How To Use Overhaul In A Sentence

  • The Chief Inspector has suggested a complete overhaul of the good book, reducing it to a pacier 250 pages, a greater focus on “Floods and brimstone and other cool stuff” and a possible rewrite by Dan Brown to “Sex the whole thing up a bit.” Archive 2008-10-01
  • Taormina fell behind with a rough start in fencing, which is new to her, but made up the gap quickly in the swim and overhauled the leaders in the run to finish with 5,704 points in her debut. - Athlete of the Week breezes through Windy City
  • Within a year the party had drastically overhauled its structure.
  • The study says there must be a complete overhaul of air traffic control systems.
  • Anyone who can overhaul an internal combustion engine can hold his own in the intelligence department. Christianity Today
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  • Women engine fitters also undertake major overhauls on liquid- and air-cooled motors and instruction is given in the maintenance of variable-pitch airscrews.
  • It was going to be an extremely tall order for any side to overhaul us.
  • New police officers will need to have university degrees for the first time under one of the most radical overhauls of the service in generations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perspectives: by William Whitten on Friday, Dec 19, 2008 at 12: 34: 39 PM my agenda: Consumer Protection/FDA overhaul/Economy restoral by Stephen Fox on Friday, Dec 19, 2008 at 1: 14: 49 PM Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack: Too much Monsanto in the Mix?
  • You should overhaul your car engine
  • it was time for an overhaul on the tractor
  • It is hoped the overhaul will make the museum a showpiece regional attraction which will bring thousands more visitors to the area.
  • President Nicolas Sarkozy has refused to give in to growing public pressure, insisting that the pension overhaul is needed to prevent the system from going broke. French Unions Announce More Strikes
  • The engine is due for an overhaul.
  • The hexapod had to be considerably lightened and overhauled with a body made from carbon fiber instead of ABS plastic.
  • He or she will have to be capable of overhauling the economy, projecting French power abroad and keeping the country secure at home. Times, Sunday Times
  • The entire administration of the public lands survey had to be overhauled. MEASURING AMERICA
  • She has shown her willingness to intervene by announcing an overhaul of the complex rail ticketing system. Times, Sunday Times
  • The system is long overdue for a complete overhaul. Times, Sunday Times
  • For Andrea, the diagnosis meant a complete overhaul of her lifestyle and the prospect of a colostomy bag.
  • A radical image overhaul has also meant playing catch-up with her wardrobe. The Sun
  • The government said it wanted to overhaul the employment training scheme to make it cost effective.
  • The system required tweaks and youth, rather than an overhaul. Times, Sunday Times
  • The railways emerged in a parlous state, in dire need of a major overhaul.
  • The express overhauled a goods train.
  • The system in needs a radical overhaul. The Sun
  • He was explicit about his intention to overhaul the party's internal voting system.
  • Wecontinue to report onthe salmonella, BPA, and melamine scandals, andto speakout onthe FDA's ability to protect our food supply and Obama's plan for an overhaul. Critics say FDA is broken, needs to restore its reputation
  • While many are simply rehashed versions of last year's games the latest in the series is a serious attempt at overhauling the format.
  • If Indonesia wants to have an internationally competitive workforce, a major overhaul of its educational system is only the first step in a long process that lies ahead.
  • There is also bad news on the way for young drivers, with a major overhaul planned for the provisional licence system.
  • The system is long overdue for a complete overhaul. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also sought to overhaul safety practices. Times, Sunday Times
  • •Trouble spot:: With at least five new starters projected for an overhauled defense, fixing the run suppression is a priority. 'More consistent, more urgent' Falcons out to defy own history
  • One is to attack Republicans on policies, such as tieing them to Budget Chairman Paul Ryan's plan to overhaul Medicare. Democrats form PAC to help win back House
  • Inc. is testing a major redesign of its website, an overhaul that could refashion the way people shop on the world's largest online retailer.
  • The system is long overdue for a complete overhaul. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever you call it, the cybersphere as it now exists is due for an overhaul. Rethinking the Digital Future
  • Needing to finish four places ahead of Paul Foerster and Kevin Burnham, the British pair were unable to overhaul their American rivals.
  • The family law system requires nothing less than a major overhaul if it is to meet the changing demands of society.
  • Their first step was a major cosmetic overhaul, updating the house with simplicity and consistency in mind: sanding down textured walls and ceilings, painting, refinishing wood floors, replacing chandeliers, and retiling counters.
  • His comment has prompted many to ask whether the system needs an overhaul. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such critical perspectives suggest we are in the midst of a thoroughgoing overhaul of traditional ideas about artistic value and meaning.
  • The suggestion that any player could overhaul Jack Nicklaus in major championships was considered superfluous until Tiger Woods appeared in the mid-1990s.
  • Benefits will also be overhauled to make sure people are always better off in work. The Sun
  • The Coalition has pledged to overhaul the current system and even scrap existing plans.
  • After the harvest the factory is to undergo a shutdown period during which the equipment will be overhauled and made ready for the new season.
  • The expenses system needs a complete overhaul and it must be done by an independent body with no way to profit. The Sun
  • The cost of complying with red tape is rising for small businesses, despite government insistence that it has overhauled thousands of regulations, a business group has said. Times, Sunday Times
  • On now to the interface overhaul for the site itself, as part of the new, needless, and utterly unrequested change to a Monthly Magazine format.
  • Archeological evidence points to the fact our planet was overhauled and terraformed some five thousand years ago.
  • The shell raising and lowering mechanism was overhauled and a new electric motor fitted with modern gearing and cable adjusting devices.
  • They both get rhinoplasty, chin implants and porcelain veneers, in the hopes that all the facial overhauling - and massive pain that they suffer - will ultimately help them with their dreams of becoming movie stars.
  • He or she will have to be capable of overhauling the economy, projecting French power abroad and keeping the country secure at home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Six months is not a long time in which to evaluate the most radical overhaul of the civil justice system since 1875.
  • In 1994, the concerns over the system of DNA testing resulted in a major overhaul of the way profiling was carried out.
  • Next in line for an overhaul is government. Times, Sunday Times
  • In creating the Windows 95 version, Quarterdeck opted to overhaul the guts and provide more capabilities.
  • ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet and his successor, Bank of Italy Governor Mario Draghi, sent a letter late last week to the Italian government callingfor faster spending cuts, an overhaulof Italy'slabor rulesand measures to liberalize cosseted business sectors, a person familiar with the matter said Monday. ECB Puts Pressure on Italy
  • A year after the group's last strategic overhaul, the plan appears to be another attempt to turn around the newspapers.
  • The guttering to the front and rear roof slopes is blocked and leaking to joints and requires clearing and an overhaul.
  • New police officers will need to have university degrees for the first time under one of the most radical overhauls of the service in generations. Times, Sunday Times
  • And now we are talking a complet overhaul of our healthcare system – Let's get TRAP under control and vitaed first before we bungle another area of society that affects our health. How Obama's transparency promise holds up
  • At last Sainsbury's has overhauled its fortified wine range and among the new offerings this manzanilla is the star turn.
  • But residents are hoping there will be a complete overhaul of the building, including reinstating the first floor, which was removed during Victorian times.
  • Microsoft's latest offering is the umpteenth overhaul of MSN, which has been bleeding money for eight years.
  • The Senate approved an overhaul, only to see it die in the House.
  • The consequences for our standing as the indispensable party, first among equals in managing a collective overhaul of global economic arrangements, is impaired. Michael Brenner: America and the World -- Post November 2nd
  • To make the nation safer, policymakers also need to overhaul immigration rules and enforcement.
  • New police officers will need to have university degrees for the first time under one of the most radical overhauls of the service in generations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Six months is not a long time in which to evaluate the most radical overhaul of the civil justice system since 1875.
  • There was that matter of the deck-calking, the bronze rudder-irons, the overhauling of the engine, the new spinnaker boom, the new davits, and the repairs to the whale-boat. Bunches of Knuckles
  • His work constitutes a radical, far-reaching overhaul of the conventions of French poetry and drama.
  • The government has also delayed its plans to cap housing benefit by a year, as it announced plans for an overhaul of the system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other areas of growth include shipbuilding, sourcing, mechatronics, and MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul).
  • The clock's movement was passed to Country Clocks, a local horologist, for a complete overhaul.
  • The sub needs to dive safely to her full depth capability after a major overhaul in order to win her navy approval.
  • They showered me with advice as to my future conduct, and overhauled my clothes to see that no incriminating garment found its way into that which Bessie called my "expurgated" wardrobe. Madeleine: An Autobiography
  • *** Drinks Punch Taverns, one of the U.K.'s largest pub groups, said it will dramatically shrink its struggling tenanted operations and spin off its better-performing managed-pubs division into a separate listed company before the end of the summer in a bid to overhaul the group and restructure its heavy debt. Business Watch
  • The whole thing's a geographical lottery at the moment, and it's high time the system was overhauled.
  • Some will need a complete overhaul, some just a gentle nudge. Times, Sunday Times
  • A call has been made for a complete overhaul of school transport safety after more than 50 children were involved in a horror smash on Friday afternoon.
  • The black, monolithic tower block, which is largely empty, is to be overhauled and the multi-storey car park demolished under current proposals.
  • The success of any major production overhaul could also depend on the extent to which union agreement is forthcoming.
  • The US government is expected to radically overhaul its discredited regulatory regime covering offshore operations, which had merely required companies to fill out uniform box-ticking safety audits. BP Gulf oil spill final report backs British safety model
  • New police officers will need to have university degrees for the first time under one of the most radical overhauls of the service in generations. Times, Sunday Times
  • This kind of B.S. misdirection is at the heart of pretty much every income tax overhaul scheme out there. Matthew Yglesias » Tax Simplification and the Flat Tax
  • Give your working wardrobe a style overhaul with this season's colour palette of pastel pinks, deep berries and cobalt blues. The Sun
  • The system in needs a radical overhaul. The Sun
  • A mechanic overhauled the car's motor with some new parts.
  • It has sparked calls for an overhaul of the system to focus on getting them back to work. The Sun
  • Solid hardwood frames and legs, such as mahogany or beech, are the best candidates for an overhaul.
  • Rufus had thought Goblander needed a thorough overhaul and the mechanic confirmed this, adding that it would cost him.
  • I think that he had never been entirely reconciled to the heathenish invention which I called a sail, and that down in the bottom of his heart he believed that the paddlers would eventually overhaul us; but now he couldn't praise it enough. Pellucidar
  • We are long overdue for a complete overhaul of the mathematics curriculum at all levels.
  • Arms and military equipment in service have at best been overhauled or modernized on a limited scale.
  • Phelps aims to overhaul Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals.
  • Clinton used his weekly radio address to urge Congress to pass a health-care overhaul bill sponsored by Sen.
  • But one stormy night, by an accident for which he was in nowise accountable, in overhauling a spare anchor-chain he had all the fingers of his left hand badly crushed. Chris Farrington, Able Seaman
  • Businesses must overhaul recruitment programmes and look beyond acceptance by certification or diploma alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The report called for a radical overhaul of the science and maths curriculum and examination system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anyone who can overhaul an internal combustion engine can hold his own in the intelligence department. Christianity Today
  • Neat little undergarments, white little frocks, a something that the miner felt by instinct was a "nightie," and two pairs of the smallest of stockings rewarded the overhauling of the package, and left Jim momentarily speechless. Bruvver Jim's Baby
  • Anyone who can overhaul an internal combustion engine can hold his own in the intelligence department. Christianity Today
  • As the national policy forum assembles this weekend in Wrexham, there is a need both to overhaul juddering institutions and to reset the intellectual route. Ed Miliband: The long and winding road | Editorial
  • Ticket machines at tram stations have been overhauled because of the number of fake coins and notes used to pay for fares.
  • American companies will help to overhaul the island's ancient telephone network and install high-speed internet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gass - which rhymes with "floss" - has overhauled the identity of Seattle's Best, making it big and bold and completely separate from Starbucks. The Seattle Times
  • And as a result of the overhaul, cancer mortalities have dropped 10 per cent.
  • The tax system has undergone a complete overhaul.
  • With their dramaturge, the pair has overhauled the show. A Starter Kit for Musicals
  • The tax system has undergone a complete overhaul.Sentence dictionary
  • If the Great Restructuring has the potential to resolve the seemingly intractable problems of Detroit, per haps bold structural overhauls can produce similar results on some broader issues facing America. The Great Auto Restructuring Shows Signs of Success
  • The opportunity opened up after an overhaul of the Olympic programme designed to introduce gender parity to the sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • The move is part of the Government's plans to overhaul the criminal justice system.
  • Election Day in Photos Reuters More interactive graphics and photos The most likely vehicle for changes to the financial overhaul is a "corrections bill" expected next year. Reprieve for Wall Street Is Expected to Be Limited
  • It set out to overhaul a central piece of desktop computing - the way users search and store information.
  • Euro- area lawmakers are also taking their time implementing a July overhaul of their rescue fund to give it more crisis-fighting tools, while investors question the ability of banks to withstand further market unrest as signs also mount that the economy is losing momentum. -- Top News
  • The road haulage industry faces a far-reaching overhaul as new European legislation signals a drive back to the classroom.
  • The system is long overdue for a complete overhaul. Times, Sunday Times
  • The system in needs a radical overhaul. The Sun
  • Some will need a complete overhaul, some just a gentle nudge. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result we have been maintaining and overhauling these engines for 25 years.
  • It also recommends overhauling the civil courts fees system. Times, Sunday Times
  • It must insist on a complete overhaul of staffing and management. The Sun
  • In the wake of the BP spill, the Obama administration overhauled the Minerals Management Service, renaming it the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and separating its conflicting responsibilities for both policing the oil and gas industry and collecting billions in royalties from it. AP: Big Oil Hasn't Learned Lessons Of BP Oil Spill
  • Some will need a complete overhaul, some just a gentle nudge. Times, Sunday Times
  • A mechanic is coming to overhaul the engine.
  • The resourceful youngster has overhauled the yacht and drummed up sponsors largely by himself.
  • It's a big gamble for Tom, but his company has handled major tech overhauls before.
  • The pool was closed for two weeks in February, including half-term week, for a complete overhaul of the electrics, pool filters and the mechanics of the moveable floor.
  • The Union's new boss has overhauled the suits in Murrayfield such that there are new heads of department occupying just about every office going, from marketing to media via finance.
  • Operator house engine overhaul capability include several major airlines : United, American[Sentence dictionary], Japan Airlines and Iberia.
  • After all, last year they clawed back a huge deficit to overhaul Wenger's men.
  • Gott ran a well-judged race, shadowing one of his rivals and overhauling him in a sprint finish to win bronze medal.
  • He shortened its legs so that it could burrow after rabbits and lengthened them so that it could overhaul the antelope. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why do some people fight against healthcare overhaul is it because the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries product demand is primarily driven by the willingness of insures to pay for new medical treatments? again is it ethical when these same guys buy out generic companies not to release their affordable products in the market?. Health care overhaul clears split Senate committee
  • It has sparked calls for an overhaul of the system to focus on getting them back to work. The Sun
  • Such critical perspectives suggest we are in the midst of a thoroughgoing overhaul of traditional ideas about artistic value and meaning.
  • A radical image overhaul has also meant playing catch-up with her wardrobe. The Sun
  • The MPs call for a complete overhaul of the scheme to merge six benefits into one credit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The way volunteering works has also been overhauled. Times, Sunday Times
  • It says that within another two years, its entire catalogue will have been overhauled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clinton used his weekly radio address to urge Congress to pass a health-care overhaul bill sponsored by Sen.
  • A mechanic is coming to overhaul the engine.
  • I'd certainly done enough to come second overall, but had I done enough to overhaul Steve?
  • On the whole, the legal system has not been entirely overhauled and this has generated suspicion and distrust on the part of investors.
  • The Dickensian committee system needs overhauling, as it can inhibit staff from doing their work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adams, who has two children in primary school, feels there has to be radical overhaul of the way council services are organised once this immediate crisis is over.
  • In the EU, there were two major overhauls in agricultural policies in 1992 and in 1999.
  • The eight bells need to be rehung in a new frame and the organ requires a substantial overhaul.
  • The dining experience has also been overhauled. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no doubt that the non-dom regime is ripe for overhaul, and this proposed levy will have the advantage of being easy to collect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sixty-one percent of women, versus 45 percent of men, say that the healthcare system in America today needs a major overhaul.
  • Improvements in lubricants such as ashless dispersant oils, spark plugs and use of oil filters have also been vital to predicting longer periods between engine overhaul.
  • It must insist on a complete overhaul of staffing and management. The Sun
  • BRITAIN'S biggest pub chain is toasting a profit - after overhauling the business to deal with new laws. The Sun
  • The MPs called for a complete government overhaul of the system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Would she overhaul them, or pass without taking notice of them -- seeing that the polacre was a small one, and not likely to be a valuable prize? Held Fast For England A Tale of the Siege of Gibraltar (1779-83)
  • But tire makers have also overhauled their business.
  • The report recommends an overhaul of public finances.
  • The MPs called for a complete government overhaul of the system. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fast cruiser soon overhauled the old cargo boat.
  • Across the country, polls show Republican candidates leading in contested races by campaigning against the Bush administration's bank bailout, Democrats 'massive economic stimulus package, President Obama's health-care overhaul and other examples of what the GOP terms "runaway spending. Elections put new focus on government spending
  • They had ensured the plumbing was overhauled a year ago.
  • It has also completely overhauled the system for dealing with power of attorney. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, fresh plans to overhaul computer systems and transform customer access to York council services will be discussed next Tuesday by executive members.
  • He said the company had ended doorstep selling and telephone cold calling to homes as part of an overhaul of its sales practices. Times, Sunday Times
  • The redesign would require a new chipset, new processor boards and a major overhaul of customers' hardware.
  • In its heyday, Swindon works employed more than 16,000 people, overhauling locomotives and carriages for the Great Western Railway and later for British Rail.
  • In the figure of the coltish, resolute Sigourney Weaver, Alien may just be the film that overhauled the old, unreconstructed horror genre and dared to put a woman centre-stage.
  • The new 'retox' means she has got a more cardio-intensive gym regime and a diet overhaul. News24
  • Anyone who can overhaul an internal combustion engine can hold his own in the intelligence department. Christianity Today
  • Jazz piano gets an overhaul in the studio with a profusion of electronic sounds.
  • Two existing workshops in Dubai, used for the assembly, repair and overhaul of electrical submersible pumps and gas turbines, will be enlarged through multi-million pound investments.
  • They are also looking to overhaul the benefits system to make it simpler. The Sun
  • Is a major overhaul of the security system justified?
  • Subsequently, more organizations can transact business online without large software applications or resources, constant upgrades, and/or system overhauls.
  • A way out of the current impasse lies less in a thorough overhaul of the Constitution than in a public awakening to the need to strengthen citizens' participation in politics.
  • Fortunately, I had a newly overhauled engine I had been buying on the installment plan.
  • She overhauled American Thompson to give Jodie Henry a slight edge going into the freestyle anchor leg.
  • Once the two heroes had settled in they always looked in command of the situation until they created a ripple in the final over when only four were required to overhaul Essex's score.
  • West Wiltshire Primary Care Trust is planning an overhaul of arrangements for hospital cover at all community hospitals under its control.
  • A complete overhaul will cost at least 30,000. Times, Sunday Times
  • With our young players we would have a great base to build on and could overhaul our rivals.
  • Heartened by the success of a whistleblower program for nontax issues such as government contracts, Congress overhauled the special tax provisions on whistleblowers and set up the IRS's large-award program. Taxes: How To Turn In Your Neighbor to the IRS
  • News that a gambling overhaul could be shelved should prompt Blackpool Council to seek new family attractions for key sites, casino opponents claimed this week.
  • The figures come as the government plans to overhaul the credit card industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • The health plan will also see a radical overhaul of accident and emergency wards, which will include a separation of serious and minor cases.
  • Much has been written about the urgent need for an overhaul of incentive schemes to encourage longterm sustainable performance rather than speculative short-term gains. Times, Sunday Times
  • On a Clear Day" is the season's fullest "revisal" - a revival of a musical whose score, script and other elements have been reworked - yet Mr. Mayer's overhaul has stirred nothing like the furor surrounding another Broadway-bound revival, "The Gershwins' Porgy and Bess. NYT > Home Page
  • Today, using lean and six sigma methodologies, fewer mechanics are required and that same engine is overhauled in just 100 days.
  • They have been told to consider plans for a major overhaul of the committee system, in a bid to make that more effective.
  • Four years ago Radcliffe led throughout the Olympic 10,000 metres final in Sydney only to be overhauled with a lap to go, eventually finishing fourth.
  • Swimming is one of a number of sports presently overhauling its classification process and significant changes are expected in the next Paralympic cycle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intel overhaul alone had many members working through the summer recess.
  • They can only be honestly confronted by a thorough overhaul of the system the minister will be asked to control.
  • The term opened with high anticipation because the justices seem likely to take up the health care overhaul now that both the administration and opponents of the law have filed Supreme Court appeals. Top Stories
  • In addition, the government needs to overhaul vehicle excise duty to incentivise people to buy the cleanest vehicles. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also sought to overhaul safety practices. Times, Sunday Times

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