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How To Use Overall In A Sentence

  • He made a very positive contribution to the overall success of the project.
  • The language is amusingly flowery and the overall tone one of purposeful pleasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The overall seaminess of that enterprise is so underreported that just last week, one of the Post's own reporters felt like they had to obtain a quote in order to get the dictionary definition of "lobbyist" into their story. Peter Orszag's Move From The White House To Citigroup Should Definitely Trouble You
  • The overall tax burden, according to the Tax Foundation, is the third-lowest in the nation.
  • Denim is identified as an "American cotton textile where the diagonal warp is a striped hickory cloth that was once associated with railroadmen's overalls, in which blue or black contrasting undyed white threads form the woven pattern. My God George Will is a bigger fashion snob than me! - dfi
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  • Whether Mr. Johnson was speaking metaphorically or just plain sillily, the fact he was expressing concern over adding many US military personnel to a small island displays concern for the overall impact on the Guamites … Guamians … Guamicans, hell just what does one call a resident of Guam? Think Progress » Rep. Johnson worries that the island of Guam will ‘tip over and capsize’ if U.S. troops relocate there.
  • The overall effect is hard to fault, but it is not that memorable.
  • Such a diet possibly offers the potential to improve overall health as well as longevity. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had khaki overalls but when we finished our shift, we were covered from head to toe in white dust.
  • Firstly, exact data on the overall population can be obtained from the annually updated census list based statistics.
  • Every Est é e Lauder formula has undergone stringent evaluation for ingredient integrity, non - irritancy and overall efficacy.
  • The overall statistics include 185 progeny sired by North American stallions that were foaled abroad.
  • I am talking about total output and overall patterns here, not exceptions to the rule.
  • Added together, market forces generate an overall result which no-one can predict.
  • Overall, this is a clumsy, uneven affair which, by the time the final credits roll, grates.
  • These conditions are challenging - retaining acidity and preventing sunburnt fruit are two of the main problems - but the abundance of very young vines is still a huge factor limiting the overall quality.
  • Artists should be nominated for an overall appreciation of their work to date, of which we should be shown the finest examples.
  • The link between a specific shoot and a specific root is not clear, but each has a part to play in the overall growth and nourishment of the plant.
  • This shift signifies the overall message of the film - that Janice is the one with the problem, not Jane.
  • But overall it is quite a good picture, worth a dekko or two.
  • The point is we felt that all agencies had a fair opportunity to sell the property, that we tapped a wide spectrum of potential buyers, and came out of the deal satisfied with the overall marketing effort.
  • Overall, the ‘strong emotions’ seek out what cannot be put into propositions, or even words: everything that is mysterious and unpresentable.
  • Judges will consider overall design, safety, level of fun and how the playground caters for children with disabilities.
  • Furthermore, overall attitudes toward such policies are becoming increasingly favorable.
  • His overall appearance was that of a shifty man who couldn't be trusted.
  • The overall death rate from cardiovascular disease was close to the national average, the standardised mortality ratio being 94.
  • Overall, the number of inactive people who do not want a job jumped by 88,000 over the past quarter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The percentage is how students felt about the overall quality of their course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overall, visitors to Atlanta will find it to be a pleasant and exciting travel destination.
  • Gavin Chapman came in with an overall time of four hours, twenty five minutes and nine seconds.
  • I got two pairs of jeans - boot leg and skinnies - overalls, a blue skirt, a yellow top with a skull beaded on it and sunglasses for $350 which really (in my opinion) is amazing!
  • The GMT800 platform makes this latest version even better - it's tight, quiet, rides better and is well built overall.
  • Its 200 highly trained members dress in white overalls, padded clothing and crash helmets to protect themselves against police batons and shields.
  • The overall aim of the book is to help with developing activities which meet the needs and wishes of individual older people.
  • These are minor quibbles, however, and the book overall is well-written, highly readable, and very enjoyable and informative.
  • What they owe to the Inland Revenue is small fry compared to the overall £1.2 million debt.
  • But large antennae mean low overall productivity. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • I wanted them to take an overall look at the fixture list and make some changes to help us.
  • Added together, market forces generate an overall result which no-one can predict.
  • Overall, the night was infused with a special energy that came from the fresh faces in the sell-out crowd of 430 as well as from the glam factor.
  • ‘This reflects well on the overall strategy we have put forward over the past decade which has transformed our economy,’ Minister Martin said.
  • shaps," or overalls, he wore the trousers of civilization, which the rapid night had hitched half-way to his knees. Empire Builders
  • It was issued to inspect the Velcro straps for frayed condition, cuts, and overall integrity.
  • The overall appearance of this part of the block slightly resembles a stepped pyramid.
  • Just inside the gates, an overalled gardener with a gentle face is poking insincerely at the dripping rhododendrons with a pair of secateurs.
  • This company specialized processing production T-shirt, knitting movement coverall, association uniform, culture T-shirt, leisure series and so on.
  • This solution allows for the consolidation of mail infrastructures, with proven overall cost reductions of more than 40 percent.
  • Within the overall warming trend, there were more and more local ecological changes influenced by alterations in the global environment. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • Ullrich powered past Armstrong on the climb, cutting the American's overall lead to just 15 seconds.
  • Constitutional chromosome abnormalities were identified in 14.3 per cent of azoospermic and 6.5 per cent of oligozoospermic men, with an overall rate of 10.2 per cent.
  • We compare them to those underlying the activation of overall protein synthesis.
  • Cut down your overall amount of physical activity.
  • The taxation procedure is a method of assessing a reasonable rate of overall payment for the task carried out.
  • I'll do my best to keep the overall design and function clean and simple but I'm looking forward to getting properly to grips with the new methodology.
  • While the US struggles with its health care system, already the costliest in the world both overall and per capita, Cuba is struggling with a different problem, how to open more clinics in more countries to give more people free ophthalmological care so they can see better than before. Operation Miracle: Cuban Health Care Gives Sight to the Near Blind for Free
  • The issue seems to have become stuck between two government departments with neither taking overall responsibility for a plan of action. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not to say that lianas are a bad influence on forests overall. Smithsonian Mag
  • Their baserunning is bad, and their overall fundamental play is worse. - Yanks, Mariners will have hands full
  • Voting will be by means of proportional representation with the number of seats a political party gets corresponding to its overall share of the vote.
  • Watching Stephen King in overalls chugging a near vertical bottle of hooch is so lol-worthy you will pause and re-wind, I guarantee. TEN of TERROR #3: Creepshow « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • Overall, hydrocortisone did not induce immunosuppression.
  • Yet the overall atmosphere of San Miguel is not remotely of a chichi American town, nor even is it as spruce as neighbouring colonial cities.
  • Her best this season in four races was a fifth place in Germany which left her in seventh place overall in the rankings.
  • He's as cuddlesome as a teddy bear, and not a brand new, freshly stuffed one from Build-a-Bear, a well-loved one, missing some stuffing, and maybe an eye, and a button on his overalls. Finding Amanda, losing Matthew Broderick
  • These devices can vary enormously in nature and scope: from the overall presentation of narrative structure down to linguistic play.
  • Overall, Mr. Harte projects Goldman's compensation expenses for 2011 to fall 18% from a year earlier. Wall Street Bonuses Seen at Worst Levels Since Crisis
  • The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban.
  • But the overall effect of the poem is one of denial, fabricated intimacy and an insulting treatment of a situation that in our culture has already been spiritualized and depersonalized to death.
  • In the darkened operations room below decks, grey overalled officers and sailors watched an approaching blip on their radar screens.
  • For many, losing weight can become the catalyst to improvements in their overall health and self-esteem. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is wearing overalls, which is quite different than the fancy blue satin dress the town last saw her in.
  • Overall, the title controls very well and the clever layout provides a variety of moves to be performed very simply. Latest from PALGN
  • Overall about half the participants had a seizure during follow-up.
  • But overall the keyboard works well and, I have to admit, is more usable than the keypads on most of the Windows Mobile PDAs I have had. Icons Lightsaber | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • A study to reveal the overall structural alteration in this mutant is now in progress.
  • Overall, the group is expected to post pre-tax profits of £65m against £75m last time.
  • While there is jockeying for control among these clans, the overall effect is for them to sustain one another in power.
  • Overall, Seattle's schools have had adequate funding; the problem is how, in the past, the district has misspent, and miscounted, its money.
  • The 100m hurdles has long been the barometer of her confidence and overall performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Was the overall effect still too cool? Times, Sunday Times
  • Analysts said the downtrend in negative equity is part of an overall improvement in the asset quality of banks and a restructuring of loans.
  • Here, we observe that the difference is caused by reversible multimolecular association while folding in solution, an avenue of kinetic partitioning that slows the overall rate of renaturation relative to the chaperonin chamber, where such associations cannot occur. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
  • Mr Treuting will have overall responsibility for the growth and profitability of Verio's operations in the Southeast business market.
  • She was the fifth woman and 36 th overall finisher.
  • The overall effect is of information produced in a much less dense manner than is characteristic of written language.
  • The stream cut clean through my smock, apron, coveralls, and my jeans.
  • The Conservatives had a huge 101-seat overall majority.
  • The overall repair bill for Saturday's blitz on Portadown could reach £15m.
  • And when you look at overall use of fumigants, including methyl bromide, chloropicrin and Telone, you find that the amount of dangerous fumigants used is much higher than it was 20 years ago. The Full Feed from
  • It has been long enough that my memory of the specifics is patchy, but I did like the fact that his journeys felt almost like a variety of short stories strung together with an overall narrative structure, which is something I enjoy. REVIEW: The Accidental Time Machine by Joe Haldeman
  • But overall there is little sign that policy-makers have grasped the enormity of what has happened. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pilates has been hailed as the best overall exercise for toning your body and freeing your mind.
  • His concertos are made up of strings of juxtaposed contrasting movements (between four and six per concerto) and you sense that he could go on adding more gigues, sarabandes and gavottes without damaging the overall structure.
  • And since the .270,. 30-06 and 7mag (usually Remington) are considered the Top 3 big game rounds, and are practically equal in effectiveness when it comes to whitetail/mule deer/caribou and even elk sized animals (with proper bullets), their shares of 12, 11 and 11% overall are close enough to be almost identical. Our Most Popular Big-Game Rounds
  • Athletics and Cricket were in the summer, which meant overall we did mainly did four sets of sport.
  • The engine also has a sportbike-derived chain-and-gear camshaft drive system that allows for a short/narrow cylinder head design and reduced overall engine height. Quad 2009 ATV Buyers Guide
  • We're not making great claims about the overall tax burden. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was left a little uninspired with his overall display although his flicks were magical.
  • It is unlikely that the remaining unsampled areas of the developing countries in tropical climates, or other highly populated parts of Europe, could significantly increase the overall urban bias above 0.05C during the 20th century. The 1930s are getting Colder « Climate Audit
  • I have an overall plan to be sensible as needed, and to treat myself well each day with simple pleasures, such as picnicking with a view or listening to favorite music. Lea Lane: "The Worst May Be Behind Us": 15 Ways to Cut Back Anyway
  • I wish someone would properly master this recording so that I can truly judge the overall quality.
  • This phrase construction does not interfere with the overall strophic form of the piece.
  • Whale numbers overall throughout the season tend to be up on the previous year as well.
  • After much yardage of "feel-good" waffle, EurActive gets down to brass tacks on regulatory issues, telling us that Witney, "…does not believe a change of the overall situation for European defence procurement can be achieved with 'dirigiste' measures from Brussels that members states are not comfortable with. White man speak with forked tongue
  • Choose rich earthy reds, browns and greens to be in keeping with the overall look. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • It's an ancillary of the overall development.
  • The emphasis overall is on emotional veracity over ritual, naturalness over pictorialism. Rodney Punt: Madame Butterfly Takes Wing in Santa Fe
  • Overall the market is difficult but there's a lot of interest in our lightweight worsted suitings and jacketings for spring 2006.
  • Overall, he was a cool and composed point of reference for his team amid the general frenzied activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both sets of students were overall very positive and hoped that we would offer another such project.
  • The overall electronic book business is booming. Times, Sunday Times
  • The big complaints are delays and cancellations, cramped seating, and overall poor in-flight service.
  • Such an increase can also result in a lower overall hematocrit level, despite the presence of a greater number of red blood cells produced by EPO or introduced by blood doping. Mosquera says he has no reason to dope and has a clear conscience
  • Play also facilitates organizational learning, creativity, community-building and group cohesion, and overall, enhances adaptivity and attentiveness. Dr. Tian Dayton: Researchers Say:Adults Need to Play More!
  • Explicit formulae for the overall elastic constants have not been obtained, however, by the method.
  • The overall tone of the vlog was lighthearted with a soundtrack that enhanced this atmosphere.
  • The libretto imports a number of Elizabethan lyrics which add to the overall lyrical quality of the work.
  • Ragland won the Trophy-Truck division for the third consecutive year, and Fortin took the overall pro and unlimited Class I victory.
  • As an independent check on the overall oxygen trend, it is notable that fusain is found for the first time in the Late Devonian.
  • International sales have contributed greatly to that success, accounting for 40 per cent of overall sales. Times, Sunday Times
  • These data are consistent with the notion that the perturbation to the system due to the UV light pulse was minimal to the overall function of the mitochondria.
  • Improved building codes requiring smoke detectors and water sprinklers, self-extinguishing cigarettes, and overall decreased rates of smoking have probably had a much bigger impact on the number of fires and fire deaths than the flammability standard. Sarah Janssen: California's Flammability Standard Puts Children at Risk
  • These two strands have an approximately equal weight in terms of student workload and contribution to the overall assessment.
  • East Uralian Zone host rocks surrounding the Dzhabyk batholith have an overall east-dipping foliation that, near the batholith, are concordant with the contact.
  • The naval gun equilibrator is of new type, which is deferent from the others. The equilibrator has many functions so that a new way is seeked to improve gun's overall performances.
  • Neither of these breaches necessarily involves anonymous sources, but that doesn't mean that the issues are not fused in the public's view of news media overall.
  • Overall they estimate that carers save the State at least E2 billion gross each year.
  • Mr Wood said aid had to be sent wherever people needed water, food and shelter but he warned there was no overall single answer to the problem of poverty.
  • Due to its stronger structure, crystal stemware can be made thinner than glass and hence contribute to the overall tasting.
  • A vehicle stability control is also part of the overall driveline system.
  • This is not to say that lianas are a bad influence on forests overall. Smithsonian Mag
  • Part of the overall drabness in this film emerges from the unescapable funnel effect of the visuals, which are doused in a cold blue-steel tint.
  • The athletes were tested for visual acuity, refractive error, oculomotor skills, stereopsis, color vision, contrast sensitivity, eye-hand coordination, eye-foot coordination, and overall ocular health.
  • Normally, the chief executive of the bank expects a barrage of criticism about pay and overall performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, consumers recognize the importance of overall diet and the multifactorial nature of diet-related diseases.
  • Overall, the group is expected to post pre-tax profits of £65m against £75m last time.
  • My neck itches and I pull up on the overalls, a movement that tugs the inseam into my crotch. Miracles, Inc.
  • The overall impression is of a man with a warm and capacious heart and an affection for others that sustained his creative enterprises to the end.
  • The increase in overall credit comes at a time when U.S. consumers have been ramping up their purchases of big-ticket items such as new cars, encouraged by extremely low rates on financing. Consumers Ratchet Up Borrowing
  • That is a nice segue to my biggest complaint, the reason why it only gets 3-stars for me—the overall service.
  • The sound is hollow and muffled throughout the film, and the bass has been cranked up to make up for the overall lack of punch.
  • Press Alt-F6, then press Y in response to the prompt Page formats affect the overall appearance of the page.
  • The overall social and political project is the creation of a harmonious, democratic cultural pluralism, a healthy cultural diversity.
  • Overall, there is no shortage of interest in the Civil Service among job seekers.
  • It is obvious that a single data point may not be representative of the overall autecology of this species.
  • Levels and characters are combined into lengthy cutscenes that play out well and help to maintain the overall humorous feel of the game.
  • Figuring the cost of the patrol car, the patrolman's time and the overall distance covered, the cost per mile for her commute is astonishing. Sound Politics: What should Mrs. Gregoire cut?
  • Although overall revenues here were up 11% to £172.3m, after adjustment for exchange rates, they remained virtually unchanged.
  • Overall, Eva's function in the narrative clearly exceeds that of foil to the interlocking systems Thomson lists as ‘racism, sexism, ableism and classism’.
  • Based on the overall findings from its three-phase research project, the Foundation learned that consumers generally have a positive perception of the food label, but also found that there are several ways the label potentially could be enhanced to help people understand the information provided and use it even more effectively: The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • I scored it a draw, with probably little overall effect on the race nationally and in key states.
  • Now, the meaning of goods - once found in individual objects - emerged instead from a total ensemble, the overall system of goods.
  • The increased complexity of that makes the overall effects of a downturn harder to forecast. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's to say, there's an overall charge but absolutely no extras, whatever you do, whatever you eat or drink.
  • It has none of the arid woodiness of the former and, altough it retains the overall dry quality of the blend, is a touch sweeter and "creamier"-smelling. Weekend Beauty - Bath & Body: Jo Malone Sweet Lime & Cedar Body Cream and Shower Gel
  • Overall, different people, as members of many different groups, prevail on particular issues.
  • They were dressed in plastic overalls, goggles and rubber gloves. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are the large variety of overalls, such as expressmen and such workers use, with straps going over the shoulders. White Slaves; or, the Oppression of the Worthy Poor
  • Liz B said ... becky, both statcounter & mybloglog have an "upgraded" service for money, but unless you're getting hits in the thousands you really don't need the upgrade. and even tho statcounter only saves the last 100 searches, they hold onto the overall stats. book fairie, good, I'm glad I've got you on the sidebar you Attolia fans rock! And You Came Here For That?
  • An overall measure of differences in industrial or sectoral structures appears by making up an index of divergence.
  • I never expected that to happen because I'm not a big cramper, said McCargo, selected 26th overall out of North Carolina State. - Notes: Falcons' Finneran out for year; Titans lose Long; Nall out a while
  • The net effect is to restore my overall elan and joie-de-vivre, two quantities which are sorely waning at times like these.
  • Overall, the authors' main points are clearly presented and thoroughly explained and without the intrusion of extraneous material.
  • Medium and high coverage of vegetation in the landscape tend to simplify and stabilize, the complexity of the overall shape is reducing small, the degree of the boundary trace complex fold.
  • Overall, this is a timely and useful review of a topic that has assumed major importance in health care.
  • I have always objected when the term 'English' is used as a coverall description for those things which are happening within the UK at large.
  • Until now, Goldman's Level 3 assets -- or illiquid, write-down-prone securities -- weren't increasing as much as at rivals such as o buy back the nonbank, aed commercial-paper holdings of most of its retail clients likely will mean an overall restructuring of the frozen 33 billion Canadian dollars (US$32. 5 billion) nonbank ABCP market will be approved at an April 25 investor vote. Worry Returns, Boosting Treasurys
  • They are worlds ahead in price, quality and overall value.
  • It is thought that the weaker phytoestrogens can compete for estrogen receptors with the more potent endogenous estrogens thereby decreasing the overall estrogenic activity when it is deemed to be too high.
  • To ensure inter-rater reliability, evaluators must agree on a student's overall writing strength assessment.
  • Possessing an impressive range of passes, he also weighed in with a couple of shots and overall he was a busy presence in the middle.
  • The May 4 ( superscript th ) New Culture Movement launched an overall criticism on feudal moral principles.
  • Now, manufacturers believe that high flight with low spin provides the most carry and the most overall distance.
  • Additionally, can anyone account for the difference between the commutated lump sum and the 15 years of the difference between the annual pension and reduced annual pension? even taking into account tax and NI the difference would amount to an overall loss of approx. 4000 pounds if you commutate. Army Rumour Service
  • It is consequentialist overall, but in the conduct of life, just as in the conduct of a game, rules and principles have the paramount authority that deontologists wish.
  • Despite the fact that a conservative estimate for the overall cost of the project is in the region of 40 million both men believe now is the time to make such an investment.
  • Ancient dust and grimy spiderwebs festooned her coverall.
  • The ride was long, but, with my saddle-bags and Lucy, a new mare my aunt had raised and given me, and clad in overalls, which we called tongs, I cared little for the mud, and often enough stopped to assist a chaise out of the deep holes, which made the roads dangerous for vehicles. Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker
  • In pregnant women with untreated early syphilis, 25% of pregnancies result in stillbirth and 14% in neonatal death – an overall perinatal mortality of about 40%.
  • In an economy in which the overall macro variable of real income is fixed or cyclical but individual shares are stochastic, a noninflationary equilibrium exists.
  • Overall excellence for each has now become something of a byword on the music scene; in other words, the programme content is a display for some of the finest young talents around to do the works full justice.
  • Time-sharing system With multiprogramming, the overall system is quite efficient. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Overall, are you hopeful or pessimistic about the future for religious freedom? Christianity Today
  • In fact, the album's overall polished countenance doesn't seem to jive with the band's supposed rootsy goals.
  • The hatch is shorter overall (lower polar moment, for you physics majors out there) and it offers 7.7 cubic feet more storage space. Fanboys in Flight: Subaru Roars In on a Wing
  • The draft constitution was voted yesterday by the overall majority of the Iraqi people.
  • Overall Disadvantages:Takes most damage, usually dies the most, hard to escape an enemy, hard to take down large groups of mobs, weak vs ranged mobs, lower magical ability.
  • Overall, the issue is happily devoid of many of the ditzier features that have crept into business magazines in recent years -- no pointless lists of the best this or the worst that -- and, mercifully, no attempt to get you, the reader, to start blogging, tweeting, Facebooking, linking or job hunting right now! Yvette Kantrow: Economist sans buts
  • The overall effect is that the main swell of the ocean is broken, leaving calmer water inside.
  • The overall situation is good, despite a few minor problems.
  • Because, contrary to what's been said about us in the past, New Zealanders are not a passionless people, and the brightest gems will sometimes be found lurking in a hole in the ground, clad in blue overalls.
  • From the endless rows of hand tools to the overalls and safety goggles, the atmosphere is industrious to say the least.
  • Eliciting condemnation is the essence of the overall strategy of Israel's enemies to demonise and delegitimise the Jewish state in the eyes of the world. The Palestinian's tactics and "proportionality"
  • If, however, they are part of that once-fashionable system called MBO management by objectives, then they are also supposed to flow up the hierarchy in cumulative fashion, in which case it becomes unclear where overall values enter the picture. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
  • To the extent that it actually boosts consumption at the expense of investment and the foreign trade balance, the net result from a macro perspective is overall impoverishment.
  • White and yellow flowers among the darker ruby reds and burnt oranges, often soften the overall effect and leads the eye through the flower bed.
  • Moving out of the central, more restrained and mournful section into the reprise could perhaps need a little more direction, but the overall work is coherent, engaging and pays the listener well.
  • You will be mostly mingling with French tourists and overall costs are lower than in Alpine resorts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Phytoplankton biomass can become extremely high during these spring blooms, which is why overall phytoplankton biomass is very high in temperate latitiudes. Lorenz et al 2006: "Tropical Cooling" « Climate Audit
  • As a 24-year-old in 2001 he rode an excellent race to finish seventh overall, leading many to bill him as a future winner of the race.

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