How To Use Overbear In A Sentence
The following years were characterized by rifts with Russia, in which the Ukraine jealously guarded its own independence against its overbearing neighbour.
Armantrout's short lines, use of rhetoric, aggressive lineation, disjunctions and juxtapositions, discursiveness, parataxis, and myriad condensatory techniques are all exemplary, but never overbearing.
Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
His silk cravat suddenly felt as though it may choke him at any moment and his navy blue tailcoat seemed overbearing.
This killer is an overbearing, ignorant smart aleck ....
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
Pushing our body's happy buttons with a cool swim on a hot day, or a fermented drink containing ethanol, or even just some good old-fashioned genital manipulation can elicit the sort of enjoyment that transcends angst and that does not need to be reconciled against the overbearing reality of our inconsequence.
Manufacturers to Riders: Go Sponsor Yourself

Four overbears them all, strident and strepitant --
Early Reviews of English Poets
Unfortunately they can often be abrasive and overbearing personality types.
At all levels, cunning teachers allied with overbearing students.
The appearance of Travolta trying to be evil by way of Hugh Hefner and Tony Manero is funny enough, but the addition of some slapstick later in the film lightens, for the moment at least, what is an overbearingly grim and depressing movie.
Eric’s Top 10 Worst Comic Book Movies Ever » Scene-Stealers
The film reiterates this distinction between worlds by directly contrasting the aquamarines, open sky and searing light of Spain with the cold, wet and overbearingly cramped world of London.
Thanks to Curly's Corner Shop we can read that: I am just about heartily sick and tired of the “nanny state” that we are living in, the regulation, the overbearing health and safety rules, the maternalistic approach to risk, the fear of the compensation claim etc., etc., etc.
The importance of hygiene
I was wearing a festive but not overbearing reddish shirt and Keith was decked out in some sleek black duds.
With its overbearingly charismatic, slo-mo vocal, chomping techno stabs and Roland 303 squiggles twisted into tight new party balloon shapes, this is raw, unbridled fare from a label that's kept up the dark, crunching, nasty end of the dancefloor spectrum for over two decades.
This week's new singles
On the contrary, I was constantly hearing tales of silly fooleries, of overbearing behaviour, of deliberate rudeness, such as irresistibly recalled, in spirit if not in form, the conduct of the common barrator in the guise of a king, who, if
The Drama Of Three Hundred & Sixty-Five Days Scenes In The Great War
There was a certain overbearingness and - what shall I say?
Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
Davy and Fish exchanged a quick look and waited for Dr. Joyce to tear a strip from Gabe Venture's overbearing hide.
Her overbearing cuteness both charms and annoys her friends.
Such a dangerous, overbearing contraption can no longer be relied upon to deliver the social contracts with its citizens that it once did.
Subtle horns creak from enveloping static before becoming lost in an overbearing string arrangement.
Jenny is on the academic track established by her overbearing father (an excellent Alfred Molina) and understanding mother (Cara Seymour) until she meets David (a pitch-perfect Peter Sarsgaard), a charming and worldly thirtyish man.
'An Education' teaches a vivid lesson in life, love
In ordinary language, an individual that tries to control a relationship is called manipulative, overbearing, or colloquially, “a control freak.”
Process Theism
You could have an overbearing brat on your hands and it would not be the child's fault.
She had to do without the family she had relied on for her entire life: an overbearing, vicious mother, irritating brothers, meddlesome cousins, and so on.
Davy and Fish exchanged a quick look and waited for Dr. Joyce to tear a strip from Gabe Venture's overbearing hide.
The dreariness is a pretty terrible factor with this one as it gets overbearing at times.
Epinions Recent Content for Home
There were allegations of exclusivism, hurtful practices like shunning, as well as an overbearing doctrine of personal sin.
Butternut-squash tortellini flecked with sage offers only a slightly less severe case of blissful oblivion - provided you brush off the slivers of overbearing Parmesan.
Instead, it lies with an increasing number of liberal intellectuals who once supported him but now regard him as being too thin-skinned, overbearing and – they fear – increasingly authoritarian.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Is 'Papa' still a father figure to Turks? | Observer profile
But throughout the days of his life, in the very act of his rude existence, this great tumultuous presence of the sea troubles and overbears him.
Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery — Volume 1
Or were you perhaps a little presumptuous and overbearing?
Times, Sunday Times
Armed with the prestige and filled with the scornful overbearingness of the conquering nation, they have the feelings inspired by absolute power without its sense of responsibility.
Representative Government
The album is overflowing with sweet harmonies and guitar riffs and beats that are edgy without being overbearing.
That you will become crazed on the sugar; overbearing and vain.
Times, Sunday Times
But, if you speak too loudly, you may be perceived as overbearing, bossy aa braggart.
TV critics said the program exploited the stereotype of the overbearing mamma.
Blonde hair that was teased and curled and laced with gems and chains served as a massive crown for this overbearing woman.
Or were you perhaps a little presumptuous and overbearing?
Times, Sunday Times
And try as they might, the charm of the leads can't hide the lack of coherence or overbearing sentimentality.
The Sun
Perry, who caused a stir in 2009 when he openly pondered his state's secession from the United States, was sharply critical of what he called an overbearing federal government.
Reuters: Press Release
The dictionary definition of arrogance suggests overbearing behavior based on inappropriate views.
But an open-minded viewer in search of some profound silence amid the hubbub of daily urban life including the MFA's store, coffee counter and overbearing didactics elsewhere on the walls of its new Linde Family Center for Contemporary Art, where the Kelly show is installed can derive considerable pleasure from this show.
Beautiful, Quiet and Spare
Who knew the overbearing Elliot had such a punched up hip-hop album in the works?
She's determined to rekindle their relationship, despite objections from her overbearing mum.
The Sun
And try as they might, the charm of the leads can't hide the lack of coherence or overbearing sentimentality.
The Sun
The strings add a treacly overbearingness to something that wasn't very fun to begin with - I know they were trying to be Queen a la "Bohemian Rhapsody", but couldn't even get close to Paul McCartney's "Back Seat of My Car" in terms of rock opera.
Skydiving naked from an aeroplane
In recent decades his waning strength proved no match for the ravages of well intentioned but overbearing regulations.
For all the quality of the work on display, though, this is one of the worst-hung exhibitions I've ever seen - the pictures packed into low, underlit rooms, the walls painted in gloomy and overbearing colours.
Overbearing people are not necessarily strong people in life.
Neither demeaning themselves to meet low tastes, nor overbearing in their presentation, they fit in perfectly with their requirement as a typical TV presenter.
But if the film's lack of comedy and general stylelessness isn't bad enough, the overbearingly literal voiceover totally kills it.
Archive 2007-12-01
This swarm of ideas is overbearingly attached to the fragile construct that is Bizet's opera.
The Pearl Fishers, Le Nozze de Figaro
His manner was both familiar and overbearing, a combination of haimish and obnoxious.
‘Right Time, Right Place’
Does Barack Obama really embrace “abrasiveness, arrogance, and overbearingness” as the model for his cabinet?
Against Larry Summers, the Friedmanite
And this is not to be understood barely of oppression managed by open and downright defiance; but by any other sinister way whatsoever, as the overbearing another's right by the interest and interposal of great persons, by vexatious suits and violence cloaked with the formalities of a court and the name of law.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
A spoiled lamb will become an overbearing sheep.
It must have seemed to Haydar that the Russian's comment was directed against his overbearing behaviour.
The core dynamic in each of these cases was hypothesized to be rebelliousness and a protest against overbearing parents.
Nina's unstable, domineering mother Barbara Hershey, a former dancer who never made it beyond the corps, wavers between overbearing concern, vicarious arousal, and Münchausen syndrome by proxy; even she seems to want to get into the sick S&M game, demanding a little too lustfully to Nina, "Take off your shirt!" so that she can inspect her daughter for self-inflicted wounds.
Rob Kirkpatrick: Burlesque and Black Swan: The Showgirls of Burlesque vs. the Showgirls of Ballet?
The writer apprehends that the abstract right of insurrection on the one hand, and of self-conservation on the other, quite overbears, in so vast and momentous a debate, the narrow, technical, legal question: that which it does not overbear is the rightness or wrongness of the immediate motive, conduct, and aim of any particular insurrection and repression, considered individually.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 100, February, 1866
Question is, how does one do that with their husband without being overly naggy or overbearing?
» On Asking for What You Want
Before Thanksgiving, I would have pegged her for a neoliberal overbearing contessa.
Jose Vilson: The Magical Populism of Michelle Rhee
The commentary that accompanies the ads is eye opening, cleanly written and well-informed without being overbearingly insiderish.
His is the kind of creativity that slips from inventiveness into overbearing, oppressive weirdness a little too frequently.
Times, Sunday Times
I will say only that he is not as solitary a figure as we might think: the film Baby Boom happened to drift by on television recently, and there was that most goyische of leading men, Sam of the craggy weatherbeaten features Shepherd, throwing himself at Diane Keaton, who goes accommodatingly limp at his unsolicited and rather overbearing kiss.
Karen Stabiner: The Philip Roth Reader: Both Of The Great American Pastimes
Nina's unstable, domineering mother Barbara Hershey, a former dancer who never made it beyond the corps, wavers between overbearing concern, vicarious arousal, and Münchausen syndrome by proxy; even she seems to want to get into the sick S&M game, demanding a little too lustfully to Nina, "Take off your shirt!" so that she can inspect her daughter for self-inflicted wounds.
Rob Kirkpatrick: Burlesque and Black Swan: The Showgirls of Burlesque vs. the Showgirls of Ballet?
As I note in my book, professor Stephen Thernstrom, who is one of the most prominent conservatives at Harvard, supported Summers but admitted that Summers is in the “top tenth of one percent of any scale measuring abrasiveness, arrogance, and overbearingness.”
Against Larry Summers, the Friedmanite
My overbearing emotion has also moved on from self-pity to anger.
Times, Sunday Times
You, my lord, are the most arrogant, overbearing, high-handed, tyrannical, dictatorial despot it has ever been my misfortune to meet.
My overbearing emotion has also moved on from self-pity to anger.
Times, Sunday Times
But then, if listeners feel the instinctive need to distance themselves from this overbearingly emotional display, there's also something bizarrely compelling about it, at least for me.
She was also known as the overbearing mother Ida Morgenstern on the 1970s comedy series Rhoda, Nancy Walker was an established stage performer for decades before making it in television.
Five People Born on May 10 | myFiveBest
She cannot help mentally comparing the handsome, strong and apparently sophisticated Pichandi to her rustic, overbearing husband.
He's the son of ‘Black Jack’ Michelet, an overbearing literary lion on the scale of a Norman Mailer.
A new survey has revealed that overbearing mothers-in-law are to blame for as many as one in five marriage breakdowns.
But like many young talents, he fell victim to an overbearing and ambitious parent, intent on living through his son.
He was obviously a highly sensitive adolescent and his overbearing father hurt him deeply by constantly teasing him about his spotty complexion and calling him'big nose '.
The Sun
Partly, but only partly, this was because of her eccentric and overbearing manner of doing business.
The Times Literary Supplement
Other doctors felt him arrogant, aloof and overbearing towards those whom he considered his intellectual inferiors.
His quaky, affected voice is so overbearing it strangles otherwise mostly harmless songs and inflates them to the extent of self-parody.
You, my lord, are the most arrogant, overbearing, high-handed, tyrannical, dictatorial despot it has ever been my misfortune to meet.
In argument he never tried to overbear or overwhelm the opponent by intellectual bludgeoning.
Partly, but only partly, this was because of her eccentric and overbearing manner of doing business.
The Times Literary Supplement
The compact cat made one short, inconceivably fast motion, and the overbearing ferret jerked backward then collapsed to the pavement in a limp heap.
At the lectern is a twerp of a grad student — the prototypical A student — insecure, overbearing, full of himself and contempt for his students.
They aren’t ‘A’ students. | RedState
There is virtual unanimity of preference for oral teaching which might seem to overbear the possibility of opposition.
So, at breakfast, @ he plays with her sense of entrapment, he is provocative and overbearing, confident in the outcome of their conflict.
The damp cavernous interior of the house, with its grotty kitchen, filthy toilets and peeling wallpaper, adds to an overbearing sense of decay that pervades the film and its characters.
The latter can be overbearing, it's true, but that's a central function of rock frontmen.
This is a small, proud country existing in the shadow of a large, overbearing neighbour.
No one does this properly anymore, at least not without some overbearing sense of irony.
It hunkered on top of the tor like a fat toad, everything about it heavy and overbearing.
He was obviously a highly sensitive adolescent and his overbearing father hurt him deeply by constantly teasing him about his spotty complexion and calling him'big nose '.
The Sun
The reason of this is obviously self-love, which partly overbears the natural operations of this principle.
A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
It promotes a large, bureaucratic, overbearing government state which is protected from free market competition.
Alessan will not have me overbear, though I keep telling him that I am happiest pregnant and never suffer as others have from being in that condition.
You can also meet excessively overbearing golfers who want to solve everything with an arrogant order.
It was funny that two former fashion victims now find their former world overbearing and self-important.
At a pre-trial hearing for Khadr last month, Hartmann was described as overbearing and tactless and alleged to have overstepped his role as legal adviser to become the "de facto chief prosecutor. Headlines
The waiters, by the way, were exceptionally helpful without being overbearing, and really seemed to know what to advise.
Indeed, when we converse with a man with whom we can entirely sympathise, that is when there is a warm and intimate friendship, the cordial openness of such a commerce overbears the pain of a disagreeable sympathy, and renders the whole movement agreeable, but in ordinary cases this cannot have place.
Life of Adam Smith
Yes, Alexander Portnoy is a jerk, of a specific entitled, overbearingly insecure sort; but he cops to it, which as his therapist suggests, is the first step in the healing process.
Karen Stabiner: The Philip Roth Reader: Both Of The Great American Pastimes
Besides, with my hideous deformity and your overbearing mother, we'd only be punishing ourselves.
C [roker] was there, and very decisive and overbearing to a great degree.
The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
That does not change the fact that it is his overbearingness which makes your path as though you trod on nettles, -- for certainly I know it is so, though you will not say it!
The Ward of King Canute; a romance of the Danish conquest
If a stranger solicited us who was too friendly or too overbearing, we would be offended.
I love traveling, but hate the overdetailed itineraries and overbearing travel agents that typically go with it.
The fact is, many physicists can be overbearingly macho about their field.
overbear criticism, protest, or arguments
I was wearing a festive but not overbearing reddish shirt and Keith was decked out in some sleek black duds.
And I understand what a struggle it must have been to decide which overbears which.
It also reduces the links between social democracy and overbearing bureaucracy.
He was faulted for refusing to delegate and for favouring incompetent friends, while his austere and overbearing manner led to clashes with state governors and military commanders.
We submit that the great migration of Negroes from the South is itself a fact that overbears all contradiction and proves conclusively that great causes must exist at the South to account for it.
The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919
A person who writes concise e-mail messages may seem impulsive, opportunistic, pushy, overbearing, foolish, or simply rude.
If an overbearing sound mix did him few favours, his five backing vocalists wove some strikingly seductive harmonies.
Times, Sunday Times
In the gloom they were… terrifying: nightmarish shapes against the slivers of light seeping through the chinks in the shutters, overbearingly huge from my perspective.
It hunkered on top of the tor like a fat toad, everything about it heavy and overbearing.
The herbal character of the grape is here, particularly on a surprisingly long minty-lime finish, but it's not aggressive or overbearing.
Long Island Dines
Wade Williams is overbearingly angry as the Black Mask where as his rants on the page came off as knowingly sarcastic.
Scott Mendelson: Blu Ray Review: Batman: Under the Hood (2010)
Dennitzans didn't react to overbearingness as meekly as citizens of the inner Empire were wont to.
A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows
How could it not when Cuff is a pushy, overbearing writer for The Globe and Mail?
Her overbearingly entitled yuppie brother, Beau (Craig Wallace), clumsily pitches a tent near Johnnie's with girlfriend-of-the-moment Shavondra (Fatima Quander), a clotheshorse who would flee nature faster than you can say "American Express.
'24, 7, 365' review: Perpetual state of angst can be hard to handle
Even worse, my parents had turned this marvelous blessing into a wicked curse and an overbearing burden that I alone have to live with the rest of my life.
At all levels, cunning teachers allied with overbearing students.
Her overbearingly entitled yuppie brother, Beau (Craig Wallace), clumsily pitches a tent near Johnnie's with girlfriend-of-the-moment Shavondra (Fatima Quander), a clotheshorse who would flee nature faster than you can say "American Express.
'24, 7, 365' review: Perpetual state of angst can be hard to handle
Regarding the aforementioned statement about our history with Native-Americans, the film is not so much anti-military, as it is anti-genocide, and anti-manifest destiny, making it thus anti-ethnocentrism and anti-overbearing theocentrism.
Critics: 'Avatar' is anti-military & anti-religion
My parents aren't the snoopy, overbearing kind that stop by to check on your laundry technique.
Then he said he knew I'd already been sounding men out about getting together against the king, to withstand his overbearingness and, if need be, fight.
Time Patrolman
She's determined to rekindle their relationship, despite objections from her overbearing mum.
The Sun
Our disciple goes from pompous to positively overbearing.
But those very wonders are also symbols of oppressive and overbearing states that could coerce hundreds of thousands to spend their lives laboring on projects erected to enhance the ruling class.
I've learned over the years to temper that emotion, that inclination to be what some people would call overbearing," Ferris said this week.
The Roanoke Times: Home page
She returns to the big screen to play Candy's overbearing mother, Rose.
The letters show a devoted if overbearing husband who constantly chides his wife to write more often and to keep up her spirits.
The heritage experts described the contemporary building - which the developers have called The Wave - as an ‘undistinguished, unharmonious and overbearing addition to the street scene’.
Delaney rolled her eyes at the mention of John's overbearing girlfriend, Virginia; a woman she found to be rather high-strung.
Armantrout's short lines, use of rhetoric, aggressive lineation, disjunctions and juxtapositions, discursiveness, parataxis, and myriad condensatory techniques are all exemplary, but never overbearing.
Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
Even without the verbal clue, these shadowy, heavy, almost overbearingly masculine works would suggest a world of weaponry and combat.
And she repeated to Edward in every possible tone that the girl did not love him; that the girl detested him for his brutality, his overbearingness, his drinking habits.
The Good Soldier
However, call her overbearing and annoying, her “Ghetto” origins or lack thereof dont appear to have any bearing.
Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Samoa': episode 3 |
There's no auto-tune crooning or overbearing electronica background music.
As students, they are grim-faced and punctuate their training with odd, guttural sounds, and as instructors they tend to be intensely rank-conscious and overbearing.
While Scott concedes that she is somewhat overbearing, he understands what the character is all about.
The wards were cleared of overbearing aunts, unruly children, enthusiastic colleagues and sniffy mothers-in-law.
But don't keep your little ones away from Bell's fantastic YA debut on that basis: she treats the thread concerned with the soulless wake with a gentle touch that never threatens to overbear on the more jovial remainder of her novel.
Archive 2010-02-01
When all other considerations fail them (as there is a time and season when nothing will relieve us but that which is every way infinite), it overbears and overwhelms them.
The Sermons of John Owen
The lesson is that whereas you are perfectly entitled to ask sharp questions and to insist on answers from the lawyer, you've got to stop short of being overbearing and just kind of lording it over a person because you're the judge and then the lawyer can't talk back to you.
Grand Inquests: The Historic Impeachments of Justice Samuel Chase and President Andrew Johnson
There is no overbearing bureaucracy or complicated rules.
It's too physical, too overbearing, for simple stargazing.
The Times Literary Supplement
It's the only point of interest in his excruciatingly drab life, which is rendered more unhappy by his incessant bullying at the hands of seven overbearing sisters.
Where are the MPs contending that government is far too intrusive and overbearing?
Times, Sunday Times
Bully Bottom" in _A Midsummer Night's Dream_, later an overbearing ruffian, especially a coward who abuses his strength by ill-treating the weak; more technically a _souteneur_, a man who lives on the earnings of a prostitute.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Wilhemina is a rising surgeon who begrudgingly meets and greets inept blind dates to appease her overbearing mother.
It also amazed me that a force so overbearingly destructive and constantly present in my life could be invisible to others.
Chocolate & Vicodin
It was difficult for his cowered staff to stand up to this overbearing behaviour.
Strange as it may seem, most people, especially men with their precious egos, do not like being told that the arrogance bred into them by their proud parents is an overbearing and dispensable quality.
Heavy, overbearing guitars clash with feeble pianos, annoying violins, and misplaced horns.
He can be overbearing, cantankerous and obnoxious at times.
Where are the MPs contending that government is far too intrusive and overbearing?
Times, Sunday Times
She returns to the big screen to play Candy's overbearing mother, Rose.
One of the disqualifications for leadership in a church, and it should similarly be a disqualification from an office of public trust, is someone who is quarrelsome or overbearing.
The fact is that if your parents root for a certain team and "encourage" their children to root for that team -- and that is either sentimentally awesome or the worst kind of overbearing -- chances are the kid is going to turn out to be a fan of that team.
Dan Shanoff: Introducing My Son to MLB, Wrigley Field and His Fan DNA
I suppose at the point when force of will overbears sense – reason – conscience.
The Fire Within
‘You should always read Chaucer aloud,’ said a young woman with long frizzy hair, little piggy eyes behind little pink piggy spectacles and an overbearingly loud voice.
With no visible direction from above, the cast decide to amp up the volume and the broadness, but the results are more overbearing than energetic, more grotesque than funny.
One of the disqualifications for leadership in a church, and it should similarly be a disqualification from an office of public trust, is someone who is quarrelsome or overbearing.
The present interesting volume -- while it is instructive in no small measure as to the scope and character of Mickiewicz's poetry and literary work -- draws so lively a picture of the persecutions and sufferings and of the unconquered spirit of the poet that its human interest easily overbears mere questions of literature. ...
Kościuszko A Biography
The overbearing Palais de Justice is his least-loved legacy, but the Cinquantenaire museum complex is worth a visit.
While on overall appearance Zack scored an easy eight, Abby soon found him overbearing — a high-strung junior land agent who spluttered when he spoke.
The Temperature of Porridge
Heavy, overbearing guitars clash with feeble pianos, annoying violins, and misplaced horns.
I go out of my way to be polite, to listen, to not overbear with my opinions.
Blog: February 2009
But, autocrat that she was, all of it only served to make her haughtier, ruder, more overbearing.
Antony and Cleopatra
My parents aren't the snoopy, overbearing kind that stop by to check on your laundry technique.
Overbear him and outbawl him; bear him down, and bring him under.
Mosaics of Grecian History
In other words it's overbearingly up itself, but undeniably beautiful.
This week's new singles
He was obviously a highly sensitive adolescent and his overbearing father hurt him deeply by constantly teasing him about his spotty complexion and calling him'big nose '.
The Sun
Insightful without being pedantic, learned but not overbearing, the book is full of humorous anecdotes while never shirking the factual responsibility of the historian.
The accentuation of Edwards' religious leanings does not feel overbearing, but natural and earnest; a man who has relinquished his soul and put his faith in something admittedly supreme.
High school is when, of course, the pressure piles on, and college applications overbear even the most school-savvy.
Seth Engel: Graduation, or Biking on Thin Air
His is the kind of creativity that slips from inventiveness into overbearing, oppressive weirdness a little too frequently.
Times, Sunday Times
That you will become crazed on the sugar; overbearing and vain.
Times, Sunday Times
Unfortunately, in situations where one person is more ‘adventurous’ than the other, the adventurous one tends to get cast as overbearing and excessively horny.
He was obviously a highly sensitive adolescent and his overbearing father hurt him deeply by constantly teasing him about his spotty complexion and calling him'big nose '.
The Sun
It claimed that an overbearing and threatening management style was leading to staff stress, inefficiency and ill-health.
It must have seemed to Haydar that the Russian's comment was directed against his overbearing behaviour.
insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter
Did they have an overbearing father to live up to?
When you have an inbred arrogance, you are undoubtedly going to appear overbearing and rude.