How To Use Overfed In A Sentence

  • Some may be based on birds in captivity in Europe that were unintentionally overfed, and fattened up beyond what would occur in nature.
  • There is something barbaric, I suppose, in the British customs still -- something that reminds one of their ancient condition when the Romans conquered them -- when their supreme idea of enjoyment was to have an ox roasted whole before them while they drank "wassail" till they groveled under their own tables in a worse condition than overfed swine. Vendetta: a story of one forgotten
  • Remember Genesis indicates there were not ten righteous people in Sodom, and Ezekiel says Sodom, the people, were arrogant, overfed, and unconcern. Think Progress » Portugal’s parliament approves same-sex marriage.
  • An overfed, underexercised horse is a prime candidate for developing any of a number of stable vices.
  • The equines were not allowed to be touched without permission, and were not to be overfed on treats.
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  • He was sure he was either going crazy or that Billy, his overfed and undereducated co-worker, was trying to play a trick on him.
  • She obsesses about its feeding schedule but in fact most pet fish are overfed anyway.
  • Dogs fed a calorie-limited diet will reach the same adult size as their overfed counterparts more slowly, of course, but with a considerably reduced likelihood of developing arthritis.
  • I always found myself embarrassed when confronted with pictures of scraggy or sagging wives and overfed, grinning offspring.
  • Not only are our kids overfed on junk food and fast food, they are fast becoming victims of the techno age.
  • Children should never be overfed by comparing them with the neighbour's child, he said.
  • Bottle-fed babies are often overfed because parents encourage babies to empty the entire bottle.
  • Yep, the thought of a bunch of rural small businesses going bust during a recession so that overfed urban lawyers can feel briefly virtuous sure makes me chuckle. The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Clinics Under Siege
  • It may be; but the German love of food is not necessarily a sign of grossness, and that "overfed" appearance, of which the Reflections and Comments 1865-1895
  • Middle-aged merchants have a great fancy for such horses; their action recalls the swaggering gait of a smart waiter; they do well in single harness for an after-dinner drive; with mincing paces and curved neck they zealously draw a clumsy droshky laden with an overfed coachman, a depressed, dyspeptic merchant, and his lymphatic wife, in a blue silk mantle, with a lilac handkerchief over her head. A Sportsman's Sketches
  • In one Japanese zoo, approximately 50 Macaca mulatta monkeys have been overfed so much crap by tourists that, at three times their normal size (63 pounds vs. a healthy 20), they can barely move around their habitat. Leslie Goldman: Chunky Monkeys as Metaphor for Life
  • Overtired and overfed politicians negotiate stupendous sums of other people's money into the night, finally agreeing to any nonsense so as to get home for Christmas.
  • After Zac, there is Yvan, the baby, who is cosseted and overfed, with pettishly long hair.
  • I'm overfed, but all I have to do is look at generations of my family to know I'll never be svelte.
  • Why, yes it does: confirms that you are an “overfed, long-haired leaping gnome”. Think Progress » Florida doctor tells Obama voters they are not welcome: ‘Seek urologic care elsewhere.’
  • Many of the birds might have overfed themselves as Richter said some had difficulty getting out of the breakers at times.
  • I didn't get all primped and primmed to have an overfed pompous puff ball tell me he's too good for me. CNN Transcript May 19, 2006
  • He'd crawled on all fours through this muck, puking like an overfed Roman in the vomitorium, hadn't he? SACRAMENT
  • Beijing duck is overfed.
  • We're overpaid and overfed, we're oversexed (I've heard it said).
  • The beau monde even dictates style to the overfed Prince of Wales, ridiculous in his pantaloons, and to soignée duchesses, who trade in their silks and satins for cotton, the ‘poor stuff’ of the French Revolution.
  • Jeff Hall: Yep, the thought of a bunch of rural small businesses going bust during a recession so that overfed urban lawyers can feel briefly virtuous sure makes me chuckle. The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Clinics Under Siege
  • Dodos kept in captivity could just have been overfed, which is why they tended to look much fatter than other birds of a similar shape and size. Bringing the dodo back to life
  • The fact is that I am a little overfed; but the stranger in the tropics cannot eat like a native, and my abstemiousness is a surprise. Two Years in the French West Indies
  • It turns out cells don't like to be "overfed," Schwartz said. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The equines were not allowed to be touched without permission, and were not to be overfed on treats.
  • He was overfed, he said, depleted, suffering from nervous exhaustion. HIGH STAND
  • I always found myself embarrassed when confronted with pictures of scraggy or sagging wives and overfed, grinning offspring.
  • What does appal me is when overfed and bored domestic cats torture and kill birds for pleasure.
  • According to veterinarians surveyed, more than half of the nation's cats and dogs are overfed, which can lead to health problems.
  • Although at least 50 percent of the U.S. population is considered obese or "overfed," many people suffer from some of the same micronutrient deficiencies as malnourished people here in sub-Saharan Africa because of over consumption of high-fat and highly processed foods -- yet another ironic thing Americans and Africans have in common. Bernard Pollack: A Case For Eating Your Vegetables
  • Dogs fed a calorie-limited diet will reach the same adult size as their overfed counterparts more slowly, of course, but with a considerably reduced likelihood of developing arthritis.
  • More often than not, temple elephants kept in chains and overfed without enough exercise become fat.
  • The flower of successful womanhood -- those who have bargained shrewdly -- are to be found overfed, overdressed, sensualized, in great hotels, on mammoth steamers and luxurious trains, rushing hither and thither on idle errands. Together
  • She doesn't like to know that, see, because I think she overfed me, because it made her feel good when I ate so much. LOSING IT
  • However, the animals' prediabetic symptoms came on suddenly, after 16 weeks of being overfed.
  • But the pigeons of London are squat and swollen and angry, glaring at you with the squat reluctance to move that I’ve only seen in overfed housecats; screw you, buddy, they say silently, I’ve got a place here. Impressions From A 56-Hour Sojourn: In No Particular Order
  • Getty Images DJ Harvey He's known to play long and eclectic sets, with a sense of shape to both the parts and the whole, and his sound of choice is disco—not the kind of overfed, undernourished disco played on oldies radio but the lithe and lively sort that bubbled up from New York's formative dance clubs in the 1970s and '80s. Welcome Back To the Jungle
  • We are overfed with seriousness, whether in the classrooms, spiritual centers, spas, or playgrounds. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • So far as I know, the cat has only been overfed twice since I've taken on the job of principal feeder.

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