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How To Use Overeating In A Sentence

  • Overeating and drunkenness both violated social moral codes, although the latter appears to have been a much weightier transgression: intoxication is frequently listed among the serious crimes — "pleasurable living," adultery, theft — mentioned by Sahagún's informants. 47 Indigenous drinking practices also shocked Spaniards who had their own ideals of moderation when it came to alcohol consumption, a topic that we look at in Chapter 4. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Maslenitsa, known as the overeating holiday, is the wildest, merriest celebration of the year. Celebration Breads
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • Previous research has shown that overeating foods that taste good alters brain reward systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • WASHINGTON - Overeating makes the brain go haywire, prompting a cascade of damage that may cause diabetes, heart disease and other ills, US researchers reported on Thursday.
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  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • A diet full of junk food, overeating and high amounts of caffeine was making him stressed out and miserable. The Sun
  • Overweight people often have low self-esteem, easily adopt the role of a failure and even punish themselves by overeating again.
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • If you plan what you're going to eat, you reduce your chances of overeating.
  • Everyone in the room suffers with compulsive overeating and all have come for help. The Sun
  • Ultimately, dieters who are plagued by chronic overeating flare-ups may be able to diminish their severity because they learn from past experience how to handle the situations that are causing them to stop following a calorie-conscious food plan. Judith J. Wurtman, PhD: Overeating Flare-Ups: Are They the Cause of Chronic Obesity?
  • To talk about an epidemic of obesity is like talking about a plague of inactivity or a contagion of overeating.
  • In fact, the principal eating disorder in the United Kingdom today is overeating.
  • By following the workbook exercises you will develop the courage you need to dare to face the fears which accompany a life of not overeating.
  • The physical consequences of compulsive overeating, anorexia and bulimia can be severe and even fatal.
  • The team also drew a few guffaws locally when their coach, a Quebecois named Yves Boily, told the media his team was overeating.
  • I could wallow in sadness and destroy my body through bad food and overeating, or treat our separation as an opportunity for a new beginning. The Sun
  • Do you often counter depressive moods by some sort of potentially harmful compulsive behavior such as overworking, overspending, overdrinking, or overeating?
  • That was the only night I really felt close to overeating, partly because of the champagne and wine we drank.
  • To talk about an epidemic of obesity is like talking about a plague of inactivity or a contagion of overeating.
  • Habitual overeating had distended the boy's stomach.
  • In our experience, no balancing of fats, carbs, and proteins will overcome the simple mathematics of overeating and not exercising.
  • The tavern owners stampeded us into overeating
  • The reason why one is fat is partly caused by overeating.
  • When fat people say that they cannot help overeating, they may be right. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everyone in the room suffers with compulsive overeating and all have come for help. The Sun
  • In his book The End of Overeating, former FDA commissioner Dr. David Kessler examines the role of the brain in eating behavior and the mechanisms involved in what he calls conditioned hypereating. Darya Pino: Learning to Eat Less: How Understanding Your Brain Can Make You Healthier
  • Previous research has shown that overeating foods that taste good alters brain reward systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scientists who turned their attention to nutrition in the nineteenth century began to argue against overeating.
  • A bowl of healthy soup gives you the biggest value for your caloric buck and keeps you from overeating during your main course.
  • The colour is often linked to danger and may signal alarm bells which stop us from overeating, they say. The Sun
  • She needed to go completely cold turkey from food and all the associations of overeating that came with meal and snack times. The Sun
  • The reason why one is fat is partly caused by overeating.
  • Refrained from overeating beyond my two-waffle capacity, mainly 'cause I know I can have the leftovers for lunch. Mmmm....carbs....
  • Of course there are people for whom compulsive overeating is the source of their fatness, which is as serious a psychological issue as compulsive undereating, despite our cultural failure to regard it thus. More Fat Princess
  • Despite this, inactive lifestyles and overeating remain the norm for most Americans, as illustrated by the rising epidemic of obesity over the past three decades.
  • These are essentially sexless mutants who don't waste their energy on looking for Mr or Mrs Right for some fun in the spawning season but devote their instincts on overeating and laying on the lard.
  • LOSING WEIGHTIt's All in the Snacks Most people see losing weight as a 24/7 battle against fat, calories and overeating -- in other words, a battle they're sure to lose. Health Notes
  • December is all about overspending and overeating and overchatting — and now it's (sadly) over. Times, Sunday Times
  • When fat people say that they cannot help overeating, they may be right. Times, Sunday Times
  • He went to a clinic to cure his drinking and overeating.
  • Slipping back into old overeating habits requires a certain amount of dedication to consistently override the pain and discomfort of fullness, until you no longer register it.
  • Surely gluttons shouldn't encourage overeating.
  • The manual distinguishes simple overeating from binge eating, which it defines as recurring episodes of eating "unusually large amounts of food" while feeling "a sense of loss of control and strong feelings of embarrassment and guilt. Top Stories
  • To talk about an epidemic of obesity is like talking about a plague of inactivity or a contagion of overeating.
  • The colour is often linked to danger and may signal alarm bells which stop us from overeating, they say. The Sun
  • For me, playing dominoes and overeating with my parents is exotic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having a healthy snack on hand, like a granola bar or fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy. (Overeating will do the opposite and drag you down!
  • Spicy foods or overeating could give anyone occasional heartburn. Houston Chronicle
  • Notably, heavy alcohol use, overeating, and excessive smoking may also play a part.
  • For years I filled that gap with food, overeating for comfort. The Sun
  • For years I filled that gap with food, overeating for comfort. The Sun
  • Theoretically, people ought to make 'healthy choices', in the infuriating phrase, and avoid overeating. Times, Sunday Times
  • She needed to go completely cold turkey from food and all the associations of overeating that came with meal and snack times. The Sun
  • A meal in the morning boosts your energy and brainpower, say experts, and can ward off mood swings and overeating later in the day.
  • Seriously restricting food intake, or overeating and then purging, causes levels of vital nutrients in the body to plummet.
  • Having denied themselves all day, weight watchers tend to blow it by overeating. Times, Sunday Times
  • He went to a clinic to cure his drinking and overeating.
  • I was overeating to mask the fact that I was unhappy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He went to a clinic to cure his drinking and overeating.
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • Many other factors conspired to make overeating acceptable and increase people's waistlines.
  • One effect of overeating may be obesity.
  • I was overeating to mask the fact that I was unhappy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can think of two possibilities: drastically overeating protein, enough that gluconeogenesis produces enough sugar to mess things up; or a hyperadrenal state overproducing cortisol, which seems to have some similar effects as insulin. A call for help II | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • They were also prone to drinking too much, overeating and not taking exercise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Habits such as smoking and, indeed, overeating were also found to be catching.
  • Obviously, whether or not the overeating is a result of peer pressure, hunger (meal skipping), depression, binge-eating, olanzapine, sugar-addiction, MC-4 receptor defect, or a craniopharyngeoma may well influence the choice of treatments. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Obesity is a Sign, Overeating is a Symptom
  • For others, it might mean therapy to root out the underlying causes of overeating.
  • In this era of plenty, the old defence against overeating - poverty - no longer works. Times, Sunday Times
  • She then found herself afflicted by a syndrome that has affected many of her peers - a round of dieting and overeating.
  • Overeaters Anonymous differentiates normal eating from overeating, and encourages abstinence from overeating.
  • He also suffered addictions to overeating and alcohol. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results of my life of overeating and not exercising hit home. Times, Sunday Times
  • That sense of emptiness also can be experienced as loneliness or depression, two other top triggers for your overeating.
  • David Kessler, a former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, has written a book, The End of Overeating, that accuses the food industry of manipulating the levels of sugar, salt, and fats in food in order to create a neurochemical addiction. Beating Obesity
  • Bill knew his overeating was a direct result of the stress from losing his mom. Fat is Not Your Fate
  • Feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating binge-eating also takes place in another eating disorder called bulimia nervosa.
  • To relieve the suffering of indigestion caused by overeating, take three to four hawthorns or drink a cup of hawthorn tea to ease the discomfort.
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • For others, it might mean therapy to root out the underlying causes of overeating.
  • If overeating = grow heavier andit eating carbs = grow fatter then overeating carbs = grow heavier and fatter conversely if overeating = grow heavier andif not eating carbs = grow leaner then overeating but not eating carbs = grow heavier and leaner Overfeeding and metabolic advantage | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • David Kessler, author of the recent The End of Overeating, would say that my brain is a tool of the food industry, which rewires people to crave ever more of the sugar, salt, and fat it pumps into everything. Sugar and Spice
  • I believe that an overwhelming number of people would agree that overeating (and I was not trying to single out meat), also known as gluttony, is not calculated to advance one’s serious long term interests, but is more a matter of satisfying a much more fleeting preference. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Double Standard of Libertarian Paternalism
  • And parental absence also means that lots of kids sit at home or in an after-hours care program overeating.
  • The sense of danger which occurs when you do not overeat feels greater than the suffering you experience because you are overeating.
  • A denied craving can quickly spiral out of control, leading to bingeing or overeating.
  • Such research does not tell us anything important about overeating that we didn't already know.
  • A bowl of healthy soup gives you the biggest value for your caloric buck and keeps you from overeating during your main course.
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • Overeating can result from greediness, boredom, or overfeeding.
  • After several days of feeding the cats separately, I have concluded pretty conclusively that Lucy is not interested in overeating for food's sake. On cats & pirates
  • A diet full of junk food, overeating and high amounts of caffeine was making him stressed out and miserable. The Sun
  • When fat people say that they cannot help overeating, they may be right. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can lead to overeating and overdrinking, so eat a small snack before going to a social event and alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
  • I could wallow in sadness and destroy my body through bad food and overeating, or treat our separation as an opportunity for a new beginning. The Sun
  • For others, it might mean therapy to root out the underlying causes of overeating.
  • According to the World Health Organization, overeating is "the fastest growing form of malnourishment" in the world. The War on Fat
  • Avoid overeating and drinking alcohol on the flight.
  • Even so, the overeating and body dysphoria are not conquered. Globe and Mail
  • Others, like Wansink, say the danger lies in overeating. You can have comfort food, with a caveat
  • Despite my cyclically bad relationship with food and booze, I don't actually want those lapses - some of them long lapses of overeating and overdrinking - to be the basis of my lifestyle.
  • In medieval times when the seven sins were listed, indulgence was often called gluttony, referring primarily to overeating. The SOURCE of MIRACLES
  • Previous research has shown that overeating foods that taste good alters brain reward systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the study stopped, they started overeating.
  • Excessive biliary secretion and excretion can also result from overeating, which overcrowds the area. How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
  • The French diet indicates high-quality food satiates and prevents chronic overeating.
  • Young kids are discombobulated by unfamiliar surroundings and too much sugar; grown-ups are discombobulated by overeating -- and drinking. Eileen Ogintz: Hosting Thanksgiving Is No Picnic -- Some Survival Tips
  • Previous research has shown that overeating foods that taste good alters brain reward systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • The condition, known as gynecomastia, can affect men at any age and is usually caused by overeating or hormonal imbalances. Home | Mail Online
  • The colour is often linked to danger and may signal alarm bells which stop us from overeating, they say. The Sun
  • The reason why one is fat is partly caused by overeating.
  • The reason why one is fat is partly caused by overeating.
  • Moreover, foods rich in fat are delicious and easily lead to overeating.
  • Overeating is surely the main cause of obesity.
  • Boozing, overeating and more female hormones in the environment have been blamed for blokes sprouting moobs.
  • The main causes of indigestion or dyspepsia are hyperacidity, which results from improper chewing of food and overeating. Natural Remedies for Curing Indigestion
  • One's daily ration of calories refusing to go into the whole issue of overeating/overnutrition for the purposes of this discussion can just as easily be obtained by home cooking of thrifty supermarket purchases as it can by patronizing gourmet restaurants seven days a week. Archive 2007-04-01
  • But the mentally stable are afflicted by chronic, low-level anxiety, which manifests itself in psychosomatic illness, ulcers, overeating, dependence on tranquilizers, and an inability to face a future of more than a few days 'duration. Shedding Light on Lebanon

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