How To Use Overgrowth In A Sentence
A few additional initiatives here and there such as landscaping, nameplate signs, maintenance of overgrowth on approach roads, etc., will gain additional marks in the competition.
Underwater wrecks are strewn along the coast and downed planes and tanks emerge from the jungle overgrowth.
Naturopaths believe that many illnesses ranging from chronic fatigue to migraine are caused by overgrowth of thrush-causing yeast cells.
This obstruction leads to the formation of comedones, which can become inflamed because of overgrowth of Propionibacterium acnes.
Amazonite crystals sometimes have white to buff-colored overgrowths of intermediate microcline, sanidine, and/or orthoclase preferentially coating the basal pinacoid and/or various prism faces.
Overgrowths of fine-grained, bronze-colored siderite are often present on selected faces of the fluorite crystals.
The administration of ice chips is one way to reduce mouth dryness, make patients more comfortable, and keep down bacterial overgrowth.
Scientists believe the overgrowth associated with Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome and hemihypertrophy may develop because of improper inactivation of one or more growth-suppressing genes, or because of overexpression of genes that encourage cell growth.
Beckwith-Weidemann Syndrome
He feels an overgrowth of Candida Albicans, which allows klebsiella bacteria to enter the blood stream, is the main culprit.
Much more will be done next spring to give the cemetery what it deserves and the removal of overgrowth will be seen to as well.
There is for the most part a great overgrowth and overrunning of the least desirable elements, a general air of slovenliness and unthrift; in all artificial arrangements decay seems imminent, and the want of idea in the laying out of grounds is a striking feature.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 20, June, 1859
Zircon is an important phase for the petrogenetic interpretation as all the separated grains have rounded, detrital cores with thin euhedral overgrowths.
Although the analyses were undertaken in trenches parallel to the detrital-authigenic boundary, no decrease in ages was detected within the overgrowth.
These animals are also more capable of avoiding coral overgrowth by greatly elongating their siphons.
A course of metronidazole and ciprofloxacin was also given empirically for bacterial overgrowth.
Known then as retrolental fibroplasia, it is now called retinopathy of prematurity, or R.O.P. The oxygen, he found, led to overgrowth of blood vessels in the eye, damaging the retina irreparably.
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This tissue overgrowth can be treated with a technique called septal ablation - pioneered by Michael Fifer, MD, of MGH Cardiology - that destroys the excess tissue, a scenario that mimics the damage that happens to heart muscle when its blood supply is cut off. - latest science and technology news stories
Going in with a pruning saw to undo a decade or more of overgrowth in one shot can be disastrous to an old tree.
Such a gastrula, formed mainly by overgrowth of the epiblast, is called an epibolic gastrula, as distinguished from the invaginate gastrula of amphioxus.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
GDM is a well known risk factor for foetal overgrowth, termed macrosomia which is influenced by maternal hypergycemia and endocrine status through placental circulation.
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It is characterized by a wide variety of deformities, namely malformations and overgrowth of soft tissue and bone.
This tissue overgrowth can be treated with a technique called septal ablation that destroys the excess tissue, a scenario that mimics the damage that happens to heart muscle when its blood supply is cut off. News Feed
The bone scan showed that she had some areas of what ` s called hyper-ostosis (ph), which is basically just overgrowth of bone in certain areas of her body.
CNN Transcript Mar 28, 2006
Abnormal fibrous tissue overgrowth has long been known to affect a number of widely separate organ systems.
This differs from the crural plates described above in that no discrete plates can be discerned connecting to the floor of the brachial valve, and it is also in the form of a later overgrowth.
Cementless fixation depends on prosthesis design plus ingrowth and overgrowth of bone to biologically bind the prosthesis to the skeleton.
Vascular dysfunction, hypoxemia and the temporal obstruction of the orthograde intestinal passage induce a vicious circle with maldigestion and bacterial overgrowth syndrome.
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Known then as retrolental fibroplasia, it is now called retinopathy of prematurity, or R.O.P. The oxygen, he found, led to overgrowth of blood vessels in the eye, damaging the retina irreparably.
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All these plates that attach to the floor of the brachial valve may have been thickened by secondary overgrowth.
Importantly, prophylaxis against stress ulcers with H 2 antagonists and antacids has been implicated in abnormal bacterial overgrowth in the stomach.
In addition to osteophytic overgrowth, the ligamentum flavum may stiffen and buckle into the spinal cord dorsally.
Other studies have looked for fungal overgrowth and found none.
The rock is cemented by a mixture of quartz overgrowths, K-rich feldspar, and an oxidized ferruginous clay now dominated by chlorite.
The ever-expanding corporate CEO corpulence, like any unrestrained overgrowth, is lethal, and corporations and their CEOs, who rake in the dough, even after running the companies they head into the ground, are well on their way to killing their host.
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Thus in the long run, the overgrowth of the world population will only harm mankind.
Underwater wrecks are strewn along the coast and downed planes and tanks emerge from the jungle overgrowth.
Continuing to retrace its earlier history, the zircon may then become incorporated into sediment and, once more, find itself deeply buried in even younger metamorphic rock, and accreting a second, younger overgrowth.
An overgrowth of the common fungus Candida, found on everyone's body, leads to the fungal infection candidiasis.
The size and shape of this interior part resemble the size and shape of the anterior end of a normal worm, and the apparent overgrowth of the anterior tip of the mutant is peripheral to this tapered part.
This is a condition marked by lowered naturally present vaginal lactobacilli and an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria.
It is characterized by a wide variety of deformities, namely malformations and overgrowth of soft tissue and bone.
The remains - amidst feverish overgrowth - allow only a foggy dream of the lost and hidden.
Such a gastrula, formed mainly by overgrowth of the epiblast, is called an epibolic gastrula, as distinguished from the invaginate gastrula of amphioxus.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
The more uncommon pure choriocarcinomas may be explained by overgrowth of the adenocarcinoma by the choriocarcinoma and alternatively by de novo choriocarcinomas arising in HCG-producing cells normally present in the stomach.
Many of these calcite crystals and crystal groups are partially or completely covered with an overgrowth of pyrite.
Endometrial cancer is related to overgrowth of the endometrium, or uterine lining.
But neglected and uncontrolled the same earth very soon destroys cultivated land and human habitat with impenetrable overgrowth.
Learn the cause of intestinal yeast overgrowth and how to fix it to overcome cravings for sugars and other high-carb foods.
With such visible history, the sun-blackened ruins poking out from the undergrowth and overgrowth, Nevis is fun to explore.
But the low footfall and unpampered overgrowth meant squirrels are both numerous and extraordinarily bold.
Marie Louise Gardens: The "Now" Picture
They also subdue signals from the sympathetic nervous system and inhibit deleterious overgrowth of damaged heart muscle.
Endometrial cancer is related to overgrowth of the endometrium, or uterine lining.
There is overgrowth of skin cells, which multiply up to 10 times faster than normal.
I have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and achalasia with resulting severe weight loss.
The Sun
Overgrowth of normal skin flora, including corynebacterium, occur frequently.
Cementless fixation depends on prosthesis design plus ingrowth and overgrowth of bone to biologically bind the prosthesis to the skeleton.
In one of them there was fungal contamination and overgrowth making it impossible to detect bacterial growth.
It is well cemented with early iron oxide, quartz overgrowth and clay cements with some dolomite blocking pore throats.
Intestinal imbalance leads to fungal overgrowth in almost all instances.
Walkers are calling for action to clear overgrowth on a footpath from Calne to Beckhampton.
Salicylic acid is antibacterial and exfoliating, so it helps to suppress bacterial overgrowth and keeps pores clog-free.
Some organisms, including sponges, barnacles, and encrusting coralline algae, can, however, survive overgrowth, without apparent damage, for indeterminate periods of time or may even benefit from being overgrown.
In many cases, quartz overgrowths were preferentially corroded and dissolved in the presence of pyrophyllite, most likely during acidic metasomatism.
Failure of regular vegetation control caused Ocean Way to be partly covered by overgrowth of bush on the sea side of the road, causing a danger to road users.
Steroids, however, can lead to bacterial or fungal overgrowth in patients with already compromised skin.
It also may occur in patients with small bowel disorders and bacterial overgrowth.
It may be due to an overgrowth and inward pressure, etc., or from filth accumulating and hardening between the claws, producing inflammation and softening or ulceration of the skin in the interdigital space (between the claws).
The Veterinarian
Heart failure results from the heart overgrowth and diabetes is the usual result of pancreatic changes.
Bacterial overgrowth may be enhanced in the presence of sputum retention.
FACTOID: A keloid is an overgrowth of skin that forms during scarring.
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Most of the large crystals have glassy terminations formed by an overgrowth of a thin layer of clear quartz.
These are nearly always accompanied by parallel overgrowth of several flattened rhombohedra aligned along each scalenohedron's c-axis, forming ‘pagodas’.
Today, British allergy specialists concur that a candida overgrowth is responsible for a number of symptoms: gut disorders like itching wind and changed bowel habits, catarrh, some eczemas, arthritis and asthma.
He said five years ago he promised to campaign for the clean-up of Killarney's lake shores and the removal of overgrowth which obstructs scenic views.
In many cases the candida overgrowth is so endemic that patients may have to consider seeing a medical doctor and using anticandida drugs such as nystatin or diflucan.
But the overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of human society.
This test also indicates the likelihood of yeast and bacterial overgrowth in the gut.
Also noteworthy are the rare stalactitic overgrowths to 20 cm of pale to medium green fluorite cubes formed along earlier ‘strings’ of whitish finely crystalline quartz.
He said five years ago he promised to campaign for the clean-up of Killarney's lake shores and the removal of overgrowth which obstructs scenic views.
Pathways that were closed for around 100 years due to overgrowth have been re-opened.
Rare earth element distributions in the zircons and garnets strongly suggest that the zircon overgrowths formed in equilibrium with garnet.
• Treat yeast overgrowth with antifungal drugs such as nystatin or Diflucan or herbs such as oregano or caprylic acid.
Mark Hyman, MD: 3 Simple Steps to Eliminate Heartburn and Acid Reflux
Importantly, prophylaxis against stress ulcers with H 2 antagonists and antacids has been implicated in abnormal bacterial overgrowth in the stomach.