How To Use Overcoat In A Sentence
Mrs. Dudgeon unbars the door and opens it, letting into the stuffy kitchen a little of the freshness and a great deal of the chill of the dawn, also her second son Christy, a fattish, stupid, fair-haired, round-faced man of about 22, muffled in a plaid shawl and grey overcoat.
The Devil's Disciple
He wore a thick overcoat as a protection against the bitter cold.
Purple Label sportswear is filled with chocolate-colored suede trench coats, gray pinstriped cashmere slacks, cashmere sweaters and cashmere overcoats.
(He pointed at the bundle she held, while she nodded proudly, beaming on me with good-nature and consciousness of success and prosperity.) "This overcoat is as good as a blanket," he went on, advancing the skirt of it that I might feel its thickness.
I had now no clothes except what I stood up in — the coat badly out at the elbow — an overcoat, moderately pawnable, and one spare shirt.
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When the smoke cleared, he was seen to be standing there still wearing the overcoat.
The Times Literary Supplement
The weight of the overcoat made it uncomfortable to wear.
Jim slipped on his overcoat and grabbed his briefcase as well as his large portfolio case to lend credibility to his story.
He dropped his cap on a chair, unbuttoned his overcoat, lifting up his chin to unfasten the throat buttons.
Very soon, a small, dumpy figure in a shaggy brown overcoat appeared, lugging a large sack.
Dressed in a suit with a warm overcoat, he obviously had money and a comfortable life.
He's got more cheekbone than Snoop, bloodshot and rheumy eyes, and he's wearing a scruffy black overcoat and woolly hat.
Unhooked a smart black overcoat with a velvet collar.
Look at you in that picture – even your overcoat is puffed up and 2 sizes too big to try stop the world realizing how small you truly are.
White House fires back at Bush comments: 'We won'
This show, held in cavernous, candelabra-strewn space that had a whiff of ruined empire, had plenty of strong, practical pieces: impeccably cut overcoats, running the gamut from deepest navy and ashiest gray to the purest white with black trimming; three-piece suits tailored with Browne's signature off-kilter proportions, and a pair of gray corduroy pants strewn with white snowflakes. Article Feed
The rain has gone through my overcoat.
And Frank Langella, precise in hat and overcoat, is a polite and yet threatening presence as the man with the offer, and secrets of his own (and arather nasty CGI scar).
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I went in - into the varnishy hall, smelling of old overcoats and furniture polish.
A focal point of her final collection is a woollen skirt, blouse and long coat - all in neutral colours - with a cream silk organza overcoat on top.
There were people in warm, woollen scarves and thick, tall boots, and there were others in large, heavy overcoats and fluffy ear muffs.
He always wears warm clothes, sometimes a cape or an overcoat on top, a waistcoat underneath, perhaps a scarf draped over the shoulders, a felt hat.
Beaver cloth is a heavy woolen overcoating, napped and pressed down to resemble beaver fur.
Grooms would omit the frock coat for a plain single-breasted overcoat, and substitute the top hat or bowler with a flat cap.
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Apart from not altogether gracious thoughts of wires failing and certain people going home wearing a carbon-fibre overcoat.
Times, Sunday Times
This night she wore a black bustier, black leather pants and a black overcoat.
The fashionable overcoat in winter is a Chesterfield or single-breasted frock of kersey or like material in brown, blue, or black, with velvet collar.
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Our house was freezing and my mother wore an overcoat and fur-lined boots indoors as well as out.
Described as ‘a model of affability and dignity… remarkable for his fine form and manly beauty,’ he was something of a dandy whose favorite overcoat was made of sable skins lined with scarlet broadcloth.
The weight of the overcoat made it uncomfortable to wear.
His overcoat collar upturned all the morning.
(Mr. Jephson, please show that new Win-the-War overcoating) is really helping to keep things going.
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I'd like to change this overcoat for one in a larger size.
The younger generation look plain kooky in their big black overcoats emblazoned with East German military memorabilia.
When the Lady had changed into a rose colored silken night gown with a albino fur overcoat, she slipped into her heavy blankets, and counted the days until she was to be entered into a marriage she did not wish to be a part [apart] of.
Chinchilla cloth is a heavy, spongy woolen overcoat fabric with a long nap that has been rubbed into a curly, nubby finish.
PRINTING METHOD: Dye sublimation thermal print method (with overcoating)
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Yet in his dark glasses and overcoat he exuded menace.
Times, Sunday Times
He discreetly indicated the woman in the green overcoat who was reading a magazine on her lap.
Came the last act and the conviction among the frozen and dispirited cast that in front of us were overcoated tailor's dummies.
More sedate but nonetheless oozing French bohemian cool are overcoats with ruched hemlines in soft corduroy by Lilith.
Due to low amount of IgA in mucosal fluids, a high sensitive sandwich ELISA assay was set; sensitivity was enhanced by milk-based overcoating buffer and by a two-step biotin-streptavidin signal amplification.
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On the day Deeon went missing, she was wearing black shoes, black tights and a knee-length black overcoat.
His girlfriend has dark shoulder length hair which was tied back and wore a shiny blue overcoat.
An elderly man in a shabby black overcoat and wide-brimmed beaver hat was standing in front of the magistrate's desk, clutching a newspaper in one hand and dabbing his eyes with a none too clean handkerchief.
She received the 2002 Book award at the Leipzig Book Fair, and the 2010 Thomas Mann award for her last novel, Stadt der Engel Oder the Overcoat of Doctor Freud City of Angels or the Overcoat of Doctor Freud, based on a period of research she undertook in Los Angeles at the time of the 1992 Stasi revelations.
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The Celestron 12X25 UpClose binoculars are solidly made with a rubberized overcoating that will resist denting, ambient dew and moisture and provide a sure grip for all size hands.
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He walked out into the snow, heavily muffled in a thick scarf and warm overcoat.
Now, you must go to Victoria station, and ask every coster, beggar, porter, constable and conductor who was there on Sunday evening if they can remember a man wearing an overcoat that fits our description.
Dowager lady Chia observed that Pao-yü was clad in a deep-red felt fringed overcoat, with woollen lichee-coloured archery-sleeves and with an edging of dark green glossy satin, embroidered with gold rings.
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The overcoat was of navy blue beaver cloth, double-breasted, rolling collar, pocket-welts on back, breast pocket with flap on the right side, the waist extending to one inch below the hip, and the skirt to three inches below the bend of the knee, swell edge stitch one-fourth of an inch from edge, flaps on pocket, swell edge stitched one fourth of an inch from edge.
Dad always likes to dress up for any occasion, so he travelled, in the height of summer, in a three-piece tweed suit, large overcoat and brogues.
He was wearing a scarf, an overcoat, and a gray fedora hat.
Valenkov rubbed ash from the astrakhan collar of his dark overcoat, keeping his eyes averted.
The men are in plain clothes and wear light raincoats or light overcoats over their uniforms.
The searchlight remained fixed on us and a heavily muffled figure in a long overcoat and a steel helmet came towards us.
In this way blows can be made so formidable that with an ordinary malacca cane it is possible to sever a man's jugular vein through the collar of his overcoat.
He was wearing a peaked cap of brown leather and a long black overcoat.
Hang your overcoat in the closet.
Look a you in that picture – even your overcoat is puffed up and 2 sizes too big to try stop the world realizing how small you truly are.
White House fires back at Bush comments: 'We won'
Smiling his smile of acknowledgment and gratitude, he draped his long overcoat over her shoulders as he set about making the morning meal.
Contrast is not an issue between dark charcoal overcoats and khakis (traditional tan-colored), provided your shirt is a lighter color than your pants.
He only took up donning the white overcoat and cap by chance, and after a less than auspicious start he has grown into the role.
The man pondered the collection of objects, then pocketed all the items into his heavy overcoat, leaving the gun for last.
To fasten a double-breasted overcoat, you'll have to lap one edge of the front well over the other.
I was tempted to visit to see if there were any tall, broody types in long black overcoats, but with the number of these things which turn up during the year I think I'm getting clown fatigue.
That's my dark blue overcoat, you see.
Times, Sunday Times
Though it was common for women to wear the hijab, typically a loose overcoat and head scarf, the chador was the mark of women from strict Muslim families.
Billy Tolboys pulled up the collar of his ancient leather overcoat and hunched down even deeper into the motorcycle sidecar.
Then when you've smit your rector on one cheek you quote the Bible to make him think he ought to turn his overcoat also.
Hepsey Burke
People roamed the city, adorned in wool overcoats and shapkas ranging in color from brown to black.
The man had a worn, weathered face, he might have been a fisherman or a villager; he looked hard-up, in his frayed overcoat.
I've never actually seen one up-close, but from what I've heard, the craftsmanship and finish of a Brioni overcoat is simply immaculate.
An Ulster Coat is basically an overcoat without sleeves that was very popular from about 1830 to 1910.
Go for a long military overcoat.
Times, Sunday Times
The label's Italian designer, Stefano Pilati, delivered bulky overcoats cinched tight at the waist - sometimes with what appeared to be fringed scarves - and suits with drop-crotched harem pants and long shirts with tails of tiny pleats that emerged, flirtily, from beneath the jackets. rss feed
Harrell was wearing a fawn overcoat, incongruously citified.
Her worn out old woolly overcoat finished off her appearance, thus she wasn't that surprised when a primly dressed young couple quickly averted their eyes from her as she crossed their front gate.
He stood on the sidewalk with his hands buried in the pockets of his dark overcoat.
Pilati sent out bulky overcoats cinched tight at the waist - sometimes with what appeared to be fringed scarves - and suits with drop-crotched harem pants and long shirts with tails of tiny pleats that emerged, flirtily, from beneath the jackets. - News
Her reappearance in October wearing a long overcoat undermined those theories and established the view that she was pregnant.
Times, Sunday Times
You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.
Surrounded by a sea of heavy overcoats and gabardines, he finally caught the eye of a barman.
He had put on his overcoat and was pulling the collar up about his ears.
The Huntsman collection includes suits, sports coats, overcoats, blazers, shirts and ties: time-honoured essentials of the smartly-attired gentleman about town and country.
A man in a black overcoat fleetingly appears throughout the play.
He stood there, his arms crossed across his chest, which was covered by a thin, white linen shirt and a leather overcoat.
He would doubtless have changed his mind on seeing Maigret suddenly glance at the camelhair overcoat belonging to one of the customers and hanging on the coat-rack, go up to it, thrust his hand into the pockets and pull out a knuckle-duster; and then on hearing the Superintendent remark goodhumouredly:
In the Rue Pigalle
I spent several weeks in scouting out an overcoat with fur lining.
He walked with his chin tucked under his overcoat collar, his hand out to hail a taxi.
He wore a trim bowler hat and an overcoat.
He disentangled his overcoat from the coat - hanger.
The shop which sales the old toggery in the Northampton Massachusetts, my son of 14 years old John and I stare at that overcoat at the same time.
His tone was the same one he had used on Dancer at the party Thursday night: quiet, even, but with an overcoating of venom.
(He pointed at the bundle she held, while she nodded proudly, beaming on me with good nature and consciousness of success and prosperity.) ` This overcoat is as good as a blanket, 'he went on, advancing the skirt of it that I might feel its thickness.
The Spike
Some speculate that side kicks, two words, was a phrase derived from the outside pockets of an overcoat; in underworld slang, it referred to an accomplice.
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But he saw nothing of his assailant until a hand appeared above his face, and than his thought was, "What handsome cloth that overcoat is made of!
The Sensation of Being Murdered
Only one thing was clear - that Poligraph had left at dawn wearing cap, scarf and overcoat, taking with him a bottle of rowanberry brandy from the sideboard.
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Then he put on the pair of brown leather cloves he had stuck into his overcoat pocket.
They were both wearing dark dresses, with dark overcoats and gloves and hats.
Indicators of consistent poverty include lack of heating, at least one day in the previous two weeks without a substantial meal, no warm waterproof overcoat or only one pair of strong shoes.
‘Tell me,’ Godard said as he slipped still lower and the collar of his overcoat crawled up around his ears; he looked like a turtle burrowing into his shell.
For instance, in the middle of picture No. 45 stand two women in overcoats and hats with their arms linked, and on either side of the couple is a wraithlike image of a man in a three-piece suit, white shirt, tie and fedora.
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He stood in his moleskin overcoat, with Fang the boarhound at his heels, looking impatient to start.
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I'm simply roasting in this fur overcoat.
Before opening her eyes she feels to make sure her handbag is still buttoned safely within her overcoat.
BAG LADY BLUES • by Mark Dalligan
All the “steamer” style, all the “reefer” style, all the “man-tailored” overcoats will make her look like a great big block.
November 2006
Her wide-eyed innocence and a remarkable number of overcoats help her through her poorly written role.
It's that time of year again, when I ask myself if I should be wearing a single or double-breasted overcoat with my single-breasted suits.
He was seated on a café stool, and on the opposite end of the table was a young woman wearing a black overcoat.
You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.
As winter was to arrive soon, and the evenings were getting colder, I decided to get my warm overcoat and some waterproof boots for my trip.
From the coolest raincoats to the classiest overcoats, you're not ready for spring until you get your hands on a spring jacket.
They dressed us head to toe, hat to shoes, overcoats to underwear.
No one seemed to be about, so with only the flickering fire to show him the way, he went to the closet and removed his hat, his overcoat, and those strange arctics which had come into his life when he decided to take this simple little trip to Tahoe.
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Our main products contained overcoat, coat, jacket, Skirt, pant around ten items. As for the raw materials, we choose the natural good quality of lamb Skin, goat skin, cow lea ther and pig skin ect.
Cary tugged on an overcoat and pulled a beanie over his ears.
The material can be used for a wide range of applications such as electrode protection films, interlayer dielectric films and LED chip protective (overcoating) films, contributing to technologies capable of boosting yield and high luminance.
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She cast on her overcoat and went out.
The overcoats and jackets he sent down the runway were to die for.
His long leather overcoat hanging on the door was also beyond salvage.
a knockabout overcoat
He turned his overcoat collar up.
Hang your overcoat on the peg in the hall.
You should also look out for pockets, the lapel's style, and whether or not the overcoat has a vent in the back.
Carbone immediately collected Moroni's mohair overcoat from the cupboard and hurried forward to place it around his padrone 's shoulders.
Dr. Bender takes off his overcoat and hangs it on the newel post of the banister.
Let me slip out of my overcoat.
If that were true the murderer must have dropped some part of his dress, presumably his overcoat, in his flight, and must have had the hardihood to return and to carry it away at the instant when the son was kneeling with his back turned not a dozen paces off.
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From a block away, among the overcoats and hats I could see clearly and brightly the president-to-be, his neon carrot-top a fiery contrast to the weather and national gloom.
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Shoving his hands into the pockets of his overcoat he felt the little box that contained the tie pin.
Yet in his dark glasses and overcoat he exuded menace.
Times, Sunday Times
He slipped the knife, the knuckle-duster and the revolver into his overcoat pocket, and with apparent unconcern searched in every corner of the place, even opening the ice-box and the telephone booth.
In the Rue Pigalle
Should you opt for a single or double-breasted overcoat?
The old man's overcoat stirs in the dark, as though about to cup a hand once more to an unhearing ear, to wink an amiable eye and disappear serenely.
His overcoat was swollen like a full balloon by the wind.
The long overcoat dragging the sidewalk, my little suitcase clutched in my hand.
He is wearing his overcoat, his hat, a long scarf whose tasseled ends reach down to his massive knees.
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You should also look out for pockets, the lapel's style, and whether or not the overcoat has a vent in the back.
He loosened his collar of his overcoat.
Smiling his smile of acknowledgment and gratitude, he draped his long overcoat over her shoulders as he set about making the morning meal.
The man in the black overcoat shot a penetrating look at the other man.
He was wearing a black, woollen knee length overcoat, dark jeans and an orange or peachy coloured long sleeve shirt.
Jim slipped on his overcoat and grabbed his briefcase as well as his large portfolio case to lend credibility to his story.
Skirts, overcoats, cardigans and vests were made predominantly from cotton and linen, many embroidered with folklore emblems.
The selection of jackets and overcoats he sent out ran the gamut from boxy shrunken casual jackets and lightweight trenchcoats to a deliciously sexy dyed yellow shearling vest.
The weight of the overcoat made it uncomfortable to wear.
My wardrobe consisted at this time of my cut boots, 2 foot wrappers, a very thin cotton vest, battledress jacket, French cavalry breeches, Yugoslav overcoat and French cap.
Stan Prout
From the coolest raincoats to the classiest overcoats, you're not ready for spring until you get your hands on a spring jacket.
Yet in his dark glasses and overcoat he exuded menace.
Times, Sunday Times
Overcoats, topcoats, jackets, blankets, sweaters or other items can be wound around your forearm to protect it from knife slashes or hits from hard objects.
Hilfiger offered great coats - one a trench coat with a gold-chain belt and another navy cotton balmacaan overcoat, also with gold belt - that were chic and looked like borderline dresses.
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Hang your overcoat in the closet.
I came past Suwalki as they were moving up, column after column, in gray overcoats aswing in the rhythm of their stride, like the kilts of Highlanders.
The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol 1, Issue 4, January 23, 1915
The boy, wearing a formal but slightly shabby overcoat, is standing, while his mother is seated, so his head is slightly higher than hers.
He wore a thick overcoat as a protection against the bitter cold.
You're always guaranteed a perfect fit and more often than not, you'll get superior fabric rather than that of a similarly priced, ready-made overcoat.
You can quickly improvise a shield to cover your forearm by wrapping a suit coat, jacket or overcoat around it.
Then the line of people began thinning, and there were gaps, and a young Chinese came through carrying some kind of stringed instrument made of bamboo, then a lost-looking woman with tired eyes and too much lipstick, and no one to meet her, and then a short man in an overcoat and dark glasses.
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Despite a night in a cell, his shirt was crisp and white and his navy blue overcoat perfectly pressed.
Times, Sunday Times
The ‘soldier-woman’ with square shoulders and culottes under an overcoat gave way to the ‘flower-woman’ with rounded shoulders, a heightened bust, narrow waist, and immense fan-like skirt 14 metres in circumference.
On the pavement a woman with no pretence to fashion (or else obedient to an ugly fashion) came past, too brightly dressed in a sack overcoat of goatskin; but no, it was not a woman, it was a chauffeur who, enveloped in his ponyskin, was proceeding on foot to his garage.
The Captive
Cranston wears pin striped suit, Crombie overcoat and refulgent black shoes.
There were very few overcoats amongst them, and their appearance certainly excited the pity and compassion of the people they passed.
They entered silently, wearing the ubiquitous hijab head scarf and ankle-length button-down overcoat known as the jilbab.
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Measurements are made with the coating or plating in place, results are unaffected by the substrate material, and overcoating the test sample is unnecessary.
By definition, an overcoat is a heavy coat worn over ordinary clothing in cold weather.
He was at his desk, though this time he was wearing an overcoat, suggesting he was about to go home.
The Sun
“The Kaiser” has made a wonderful effort in cataloging and indexing a large collection of Prussian headgear, uniform tunics, overcoats and accouterments from a time period extending from 1860 to 1910.
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Connor, resplendent in blue overcoat and black flat cap, hardly stood still.
That one risen eukaryotic who california high school proficiency exam preciously ependyma the quack pungently a allhallows or tambala that overcoating and one that unerringly does.
There is no good arguing with the inevitable. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat. James Russell Lowell
He extinguishes his cigarette, buttons up his raffish crushed velvet overcoat and volleys wide from eight or nine yards.
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It is found in the finest of silk and worsted fabrics for ladies 'wear, also in linings, mittens, and fine cloaking and overcoating.
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Despite a night in a cell, his shirt was crisp and white and his navy blue overcoat perfectly pressed.
Times, Sunday Times
Well do I remember the damp and draughty evening, shivering without overcoats because we could not afford them, that Louis and I started out to select our saloon.
Chapter 19
It was common for women to wear the hijab, typically a loose overcoat and head scarf
Absolutely natural and approachable at all times with never the remotest hint of theatricalism, (unless the careless tossing over his shoulder of one flap of the cape of a cherished brown overcoat might be called theatrical), he is yet so many sided and complex that, without this self-same naturalness, often would be misunderstood.
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The men don caftans, felt overcoats, or jackets.
I still shiver as I remember trying to page through economics texts by the flicker from candles while clad in overcoat, scarf, and little knitted gloves with the fingertips cut off, in the 4 p.m. December twilight in a library at Oxford.
The View from There
Wear a white shirt with tan pants and a dark overcoat with confidence.
It shamed him and made him shrink inside his overcoat.
A clearing of his throat, a tug on his overcoat, and Christopher followed Paul up the stairs and into the front parlor, helped from his overcoat and hat by the familiar face of the elderly houseman Joseph.
As he tramped the cobbled streets of early nineteenth-century London, clad in his elder brother's shabby overcoat, he decided to get work as a stationer and bookbinder.
But as many as 60,000 were expected to be left to sleep in the open, and the Ministry of Food proposed stocks of knee-length boots, heavy overcoats, hats with ear flaps and gloves for them.
Fire away, Abe; you couldn't feaze me none," Felix replied in the accents of Newark, N.J. "Well, Felix, it's like this," Abe went on: "If we would be selling goods to J.B. Morgan, y'understand, and Mawruss here he is buying for eight dollars a fur overcoat -- understand me -- he right away would want another statement.
Abe and Mawruss Being Further Adventures of Potash and Perlmutter
You can quickly improvise a shield to cover your forearm by wrapping a suit coat, jacket or overcoat around it.
It is based upon the coupling of plasmons (charge density oscillations) excited by light in thin metal films, with waveguide modes in a dielectric layer overcoating the metal film.
Our main products contained overcoat, coat, jacket, Skirt, pant around ten items. As for the raw materials, we choose the natural good quality of lamb Skin, goat skin, cow lea ther and pig skin ect.
His hat matched his light brown, drab overcoat.
This show, held in cavernous, candelabra-strewn space that had a whiff of ruined empire, had plenty of strong, practical pieces: impeccably cut overcoats, running the gamut from deepest navy and ashiest gray to the purest white with black trimming; three piece suits tailored with Browne's signature off-kilter proportions, and a pair of gray corduroy pants strewn with white snowflakes.
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Noticing that he was lacking his overcoat, she remembered her place and turned towards the mahogany coat stand that stood in the corner of the room.
It was so cold Brian decided not to bother with his Buttons costume and tights and opted instead for an overcoat.
Her rose-dyed bodice and soft red overcoat were made of rich fabrics, possibly velvet from the east.
Reports of the time describe the weather at this period as ‘variable —one day a regular brickfielder, and the next cold enough for overcoats’.
Australian Story Online - Chapter 2
But the relentless focus here is on character, which is unusual in an academic satire -- Pnin's finickiness, his drab researches, his lurches toward love and especially his awkwardness in everything from speaking the English language to putting on his overcoat.
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Pulling on his cinnamon-coloured, bear-lined overcoat as he went, he had just stepped thoughtfully into the street when he collided with a gentleman dressed in a similar coat and an ear-lappeted fur cap.
Dead Souls
I look forward to watching cable with my mom, wearing an overcoat, and seeing each of my Chicago friends for insultingly brief periods of time.
One man in a flapping overcoat (there are baroque hints) is, it seems, the convenor, and a flighty tempter.
Times, Sunday Times
Brown is only about five feet high, and he wears an overcoat ten times too big for him, and it flaps -- yes, it _flaps_ about his odious little heels.
Vagabondia 1884
The book's cover features a previously unseen photograph of a solitary, young Gordon Brown looking bohemian with floppy hair and wearing a brown overcoat and 'winkle-picker' shoes.
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