
How To Use Overly In A Sentence

  • Does the plain, unsugared doughy type bagel look alike surpass the overly decorated with hundreds and thousands and pumped full of sweet chemicals with optional coating of chocolate (half dipped) Tescos Express doughnut win every time? Rabbit Stew. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I love the way Sarajevans express themselves; it's a kind of world-weary, mordant wit overlying an amazing ability to absorb and survive great suffering. A Conversation with Geraldine Brooks about People of the Book
  • There was no crust of stalagmite overlying the mud in which the human skeleton was found, and no bones of other animals in the mud with the skeleton; but just before our visit in 1860 the tusk of a bear had been met with in some mud in a lateral embranchment of the cave, in a situation precisely similar to b, Figure 1, and on a level corresponding with that of the human skeleton. The Antiquity of Man
  • How anyone could have read some sinister intent into those views is indeed puzzling, and illustrates well how those damned Jewshow certain hypersensitive and overly privileged people who feel superior to the rest of the world are willing to cut their own throats for short term advantage by using unjustified charges of anti-semitism to point out how they take advantage of their position in any nation or institution who trusts them so as to benefit their own in group at the expense of that nation or institution. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • India benefits from democratic politics, but suffers from overly bureaucratized government.
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  • They occur when a layer of unconsolidated sediment is fluidized and transport of fluid and suspended grains takes place through overlying sediment to the sediment-water interface.
  • Frequently covered in zits, freckles and pockmarks, his character's faces are detailed in their expressiveness without being overly polished.
  • Not to be outdone, many historians came to consider scholars trained in economics to be overly narrow, inattentive to historical context, and interpretively reductionistic.
  • And despite the copious amounts of butter used to bake it, it doesn't feel overly greasy. The Sun
  • Besides cleaning up barf, breaking up fights and propping up staggering patrons, owners and waiters can get sued if overly-lubricated lushes kill or injure someone on their drive home.
  • Three overlying principles are central to the commission's findings.
  • A survey of small businesses has found that more than a quarter have admitted they made the wrong IT purchases because they were confused by overly complicated technical jargon.
  • It won't be overly swayed by the fashion to demand cuts at any price from oil groups. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the associated grave goods belonged to the fourth century, the cemetery itself overlying earlier field boundaries and enclosures.
  • The waist was small and tapered into a V, and the skirt flared out slightly, with filmy layers overlying the dress.
  • Her lashing tail was half-spotted, half-striped; her clothes overly big and just a little worn and patchy, like hand-me-downs.
  • Those wishing to breed the baraband parakeet in captivity should house pairs separately in long, spacious aviaries so they don't become overly fat.
  • I do agree out laws are overly restrictive now but anything to combat the increasing number of guns in circulation is worth trying Guns Kill People ( Shock News)
  • Admitting then that gneiss, mica-schist, granite, diorite, &c, were once necessarily covered up, how can we account for the naked and extensive areas of such rocks in many parts of the world, except on the belief that they have subsequently been completely denuded of all overlying strata? X. On the Imperfection of the Geological Record. On the Poorness of Palaontological Collections
  • Ross et al. subdivided the overlying Ordovician Ibexian Series into four stages, the lowest of which is the Skullrockian Stage.
  • In any case, their group is not overly onerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, anaclitic patients are overly focused on relationship issues such as intimacy, trust, and sexuality.
  • Conditions such as arthritis, gout, osteoporosis and fungal infections can all reflect an overly acidic system. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the pranksters don't seem like overly reflective types, and that's to their credit.
  • Not an overly religious woman, Maggie had some vague notion of a grand plan.
  • They're never overly clever with anything that they do, chord progressions and bass lines are hardly contrived.
  • That extra tail-weight partly explains why the Octavia feels eager to point into a corner despite its soft and very comfortable springing, making it a surprisingly enjoyable car for a keen driver, apart from the overly snatchy brakes.
  • He was the source of many jokes for being overly happy and ebullient.
  • All five sit down and begin an overly polite conversation covering such social niceties as the weather.
  • The entrepreneurial spirit and social innovation fostered by a market economy has benefited many, and should not be overly encumbered by stifling regulations.
  • On the negative side, the author's voice is too chatty and the dialogue is overly melodramatic.
  • Such profuse adulation of the rich exists side-by-side with occasional media trashing of individuals as overly piggish or personally flawed.
  • Reflection records over the main plateau reveal smoothly-layered, undistorted sediments overlying a relatively smooth basement surface.
  • There's no point in being overly snooty about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bursae are small fluid-filled sacs that serve as cushions and reduce friction between bone and other moving parts, such as overlying muscle, tendons, or skin. Arthritis
  • Three types of people live an unlivable life: those who are overly compassionate, overly irritable, or overly sensitive.
  • But as in other kinds of writing about science, it is generally better to be overly clear than dense, and difficult to understand. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • For the US conservative it is also inextricable from the abhorrence through which any “overly” strong woman is judged as a moral transgressor, in a vilely reactionary misogyny. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The muscle is incorporated because it acts as a vehicle for perforating blood vessels that supply the overlying skin and fat and that originate from the deep inferior epigastric artery.
  • While I have no complaints with his direction of this film, I wasn't overly impressed.
  • Use a beard to minimize a soft or receding or overly prominent chin.
  • This enzyme controls the production of a crucial brain chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) necessary for brain cells to communicate properly without getting overly stimulated. Medical Mystery: A Girl Loses Her Mind
  • This overly ambitious device is confusing and the action drags. Times, Sunday Times
  • You might remember me from such televisual classics as Funny-Shaped Vegetables, The Dog That Said Sausages and, of course, Get Britain Singing, with the late but not overly lamented Doc Cox.
  • I don't think that the Inland Revenue would be overly troubled by the meagre income generated by my merchandising boutique.
  • Few people would have taken the plunge to read it at all had they not been reassured that it would not be overly upsetting. Times, Sunday Times
  • You report how overly punitive drug laws are responsible for leaving many children parentless.
  • The current system is criticised for its reliance on overly broad classifications.
  • At some moments the soloist's rubato might have seemed overly attenuated, but it would be curmudgeonly to complain, particularly in the light of his ravishingly beautiful treatment of sequential passages.
  • I will also refrain from editing your submissions except in the case of unprintable language or overly confusing punctuation, so keep that in mind if you don't wish to look like a maleducated buffoon.
  • Sydney Chaffee continued, "I've gotten closer to achieving a balance between two extremes in my own intentions -- the extreme concreteness of many 9th graders' first intentions and the extreme flimsiness of the overly poetic, grand intentions of my first few years which were hard for me to know if I was actually doing. Meg Campbell: What's Your Intention This School Year?
  • Meals are presented in an artful yet not overly fussy manner.
  • Bones are obscured by overlying feathers, skin, and musculature.
  • After Jupiter went direct on April 4th, the ‘spin ‘intensified with many overly dramatized events.’
  • There was grain present, and some artifacts and pixelation, but it wasn't overly distracting.
  • It seems to me he was asked a very straight and simple question that he then chose to overly complicate.
  • A woman knew a good thing when she saw it - and that was a man with good career prospects who wasn't overly interested in drink, gambling or sex.
  • But if you have an overly sensitive radar for cinematic pomp, stay clear.
  • Thick, quite dense, not overly sweet and filling. The Sun
  • Thickness is not an entirely free parameter, though; overly thin components suffer from poor flatness or transmitted wavefront distortion.
  • He rarely turned work down and was not overly discerning about the quality of the productions in which he appeared. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shugart was sued by Lerach the first time for supposedly expressing overly optimistic views to shareholders.
  • The combination of fresh fruit slices, ganache, house-made graham cracker crumbs and "caramelized" milk is shareable and not overly sweet. Going beyond fish and chips: Againn will please Anglophiles
  • This fleshy digit is his security blanket, his best friend and sole consolation in an overly-critical world.
  • Too much sugar and it will become overly sweet and syrupy and too soft to freeze completely; too little, and it will be icy and hard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The park held an overly large lake near the south end that was always nice to swim in.
  • Where Brubeck does fall down is in his overly ornate arrangements, all painstakingly constructed to seemingly draw as many parallels with classical music as possible.
  • But other players who became overly anxious could find their bodies became too tense to complete smooth movements.
  • The style is simplistic, clichéd and overly sentimental. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ideally continuity systems will be positive aids that enhance organizations' flexibility without overly constraining individuals.
  • The very slow action and scene progression of Rainmaker may appear overly ponderous, but is quite effective in conveying the desperation of the characters.
  • He was seen as overly reliant on handlers and aides, and easily pliable.
  • The treatment is necessarily operative; cystic tumours may be tapped and injected with iodine, but the more satisfactory procedure, both with the solid and cystic forms, is to incise freely the overlying thyreoid tissue and enucleate the tumour. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • The overlying thrombus had eroded and perforated the posterior mitral valve leaflet (white arrows).
  • The primary danger of war was the irrational arms race and overly hostile relations between the major military powers.
  • In addition, part of your amazing sexiness is your monstrous computer knowledge - nothing says "Teh Sexay" like a sysadmin - so shouldn't you be able to clean up that dark, overly-saturated photo with a little Photoshop work? Trick Or Treat Or Bum
  • His films have been criticized for being overly violent.
  • The review panel criticized the payments as overly generous.
  • This is because fluorescence at this wavelength is strongly absorbed by chlorophyll within the overlying cells.
  • In view of that, the specialists pointed out when the social conscious overly strengthened success in just one side, almost every students had to carry on a heavy psychometrics burden.
  • Some of these are light in weight and can be used alone on hair that gets frizzy but becomes overly limp with more product.
  • The chicken fried steak was pretty straightforward; breaded cube steak that wasn't overly bready, which we like.
  • A conductive gate electrode is formed over a second dielectric layer overlying the channel region.
  • I suppose that the real body profile of female roadies is too scary for adds being they are either of two - mine - flat chest, thin with overly large thighs and chunks of muscle or muscle bound legs under several layers of insulation, endomorph. It's BSNYC! It's Friday! It's Fun! It's a Qüiz! (Now with gratuitous umlaut.)
  • This helps us keep Plasma from becoming overly "branchy" while respecting the time lines of each developer without keeping the release cycle meaningful in terms of being when we land and integtrate features, test them and get user feedback on them. Planet KDE
  • As a structural engineer, he draws conclusions about overly high chimneys, mortar quality, and roofing tiles.
  • However, while you are quick to overlook faults, the Thinker can be overly critical.
  • My notes found most of the tried-and-true performers to have made excessively weedy, leafy wines or overly extracted tannic wines.
  • She certainly doesn't seem overly concerned about it, mind you, even if most of her friends are hooked up.
  • The sugar high took me into the wee hours, and as a result, today I am feeling slug like and overly emotional.
  • The problem for must us "haters" is that twilight is overly promoted as something it really isn't. Twilight's First Official Photo and Why I'm Passing «
  • The adjacent cerebral parenchyma and overlying ependyma revealed no discrete inflammation or vasculitis.
  • Thin some stems out after flowering to stop it getting overly dense. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Lesser Antilles are the island peaks of a 700 km-long volcanic arc of 18 volcanoes, overlying a tectonic plate subduction (under-thrusting) zone. Pitons Management Area, Saint Lucia
  • I swear to you gentlemen, that to be overly conscious is a sickness, a real, thorough sickness. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • Frequently covered in zits, freckles and pockmarks, his character's faces are detailed in their expressiveness without being overly polished.
  • The general feeling is very organic, nostalgic and dreamlike without being overly psychedelic and retro.
  • Adam's Mini Rant: What's with the overly expositional opening credits sequences this year? Mega Buzz: A New Office Relationship, a Glee Showdown and a Dexter Death
  • It was fattish (Mike insisted it was average) and overly cuddly.
  • Perhaps I'm being overly picky but I think it would have been cool to have seen some deleted scenes or out-takes on this or any of the other films in the box set.
  • Luke had become an introverted, timid, and overly cautious lover.
  • Gone were the lavish decorations that had adorned the walls to celebrate their arrival that first time, but even so it was still far too overly decorated for Matthew's taste.
  • Shoshonite nearest the contact with the overlying flow is scoriaceous and, being less weather resistant, has eroded back to form a conspicuous bench.
  • If a break occurred in the skin overlying the fracture, it must be considered an open fracture, necessitating orthopedic referral.
  • Phases 2 and 3 seem overly ambitious given the present circumstances.
  • At times the book is overly laden with abstractions, but having squatted in refugee camps and watched Los Federales hunt down wetbacks, I felt it to be well anchored.
  • It could make overly cautious surfers happy but we land-lubbers better start coming up with some ways to stick our finger in the dike. Don Ringe: The $100 Trillion Tsunami
  • As a structural engineer, he draws conclusions about overly high chimneys, mortar quality, and roofing tiles.
  • We are angry because we are overly optimistic, insufficiently prepared for the frustrations endemic to existence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adams wears splints on his wrists at night that keep his wrists from overly flexing or extending, which can put pressure on the median nerve and cause pain.
  • Their interpretation of the attributional capacities of chimpanzees now seems to have been somewhat overly optimistic.
  • You can use slurries to thicken larger quantities of liquid, such as soups, but this can create an unpleasant, overly gelatinized texture; roux is the recommended thickener for soups. Ratio
  • Is the financial world becoming overly dependent on handouts from Middle East oil barons? Times, Sunday Times
  • But an overly prescriptive World Cup runs against the grain. Times, Sunday Times
  • I concluded that many historians and political scientists have an overly simple and romantic view of the political process.
  • This constant outer preoccupation and hypervigilance is codependency making in that we are overly preoccupied with the moods of another person and under aware of our own moods. Dr. Tian Dayton: Codependency Pt 2: An Incomplete Sense of Self
  • The makeup on the possessed characters is appropriately disgusting, with blank white eyes, and overly large distorted mouths.
  • The report suggested case workers were concerned about damaging their relationship with her by being overly confrontational.
  • The Treasury report, in my view, is overly optimistic about the impact of tax rates on sustainable economic growth.
  • It's good the enthusiasm is infectious as the overly polished, shallow action misses the point and rings hollow. The Sun
  • I think you're overly dramatizing; he merely brushed against you.
  • It's an often syrupy, overly sentimental movie that really wants you to like it.
  • The crab cake starter I had was dry and overly salty, and could have done with more mango and chilli salsa to go with it.
  • Touched by his affection and feeling overly emotional, I become hysterical.
  • According to this overly made-up woman, the least bit of makeup on us (as well as giving us cancer, in her opinion) made us harlots.
  • They trucked these, and many more like them, in from Hamtramck and they were tasty--yeastier than a regular donut and the not-overly-sweet prune filling helped my grown up taste buds handle the sugary richness. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Or we could find our military, intelligence, and technical communities hog-tied by overly draconian measures for protecting information.
  • Gottron's papules, violaceous papules overlying the dorsal interphalangeal or metacarpophalangeal areas, elbow or knee joints, occur in approximately 70 percent of patients with dermatomyositis.
  • Moreover, they are not overly worried about a pickup in inflation, even if the recovery arrives earlier and turns out to be stronger than they expect.
  • It's also refreshing to see a Scottish TV show with such a mix of nationalities, sexualities - without being overly self-conscious about it - and an ambitious range of locations.
  • One tended to see it cited mostly as a straw man, a cardinal example of an overly literal approach to literary theory. Tenured Radicals: How Politics Has Corrupted Higher Education
  • Would-be doctors had personality defects ranging from extreme over-confidence, narcissism and aloofness to being overly empathetic.
  • Colors are lush, rich, and warm while never appearing overly saturated.
  • The colours also provide a good grounding for what otherwise might be an overly white and glass space. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd been expecting the coaches to be ruthless, overly competitive, blowing whistles and shouting: ‘No, you useless toerag, hit the deck and give me 20.’
  • Video quality is uniformly solid, though some videos are overly bright, with some examples of minor edge degradation and color bleed.
  • ‘There is an overly excitable mood amongst the political classes, and the game is far from clear yet,’ says one senior government source.
  • Yet all of its military uses, from scouting to strategic bombing, had already been foreseen by an eager, if overly sanguine, public.
  • He hinted that his team could take both matches on the opening day but he said that he would not let his players be pressured by overly high hopes.
  • overly subtle casuistic reasoning
  • There appear to be two problematic assertions involved: first, an overly generalized, if not at times hypostatized, split of cultural spheres into The Kyoto School
  • She also starts suggesting that, if the looming lummox had an ‘accident,’ no one would be overly heartbroken.
  • Pangloss is the wildly optimistic character in Voltaire's Candide -- "Panglossian" is to say overly cheery. W.C. Varones
  • Given that the quarterback will be 41 at the time, that prediction seems overly optimistic.
  • Given that the quarterback will be 41 at the time, that prediction seems overly optimistic.
  • The plateau of Düzen and the neighbouring Zençirli Tepe (mountain) both consist of beige limestone, overlying ophiolitic mélange (a volcanic rock). Archaeometrical Study of Craft Activities « Interactive Dig Sagalassos – City in the Clouds
  • Rather than helping their children become more in-dependent, parents become overly involved and promote further dependence.
  • He rarely turned work down and was not overly discerning about the quality of the productions in which he appeared. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also claimed women were scared into being overly concerned about ageing by cosmetic companies.
  • (Not necessarily belabored or overly "academic" exegesis but some "close reading" with a lighter touch.) The Biographical Fallacy
  • A piglike animal was painted almost 36,000 years ago, on the basis of uraniumthorium dating of overlying lime deposits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another strong argument against the mammoth death-in-the-Flood hypothesis is that the Beringian animals are buried in unconsolidated surficial sediments overlying lithified sedimentary rocks.
  • They become overly sensitive to relationships with others and can lash out emotionally.
  • Part of this was a reaction to the bumpiness of the adoption process, part of it just a by-product of who we are: overly ruminative, insecure people. Freud’s Blind Spot
  • A disconformity is a boundary between horizontal layers of old sedimentary rock and overlying younger layers deposited on an eroded surface. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Served in the last Bush administration, a well-known conservative Republican lawyer, but not known as outwardly, overly partisan. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2007
  • As written, the proposition is overly broad and might have vicious unintended consequences the Legislature didn't foresee.
  • It does this without ever becoming overly dramatic or sentimental - a trait that many of Hollywood's screenwriters would do well to note.
  • But for each little detail neatly answered within the film's overly expository dialogue, there are five glaring questions that go unanswered.
  • So whenever an overly supernatural event happens, it's almost a distraction, rather than the thrilling surprise the creators were hoping for.
  • Hellwig said the reorganization is instead an attempt to add a level of performance accountability he said is mitigated by 'an overly protective bubble or shield around the office of the chief of police' that is regulated by the state Chiefs 'Responsibility Act. A police director, Hellwig said, would report to him, the city administrator and the mayor. Of Assemblyman Green, Chief Santiago and Thomas à Becket
  • The lesions were palpable, did not blanch on pressure, and had no overlying warmth or tenderness.
  • A socialism puckishly shark pleasurably agropyron in the san luis china is untravelled to cuneus any interoceptor overly the sweatshop, priesthood stare hal bedder unjointed this anemography. Rational Review
  • As those of us blessed with an overly health super-ego tend to be. Delia Lloyd: Make New Year's Resolutions (And Keep Them!)
  • Undoubtedly, there are those who will probably dismiss Adaptation as a load of self-indulgent tosh, or as a smug and overly-clever attempt to poke fun at just about everything.
  • It is immensely clever, perhaps overly tricksy for some tastes and, most importantly, extraordinarily brilliant.
  • Given the band's highly minimalist style, the tweakers are forced to use the subtlety and restraint usually missing from remixes, tastefully embellishing the songs without being overly distracting.
  • Within a couple of songs the whooping crowd are on their feet and unable to restrain themselves from clapping along, despite the band's reputation as overly serious. The Sun
  • The treatment is usually applicable to choroidal neovascular lesions that do not extend under the centre of the retina since photocoagulation will usually destroy any viable photoreceptors overlying the abnormal vessels.
  • Eden is more lush ( "lusher" is a word, but doesn't it sound weird?), more confident, and Merchant the writer finds a sweet spot between the overly earnest lyrics of her early days and the occasionally generic material from her later solo years. A Special Way of Being Afraid
  • If he was an overly sensitive child he has grown a considerably thicker hide since then.
  • They almost carry the film through themselves, rising above the overly preachy, unsubtle material.
  • I feel that most stories set in the middle ages tend to fall back on the archaic language that makes it more difficult to understand and rather overly wordy - the great exception to this being Ella Enchanted, which is a fabulous book.
  • Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the overlying interbedded calcareous shales and thin molluscan limestones is beyond the scope of this report.
  • But even I, someone who thinks the case for Jewish "peoplehood" is often overstated and overly nostalgic, felt Messinger had taken the universal argument too far. JTA - Recent News
  • Neither of my parents had been overly religious although Da had insisted on saying grace before meals and he refused to do any work on a Sunday.
  • All the associated grave goods belonged to the fourth century, the cemetery itself overlying earlier field boundaries and enclosures.
  • He gives Meade a full and fair hearing, pronouncing him competent if not overly skillful.
  • A long, overly styled blow-dry can age the woman it sits atop. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither Carlton or Granada seem overly attractive as a route into digital TV at the moment, especially with the main ITV franchises in their biggest slump for many years.
  • Although Cochrane v Deener (1877) explained a process as "an act, or a series of acts, performed upon the subject-matter to be transformed and reduced to a different state or thing" later authorities had rejected the overly broad implications of the case. The IPKat - Passionate about IP
  • Given an overly sharp razor blade, the shaver often cuts himself.
  • The sheer size of the project speaks volumes about the overly bureaucratic weight of Tokyo's government.
  • On top of this, there are strong winds, overly large waves, the occasional riptide and a high number of shark attacks.
  • Wondering where Brett was but not overly worried about it, Sera went to draw a bath in the luxurious bathroom.
  • Such overly sensitive people must be handled with kid gloves.
  • It's too quaint to be seen as overly nasty - the Clintons are trying to "bamboozle" you, not you're being lied to. Obama On Veep Talk: Clintons Are Trying To "Hoodwink" You
  • McCoy could never let go of his view of Spock as Vulcan, because as far as the large-hearted, overly-emotional McCoy was concerned, Spock's "cold-blooded logic" was a character flaw. Lance Mannion:
  • A guy who installs underbody neons and drives around with his 15’ subwoofer pounding 24/7 is probably overly self-assured and cocky, not to mention compensating for his inadequate manhood.
  • This overly long melodrama from the Philipines suffers technical flaws like poor dubbing, patchy performances and a meandering narrative.
  • Sure, there are potential problems and challenging aspects: Cancers can be overly moody and needy at times; Capricorns can be distant and controlling; and they can both be willful and unyielding. Virginia Bell: William and Kate: Star-Crossed Lovers or Soul Mates?
  • They are overly aggressive because of frustration, peer rejection and lack of confidence in the face of their poor linguistic skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • An overly heavy weight can take you beyond a safe range of motion, and that can give you a crick in the neck or other form of injury.
  • You let the phone ring twice before answering, lest you appear overly eager.
  • As highlighted in the film's ads, he gets his overly hairy chest waxed.
  • The black beard, for example, and the overly bushy eyebrows.
  • Hopefully, as Nintendo localizes this RPG for other territories, the King Arthur-like story is fleshed out not with overly stilted dialogue, but with fast, smart exchanges that keep us interested in the characters. Nintendo Wii 2010 Line Up Part 2 |
  • Features shared by the Lake Hope structures and many physical diapiric models are local ductile extension and thinning of the overburden overlying anticlinal ridges of the active boundary.
  • This movie doesn't begin to understand what movies are all about, and uses race and race baiting as a means of telling an overly tepid tale about street justice.
  • Finally, mangrove vegetation recolonized the area and the overlying soil developed.

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