How To Use Overflowing In A Sentence
Giving is the highest expression of potency. In the very act of giving, I experience my strength, my wealth, my power. This experience of heightened vitality and potency fills me with joy. I experience myself as overflowing, spending, alive, hence as joyous. Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness. Erich Fromm
They left behind a huge pile of ripped bin bags overflowing with pizza boxes and cans.
The Sun
They were so beautifully typeset, and their tone was just captivating — alternately casual and buffer-overflowingly technical.
Copy What You Like
Now he sits before a half-drunk coffee, a plate of untouched biscuits and an overflowing ashtray.
When the cup of human life is so overflowing with woe and pain and misery, it seems to me a narrow dilettanteism or downright charlatanism to devote one's self to petty or bizarre problems which can have no relation to human happiness, and to prate of self-satisfaction and self-expression.
Woman Her Sex and Love Life

Full rivers and overflowing dams have been reported in the northern region of the province as rains continue to fall.
The mound of dirty clothing just keeps piling up until your hamper is overflowing and a sea of denim, cotton and corduroy forms a carpet on the floor of your bedroom.
Visitors crane their necks to photograph a pergola overflowing with hanging baskets of impatiens, ‘Martha Washington’ geraniums and agapanthus.
Four more people drowned in eastern India on Wednesday and an overflowing river threatened to inundate low-lying areas around Patna, the populous capital city of Bihar state, relief officials said yesterday.
Schythes were swung, sheaves were tied and built into stooks in an overflowing gesture of co-operation and goodwill.
More conventional routes are closed to through traffic by overflowing cardboard boxes.
Another table design consisted of two-tiered crystal candelabras overflowing with white trumpet calla lilies and crystal embellishments.
My Fair Wedding
Every day my mailbag is stuffed to overflowing with letters from desperate people who can't even get their dealers to be civil, leave alone helpful.
If the school is thriving, overflowing with vibrant young energy then it's a sure sign the community is too.
I am guessing that tourism overflowing from the Cancun area has helped but it is also the main commercial hub in the Yucatan peninsula and the capitol of the state of Yucatan.
Noise in Merida & Progreso
I regarded _tragic_ knowledge as the most beautiful luxury of our culture, as its most precious, most noble, most dangerous kind of prodigality; but, nevertheless, in view of its overflowing wealth, as a justifiable _luxury_.
The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
And unlike the preceding White Album, the jumbled juxtaposition of forms - faux-blues toss-offs, stately piano ballads, folkie hootenannies - feels less like a band overflowing with inspired ideas than one running out of them.
The hospitals are overflowing with victims of the hurricane.
Suddenly, all the pools in the zoo are full and overflowing and the animals who were quite sluggish in summer are now frisky.
Vicki stepped off the overflowing bus with a sigh, the forlorn glaze that had darkened Wil's eyes setting heavy on her heart.
The mariachis were swinging, the margaritas were chilling, the River Walk was overflowing.
They threw the rind of their melons in the direction of an overflowing waste bin.
The hospitals will be full to overflowing with people who are dead.
Times, Sunday Times
The resultant dengue outbreaks place severe strains on public hospitals, with wards filled to overflowing with patients.
Both came with a side salad; it was fresh and crisp - vegetables and an overflowing plate of chips which were, if I had to complain, just a touch underdone.
The town's cemetery is packed to overflowing, and unless families can pay the requisite sum for eternal entombment, bodies are evicted after five years.
In the City of Elua, the revelry would begin in earnest that day, and by evenfall, the salons of reception would be overflowing in the Court of Night-Blooming Flowers, as
Kushiel's Avatar
The media tribune was overflowing with hundreds of reporters, all drawn to an event that has been hyped incessantly since Phelps entered and qualified for the 200 free at the U.S. Olympic trials last month.
For men say that the young of all creatures cannot be quiet in their bodies or in their voices; they are always wanting to move and cry out; some leaping and skipping, and overflowing with sportiveness and delight at something, others uttering all sorts of cries.
I was brimming, no, overflowing with good feelings.
Their granaries were overflowing with plenitude; yet they wanted to keep the sharp famine-edge of their love undulled.
The cats shared their room with an overflowing litter tray.
Easter had been wet, windy and miserable anyway, and the Beggar and its feeder becks were already to bank level when the freak storm hit the side of Tup Fell and turned swollen into overflowing.
The place was usually overflowing with people.
Times, Sunday Times
The fiery broth is overflowing with tender calamari, a crab claw, shrimp, chunks of fish and one impeccable scallop.
The debate over vitamins takes place in a marketplace overflowing with supplemental pills, powders and potions.
But then, he was gaining in popularity, and what did it matter if his office was filled to overflowing with exotic paraphernalia, he was reaching that apex to which he had aspired, and the emolument was a mere bagatelle.
Skookum Chuck Fables Bits of History, Through the Microscope
Please imagine profound peace overflowing from our hearts permeating all existence -- even to the hearts of those we consider our enemies," Swami Amritaswarupananda said on behalf of Amma, whose native tongue is Malayalam.
Laura Amazzone: Amma: The Divine Mother Embracing The World
A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.
He who doubts the influence of the individual upon the fate of a country and upon his times through long passages of history may explain the difference between France of 1609, with a martial king aided by great statesmen at its head, with an exchequer overflowing with revenue hoarded for a great cause -- and that cause an attempt at least to pacificate
PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete
The overflowing river took nine lives and destroyed at least 2,000 homes.
Times, Sunday Times
It intends to clear some of its overflowing stockpiles and make way for freshly harvested grain, while also settling part of its oil imports bill.
Times, Sunday Times
The feast is overflowing with pork, delivered whole on spits from underground umu ovens.
For the past 34 years, Toronto has played host to Caribana, a dazzling carnival overflowing with pulsating steelband, calypso, and breathtaking costume displays.
the auditorium was full to overflowing
In that charmed circle he was as overflowingly happy as if he had been admitted to the company of the gods.
Mark Twain: A Biography
The washing-up bowl was overflowing.
Rosses Point was overflowing on Friday night last as supporters of St. Valentine thronged to the local restaurants, inns and hostelries to celebrate February 14.
\tab He saw reflected in the glass a figure coming down the sidewalk-heavyset, middle-aged, wearing a gun belt almost concealed by belly overflowing it, a holstered hogleg on his right thigh, star on his left breast, otherwise dressed much as Lazarus was dressed.
Time Enough For Love
Nature in some twenty odd years had draped the cliff with fern -- the _Polypodium vulgare_ -- and Mrs Bosenna in her early married days had planted the crevices with arabis, alyssum, and aubrietia, which had taken root and spread, and now, overflowing their ledges, ran down in cascades of bloom -- white, yellow, and purple.
Hocken and Hunken
The walls were lined with book cases, which were full to the brim, and overflowing onto the floor.
The venue is a hotel resort set in a lush tropical garden overflowing with orchids and other native flowers.
In the supermarket, we felt grand wheeling around our shopping cart, overflowing with groceries enough for a whole week.
I was just drifting off to sleep, my mind filled with images of exposed ceiling beams and window boxes overflowing with gerbera daisies, when Alex knocked on my half-opened door.
The Opposite of Me
Some of the not overflowing things that can in any case scandalise: Bible quotes
Lost in translation « Anglican Samizdat
The place was usually overflowing with people.
Times, Sunday Times
The purpose of this was to stop the leat overflowing in times of high water.
It was therefore fitting that on the feast of the Assumption, the Church, dedicated to Our Lady, was packed to overflowing.
Technology to solve overflowing bins and street rubbish has been tested in Nottingham and Bath saving hundreds of man hours a month.
The Sun
The bearers, the priests, and the ailing ones themselves had just intonated a canticle, the song of Bernadette, and all rolled along amid the besetting "Aves," so that the little carts, the litters, and the pedestrians descended the sloping road like a swollen and overflowing torrent of roaring water.
The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 2
Opening another can of cat food, Clyde added it to the slop overflowing the bowl, scaring up a swirl of flies.
Some of the impressions you mention are of an overflowingly large family, religious pictures on the walls, and saying the rosary together on holy days.
The Loyal Catholic
But even yet, he was only a stranger to the boys of the town, and as he went down the street in the drenching rain that filled the syvers to overflowing and rose in a smoke from the calm waters of the bay, they cried "Crotal-coat, crotal-coat," after him.
Gilian The Dreamer His Fancy, His Love and Adventure
Secondly, it was full to overflowing of hackneyed sexist stereotypes.
The grape spirit market was in decline, too, so the EC wine lake was overflowing.
It is an overwhelming, overflowing kaleidoscope of color, faces, tanned bodies, trophies, medals and ribbons.
Things had so gone with him that the rostrum was his own, and a House crammed to overflowing was there to listen to him.
Phineas Finn
They include an overflowing measure of paddy or rice, coconuts, fruits, a lamp, a mirror, and other objects.
If the ongoing Toronto International Film Festival is, as its organizers say, a "smorgasbord" overflowing with hundreds of entrees, think of New York's as three dozen plates of food for thought, served up to offset what appears to be a low-calorie fall from Hollywood.
Around The World In 17 Days
The collection of beer bottles, coffee cups and overflowing ashtrays was said to represent the chaos of an artist's studio.
The album is overflowing with sweet harmonies and guitar riffs and beats that are edgy without being overbearing.
She pointedly turns away to avoid looking at a street person struggling with a laundry cart overflowing with stuff.
The nurse is overflowing with love.
They left behind a huge pile of ripped bin bags overflowing with pizza boxes and cans.
The Sun
Lillesand is a beautiful little town full of wooden houses with white picket fences and gardens overflowing with roses.
When I was brushing my teeth, I noticed that the trash was overflowing and took that out right away after I had rinsed and spit.
This is My Brain - SpouseBUZZ
Her hastened kiss sustains my pallid lips, her now strong arms embolden mine; her laughter lifts my body high, we swoop as one above the greening fields, the wheatstraw hills, the overflowing streams, the bountied oceans
A Visit
I regarded _tragic_ knowledge as the most beautiful luxury of our culture, as its most precious, most noble, most dangerous kind of prodigality; but, nevertheless, in view of its overflowing wealth, as a justifiable _luxury_.
The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
The protest forced the field to halt production in order to prevent its 2,000-barrel storage tanks from overflowing.
Larentia lay buried; the spot is at this day called Velabrum, because, the river frequently overflowing, they went over in ferry-boats somewhere hereabouts to the forum, the Latin word for ferrying being velatura.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
By whom, I did not know - at least until a phone call overflowing with laughter and a familiar voice a couple of minutes later made clear it had been the doing of a group of friends.
Joshua Stanton: Pranking Jewish Friends on Easter: Not So Funny
Their steep slopes are the nearest thing to a rainforest in Europe, overflowing with springs and pools which are home to salamanders and newts.
Keep Britain Tidy predicted problems would be caused by litter and discarded food from takeaways and overflowing household rubbish bags.
It was driven by his gardener, and filled to overflowing with azaleas and polyanthus, and great bunches of irises and tulips and freesias.
Politics 101
It was the tribute of overflowing life, & youth, health, ignorance of care—it was the tribute of free, unscarred, unsmitten nature to the good God that gave it!
Mark Twain
Thirteen Eastern Cape dams were overflowing after rains over large parts of the normally drought-prone province, SABC radio news reported.
The point of this tub is to put it in a large, open space and to actually * see* the water overflowing.
Overflow Bathtubs from Käsch
I must point out that the place was spotless, I didn't see any overflowing dirt bins and papers or even stompies lying around.
If I was to be caught not cleaning up after my dogs, I would be obliged to pay a fine, yet the bins provided for disposing of dog mess are constantly overflowing causing a disgusting stench.
Trembling the while, Ogger, who knew by experience what were the power and might of Charles, and who had learned the lesson by long consuetude in better days, then said, 'When ye shall behold the crops shaking for fear in the fields, and the gloomy Po and the Ticino overflowing the walls of the city with their waves blackened with steel
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
Photography even substantiated claims of overflowing creels.
The house was overflowing with a profusion of strange ornaments.
The air possessed a pungent, acrid smell because the cigarette had burned through a filter stub in the overflowing ashtray.
I think all of us feel invincible, like we have overflowing tanks of oxygen.
Times, Sunday Times
Nature in some twenty odd years had draped the cliff with fern -- the _Polypodium vulgare_ -- and Mrs Bosenna in her early married days had planted the crevices with arabis, alyssum, and aubrietia, which had taken root and spread, and now, overflowing their ledges, ran down in cascades of bloom -- white, yellow, and purple.
Hocken and Hunken
Dance music blared from speakers and the birthday girl’s aunts began dishing overflowing mounds of food onto plates: chicken, beef, rice, pap, chakalaka a spicy salad made of cooked vegetables, mashed beetroots, mashed potatoes.
No Place Left to Bury the Dead
A small port had been built and colossal barges looking like giant overflowing matchboxes were being towed the short distance down the coast to Korea.
An avuncular African doctor had the time to be reassuring and overflowing with human kindness.
The problem is often sewers overflowing after heavy rain.
Times, Sunday Times
Her room is overflowing with tiaras, troll dolls, magical cards, toy castles, posters, crowns, swords, and all manner of fantasy knick-knacks.
A roll of carnival-style tickets will get you anything from classic Chicago-style deep-dish pizza to an overflowing plate of Cuban caldo gallego.
The kitchen garden was full to overflowing with fresh vegetables.
North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency said torrential rain and water from the overflowing Yalu, or Amnok as it's known in Korean, swamped houses, public buildings, and farmland in more than five villages near Sinuiju, the city opposite Dandong.
Eyewitness News
soliloquy might have succeeded in doing just that if he hadn't been in love and overflowing with a marvellous sense of aliveness.
The faint rose again blushed on his cheek; his brow and lips lost the ashy paleness of threatened dissolution; such was the dear reward of my unremitting attention -- and bounteous heaven added overflowing recompence, when it gave me also the thanks and smiles of Idris.
Elaine Wagner bumps the car door shut with her hip, her arms full with her purse and a shopping bag almost overflowing with used paperbacks.
Overflowing with affection to his friends, and showing it in all kinds of unconventional and unexpected instances, keeping to the last a kind of youthful freshness as if he had never yet realised that he was not a boy, and shrunk from the formality and donnishness of grown-up life, he was the most refined and thoughtful of gentlemen, and in the midst of the fierce party battles of his day, with all his strong feeling of the tremendous significance of the strife, always a courteous and considerate opponent.
Occasional Papers Selected from the Guardian, the Times, and the Saturday Review, 1846-1890
It was overflowing love and compassion that moved the Lord Jesus to go to the cross.
Mosques are full to overflowing and new mosques are being built to meet the demand.
To the dreamy melody of a Beethoven piano sonata, a child-like model rummaged through a trunk overflowing with clothes on a set designed as a girl's bedroom.
In this perfect companion to London: The Biography, Peter Ackroyd once again delves into the hidden byways of history, describing the rivers endless allure in a journey overflowing with characters, incidents, and wry observations.
Thames by Peter Ackroyd: Book summary
Linen bags were also overflowing on half of the wards.
His contemporary, the geographer Strabo, argued that the sea had once been a lake and that the many rivers that disgorge into it had, in the recent past, filled it to overflowing.
He seemed to enjoy watching the parent birds and other visitors that came to drink water from a fountain shaped like a woman holding a bowl of overflowing water in her arms.
Archive 2009-07-01
Arctic Bay's overflowing sewage lagoon was repaired.
For Love itself, the benefactor of things that be, pre-existing overflowingly in the Good, did not permit itself to remain unproductive in itself, but moved itself to creation [36], as befits the overflow which is generative of all.
Dionysius the Areopagite, Works (1897)
At the end of a decade of marriage her household was overflowing with people and objects, impelling her to begin a house hunt.
Every hill in sight, every plain, was seeded and overflowing with lush green crops and the workers busied themselves with their daily chores and share of the work.
And since it makes sensible use of halls rather than fields, the event is untroubled by rain, mud and overflowing toilets.
The boysenberry canes are bursting with bright green leaves and overflowing the square of low trellises behind the old flagstone barbecue.
The overflowing river has engulfed many towns and villages along its banks.
An avuncular African doctor had the time to be reassuring and overflowing with human kindness.
Need to empty out overflowing pond before the fish float off down the garden.
Times, Sunday Times
Their steep slopes are the nearest thing to a rainforest in Europe, overflowing with springs and pools which are home to salamanders and newts.
the clogging crowds of revelers overflowing into the street
The low waistline hugged her hips and the skirt was not heavy or overflowing.
The kitchen garden was full to overflowing with fresh vegetables.
Squeers, Pumblechook; so with giraffes, baboons, dodoes, dromedaries, -- all are freaks from the æsthetic viewpoint, but think of the overflowing energy implied in creating them!
Outlines of English and American Literature : an Introduction to the Chief Writers of England and America, to the Books They Wrote, and to the Times in Which They Lived
Stories of overflowing baths abound.
Times, Sunday Times
From one end of the town to the other clotheslines, dining-room chairs, porch rockers and upstairs bedrooms are overflowing with silk foulards, frilled dimities, beribboned and belaced organdies, not to mention the billows of dotted swiss and muslin.
Green Valley
In any case, the collectors didn't come on Friday, so the bin was still overflowing when we got home from work.
Seventy years ago, these inscriptions were the puzzle and despair of the learned; but since modern science has plucked out the heart of its mystery, the whole Temple lies before us an open volume filled to overflowing with strange and quaint and heterogeneous matter – a Talmud in sculptured stone. 4
A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
Though I have never been to Kenya, Africa, or India, the pictures and films I have seen of them tend to show large crowds of pedestrians and overflowing buses or cars: the proportion of drivers to non-drivers is low.
They left behind a huge pile of ripped bin bags overflowing with pizza boxes and cans.
The Sun
Hospitals are overflowing with patients and many of the facilities are short-staffed.
Human rights group suspects revenge killings in Libya
They were overflowing with emotion at the birth of their baby.
A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.
The kitchen was the first room, and the garbage was overflowing, the counters were caked with gunk, and there were sticky spots on the floor.
The year is 1998, and the group performs before an overflowing hometown hall of writhing, bouncing, pushing and skanking mop-haired kids and mod hipsters.
Need to empty out overflowing pond before the fish float off down the garden.
Times, Sunday Times
They look so good as they gesticulate passionately in the city's overflowing cafés or file into its steakhouses, entire family in tow, for dinner at 10 p.m.
Buenos Aires
The documentation was chaotic, and Amy's heart sank at the sight of the muddled ledgers and wire baskets overflowing with dog-eared papers.
Not only was my Green Box overflowing, but next to it were two black sacks full of paper.
Look at me: educated, working, with my own money and savings, living in a country overflowing with chances.
Overflowing of I, walk in the overflowing looking for love road.
Hospitals are overflowing with elderly victims of the heat wave, some stricken with tropical diseases.
Times, Sunday Times
He reconjured moonlight schottische dances on the decks of a steamer run by lovable country people, “simple-hearted folk and overflowing with good-fellowship and the milk of human kindness.”
Mark Twain
I'd love to boast that my trug is overflowing with summer's bountiful harvest.
It was a breezy southwesterly gale which caused overflowing dustbins to be sent flying through the masses.
Wheelie bins, particularly when overflowing, can be attractive to the opportunist firesetter and vandal," she said.
They are brimming and overflowing with quality.
The Sun
Snowy arums and golden lilies choke the brooks, overflowing from the constant showers combining with a vertical sun to foster the wealth of greenery, the incandescent scarlet and yellow of hybiscus and allemanda glowing with the transparent depth of hue, beside which the fragile fairness of
Through the Malay Archipelago
The gardens are magnificent, overflowing with tropical blooms and huge flowering trees.
With a vast array of characters, overflowing with incident, the novel re-creates an era when the personal and political are separated by a hairbreadth, where success brings unlimited power but a single failure means death.
Wolf Hall: Summary and book reviews of Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel.
It's 10 in the morning and Joanna is overflowing with vibrant energy, enthusiasm and charm.
Health centres are overflowing with tiny bundles of suffering.
Times, Sunday Times
Manilla ( ) replaces that inbox (or shoebox) that's overflowing with bills, frequent flyer updates, magazine subscription renewals and other boring-but-important pieces of information.
Dashboard Your Life
Families are likely to have smelling, overflowing bins halfway through the second week.
Among the six fatalities in New York State were in individuals in (1) Spring Valley, Rockland Co., where a Good Samaritan in his 50s was electrocuted as he attempted to assist a child who had gone into a flooded street with downed electrical wires; (2) New Scotland, Albany Co., where a 68-year-old woman was recovered after drowning in an overflowing creek; and (3) Bellport Bay, Suffolk Co., where a 68-year-old windsurfer drowned.
John Tepper Marlin: Measuring Irene's Damage
Soon the rivers begin to flow, the ponds and the lakes fill to overflowing, and verdure covers the earth.
Flooding was extensive, especially in the Stockbridge area, with the River Worth bursting its banks and overflowing near its confluence with the Aire.
Egbert Dormer did not turn out from his hand so much work as some men that I know, but he was overflowing with art up to his ears — and with tobacco, so that, upon the whole, the bijou was a pleasant rendezvous.
Ayala's Angel
It's like trying to stuff more money in an overflowing piggy bank.
The Sun
On one Manhattan block Sunday, sanitation trucks with front loaders were busy clearing snow, but garbage bins outside apartment buildings were filled to overflowing, and bags of recyclable beer bottles and milk cartons were stacked helter-skelter along with discarded Christmas trees and wreaths.
NYC trash pickup resumes, a week after blizzard
Cheesier than an overflowing fondue, but the mind-blowing dance routines will have you grooving.
The Sun
A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.
The present situation is that the dam is already overflowing and it is obvious that more rain is coming.
Her room is overflowing with tiaras, troll dolls, magical cards, toy castles, posters, crowns, swords, and all manner of fantasy knick-knacks.
Egbert Dormer did not turn out from his hand so much work as some men that I know, but he was overflowing with art up to his ears -- and with tobacco, so that, upon the whole, the bijou was a pleasant rendezvous.
Ayala's Angel
He wore a murrey-coloured plush jerkin, stained with the overflowings of the tankard, and much the worse for wear, and unbuttoned at bottom for the ease of his enormous paunch.
The Fortunes of Nigel
While walking on the prom on Saturday night, close to the entrance to the stone jetty, I came across a dog waste bin overflowing with rubbish.
Audi Mr. Neil says the new Audi R8 Spyder "looks spectacular — feloniously low and wide, its fender flares overflowing with alloy wheels and licorice-like sport rubber (19-inch 235/35s in front and 295/30s on the rear).
Audi R8: The Apex of Gasoline-Power
There were no tears in her eyes, but the oceans of pure blue held every ounce of her sadness like a bucket of ice melting and overflowing with a powerful sweep of elemental passion.
But you will most likely find the exclusions section of your policy doesn't cover losses resulting from surface water, overflowing streams or bayous, waves, tidal water and the like.
The bins were overflowing and paving slabs in the drive had been uprooted.
The Sun
The problem is often sewers overflowing after heavy rain.
Times, Sunday Times
Sorry, but my mind has been overflowing with nice things and nasty things in equal measure.
The air possessed a pungent, acrid smell because the cigarette had burned through a filter stub in the overflowing ashtray.
Here there are gift shops aplenty, but also fantastic courtyards and balconies overflowing with flowers.
The psychological, spiritual and emotional support given to brothers fills their hearts to overflowing.
But I'd have to say the blogosphere and Internet has given City Journal, a pretty highbrow magazine overflowing with thoughtful, long essays, a lot more readers.
It was also, I learned, scrolling down, a hellhole manned by human ferrets, with overflowing toilets and mephitic smells that had tragically ruined the honeymoon of vox12populi and Iwantmyrum, who were now exacting revenge by describing their nightmarish experience on every message board they could find.
You Don't Say?
He said the bin was overflowing in January but disappeared mysteriously.
But ripping yarns of undersea adventure failed to describe stinking bilges and hideous, overflowing buckets of garbage or worse.
The near eye is overflowing with tears -- you can see the brim, lucent on the lower lid.
James Elkins: How Long Does it Take To Look at a Painting?
Breakfast was, like all the meals, a leisurely affair taken from an overflowing buffet of fresh fruits or bountiful sausages, eggs and yes, home-cured bacon!
Today her workroom, or ‘nest’ as she refers to it, is overflowing with designs, feathers and boxes full of orders from as far afield as the US and top London hat designer Peter Bettley.
Government storehouses are overflowing with food grain.
Many readers have complained their bins are now overflowing and the council admits it has received hundreds of inquiries and complaints.
The bins were overflowing and paving slabs in the drive had been uprooted.
The Sun
The hip hop room is overflowing and happening - at least on Thursday nights.
He wore fairly shabby clothes, perhaps better suited for a wanderer, and had green hair overflowing his head, with black streaks running here and there.
Never before had Georgina seen her so radiant, so excited, so overflowingly happy that she gave vent to her feelings as a little schoolgirl might have done.
Georgina of the Rainbows
Giving is the highest expression of potency. In the very act of giving, I experience my strength, my wealth, my power. This experience of heightened vitality and potency fills me with joy. I experience myself as overflowing, spending, alive, hence as joyous. Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness. Erich Fromm
The streets are jammed with cars, the busses packed with people and the pavements overflowing with pedestrians weighed down with their purchases.
There are old blue and white minibuses everywhere overflowing with passengers.
They left behind a huge pile of ripped bin bags overflowing with pizza boxes and cans.
The Sun
The trumpet and piano repertoire is not exactly overflowing with masterpieces.
Times, Sunday Times
The submersible rose higher in the dock, the overflowing sea rushing like a tide over their boots.
The hospitals will be full to overflowing with people who are dead.
Times, Sunday Times