
How To Use Overcall In A Sentence

  • A bid can only be overcalled by calling a lower card of the same suit as the original bid.
  • Allfrey overcalled one spade with the North cards, while John Howard for Hinden passed. To overcall or not?
  • You must always bear in mind the vulnerability when deciding how high to overcall.
  • North relayed with an artificial bid of two spades, East overcalled three diamonds, South passed to show a minimum and North took a slight gamble when he bid three no trumps, but he was expecting a real opening from his vulnerable partner rather than a nine count. Team Monaco win the Spingold
  • A revelation overcalls a declaration and, given the same level, an earlier player has priority.
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  • This means that there is no advantage in bidding solo 9, 10, 11 or 12 except to overcall another bidder.
  • Stay out all day if the law allows and don't overcall. I want to start spring turkey hunting and I dont know how to start out.
  • South's vulnerable overcall would these days be found by no one playing in a European Championship – the suit is not wonderful and the high-card point count does not exactly compensate for that. The legendary Giorgio Belladonna
  • He overcalled one diamond, and when his opponents reached four spades by North he sacrificed against it in five diamonds, just as I had. Credit where credit's due
  • East overcalled two spades to show hearts and a minor, and the bidding developed at a frenetic pace before the Polish East player decided that her opponents' contract of five spades might very well make, so she "sacrificed" over it in six diamonds. The fearlessness of youth
  • It is also possible to overcall a contract with a similar contract in which hearts are trumps.
  • A bid can only be overcalled by calling a lower card of the same suit as the original bid.
  • A bid can only be overcalled by calling a lower card of the same suit as the original bid.
  • If someone offers to declare, a later player may overcall by offering to reveal, in which case the first may raise his call to a revelation.
  • At the other table North opened a more orthodox one diamond, but after East's overcall of four spades there was no further bidding and the same team had reached game at both tables. The best played deal of the Lederer
  • I notice a tendency to overcall when guys use a mouth call. Any tips for using a mouth call for turkies?
  • Overcalls can be made with 8 to 12 points and a biddable suit, perhaps closer to 12 points at the two level, and, if nothing else, calls for the best opening lead.
  • Of course, if North showed out the contract would fail – but how could North, who had a singleton club, also have a singleton heart and not have overcalled West's opening bid of one club? To overcall or not?
  • South overcalled one spade and West doubled, showing some values with four cards in hearts. The curse of the bridge commentator
  • When your opponent asks for an explanation of a no-trump overcall, state that your partner has ten to fifteen points, the bid is artificial, and it is for takeout.
  • It can only be overcalled by the dealer also offering also to ‘shoot the moon‘.
  • At the other table Peter Lee for the Hinden team heard North's overcall, so he won the opening spade lead and played the ace and king of hearts since North was more likely to be short in the suit than South. To overcall or not?
  • East overcalled the obvious four spades, and South's double was showing values rather than purely for penalty. The best played deal of the Lederer
  • Keep in mind the pros you see are all selling something and they tend to overcall. Your favorite turkey vest, Also any turkey hunting tips?
  • On the one hand the overcall would take up bidding space, or might lead to a profitable sacrifice; on the other hand ... To overcall or not?
  • North overcalled one spade, for which East silently thanked him. Enduring success
  • North overcalled with one spade and East supported his partner's hearts by one means or another. How to make a slam while losing two tricks
  • North overcalled three spades and South raised her to four – the heavy pre-empt had done its work by pushing the opponents into a game that could not make. A thrilling tie
  • And although Charlie hadn't made it clear when he announced the convention, it should have been obvious to me that his doubles of overcalls couldn't possibly be for takeout, since that would most likely lead to his wife's becoming declarer.

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