How To Use Overmaster In A Sentence
Various sportive young matrons of his acquaintance‥certainly felt no overmastering desire to keep their husbands at their sides.
The first impression of all, overmastering everything else for a while, is the frightful, deafening din from the conveyor belt which carries the coal away.
Down the Mine
Aromatic logs would be burned under the windows of the rich to overmaster the stench that penetrated the city.
One thing, however, can be said with reasonable confidence: throughout his life Aristotle was driven by one overmastering desire - the desire for knowledge.
Add to this, great pride of character, so closely curtained as to be almost searchless to herself, with a passion for adventure and novel achievements, and she has in all an amount of temptation to poor human nature that can be overmastered only by strong conflicts and strong faith.
The Grimke Sisters
Everything is made subordinate to the overmastering dictates of war.
The life-story perspective reveals a common presentation in patients who have been demoralized and overmastered by circumstances.
The threat of death won't overmaster me.
It's a weakness of mine, I admit, that my judgment is often overmastered by passion.
Presumably they have all left their warm beds at the compulsion of some overmastering motive: duty, ambition, or fear of poverty.
They know that the overmastering intentions of the cosmos cannot be undone, but believe that down the line events can be tweaked.
Yet while under the influence of the Summoning Stone, I feared for a time that it was the Demon King himself who had overmastered me, for I could not sense Morlock anywhere… but I understand better now.
I dare not any difficulty in my study and life and once I encounter it, I will go all out to overmaster it.
Elspat, disdaining to continue the objurgation, or perhaps feeling her grief likely to overmaster her power of expressing her resentment, had left the hut, and was walking forth in the bright moonshine.
Chronicles of the Canongate
Yet there is one writer whose unmistakable voice will occasionally overmaster hers.
Sometimes she felt the overmastering desire to strangle her with kisses.