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How To Use Overlord In A Sentence

  • We really don't want to be the overlords of the Palestinian population.
  • Where the Sumerian tale presents the deluge as the work of an intemperate overlord whose attitude to humanity is far from benevolent, whose might may not be right, and offers an ethical opposition to him in figure of a merciful intercessor, the Biblical tale ultimately sanctions the genocidal destruction of most of humanity by ascribing it to a God whose wisdom, justice and mercy are presented as unquestionable. Creative Control - Part 4
  • Fardohnya will become the Overlord's through the ascension of a Karien king to the throne. TREASON KEEP
  • We really don't want to be the overlords of the Palestinian population.
  • Taking Medalon was not going to be easy, despite the Kariens ' numerical superiority and the much-talked-about blessing of the Overlord. TREASON KEEP
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  • There had been a storm, though, I think, and the ship had run aground on an island ruled by some sort of nasty feudal overlord.
  • It's the same way I often have to leave the house when we have someone come by and clean for us - I feel guilty just sitting there like some imperialist overlord, watching them work.
  • Escape from evil overlord is the name of the game here, with a bit of bondage and gunplay. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Indeed, the importance of having a free and fair press in an online world dominated by corporate overlords shows how deeply players are invested in their virtual existence
  • Fortunately, reason prevailed, the feudal overlords decamped, and no-one (apart from an unfortunate Indonesian border policeman) was killed.
  • Much later, during the mid-1800s, Kathak had a renaissance and gained prominence among the kings and feudal overlords not only as a form of entertainment but also as a classical art form.
  • The Overlord was truly omnipotent, just like the priests said. TREASON KEEP
  • Rhodry allowed himself a small smile as the two parted company, Matyc to greet his overlord, Yraen to stroll down and join Rhodry. A TIME OF WAR
  • We worship our newly enlarged, all powerful, democratically elected mayoral overlord.
  • Perhaps it was the Overlord's way of sparing him a life of forced labour. TREASON KEEP
  • Even fighting for the glory of the Overlord starts to pale when it's costing you money and there's no plunder in sight. TREASON KEEP
  • You view your employer more as an equal and you begin to think of ways that you can add value to your services instead of thinking of ways to wheedle more benefits from your feudal overlord.
  • They have gone from being lippy underdogs to tubby overlords in less than a decade and are now part of the establishment to which they once posed a potent challenge.
  • * Caught in this estrogen centrifuge is "Zack" - Dane Cook - pawn of corporate overlords and oppressed caricature of Everyman who toils beneath the yoke of an insufficient hourly wage. Nothing to report today.
  • The bad news is that Gowdy is a rock-ribbed conservative from the home state of infamous District overlord Rep. John L. McMillan D. DeMorning DeBonis: Jan. 18, 2011
  • At the same establishment the kitchen staff would get the front of house staff to sneak them cappucini and beers from the bar, which was strictly forbidden by the 'pubco' overlords. blaircooper 5 September 2011 11:36AM The Guardian World News
  • He traced the origins of the Order in Ireland back to their arrival with their Anglo-Norman overlords and patrons in the twelfth century.
  • He handles a lot of the hard stuff like actually wrangling contracts with venues and hotels, dealing directly with pretty much all of the 200 or so exhibitors, and just generally overlording it. Talking Comics with Tim: Dustin Harbin | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • You're new at this whole overlording business, and so you'd better take a tip from me - APED: "overlording"
  • Richard the Fearless, had built nearly a hundred years before -- new trouble threatened him, as word came that King Henry of France, the "suzerain," or overlord of Normandy, deeming his authority not sufficiently honored in his Norman fief, had invaded the boy's territories, and with a strong force was besieging the border castle of Tillieres, [H] scarce fifty miles to the south. Historic Boys Their Endeavours, Their Achievements, and Their Times
  • Vast tracts were unpopulated, roads were extensive, but easy for brigands or local overlords to cut or tax, and often impassable in the wet season.
  • Little Malcolm won the Silver Bear at Berlin in 1974 Cooper's next movie, the sombre and chastening Overlord, won another Silver Bear in 1975, and the post-ceremonial bacchanals were memorable indeed. Eunarchy in the UK: George Harrison's first movie
  • They hopped off across the limonite sand, forgetting the Overlord game, racing to meet the falling thing. Covergent Series
  • Rather than flaunting his authority, he is more of a learned peer, and beer drinker, than overlord.
  • Furthermore, there was no Atlantic interference, proving that a major label debut need not sound like a hit-machine product, and a major label band need not kneel before their corporate overlords.
  • The expansion of the Nanny State, which eventually turns not into democracy, which was the goal of socialization and "egalite", but rather a docile and cowed populace the overlords treat as their wards and thus their .... children. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • You can't unteach him, R'shiel, and he's done the Overlord's bidding. HARSHINI
  • It is possible that the Senoussi tribe will emerge from Benghazi's chaos and reassert its historic overlordship of eastern Libya. Eric Margolis: After Bombing Libya, What Now?
  • Weakened by warfare, imported diseases and the excessive demands of their overlords, they were obliged in the end to submit.
  • Reforming Senate apportionment is impossible until the current constitution is scrapped by our Chinese overlords. Matthew Yglesias » Ungovernable America
  • Weakened by warfare, imported diseases and the excessive demands of their overlords, they were obliged in the end to submit.
  • The grant of the lordship of Ireland could be interpreted as leaving the papacy as ultimate feudal overlord and thus make possible a native appeal against the king of England.
  • As for right now, Eastern Standard Time has left us — migrating over one time zone arena. grin Until our new Daylight Savings Times overlords allow things to go back to kilter, that is. Things I’m Learning About Traveling « Whatever
  • The anti-hero this time around is Lord Zetta, a brazen, arrogant jerk of an overlord who inadvertently destroys his own netherworld and ends up getting trapped inside a book.
  • His position once secured (which took some years), his conduct in all the kingdoms except Northumbria and Wessex seems to have been more that of a direct ruler than a remote overlord.
  • Rhodry allowed himself a small smile as the two parted company, Matyc to greet his overlord, Yraen to stroll down and join Rhodry. A TIME OF WAR
  • Hanoverian flag bearing the one figure of a snow-white charger; and the great Austrian Empire, Caesarian, heir to overlording Rome, having for the imperial color the same imperial hue; and though this pre-eminence in it applies to the human race itself, giving the white man ideal mastership over every dusky tribe; and though, besides, all this, whiteness has been even made significant of gladness, for among the Romans a white stone marked Moby Dick: or, the White Whale
  • I am sure the Overlord will look most kindly on your character. TREASON KEEP
  • All the RNVR surgeons have gone off on 'Overlord' and there was an American Army doctor there, a Captain Ruttenberg, quite a young fair-haired man. The Breaking Wave
  • He must do homage to Philip for his lands in Normandy and Anjou, accept Philip as his overlord. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • We really don't want to be the overlords of the Palestinian population.
  • The brainchildren of musical theater legend Andrew Lloyd Webber, who appeared on both as overlord and master judge, these shows were talent contests that offered as grand prizes starring roles in the recent West End productions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and The Sound of Music, respectively. "Supernatural," "The Middle," "Attack of the Show," "The Real World" and More: The Top 10 List You Won't See Anywhere Else, 2009 Edition - Ed Martin - MediaBizBloggers
  • The airport's colorful and undeniably creepy diptych murals depicting things such as a gas-mask wearing Gestapo officer impaling a dove with his saber, and three dead women in coffins, don't help quell the rumors that DIA is some kind of grand mystic lodge for the reptilian overlords who secretly run everything. Boing Boing
  • He sounds great on his track, so does Justin Timbaland, er, Timberlake on "Carry Out," and Jet on "Timothy Where You Been" (how could they not with Mista Land overlording?). Mike Ragogna: HuffPost Reviews : Snoop Dogg, Timbaland, Clipse, and Chris Brown, Plus an Interview With Papa Roach on World Hunger Year
  • Based on the Lope de Vega play Fuenteovejuna, about a Spanish village that rises against its tyrannical overlord, the ballet harks back to old peasant ballets from the previous century: cue larky drinking dances, cute lovers and comic village elders that could have come straight out of Coppélia or Don Quixote. Mikhailovsky Ballet: Laurencia
  • We have now arrived at the commencement of the long dispute about the "overlordship". An Outline of the Relations between England and Scotland (500-1707)
  • In 1163, he attempted to firmly define his rights as feudal overlord of the Welsh princes by demanding oaths of vassalage from them at the Council of Woodstock.
  • That partly explains why they were remarkably compliant toward the foreign overlords and receptive to what they taught
  • This is exactly how evil overlords laugh and I know how to spell it due to my illustrious television writing career.
  • The running of Welsh rugby was left in chaos yesterday after a vote of no confidence in the game's overlords.
  • Events in Greece during Alexander's Asian expedition show how closely the history of the Greek city-state under Macedonian overlordship related to the history of the classical city-state.
  • Then turn the bits and pieces that remain over to whatever corporate overlord is paying your tab. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » 1.4 Billion
  • A feudal magnate could exercise more power over his tenants than the king who was his overlord.
  • Knighthood was conferred by the overlord with the accolade.
  • As Lance already explained, he did not say $27/hr is a third world wage; he said third world wages is what our capitalist overlords WANT to pay us. The real road to serfdom
  • Their Munich-based overlords have tried in desperation to impose sanctions on both players and officials, ordering national associations to banish what they regard as defectors to an unauthorised competition.
  • It continues an old imperialism, unreflectively enjoying its discursive overlordship over South Asia by presenting India and Pakistan as "rivals," as if that is what a billion and a half people think of all the time. Vamsee Juluri: How the West Lost Us: A Critique of Media Coverage of the Mumbai Attacks
  • We must not catch the bad habit of "acting as overlords".
  • Taking Medalon was not going to be easy, despite the Kariens ' numerical superiority and the much-talked-about blessing of the Overlord. TREASON KEEP
  • He was overlord of vast lands hereabouts, the only earl south-east of Forth, feudal superior over many lordships and baronies.
  • For a modest rent, the holders of these burgages, the burgesses, became free men, and were released from any feudal services to an overlord.
  • He took Angevin power to its zenith and made himself overlord of Ireland with a campaign in 1171, gaining the loyalty of important Irish rulers and establishing Normans as his lieges in Leinster.
  • But by all rights the lands of a lord who loses a trial by combat are forfeit, to be reassigned by his overlord. A TIME OF WAR
  • Johnson peppered Swing with demands for background information about the Imperial Valley, “particularly ... the hold of the banks and the tyranny of those who hold the mortgages, the newspaper ownership, the Chandler overlordship, etc.” Colossus
  • William inherited a financial system which brought him the income from royal lands, the revenues from justice, and his dues as overlord.
  • Harry's number one mistress is the sister of a Red Phoenix overlord. JADE ISLAND
  • The evolutionary isolationism for a pug is stricter than that of the human races, but if you were some alien overlord shopping for a pet human, it would find “white” humans, “black” humans, “yellow” humans (an Asian called himself this to me in conversation, so I guess it’s ok). The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • We’ll all dance when Dick Cheney, evil overlord, is FINALLY CHARGED with lying to a Grand Jury and has to resign. Think Progress » 35 percent approval rating
  • During the last weeks of Martin's wooing, she had withdrawn herself a little from the business of the farm into a kind of overlordship, from which she was far more free to detach herself than from personal service. Joanna Godden
  • Harry's number one mistress is the sister of a Red Phoenix overlord. JADE ISLAND
  • Although English kings traditionally claimed an overall supremacy here, they had done little to transform that ill-defined overlordship into lasting military and administrative control.
  • That's supposedly the day that you colonial types won your freedom from us cruel European overlords.
  • The running of Welsh rugby was left in chaos yesterday after a vote of no confidence in the game's overlords.
  • “If Herr Hitler was prepared to make peace on the terms of the restoration of German colonies and the overlordship of Central Europe, that was one thing,” he soothed. BARGAINING WITH THE DEVIL
  • You can't unteach him, R'shiel, and he's done the Overlord's bidding. HARSHINI
  • You can guess, however, that all this warring of rifles and bowstrings, this influx of overlording whites, had made game wilder and hunters fearful of being hunted. The Land of Little Rain
  • Karimov ordered the "Pardon" because of his alliance with Usmanov's mentor, Uzbek mafia boss and major international heroin overlord Gafur Rakimov. Archive 2007-09-23
  • Regret about the abolition of droit de seigneur and the right of feudal overlords to flog peasants may be comic, but it is hardly an interesting political philosophy.
  • I'm so stoked to hear that government agencies are spying on us for our corporate overlords!
  • The pope went on in 1303 to confirm the disputed choice of Albert of Hapsburg as Holy Roman Emperor and announce that the emperor was overlord of all other rulers, including the king of France.
  • It's like it's been programmed into my skull and some mysterious overlord is controlling my actions.
  • It is true that we owned no king or overlord, but if the Scots king asked for scatt we paid it, grumbling, for the sake of peace. A Sea Queen's Sailing
  • Are they not justified in seizing power from the overlords?
  • We really don't want to be the overlords of the Palestinian population.
  • He is my overlord, and he has overwatched me in the fosterage where he placed me when my father died. A Caregiver's Homage To The Very Old
  • They cheated their own people and used extortion against them in doing the overlords' dirty work.
  • Most of the possible moderate candidates were ruled out early, vetoed by the country's religious overlords.
  • Aethelred accepted the overlordship of Alfred and demoted himself from cyning (king) to ealdorman ( earl), but in return had the security of connection to the Wessex royal family. Medieval Women I Adore - Installment 1: Aethelflaed
  • Forgive me if in the 21st century I don't want to be celebrating our former feudal overlords.
  • That wolf? Just as hapless as the plundering Norse overlord he'd been playing for the past few weeks!
  • I shall concentrate on the latter aspect here, but from time to time, the interests of the popes as feudal overlords had a significant impact on their decisions and policies in the international sphere.
  • While the private propaganda apparatus and its ruling class overlords pay ample lip service to the virtues of competition in the marketplace, they are quite unwilling to submit themselves to competition in the realm of ideas.
  • This agglomeration of old pseudoaristocracies (corporatist heirs to the colonial overlords and Confederate planterocracy), Nietzschean masters and slaves under a facade of Christianity, and miserable hypocrite Ubermenschen termed the GOP simply can not go quietly. Matthew Yglesias » The New Filibuster
  • Your squad travels behind enemy lines disabling radio contacts, to better prepare the suicide mission of Operation Overlord.
  • The Overlord will protect me," he chanted softly as the tears streamed down his face. TREASON KEEP
  • It soon becomes clear that behind the attacks is the evil and ugly Supertyrant Geneszorr, who has a grudge against the goddess and a nefarious plan to take over a planet, and who with his name, appearance, and superpowers probably had few options in life besides evil overlord. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Perhaps it was the Overlord's way of sparing him a life of forced labour. TREASON KEEP
  • Some of these battles are being waged between relatively colonized states and their former overlords; in other cases, colonial domination is a current phenomenon.
  • In Clarke's Childhood's End, for example, the promised escape into godhood is only adumbrated, as the Union with Overmind served by the Overlords might be interpreted to be psychic rather than supernatural, and evolution rather than Gnosis is the mechanism. MIND MELD: Gods by the Bushel
  • Make way heathens, and bow to your celestial overlords!
  • The possession of Mantua was decisive of Italian destiny, for its holder could command a kind of overlordship in every little Italian state. The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte Vol. I. (of IV.)
  • Being a dark tyrannical overlord is something that exempts one from Casual Friday, no matter how much the leather may chafe. Collect Call From Coruscant
  • Even his description of Oswiu's overlordship in Britain may convey an inflated impression of military activity under Oswiu.
  • All the content of my mind seemed to be an absolute faith in the overlordship of the mind. Chapter 11
  • But by all rights the lands of a lord who loses a trial by combat are forfeit, to be reassigned by his overlord. A TIME OF WAR
  • Canada's military played a key role in the D-Day landings, code named Operation Overlord, with about 18,000 troops storming ashore at Juno Beach.
  • Ajax, the Achaeanvillain, feels more like a quasi-medieval feudal overlord from a fantasy novel than a brash Homeric warrior. 2008 December « paper fruit
  • Subsequently both plans were renamed, the latter becoming Operation Overlord, the former becoming Operation Dragoon; a name supposedly picked by Winston Churchill, who was opposed to the plan, and claimed to having been "dragooned" into accepting it. October 2005
  • He needn't; in this freakish expression of our overlordship, we already are. Wildlife Without Life
  • Average Americans may yet roar loud enough to take back the power from their corporate overlords.
  • Like it or not, we're going to have to work together to stop this overlord.
  • Henry II was the first king to be recognized as overlord of Ireland.
  • We cadres are ordinary workers and not overlords sitting on the backs of the people.
  • In the mid-1960s, Czechoslovakia experienced a sudden liberalisation of the arts despite Soviet overlordship.
  • In the Arab world it is the West's awkward allies that are falling, and the people there have long resented Western overlordship.
  • There had been a storm, though, I think, and the ship had run aground on an island ruled by some sort of nasty feudal overlord.
  • So far as the Norman kings were concerned it could only be a question of overlordship, of reprisals against Scottish and Welsh raids, and, perhaps, the exaction of tribute from subordinate kings.
  • She did believe in Santa, but she thought he was just some overlord who bossed his workers around and shopped at flea markets for her gifts.
  • For the most part, however, only a very small minority of people will be better off - yes, the capitalist overlords - and nothing else matters.
  • The Overlord was with him and he had the most beautiful, well-mannered princess in the whole world by his side. TREASON KEEP
  • Last week by one of those strange political dispensations we accept from Cabinet overlords, he granted another million euro plus grant to his native constituency.
  • Kegi had made a study of that book: the old lord had died, cousin Kegi had succeeded to the seat at Choedri, and while his overlord had not yet responded to Reidi's bird-sent messages—nor would respond, Kegi said, until he was sure others were moving—Kegi had taken the field with nothing but that damn musty scroll for advice, that and his priest, his cook, his horse-doctor, and the men of his personal guard. 2005
  • The first public announcements from our new alien overlords were supposed to have already occurred.
  • On her knees praying to the Overlord was actually preferable to trying to engage her ladies-in-waiting in intelligent conversation. TREASON KEEP
  • I am sure the Overlord will look most kindly on your character. TREASON KEEP
  • A Washington, D.C., crime overlord is fighting for his life in court. Soul Circus: Summary and book reviews of Soul Circus by George Pelecanos.
  • It is possible that the Senoussi tribe will emerge from Benghazi's chaos and reassert its historic overlordship of eastern Libya.
  • With the help of his feudal overlord Henry I of France, William, aged twenty, crushed the revolt on the field of Vales Dunes, near Caen.
  • The running of Welsh rugby was left in chaos yesterday after a vote of no confidence in the game's overlords.
  • Sophie and the dowager in the first overlord of the dialogue.
  • Fardohnya will become the Overlord's through the ascension of a Karien king to the throne. TREASON KEEP
  • He had nothing but scorn for Chiang Kai-shek, whom he regarded as an arrogant, unteachable Chinese overlord, and had an almost equal aversion for Mountbatten and his greedy colonial ambitions. A Covert Affair
  • America's strategy to seek for "overlordship" is meant to be realized by restraining China and controlling the Asian_Pacific area.
  • Tsavong Lah reported directly to Supreme Overlord Shimrra during his bloody campaign to take the Core.
  • In terms of the geographic scope of the landing area and the size of the invasion force, Operation Overlord far exceeded any amphibious operation in history.
  • His overlordship sprouted a swiftly waxing arrogance that denied any superior.
  • If they believe that some socialist overlord is going to take away their right to drive, they won’t like it. Matthew Yglesias » Vancouver Suffering From Snow Shortage
  • Openly crowing about overlording - er, overwatching -- the biggest land mass in the entire Islamic world is a prescription for seething resentment among the world's one billion Muslims, mainstream and otherwise. Jackson Williams: George W. Bush Wants to Treat Iraq Like South Korea
  • You drank the Kool-Aid from one of the scammier vanity presses and bought into their crap about “traditional publishers” being run by evil overlords who live onlyto crush the souls from peppy young writers like yourself. The Publishing Lottery and Other Insults
  • I wish him luck and hope he's allowed to put out a mag that he doesn't have to compromise on because of some corporate overlord's interference.
  • He must do homage to Philip for his lands in Normandy and Anjou, accept Philip as his overlord. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Even his description of Oswiu's overlordship in Britain may convey an inflated impression of military activity under Oswiu.
  • Egbert established the "heptarchy"; [17] that is, became overlord of all the lesser kings. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • The rapid reactions are learned and rehearsed (over and over again thru willful practice), and this learned reaction dances with the will towards a goal, and yet the will can kybosh the whole damn process at any moment, because the will is the ultimate overlord and presiding judge. A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
  • These overlordships might then be held together by the same means.
  • This fall, the league began airing short cartoons Monday nights on Nicktoons about a 10-year-old San Diego Chargers fan named "Ish" with football-player super powers who must fight evil overlord "Sudden Death" and free the "benevolent life force" trapped in the strongholds of the NFL's 32 stadiums. The NFL Just Tackled Your Kids
  • In the Papal States, the urban nobilities and feudal barons were subject, at least in name, to clerical officials appointed by their overlord the Pope.
  • Now known to history as D-Day, Operation Overlord, the greatest seaborne invasion in history, began the long-awaited invasion of Europe.
  • You're not worried I'll start worshipping the Overlord, are you? TREASON KEEP
  • Republican forces of liberation rose up in March 1848 against their Austrian overlords and held the city for over a year before it was reconquered after a bitter siege.

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