How To Use Overanxiety In A Sentence
Perhaps it is the inevitable result of my overanxiety to understand.
The Snare
The only fear is test in our overanxiety we give them a degree of independence for which they are unfit, thereby inviting reaction and disaster.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
The only fear is lest in our overanxiety we give them a degree of independence for which they are unfit, thereby inviting reaction and disaster.
Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section 2 (of 2) of Supplemental Volume: Theodore Roosevelt, Supplement
[6] If this dream has been occasioned by overanxiety and weakness, the contrary may be expected.
What's in a Dream: A Scientific and Practical Interpretation of Dreams
The overanxiety on the father's part irritated the boy.
The Eagle's Heart
You then investigate the situation, talk with your salesperson at length, and determine that the customer’s complaint is a by-product of overanxiety about finances.
Discover What You’re Best At
Clyde had often wondered during the summer if the responsibility of so many girls had not been too much of a tax on her mother's strength and patience, but her letters had been so cheerful, so uncomplaining, that she had tried to put the thought out of her mind, attributing it to overanxiety.
Blue Bonnet in Boston or, Boarding-School Days at Miss North's
I can explain it in no way than by assuming that it is due to overanxiety to do the correct thing.
As A Chinaman Saw Us Passages from his Letters to a Friend at Home