How To Use Overabundance In A Sentence
Start with the pot, which should be fairly shallow so it won't store an overabundance of moisture.
Kernberg stressed the role of the overabundance of constitutionally predisposed aggression or very early frustration rather than maternal care that color the ways they experience their caretakers as resulting in the development of the intermediate level of structure, which he called borderline personality organization.
Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
Breed dogs who are very sensitive to motion—who probably have an overabundance of rod photoreceptors in their retinae—and you may also get a dog whose acute sensitivity to motion leads to their being temperamentally high-strung.
Careful planning of site layout, erection of partitions, or underground hazardous substance storage and an overabundance of safety systems can actually save lives.
It's divided into simple categories and the pages aren't stuffed with an overabundance of information.

From the 1920 s through the 1980 s, America's agricultural problem was overabundance.
Instead of faltering dollar liquidity, we see today ample evidence of a continued overabundance.
Having too many things makes time for non-material pleasure shrink; an overabundance of options can easily diminish full satisfaction.
Although suffering from an overabundance of names, false holly makes a handsome evergreen accent at the back of the border.
Ruthless editing would have crafted sharp-edged form out of the three hours of exhausting overabundance, infused subtlety into unrelieved shrillness.
In an age of information overabundance, we need cultural elites more than ever to stand over and above the cultural morass of mediocrity.
Anna Nicole Smith embodied America... its overabundance; its exploitability, and its propensity to exploit.
Archive 2007-02-01
As the water pressure decreases, the overabundance of nitrogen travels to the lungs and is eliminated by respiration.
But let's face it, the Warriors had too many people who played the same style last season, and the only thing the overabundance of swingmen did was create mass confusion.
Yet, for all the careful reasoning and evidence behind this clever solution, Jasanoff's scheme seems to give us a curious overabundance of durative 'Narten stems' ie. verbs showing *ē/*e ablaut rather than *e/*∅.
Where do Narten presents come from?
This situation results from an overabundance of a chemical salt, frequently the result of over-fertilizing.
In cultures of overabundance and greed people experience disconnection between their wants and needs.
'Too much' implies a negative, 'so much' a pleasant overabundance.
An overabundance of small, wormlike volutes worked into the beaded outlines of the splat and crest rails of the Corbit chairs suggest a tentative link to another chair with a Delaware history of ownership.
I was told in the third grade that I had an overabundance of original sin.
But at critical junctures in the history of astronomy, there is generally an overabundance of ideas on how to move ahead.
I visited on a bright, sunny afternoon, and the overabundance of daylight made it difficult to see some of the exhibits, especially the floor-mounted video screens.
We're also wasting precious natural resources to fuel the American appetite for an overabundance of food.
Since the overwhelming majority of verbs contain ablauting *e/*o, it implies that there was an overabundance of verbs in *i and *u beforehand, and that makes no sense.
The Great Pre-IE Centralization
four-year-olds have an overabundance of energy
They target a variety of subjects, including formalism in art, our current obsession with terrorism, and American overabundance.
Granted, the Comcast crap can be bothersome, but my rant is about the overabundance of Qwest promotions.
Jumbo junk (Jack Bog's Blog)
Like the planter's grain or publisher's newspaper clippings, the overabundance of our media archives can now be clipped and gathered by a new generation of gleaners.
I don't recommend trying that yourself unless you have a real overabundance of personal charm.
They might finally confront the central dilemma of inadequate global demand versus the permanent overabundance of supply.
Inflammation—a red, hot, painful distension—was attributed to an overabundance of blood.
The Emperor of All Maladies
With perceptions of safety and liquidity enveloping the entire American credit-creating process, credit is issued today in unparalleled overabundance.
One continuing theme is lack of corporate working - an overabundance of departmentalism.