How To Use Overgrow In A Sentence

  • Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grass-plot, much overgrown with burdock, pig-weed, apple-pern, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilised society, a prison. The Scarlet Letter
  • It is the other side of a public bridle path and almost overgrown with vicious brambles. Times, Sunday Times
  • This can lead to reduced coral growth, inability to recover from hazards like cyclones, smothering of coral by sediment, fish poisoning and unusually high growth rates for organisms that overgrow coral or support its rivals.
  • In addition, kudzu ranked second-highest in terms of its potential impact on natural systems, because it is capable of overgrowing and decimating mature stands of trees.
  • The tumbledown exterior walls were smothered with moss and ivy, and many of the original features, including fragments from the first-floor medieval loo - known as the garderobe - were strewn around the overgrown garden.
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  • Wherever apples grow in this country you can find a home in your town or suburb with a huge overgrown apple tree in the backyard that has not been cared for in many years.
  • Once flowering is over, lift and divide overgrown clumps of bearded irises. Times, Sunday Times
  • But while the Georgian house has been kept in peak condition, the 260 acres of landscaped grounds have become overgrown and wild.
  • People who live in areas of the southeastern United States where kudzu has overgrown everything have little good to say about this Japanese import.
  • They offer an up-close view of a life-size, red-blue-and-white clad young woman in an overgrown ravine before a chain-link fence.
  • One of my fences is overgrown with clematis, jasmine, climbing roses and ivy. Stumped? How to raise a lawn, plus overgrown perennials
  • An audible hissing pop accompanied the loosening of the last bolt, and at the sight of my leprous fore-arms and the great plates of scabrous horn which have overgrown my chest, the roust-abouts screamed like a pair of God-damned fat ladies.
  • He lived with the same aesthetic as that of his work – fine linen, worn leather, superb works of art and a few cartoons, buddleia and bamboo in the overgrown garden and the residue of paint carried down from the studio. Lucian Freud obituary
  • It was two acres overgrown with stinging nettles and we spent a year putting it right. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is akin to saying that a garden is too overgrown to be worth weeding. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said five years ago he promised to campaign for the clean-up of Killarney's lake shores and the removal of overgrowth which obstructs scenic views.
  • In many cases, quartz overgrowths were preferentially corroded and dissolved in the presence of pyrophyllite, most likely during acidic metasomatism.
  • Favourite spots for sneaked assignations are empty classrooms, deserted corridors and overgrown lots.
  • We sat in the leafy, overgrown garden, where wild herbs and flowers spiced the air and the mismatched tables were topped with salvaged mosaic tiles. Smithsonian Mag
  • Metal shutters cover the windows and the bungalow's garden is overgrown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dover, Delaware The house, overgrown with weeds and shrubbery, had no ostentation. MAMBO
  • Some organisms, including sponges, barnacles, and encrusting coralline algae, can, however, survive overgrowth, without apparent damage, for indeterminate periods of time or may even benefit from being overgrown.
  • In the distance you can see a number of rambling, overgrown hawthorns with a tree growing through them.
  • The fence would be a visual improvement to the existing chestnut pale fence and overgrown plants which currently exist.
  • We hope that by cutting hedgerows we will make ginnels safer and make it more difficult for burglars to work without the cover that overgrown hedges provide.
  • Beyond the buildings were five acres of overgrown garden and meadow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ruins are part of a beautiful and romantically overgrown walled garden, with grass and benches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Right or wrong, Rumour was very busy; and Lord Decimus, while he was, or was supposed to be, in stately excogitation of the difficulty, lent her some countenance by taking, on several public occasions, one of those elephantine trots of his through a jungle of overgrown sentences, waving Little Dorrit
  • Since the neighbor's property is a bit overgrown with low bamboo it was a quite a tussle doing all that and then wrestling the tree lengths back onto my property.
  • The trees were mostly birches, with here and there a twisted trunk of alder, overgrown with bramble and honeysuckle.
  • Tunicates can overgrow sea scallops and mussels, and they may affect other species of clams and worms that live in the seabed below the tunicate colony.
  • The stream is well overgrown with willow and more.
  • Salicylic acid is antibacterial and exfoliating, so it helps to suppress bacterial overgrowth and keeps pores clog-free.
  • We sat in the leafy, overgrown garden, where wild herbs and flowers spiced the air and the mismatched tables were topped with salvaged mosaic tiles. Smithsonian Mag
  • Walkers are calling for action to clear overgrowth on a footpath from Calne to Beckhampton.
  • I sprinted through brambles and thorned blackberry bushes and pushed my way past overgrown, waist-high swordfern.
  • Before I could protest or even defend myself, she left in search of the overgrown schoolboy.
  • When can I divide an overgrown penstemon and take some cuttings?
  • Excavation ceased in the 1950s and the area is now overgrown with woodland, bracken and gorse which provides a habitat for birds, snakes and mammals.
  • In the middle stood a small mound, looking as if it had been made artificially, with a kind of arbour on the top overgrown with some sort of creeper and shut in by trees. Chatterbox, 1905.
  • Intestinal imbalance leads to fungal overgrowth in almost all instances.
  • Beyond these rose a further wall of mountain, the lower heights still overgrown with beautiful grass and plants, above which were stonier slopes, covered only with scrub, that led gradually up to the steep, bare rocky summits. Heidi
  • But if she had to liken him to anything it would be an overgrown teddy bear in determined pursuit of his honey.
  • Pike spawn during March and April in the shallow weedy margins of lakes and in the tiny overgrown backwaters of rivers.
  • They set fire to bramble, seedlings, and fallen twigs, lest this underbrush “overgrow the Country, making it unpassable,” in the words of a contemporary traveler, William Wood. The King's Best Highway
  • They acted more like huge flightless birds of prey, than the overgrown bipedal lizards of popular imagination.
  • It is well cemented with early iron oxide, quartz overgrowth and clay cements with some dolomite blocking pore throats.
  • Old shrubs, such as spiraea, forsythia, lilac, and honeysuckle, often become overgrown and full of crowded stems and dead wood.
  • They set fire to bramble, seedlings, and fallen twigs, lest this underbrush “overgrow the Country, making it unpassable,” in the words of a contemporary traveler, William Wood. The King's Best Highway
  • In one of them there was fungal contamination and overgrowth making it impossible to detect bacterial growth.
  • There's no way I can get closer, not wearing summer sandals anyway, for between me and the orchid is an overgrown ditch. Country diary: South Uist
  • Everything was overgrown with the same creeper vines, fungi and lichen that the old fences were.
  • All around the horse corral, it was overgrown with viny bushes and thick rooted willows.
  • Cementless fixation depends on prosthesis design plus ingrowth and overgrowth of bone to biologically bind the prosthesis to the skeleton.
  • Overgrowth of normal skin flora, including corynebacterium, occur frequently.
  • The yard was as neglected as the rest of the property, the grass and bushes overgrown, the leaves unraked from the previous fall, which made the footing even trickier, especially since they were moving downhill. Whispers At Midnight
  • Such a gastrula, formed mainly by overgrowth of the epiblast, is called an epibolic gastrula, as distinguished from the invaginate gastrula of amphioxus. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • While most of the graves are lovingly tended, many others are overgrown, unkempt and desecrated.
  • Beyond the buildings were five acres of overgrown garden and meadow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The field is overgrown with weeds.
  • There is overgrowth of skin cells, which multiply up to 10 times faster than normal.
  • Like a wingless albatross I plummeted two storeys into an overgrown plumbago.
  • The interior - a quadrangle of rooms giving off an overgrown cloister garth - had something of the air of Custer's Last Stand.
  • But I usually insist that it has some tune, and that the main performer isn't some overgrown choirboy with a twatty face covered in craters.
  • Villages built by aid money stand alongside the overgrown ruins of their predecessors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Endometrial cancer is related to overgrowth of the endometrium, or uterine lining.
  • They also subdue signals from the sympathetic nervous system and inhibit deleterious overgrowth of damaged heart muscle.
  • Stream, and yew and arbutus, as well as tropical cryptogamia and Alpine plants, overgrow every available spot along the sides of the rough defile. The Sunny Side of Ireland How to see it by the Great Southern and Western Railway
  • In the distance you can see a number of rambling, overgrown hawthorns with a tree growing through them.
  • The ruins are part of a beautiful and romantically overgrown walled garden, with grass and benches. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the low footfall and unpampered overgrowth meant squirrels are both numerous and extraordinarily bold. Marie Louise Gardens: The "Now" Picture
  • My campagnola tangles with ivy that overgrows the fence.
  • Metal shutters cover the windows and the bungalow's garden is overgrown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Landscape gardeners have begun a clearance of the overgrown ground to make way for a new park.
  • Explore an overgrown old road bed through shady buttonwoods and open coastal salt prairie.
  • I was leaning against the side of the house, just at the edge of the overgrown yard. LOST BOY LOST GIRL
  • With such visible history, the sun-blackened ruins poking out from the undergrowth and overgrowth, Nevis is fun to explore.
  • I walked through the garden, noting how overgrown it was, and how the house was in poor condition.
  • That wasn't hard - the aggressor in question was the size of an overgrown cat.
  • Italian hound; Andy Pay and Mulligan Jacobs, the bitter ones; the three topaz-eyed dreamers, who are unclassifiable; Isaac Chantz, the wounded Jew; Bob, the overgrown dolt; the feeble-minded Faun, lung-wounded; CHAPTER XLIII
  • Learn the cause of intestinal yeast overgrowth and how to fix it to overcome cravings for sugars and other high-carb foods.
  • Cut back overgrown specimens of spotted laurel, bay, box, fatsia, skimmia and evergreen cotoneaster.
  • In fact, the bushes are uneven in setting out and in growth, unkempt and massively overgrown.
  • All very funny for the overgrown schoolboys responsible. The Sun
  • But neglected and uncontrolled the same earth very soon destroys cultivated land and human habitat with impenetrable overgrowth.
  • -- A man should so deliver himself to the nature of the subject whereof he speaks, that his hearer may take knowledge of his discipline with some delight; and so apparel fair and good matter, that the studious of elegancy be not defrauded; redeem arts from their rough and braky seats, where they lay hid and overgrown with thorns, to a pure, open, and flowery light, where they may take the eye and be taken by the hand. Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter and Some Poems
  • On the way back, I almost slid down the hill, past mansions behind old red-brick walls overgrown with wisteria, hedges of this and that, little verandahed weatherboard cottages and stark new houses with vertical slit windows, pre-rusted metal doors and plantings of cordyline and dianella. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Endometrial cancer is related to overgrowth of the endometrium, or uterine lining.
  • Many of these calcite crystals and crystal groups are partially or completely covered with an overgrowth of pyrite.
  • Three overgrown schoolboys doing wild things and providing hilarious entertainment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The more uncommon pure choriocarcinomas may be explained by overgrowth of the adenocarcinoma by the choriocarcinoma and alternatively by de novo choriocarcinomas arising in HCG-producing cells normally present in the stomach.
  • The new house had a back garden, 100 foot long and desperately overgrown.
  • We sat in the leafy, overgrown garden, where wild herbs and flowers spiced the air and the mismatched tables were topped with salvaged mosaic tiles. Smithsonian Mag
  • Grown men and women can behave like overgrown kids who don't seem to worry about their behaviour abroad.
  • But the search is hard because the area is mountainous and overgrown. The Sun
  • I have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and achalasia with resulting severe weight loss. The Sun
  • Dover, Delaware The house, overgrown with weeds and shrubbery, had no ostentation. MAMBO
  • Importantly, prophylaxis against stress ulcers with H 2 antagonists and antacids has been implicated in abnormal bacterial overgrowth in the stomach.
  • As the overgrown man-child Adam, he won hearts with his pursuit of Helen Baxendale through six series until her brutal connection with the front end of a truck.
  • • Treat yeast overgrowth with antifungal drugs such as nystatin or Diflucan or herbs such as oregano or caprylic acid. Mark Hyman, MD: 3 Simple Steps to Eliminate Heartburn and Acid Reflux
  • When I came back from my long vacation, I found my garden overgrown.
  • A chasm runs through his overgrown lawn. Times, Sunday Times
  • I found an overgrown running track with interesting succulent plants and dwarf tamarisk bushes.
  • The dust on the rutty overgrown road turned to muddy deep puddles as the rain set in and, on evenings when the skies cleared a little, killdeer and nighthawks could be heard once more.
  • The pristine, overgrown garden had sat empty for decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overgrown hedges, bollards, café chairs and holes in the pavement are just some of the problems faced by the visually impaired.
  • The far side is overgrown and quite inaccessible.
  • Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.
  • But perhaps more than ever there are many moorland paths overgrown with the heather.
  • In one early scene in the book he is dangling in a harness fifty feet above the water level of an overgrown limestone cenote, or sinkhole, deep in the jungle of the Dominican Republic.
  • Rare earth element distributions in the zircons and garnets strongly suggest that the zircon overgrowths formed in equilibrium with garnet.
  • Lake of overgrown with weeds opens port and Anhui the development Wang Heming of latter-day economy is in latter-day China's numerous treaty port.
  • The flower plant has overgrown its support.
  • A walk through the gallery may make you feel that you are in an overgrown village.
  • In the bottom of Radland valley, along the millstream, overgrown laurel and box hedges sprawl beneath the weight of snow and will remain in shadow all day. Country diary: St Dominic, Tamar Valley
  • It was a grass verge and the grass was overgrown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even unto this day, it is all overgrown with vines, and flowers grow where once there must have been gardens.
  • The octagon, with its east-facing entrance, resembled an overgrown hooghan. Yellow Dirt
  • Especially in that the seasons have been proper to bring up and set forward other more hasty and indifferent plants, whereby this of knowledge bath been starved and overgrown; for in the descent of times always there hath been somewhat else in reign and reputation, which hath generally aliened and diverted wits and labours from that employment. Valerius Terminus: of the interpretation of Nature
  • Obviously the kaid who built such a kasbah was a great man: his garden, a beautiful overgrown wilderness, gone like his castle to rack and ruin, lay below at In the Tail of the Peacock
  • The pristine, overgrown garden had sat empty for decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pathways that were closed for around 100 years due to overgrowth have been re-opened.
  • Council of Governors" to help "synchronize" policy regarding foreign and domestic military operations doesn't merely add another redundant layer of bureaucracy to the overgrown Homeland Security apparatus. Pro Libertate
  • September and October are ideal for dividing overgrown perennials.
  • The garden's completely overgrown with weeds.
  • Government cutbacks and legal tripwires have conspired to see the town park overgrown and uncared for.
  • A city without the ambition to reshape the skyline through breathtaking architecture will never be more than an overgrown town.
  • I had a sudden premonition of the proud tower reduced to a pile of rubble overgrown by the plants that had rooted in its mossy crevices.
  • Another cause is blocked hair follicles from overgrowing skin. You Raising Your Child
  • He said five years ago he promised to campaign for the clean-up of Killarney's lake shores and the removal of overgrowth which obstructs scenic views.
  • In general, the spaces between the lagoons and the river are thickly wooded (the trees consisting principally of the blue gum of a large growth), and are overgrown with vines of various descriptions, and the fern, the peppermint, flax plant, and currajong. A Source Book of Australian History
  • Darby has the wide-eyed, infectious humour of an overgrown schoolboy.
  • Beyond the buildings were five acres of overgrown garden and meadow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because the canopy is relatively open here, the vegetation is often overgrown with rattan vine, greenbrier, wild grape, pepper vine, trumpet creeper, Virginia creeper, and poison ivy.
  • We trek along overgrown jungle paths towards the river where the elephants have slept. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of them had already been cleared of grass and weeds and topsoil, but some, farther back, remained overgrown. AFTERMATH
  • The council claims the new wall is replacing existing concrete post and rail fencing, which was unsightly and which had become overgrown with weeds.
  • They act like a pair of overgrown children .
  • I boiled the water for the tea and looked out the kitchen window into the backyard and saw it to be neglected and overgrown with weeds.
  • If perennials like agapanthus, candytuft, coreopsis, daylilies, and penstemon are overgrown or not flowering well, it's time to dig and divide them.
  • The garden is completely overgrown and dumped with cookers, fridge-freezers and car parts and all the windows have been smashed.
  • We cleared through this banking last winter, taking out or coppicing overgrown shrubs and controlling the undergrowth of brambles and ferns.
  • Hugh's a downier bird than they think – not just an overgrown ex-fighter pilot with a crafty streak. The Alamut Ambush
  • Also noteworthy are the rare stalactitic overgrowths to 20 cm of pale to medium green fluorite cubes formed along earlier ‘strings’ of whitish finely crystalline quartz.
  • They are inhabited by overgrown schoolboys still playing with their toys, needy women who fear reality, and those who run a mile from anyone with a problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • Council machinery will clear and level the derelict overgrown area so that landscaping can start.
  • In this I include not only the stations but also a lot of the trackside which is often overgrown where it isn't strewn with litter and debris.
  • The animals tend to base themselves on wasteland or in overgrown gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • This test also indicates the likelihood of yeast and bacterial overgrowth in the gut.
  • Some gardeners might spurn a plant that usurps and overgrows their garden.
  • We trek along overgrown jungle paths towards the river where the elephants have slept. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was two acres overgrown with stinging nettles and we spent a year putting it right. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scrub that borders the tracks is overgrown with kudzu, an imported plant that strangles the natives.
  • But the overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of human society.
  • In many cases the candida overgrowth is so endemic that patients may have to consider seeing a medical doctor and using anticandida drugs such as nystatin or diflucan. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • It was probably easier to sail to other islands than traverse from one end of an island to the other through the overgrown vegetation of tropical woodlands. Times, Sunday Times
  • Failure of regular vegetation control caused Ocean Way to be partly covered by overgrowth of bush on the sea side of the road, causing a danger to road users.
  • Today, British allergy specialists concur that a candida overgrowth is responsible for a number of symptoms: gut disorders like itching wind and changed bowel habits, catarrh, some eczemas, arthritis and asthma.
  • All the hideous excrescences that have overgrown our modern life, the pomps and conventions and dreary solemnities, dread nothing so much as the flash of laughter which, like lightning, shrivels them up and leaves the bones bare.
  • This calcite typically overgrows quartz and crystallizes before heulandite, stilbite, and apophyllite.
  • Somehow that thought doesn't seem so foreign, the way she's whimpering and carrying on like that, shaking and blubbering like an overgrown and very ugly baby.
  • We walked a few streets to a little two-storey house surrounded by an overgrown garden. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • ‘We discovered all these terraces completely overgrown, under a jungle of vines and brambles,’ said Threipland.
  • These are nearly always accompanied by parallel overgrowth of several flattened rhombohedra aligned along each scalenohedron's c-axis, forming ‘pagodas’.
  • The place is crazily overgrown and the path that we cut is now only just passable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The house was nothing special, a tawdry semi-detached in a sprawling estate, with a broken front fence and an overgrown lawn.
  • Open ditches line the streets of the neighborhood and run past overgrown lots and broken-down houses as well as freshly whitewashed cottages and one or two brand new trailers.
  • They are not so delicate as the green spaces in China, but wild and overgrown with weeds.
  • Twigs and leaves, from overgrown bushes - half hung in the road - bashed and feathered against his clothes.
  • If perennials like agapanthus, candytuft, coreopsis, daylilies, and penstemon are overgrown or not flowering well, it's time to dig and divide them.
  • The place is crazily overgrown and the path that we cut is now only just passable. Times, Sunday Times
  • John, like a great red-limbed overgrown moon-calf; and now here you are as sprack a squire and as lusty an archer as ever passed down the highway from Bordeaux, while I am still the same old Samkin Aylward, with never a change, save that I have a few more sins on my soul and a few less crowns in my pouch. The White Company
  • It is the other side of a public bridle path and almost overgrown with vicious brambles. Times, Sunday Times
  • In O'Hara's opinion there is no bigger turn-off than an overgrown plot and an unweeded driveway.
  • Landscape gardeners have begun a clearance of the overgrown ground to make way for a new park.
  • The rule here is, if they overgrow your pond, throw the excess onto your compost pile.
  • Most of the large crystals have glassy terminations formed by an overgrowth of a thin layer of clear quartz.
  • Since then the area has become overgrown with reeds and provides an important habitat for bird life.
  • FACTOID: A keloid is an overgrowth of skin that forms during scarring. You Raising Your Child
  • The ruins are now completely overgrown with shrubbery and valonia oaks.
  • Multiple phases of zoned calcite are common, often truncated by a major dissolution surface overgrown by a late, granular calcite.
  • The projecting ears were tufted, and the eyebrows bristled with greying unclipped hairs, forming an overgrown ridge above the eyes. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • As the ligamental area overgrows the hinge plate, the dorsal parts of the oldest hinge teeth are resorbed and the hinge sockets are filled up with a fibrous prismatic texture.
  • thinly overgrown mountainside
  • 14th century Byzantine ramparts radiate from here, mostly overlooked by 20th century apartments, tavernas and cafes, yet it feels more like an overgrown village.
  • Then he goes to the overgrown graveyard, begun in 1322 or thereabouts, of an English coastal town to search for her headstone!
  • Bacterial overgrowth may be enhanced in the presence of sputum retention.
  • Villages built by aid money stand alongside the overgrown ruins of their predecessors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through the darkness I could make out a modest, tan coloured house with an overgrown garden and grubby looking shudders drooping from the windows.
  • Heart failure results from the heart overgrowth and diabetes is the usual result of pancreatic changes.
  • Beyond this garden, abrupt, there was a grey stone wall overgrown with velvet moss that uprose as, gazing, Matthew stood long, all mazed and blinking, to see this place so eerie and fair.
  • In addition, the cuticle of the fingernails often gets very ragged, overgrown, and irregular.
  • We do have 40 acres of land containing overgrown colliery shale, fly tipping and flooded clay pits.
  • Unchecked weeds sprouted wildly between the cracks in the pavements where overgrown and unruly front lawns had spilled over the remains of collapsed walls.
  • However, in recent times the walkway including the adjacent river has fallen into decay with overgrown weeds, graffiti, dumping.
  • It may be due to an overgrowth and inward pressure, etc., or from filth accumulating and hardening between the claws, producing inflammation and softening or ulceration of the skin in the interdigital space (between the claws). The Veterinarian
  • As well as the majority of streetlights not working, it is still deeply unpleasant due mainly to being overgrown, as well as being persistently covered with litter and dog dirt.
  • It also may occur in patients with small bowel disorders and bacterial overgrowth.
  • Steroids, however, can lead to bacterial or fungal overgrowth in patients with already compromised skin.
  • In the allotments, paths overgrown with nettles and docks are littered with squashed cans and chocolate wrappers between walls of rusting corrugated iron topped with barbed wire.

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