthew Yglesias » Size Matters
  • Research in Pennsylvania, New York, and Virginia shows that forest birds like the American redstart, hooded warbler, Kentucky warbler, worm-eating warbler, ovenbird, wood thrush, and veery are all vulnerable to deer overpopulation.
  • Who knows what a bother may ensue from overpopulation?
  • Yes, Douglas, overpopulation is the major culprit. Join the Hunt for Super-Rice - Bits Blog -
  • Consideration has been given to gars as a possible aid in controlling overpopulation of sunfish and yellow perch as well.
  • Many believe that poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation.
  • Oops – sorry – yes – I now recall overpopulation is in the background of the plot. Bruce McAllister’s Short Story ‘Kin’ « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
  • The public can help by getting their pets spayed and neutered, which is the key to stopping pet overpopulation and ending unnecessary euthanizations at the shelters. News for
  • How can you divorce the issues of environmental protection and overpopulation?
  • Environmental protection Overpopulation in the Majority World has often been blamed for ecological catastrophe.
  • Overpopulation has led to harshly enforced limitations on procreation.
  • Habitat is manipulated to increase goose numbers and therefore create the excuse that hunting is needed to control overpopulation.
  • Many believe that poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation.
  • This paper offers a framework to humanely reduce the current surplus of companion-animals and prevent further overpopulation.
  • Overpopulation and rampant species loss are ‘unfounded or undue concerns.’
  • But the institution of the pope is steeped in overtly history-shaping doctrine that, in my humble opinion, has lead directly to planetary overpopulation. Duh pookie
  • A recent Oregon State University study concludes overpopulation is the single biggest threat to the environment.
  • Media advertising plays a major role in pet-supply sales, and may contribute to overpopulation.
  • The Irish would not allow overpopulation to occur again.
  • It is also stocked with books, maps, a series of telescopes and ledgers for guests to record distinctive markings of elephants, which are under great watch as overpopulation is an increasing problem.
  • Staff looked into other options and ways other counties have handled deer overpopulation and determined the sharpshooters were the most economical option, Knight said. - Local News
  • How can you divorce the issues of environmental protection and overpopulation?
  • Many believe that poverty is a direct consequence of overpopulation.
  • This had a double negative effect: slow growth and complete overpopulation of the fish ponds.
  • Environmental protection Overpopulation in the Majority World has often been blamed for ecological catastrophe.
  • How could the human race survive if everyone were heterosexual, considering the menace of overpopulation?
  • Hunters maintain that they provide a public service by reducing overpopulation among white-tailed deer.

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