How To Use Overact In A Sentence

  • The ridiculous overacting left the bureaucrat completely unsuspicious.
  • These are done with all kinds of rubatos, rallentandos, underlining, and overacting.
  • Tom is the gay counterpart, resisting her overactive libido on a daily basis, while simultaneously living in a fantasy world of luvviedom.
  • ‘Should've eaten breakfast,’ she said hissing through her overactive nostrils.
  • The same is true for overactive thyroid conditions. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
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  • Also, his overacting is getting annoying - him barking at the camera is ruining even the few decent flicks he's in. XXx: The Return of Xander Cage | /Film
  • Two of the most likely are anxiety and an overactive thyroid. The Sun
  • February 26th, 2008 at 1: 50 pm PST the market didnt overact, they underacted. Did the Market Overreact To Google’s Click-Through Woes?
  • His performance is excellent, avoiding overacting and hamming it up for the screen.
  • Acne is a skin condition caused by overactivity of the glands that secrete oily substances on to the skin.
  • A fact which - I submit - should subdue any remaining overactive salivary glands.
  • In these a hambone was a performer in blackface overacting dialect routines (as in the song, "The Ham-Fat Man"). VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 3
  • They who assume a character that doesn't belong to them generally betray themselves by overacting it.
  • Adding to his troubles, he suffered from an overactive thyroid and had an awkward physical appearance.
  • While not specifically revealed in the searches, it is likely that any disease that results in autonomic overactivity may result in night sweats.
  • A nice idea, but it came off a bit gimmicky and mildly overacted, though the six seconds or so in which Bincohe puts on lipstick in front of the mirror and wrestles with earrings (in another example of how a film still takes on a different meaning after one has screened the film) were very good. Michael Vazquez: ON THE 48TH ANNUAL NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL
  • And when I say campy, I mean campy: gold-trimed uniforms, Cylon butt-capes, overacting from the whole cast, the cute kid and his furry robot (who tag along on dangerous missions for no apparent reason), and the supposedly super-intelligent yet motive-free robot villains whose only battle tactic is to strafe everything with fighters. Archive 2008-11-01
  • The satirical medical series is written by and stars Rob Corddry as a doctor who wears clown makeup and "blood"-splattered scrubs so he can practice what he calls the "healing power of laughter" at a hospital where the staff is more interested in tending to their overactive libidos than treating patients. Adult Swim Readmits Childrens Hospital for Fourth Season
  • Everyone overacts in roles that are as unlikable as they are shallow.
  • The disorders are characterised by overactive production of blood cells and can lead to thrombosis, haemorrhage or acute myeloid leukaemia.
  • Animal models of autism and Fragile X suggest that part of the problem in these disorders is overactivity in a brain region called the amygdala, which is associated with fear and anxiety, and is normally calmed by GABA. Top Stories
  • The poor actress overacts excruciatingly as the vengefully posh blueblood.
  • And if the thyroid gland is overactive it will certainly increase sweating. Body Odour
  • But Tarun (who directed Thimuru and Kaalai) has to learn not to overact, which is apparent in one of the scenes. Undefined
  • Liver problems, kidney failure and an overactive thyroid can all be causes. The Sun
  • An overactive bladder, the second most common cause of urinary incontinence in women, affects 30% of incontinent women, the prevalence increasing with age.
  • In the case of Crohn's disease, for example, it will target overactive immune system cells in the gut.
  • Increased metabolic rate is rarely the main cause, except with an overactive thyroid or phaeochromocytoma, a rare tumour which produces excess adrenaline to stimulate our brown adipose tissue.
  • With my overactive imagination, I find myself wondering what the story behind these books is.
  • As far as "overacting" comment, I thought they were perfect these characters are very melodramatic and I thought Rob and Kristen were totally on point! Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • Unfortunately, its comedy potential is sapped from the start by overacting and exaggerated direction.
  • Not a damn one could act themselves out of a game of charades and they ALL overacted to the point where you wanted to choke slam them. Scab Boy is THE Source for Friday The 13th Fan Films! | Fan Cinema Today
  • Many of the Web's finest moments have been created by people with a little too much time on their hands and an overactive imagination.
  • For one thing, while the goofiness is fine, the overacting is a big issue. DVD Review: Mamma Mia! The Movie (Blu-ray)
  • Most sufferers just have overactive sweat glands, a variation of normal. The Sun
  • At least Laura will be there to help harness my overactive imagination.
  • Overactive sebaceous glands, not candy bars , cause the blemishes that can embarrass adolescents and adults.
  • Excess sweating can be the result of an overactive thyroid gland. The Sun
  • Who overacted, underacted, didn't try or couldn't act his or her way out of a paper bag?
  • Was it just their snobby, overactive imaginations? Times, Sunday Times
  • Old now, with overactive lacrymal glands and hesitant speech, he did not in the least appeal to his present patient. Bonecrack
  • • Green frothy poop: In breastfed babies, green frothy poop signals overactive letdown or a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. Baby Bites
  • Objective To observe the effect of magnetic stimulation of sacral roots on detrusor overactivity and urge incontinence after spinal cord disease.
  • He was often, and probably justly, accused of underacting in the movies, but never of overacting.
  • Causes of arthritis can range from osteoarthritis, which is caused by deterioration of the cartilage that usually protects the bones from rubbing against each other, to rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disorder where the body's immune system is overactive and attacking normal tissues. Dr. Andrew Lange: What to Do if You Have Arthritis, Part One
  • The web-slinging and the dizzying scenes from the heights of New York City plus William Defoe's amazing ability to overact to the point of absurdity all made this movie great fun.
  • Then again, you could always remember her for her infamous temporary insanity and overactive imagination.
  • When such memories are reported by children they are commonly dismissed by teachers and parents as the product of an overactive imagination.
  • The penalty of unmerited food had produced an autotoxic anaemia, and she was pale and weepy, easily fatigued, sleeping poorly, with the boggy thyroid and overactive tendon reflexes so common in subacidosis. Our Nervous Friends — Illustrating the Mastery of Nervousness
  • The first one I think I overacted a tad, the second one I probably underacted. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Thank John, who overacts in direct proportion to the amount of underacting everyone else does.
  • In conditions with very localised muscle overactivity in delicate places, such as strabismus, the injections are usually guided by electromyography.
  • These poorly-articulated frog suits leave the actors inside with little choice but to overact and gesticulate.
  • Most of the time he could dismiss his memories as exaggerations, products of an overactive imagination.
  • The term "autointoxication" should properly be restricted to conditions where poison arises from changes in the tissues or in the activities of cells or organs, whereby substances are released into the circulation in quantities harmful to the organism; in other words, where the secretions of the body are altered, either in character or quantity, to such a degree as to cause injurious effects, such as overactivity or underactivity of the thyroid gland, or suprarenal gland. How to Live Rules for Healthful Living Based on Modern Science
  • In the movie, the Spee should be nominated for some kind of Oscar for its portrayal of the Phoenix Club, although at times I thought it overacted a little, like when it bused in all those attractive women. Facebook, the social network? A Harvard perspective
  • And the young actress doesn't rely on hysterics and overacting (as others might) to convey Maria's desperation.
  • It required that I act just ‘perfect’, overacting or even underplaying the role would have ruined the effect of the film.
  • Another sign of an underactive or overactive thyroid is hair loss. The Sun
  • In interviews done in the contender's homes, we are introduced to these oddball children and their overactive imaginations and enormous intellects.
  • I think he's got an overactive imagination - or else his grandson has.
  • Over the years, I tried to make myself believe it had been a bad dream, the product, perhaps, of an overactive imagination.
  • On one hand, the film is a terrible mess of plot holes, ridiculous premises, and overacting.
  • This is caused by the muscle of the bladder wall - known as the detrusor muscle - being overactive.
  • On one hand, the film is a terrible mess of plot holes, ridiculous premises, and overacting.
  • This might work if the clues were meaningful, or at the very least interesting, but they're not, resulting in overacting by the two leads and raising more questions than the film answers. Cannes Film Festival Report and Reviews - Part Deux «
  • Caused by overactivity of the bladder muscle, medication in conjunction with bladder re-training is effective in helping to restore bladder control in many people.
  • All those fictional holiday heroes were just figments of someone's overactive imagination.
  • Dysfunctions occurred in various Ievel, such as brain, spinal cord, vesical detrusor and mucous membrane, their afferent and efferent nerve, are responsible for bladder overactivity.
  • And not just after watching MotoGP from the safety of my sofa while armed with an overactive imagination and a packet of biscuits. The Sun
  • And these faces all underacted, which is better than overacting, but fairly dull, especially when virtually the entire movie consists of closeups. Archive 2006-01-01
  • My overactive imagination conjured up images of me opening the curtains to see a face pressed against the glass, eyeballing me.
  • All other actors that we have ever seen reduce Zanga to a mere slavish croucher in all points; and destroy the very basis of the character by an overacted humiliation, highly improper because too glaring not to excite Alonzo’s suspicions. The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 3
  • Will's already overactive imagination trips into overdrive. Times, Sunday Times
  • While many might dismiss the drawings as the product of overactive imaginations, a strange photo of the three youngsters is harder to explain. The Sun
  • Anaemia, an overactive thyroid gland and infections can also cause heart failure.
  • He or she may want to make sure that you don't have a physical illness such as an overactive thyroid gland. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • It's also known as an overactive thyroid. The Sun
  • She dismissed it as a figment of her extremely overactive imagination.
  • His treatment at a psychiatric institution for an overactive imagination seems to confirm his mental instability.
  • There's something oddly childlike about the way you say you suffered panic attacks because of an overactive imagination or a fear of being left alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • It really opened up my eyes to the potential of theater, because I had always thought that theater was sort of like a bad movie, where you just sat in a balcony and watched tiny little figures move around overacting.
  • Sometimes he had overacted in his role as Prince.
  • It is also important to explain that erratic variation between overactivity on ‘good’ days and subsequent collapse does not help long term recovery and that ‘stabilising’ activity is a prerequisite to graded increases.
  • It's great fun watching Pacino tear into this role, knowingly and calculatingly overacting.
  • An unsightly groin swelling might be a hernia, while an enlarged neck can be an overactive thyroid gland, especially if the patient has bulging eyes. The Sun
  • Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix, two actors I don't like very much, perform convincingly and, more important, don't overact and chew the scenery.
  • Also overactive is a region involved in shifting attention, called the cingulate gyrus. The Anatomy of Violence
  • If one overacts, the other has to add even more eyebrow wiggles and long, hard staring to top him.
  • And the young actress doesn't rely on hysterics and overacting (as others might) to convey Maria's desperation.
  • An excellent form of stress release, yoga helps slow down an overactive mind while at the same time toning up the body, removing toxins, relieving pains, backache and injuries.
  • Dahl's caricatures could eclipse a production when performed by a cast of skilled actors allowed to overact to their hearts' content, as is the case here.
  • In complete contrast, the overactivity encountered in Graves' disease is due to the aberrant production of autoantibodies, known as thyroid stimulating antibodies.
  • Alas, one side effect of an overactive imagination is that I do not sleep without dreaming.
  • The film lurches forward in clumsy and confusing sequences, with overacting and illogical behavior ruling the roost. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Both overactivity and underactivity cause problems, and illnesses and unpleasant symptoms arise if this regulator goes wrong.
  • Her overacting and close-ups do not exactly compliment her either.
  • overact" to the above 2 percent target, and added that inflation will likely slow on budget cuts. British Pound Halts Two Day Decline as Retail Sales Tops Expectations - Yahoo! Finance
  • Come attore epoch un po 'overacting, leggermente sopra le righe, matriarch sempre presently alla collaborazione e molto disponibile. Archive 2009-11-01
  • This was no exception, but the film itself tends toward the formulaic and Bening’s overacting is insufferable (akin to the more recent film where she played a stage actress and inexplicably got an Oscar nomination). Weekly Mishmash: November 15-21 :
  • The two boys also put in solid performances, tearing into their roles with the necessary gusto without ever overacting.
  • He should have just acted it in his own way and not so over the top … I think the overacting is annoying. Nicolas Cage in 'Bad Lieutenant': Overacting or acting that he's overacting? |
  • Weight loss despite adequate calories suggests an overactive thyroid (a blood test is necessary), Parkinsonism, diabetes, or a hyperactive Alzheimer pacer.
  • Eventually, the merry mutilators grow sick of each other's horrendous overacting and face off for an ultimate battle of brains, brawn, bowie knives, and tire irons.
  • Pharmacologic treatment of overactive bladder symptoms is based on the use of anticholinergic drugs that block the parasympathetic pathways and reduce detrusor muscle contraction.
  • Perhaps the best acting (or overacting as the case may be) came from Henry Silva, who played a truly evil villain, one who enjoys his torture and drugging people.
  • An overactive imagination was something she had to admit to.
  • Indeed, although there were people there, nobody seemed stressed, and nobody seemed to be overacting.
  • In overactivity or underactivity of those gene pro - rheumatoid arthritis, for example, the normal T - ducts in tumor cells). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • My imagination is incredibly overactive. The Sun
  • Her family complained that she was overactive and spending excessive amounts of money.
  • Jon Voight, as the camp commandant, or second in command under the mean spirited Warden, overacts to a point of absurdity.
  • OTTAWA - In deciding to cut overall government spending next year, Alberta appears to be moving in its own direction, ignoring advice Prime Minister Stephen Harper was dispensing to European nations last week to "overact" when it comes to stimulus spending. Top Stories - Google News
  • Such fears are nothing more than the product of an overactive imagination .
  • Her lack of theater training shows (in a good way) because she is one of the few actors who doesn't overact.
  • This star-packed movie is oppressed with overwriting and overacting.
  • If you have an overactive thyroid, skin is often fragile and thin. The Sun
  • Sometimes the thyroid glands become overactive. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • Bell's low-key menace had a way of keeping the other actors in check, making sure that few overacted and/or chewed the scenery. Scott Mendelson: Huff Post Review: Saw VII 3D (2010)
  • During the confrontation, the teacher apparently overacted by pushing the students and acting impolitely.
  • • Green frothy poop: In breastfed babies, green frothy poop signals overactive letdown or a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. Baby Bites
  • Most people just call it a full English breakfast, but I have an overactive imagination.
  • My family remember me as a curious and inquisitive youngster, my overactive imagination often running away with me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The worms, as video footage shows, also became overactive in alcohol withdrawal and showed spontaneous and deep body bends - a behaviour rarely seen in 'teetotal' worms. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Sometimes I question whether it really happened or if it was just another product of my overactive imagination.
  • The humour lies in the construction that the listener's overactive imagination can put on these innocuous phrases.
  • In the scene where they're making the video about how to encoffin and I had to wear some adult diapers, he really pushed me to do what I would consider "overacting. Brad Balfour: Japanese Film Departures, 2009's Foreign Language Oscar Winner, Illuminates Asian Rituals of Death
  • Objective To observe the effect of magnetic stimulation of sacral roots on detrusor overactivity and urge incontinence after spinal cord disease.
  • Being female - women are 10 times more likely to develop an overactive thyroid than men.
  • Between their inability to stand still and overactive imagination, it was a very exhausting and entertaining time. The Sun
  • Urge incontinence, also known as overactive bladder, is when you feel a sudden urge to urinate, and sometimes accidentally leak urine.
  • I would say an SFX version of "overacting" if you will. Undefined
  • My family remember me as a curious and inquisitive youngster, my overactive imagination often running away with me. Times, Sunday Times
  • My family remember me as a curious and inquisitive youngster, my overactive imagination often running away with me. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have seen the leaks I think brice looks like a obessed fan hugging a cut-out of edward so fake, overacted as always with her and not at all like Victoria-ish. Twilight Lexicon » Rachelle LeFevre in Unnamed Medical Drama Pilot
  • An overactive thyroid causes weight loss and an underactive thyroid causes weight gain. The Sun
  • In the meantime, we have this hyperreal, historicised dream-glimpse - overheated and overacted, but very watchable for all that.
  • Despite these uncertainties, anticholinergics are increasingly being used in both primary care and secondary care for the treatment of overactive bladder, and this has considerable implications for resources.
  • While his later tendency to overact is sometimes apparent, young pre-Star Trek Shatner is, dare I say, rather dashing. Incubus, the first movie in... Shatneranto? Shasperanto?
  • I still like it, but everything seems a little overacted. 'Cougar Town' recap: Waxing poetic |
  • I set the milk to warm on the stove, telling myself to stop listening to my own overactive imagination.
  • A cup of chamomile tea at night is said to induce sound natural sleep and calm an overactive brain.
  • overact" the Carnival of Venice by requiring everyone to wear masks while walking down the street. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • At times, they do tend to overact or appear patronizing to viewers.
  • Conversely, when ethereal energy becomes trapped in the throat chakra, and builds to excessive levels, it can result in hyperthyroidism, or overactivity of the thyroid, which is characterized by agitation and hyperactivity. Meditation as Medicine
  • In fact, he suggested political leaders were better to "overact" than "underact" when it comes to speeding stimulus money out the door. Top Stories - Google News
  • He has an overactive imagination and sometimes I have to switch off the news if it is sinister. Times, Sunday Times
  • The same is true for overactive thyroid conditions. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • It may just be my overactive imagination, but somehow I don't think they get too many young patients.
  • Her family complained that she was overactive and spending excessive amounts of money.
  • But unless you're a huge fan of the Wayans and their ability to overact, you should probably hold on to your money.
  • They who assume a character that does not belong to them generally betray themselves by overacting.
  • The hypothesis that psychotomimetics induce a rapid dopamine receptor regulation that could participate in the expression of the brain dopaminergic overactivation and in the early signs of psychotic-like behaviour, was checked by radioligand binding on rat brain cryosections.
  • On the other hand, that overactive imagination can also cause irrational fears, superstitions, and even paranoia.
  • Bianca sucks. and the level of "campy" bad overacting by Tyra is insane. Taking the boot off
  • The celebrated thought leader, Amartya Sen argued that development requires the removal of sources of "unfreedom" - poverty as well as tyranny, poor economic opportunities, as well as systemic social deprivation, neglect of public facilities and intolerance or overactivity of repressive states. My Sinchew -
  • Problem was that the sick man then had the Jobcentre hounding him into looking for a job this in an unemployment blackspot where Jobcentre staff used to tip-off friends and family about any worthwhile job vacancies that were in the pipeline Some time later another GP told the man that he now had an overactive thyroid and carbimazole was prescribed. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Weight loss despite adequate calories suggests an overactive thyroid (a blood test is necessary), Parkinsonism, diabetes, or a hyperactive Alzheimer pacer.
  • overactivity of the sebaceous glands causes the skin to become oily
  • Symptoms include chest pain, dizziness and feelings of terror, and they are caused by an overactive nervous system. The Sun
  • Your overactive nervous system is working you into a frenzy and there's no need. The Sun
  • Sometimes the thyroid glands become overactive. The Family Nutrition Workbook

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