How To Use Over and over again In A Sentence

  • The advantage of reading a book while practicing for pure technique alone is that it enables us to forget the boredom of playing a passage over and over again, a dozen, or fifty or a hundred times until the body has absorbed it.
  • A recursive function is one that calls itself, often over and over again.
  • If a heckler should best a politician, the moment could be screened over and over again on TV.
  • 'All's well' over and over again; 'twas a kind of byword with him. Kent Knowles: Quahaug
  • She adds, "Crews are having to repatch the same area over and over again. WVEC Top Stories
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  • What makes similar incidents in these areas so maddening is that one hears the same story from both sides over and over again without ever finding out who was right and who was wrong.
  • I saw it over and over again, blooming bravely in dooryard gardens despite the sizzling heat on the rough, wind-swept prairies.
  • Even if the mistakes are forgiven, can one forgive the repetition of the same mistakes over and over again?
  • We hear over and over again about global systems and panoptic vision on the one hand and genome chains and nano-entities on the other.
  • The strange message kept being repeated over and over again for about 15 seconds at 1.55 am each day.
  • Martin and Jack played for almost two hours, and then they started repeating the chorus of the last song, except with free-styled lyrics, over and over and over again.
  • If the speech he is making is one that he is accustomed to make over and over again, he may be almost unconscious of what he is saying, as one is when one utters the responses in church.
  • Student's tests are never repeated, therefore, they are prevented from retaking the same test items over and over again to improve their test scores.
  • When will he realize that futility is the act of making the same mistakes over and over again yet expecting a different result? Is John Donahoe Finally Turning eBay Around?
  • The whole staff was just a bunch of wacky butterfingers who made the same mistake over and over again.
  • What really concerns me over and over again is the attention we give to the nutcases on the fringy right — Dick Cheney first and foremost. Matthew Yglesias » The Security Line Threat
  • Over and over again he regales the reader with proof that snakes, spiders, crocodiles and creepy-crawlies have acquired a taste for tourist blood.
  • Mahadevan studied and restudied the inscriptions over and over again and found the confusion was not in them but in the minds of those who read them wrongly.
  • When you demo a game over and over again, you start to get a strong sense for what the best parts of your game are, what's really exciting people, and what's not working yet.
  • Everyone has a favourite book as a child, the book that they can read over and over again year after year, yet never tire of.
  • Rosenberg and Feldman illustrate over and over again that the admonition is just as applicable to traffic on the information superhighway. Today's news: Faster than the speed of truth
  • The replay is shown over and over again before the video ref decides that Owen was very marginally offside.
  • The fact that he is a rubbish candidate who has demonstrated over and over again his flakiness, inconsistency, flip-floppery, lack of principle and general untrustworthiness was unsayable.
  • Increasingly now those who "ignorantly" voted for him ... literally not pejoratively have awakened saying to themselves over and over and over again, "What the heck have I done? Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog
  • Like, for example, clubs who do business with the same intermediaries over and over again for no apparent reason. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only an emotionally incompetent person would persist in repeating the pass over and over again. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2006's Lonely Planet, Rosefeldt himself plays a bandana-wearing backpacker on an impossible quest for the authentic Indian experience, journeying from the desert through Mumbai's slums and on to a Bollywood movie set over and over again. Artist of the week 110: Julian Rosefeldt
  • If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, the Democrats are certifiable.
  • If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all. Oscar Wilde 
  • Keep on repeating them to yourself over and over again so that they become firmly imprinted in the subconscious mind. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • Some of the reviewers when the book appeared seemed to find evidence for a sudden conversion round about 1934, but his disgust for earthly things is displayed over and over again in his early novels.
  • If not, we will be waging military campaigns against new tyrannical regimes over and over again.
  • What the movie does affirm is a couple of very sad truths: that human beings hurt and abuse each other over and over again without realising the effect that this has on others.
  • Test objectives: use specific block impact on the mattress over and over again, to assess their impact, and the durability of solid retentivity.
  • She thanked him over and over again for putting himself in danger to save her.
  • BLOCK: And Peter Sloma (ph) of Fish Creek, Wisconsin had this to say: While so much of the rest of the news media is destroying any potential we have left for rational public discourse, NPR has made the choice of joining in by serving up this bleeding, gristled hunk of red meat - and over and over again, at that. Letters: The Florida Pastor And 'No Crying In Baseball'
  • Just as in the mythic prehistoric stage of many nations there is a body of legendary matter, which often reappears in somewhat different form, so there is a floating plankton-like mass of tradition and storiology that seems to attach to eminence wherever it emerges and is repeated over and over again, concerning the youth of men who later achieve distinction, which biographers often incorporate and attach to the time, place, and person of their heroes. Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
  • Not only are they generally stronger than plastic bags, but they are washable and can be used over and over again.
  • Pinched-faced telephonists in drab maroon overalls intone ‘at your service ‘over and over again.
  • She kept repeating his name softly over and over again.
  • The distant beat of voices echoed through the room, soft voices which blurred and repeated the same words, the same tune, over and over again.
  • She kept repeating his name softly over and over again.
  • It has the same effect as a bad guitarist using the same guitar tone over and over again.
  • It's like a gear is a transmission suddenly becoming aware and asking, "Why am I here? all I do is turn over and over again and get some greasy substance thrown in my face, my existence is crap … I have no purpose …. Continuation…
  • Sarraute did in fact state over and over again that her chief preoccupation in writing was to reveal to the reader a previously hidden reality, using the imperfect and distinctly unreal, or at least nonmaterial, tool that is language.
  • Whenever he took a car ride, he would start saying the word "dah," repeating it over and over again as we strapped him into his car seat, "Dah dah dah, goo, dah dah, big-dah, big-dah. John Medina, Ph.D.: 'Parentese': Can Speaking To Your Baby This Way Make Her Smarter? (VIDEO)
  • Both government and opposition have been adopting positions which they will repeat over and over again during the period of this parliament.
  • Well, are the media trashing his reputation, by harping on it over and over again?
  • It allowed her sister to punish her over and over and over again, to watch her flounder, to watch her fail.
  • Who are you when you soften the mad grip and realize the nature of consciousness is an ever fluxive cycle of expansion and contraction, over and over again, forever? Mark Morford: 12 Exquisitely Easy Resolutions for 2012
  • Professional assassins are going to stab somebody over and over again and leave all this evidence besides?
  • Rather than refer to Military Times polls as if they mean something, the point should be made over and over again that the polls they conduct are nonscientific, nonrandom polls of senior enlisted folks and officers. Think Progress » Opposition to gays serving openly in the military has ‘declined sharply’ amongst servicemembers.
  • Doing the same thing over and over again amounts to insanity. U.S. lawmaker calls for lifting of Cuba travel ban
  • Yes, some of the dialogue is cliche and a few of the characters are fairly stock types that we've seen over and over again before.
  • If not, we will be waging military campaigns against new tyrannical regimes over and over again.
  • She sat in her room and was coloring a rather savage drawing of her stabbing her sister over and over again with a dagger.
  • People living in the area are having their cars targeted over and over again, despite being under the watchful eye of the police.
  • I even admit to thinking that some fish are just playing after on many different occasions watching Atlantic silversides Menidia menidia jumping over floating twigs over and over again. Archive 2008-09-01
  • I mind I told him what he said over and over again about his fratch with that Garth. The Shadow of a Crime A Cumbrian Romance
  • Then to conclude with the "serious" message that is supposed to convert those on the fence after already whining, "we hate Obama" over and over again beforehand? Republicans celebrate April Fools by praising Obama
  • What good is it going to do by the same one or two Hillary voters coming on the blogs over and over again "threatening" to vote for McCain. Obama adds two superdelegates, one's a former Clinton backer
  • He's got to get out there and tell the American people -- over and over again, "overexposure" be damned -- what he is fighting for, and why. Chris Weigant: The "Let Obama Be Obama" Moment
  • You know those occasions when you are compelled to listen to one song over and over and over again?
  • Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  • He refers over and over again to the idea of "solidification" of commercial spent nuclear fuel at each reactor location as the solution to the waste management issue. Las Vegas Sun Stories: All Sun Headlines
  • But then, I found that when the first few chords would strike, I wouldn't skip ahead... until I was actively searching for the title amongst thousands, and repeating it over and over again. Archive 2005-11-01
  • That has been proved over and over again with your sellout concerts. The Sun
  • You buy the same things over and over again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, in this era when people have it drilled into their brains over and over again that every creative thing is "ownable," we're now seeing this great tradition of joke sharing and joke telling stifled by claims of Techdirt
  • She sat in her room and was coloring a rather savage drawing of her stabbing her sister over and over again with a dagger.
  • My footclaws sheathe in and slide out over and over again as I think. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The comparison reflects a basic mistake we Americans make over and over again: we "Americanize" the rest of the world's conflicts, seeing them through the lens of our own national experience. Is That Legal?: Books Archives
  • The book series that I could read over and over again and never tire is the Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward. Countdown to Branded By Fire: 1 day to go!
  • Barbra," over and over again, as though mesmerized. Mark C. Miller: African Tribe Worships Barbra Streisand's Nose
  • In the first place, studies have proven, over and over again, that tippling (unless you are a case-a-day couch slug who has lost his will to live) is good for you.
  • Othellos, the Don Juans that illustrate to us that the fable is a game of chess played over and over again, a thousand times with whatever pieces destiny throws up at any given time. Camilo José Cela - Nobel Lecture
  • He commented, ‘Everybody is building reusable components but everyone is building the same reusable components over and over again, which is a little bit of an antilogy.’
  • Then he ceases his paddling and surfs the waves back to the water's edge, over and over again - and even now, in my mind.
  • The walls on either side of the narrow stairway are mirrors and you see yourself reflected over and over again all the way to infinity. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's no attention to the clitoris, nor is their foreplay — just this karate-chop style stuffing over and over again, usually while she's so dry you can hear her skin rasping like sandpaper. The Mysteries Of Porno
  • Earlier art, music, or literature could reinterpret the Passion over and over again without vitiation.
  • Having read her comment over and over again, my rough translation of it is that she, like so many others, still holds with the stereotype that we blondies are common (not unusual) and dumb (not interesting).
  • The way to learn the script is to say it to yourself over and over again.
  • The short slogans repeated over and over again prevent everyone, including the politicians holding the town hall meetings, from being able to have a discission or express a complex view point. Democrats accuse GOP of inciting mobs
  • Yet now they not only refuse to do the right thing again, they want to do the wrong thing (cut taxes and balloon the deficit) over and over again.
  • Harry Potter leaves me cold, the Twilight phenom bewilders me, and so many of the other chart-topping series just seem like the same thing over and over and over again. MIND MELD: Books We Love That Everyone Else Hates (and Vice Versa)
  • I watched the teevee for a few minutes - but it's not all of Fantasia, they just keep playing Night on Bald Mountain over and over again.
  • The third movement is a rondo, which is a variation repeating itself over and over again.
  • I circled the hot room, over and over again, looking out for my friend, all the while receiving smiles, winks, and knowing looks from all manner of alternatively minded people.
  • Turning this quote on its head, one can confidently say that readers have proved this paradise allegory's aptness over and over again.
  • What is definite is that this process began outside India, and that the NRI proved over and over again the old dictum that Indians do well everywhere, as long as everywhere does not include India.
  • What we find over and over again is that many mutations to any one component may have a completely indetectable effect on the output. It's more than genes, it's networks and systems - The Panda's Thumb
  • I still haven't seen anyone on this blog even attempt to back up Ellen's ridiculous position that somehow the U.S. (read: Bush) "baited" the Iranian president into calling for the desruction of Israel (over and over and over again). This Is Your republican Life
  • It will be shown that Clerk Maxwell also definitely affirms the atomicity of the aether, while Tyndall and Huyghens also use the term "_particles of aether_" over and over again. Aether and Gravitation
  • He quickly hit the trigger over and over again sending beams dead on at the suit.
  • The way to learn the script is to say it to yourself over and over again.
  • It's a cast of relative unknowns in a show that people pay $100 a seat to see over and over and over again.
  • No, what makes it so is my proving it over and over again coupled with the inability of people like you to keep up. Think Progress » ‘Impeach Obama’ Advocate At CPAC Concedes Movement Is Based Largely On ‘Policy Differences’
  • The clip Reyes selected, to the casual listener at least, seemed to only feature two words: Jose and Reyes, repeated over and over again to a merengue beat. A Player's Big Decision: Intro Music
  • Any model can work as long as it can create value and capture mindshare, which is what Netflix and Ebay has proven over and over again. reply emre Peerflix Swaps One Problem For Another
  • We are expected to bow down before the divinely written Word, even when that Word famously, ludicrously contradicts itself over and over and over again.
  • They're bored with stodge, with the same old stuff over and over again, and they want writers to produce anti-stodge. Progress
  • You can use both to practise writing their name over and over again and drawing love hearts. Times, Sunday Times
  • And you can't wear the same outfit over and over again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some are small diameter, well vascularized, relatively slow fibers that are optimized for endurance; they can keep contracting over and over again for long periods of time. α-actinin evolution in humans - The Panda's Thumb
  • You know, I've had to say over and over again that I find his beliefs totally abhorrent, appalling.
  • It's like reading the same book over and over again: it becomes a bore.
  • Pantagruel had read it over and over again, the oftener he perused it being the better pleased therewith, he said, in addressing his speech to Panurge, I have not as yet seen any answer framed to your demand which affordeth me more contentment. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • A certain type of film has always excited and fascinated me and I can watch them over and over again.
  • Over and over again, it is the story I get from nearly every visitor to various islands, most of which are described as lusciously green and serene and not the place to go with plutonic friends. Traveling In My World: Kauai «
  • They cling to polysyllabic professors who find clever ways to say the same dumb things over and over again.
  • It went straight on to the radiogram, and I played it over and over again. Family life
  • Yet certain films he would watch over and over again and never tire of them.
  • That one is used over and over again, and many other neume-types are created from it. Tone 1
  • Flannery sees this sequence over and over again, from the original resumption of life after the asteroid, through various migrations after other cataclysmic changes, to the successive waves of humans.
  • They sat there in complete silence, save for the consistent rat-tat-tat of Gabe's leg knocking over and over against the hard metal of the chair.
  • The captivating story of a man who lives his life over and over again immerses the reader and avoids the traps of other similarly themed novels. 2003: A YEAR IN REVIEW
  • I looked at the city over and over again from elevated positions.
  • In this essay he has used the same verbs over and over again.
  • Reynolds' characters are often called upon to make moral choices, and this is taken to extremes in The Prefect as Panoply agents are forced, over and over again, to decide whether to "euthanise" individuals or entire habitats to protect the entire Band; in parallel, similar choices have to be made regarding the treatment of senior prefect Aumonier who is infected by a parasite of unknown origin. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The students chanted the same slogan over and over again
  • Suddenly they heard a voice outside the ring of zombies, yelling out the counter-curse in a loud, clear voice, over and over again.
  • You go back to the nets over and over again and grind the faults out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hughie," she whispered to him over and over again. Red Pottage
  • The timing of this immigration fervor is in time for getting the immigration wedge issue going for election ‘10? when lee atwater’s old index cards are all you have to go on, you tend to end up running the same campaigns over and over and over again. fortunately, amnesiacs like fuzzy and the ‘baggers never catch on that it’s always a re-run. Think Progress » Kristol Supports Arizona Immigration Law: ‘I Don’t Think It Violates Anyone’s Civil Rights’
  • Five years of hearing the same thing over and over again and watching American sheeple fall for it over and over again is just too depressing.
  • Tora brushed it off, but her words had sounded so mechanical it looked as though Tora had practiced saying them over and over again.
  • Nik Cohn, in his fantastic late-60s rock eulogy Awopbopaloobop Alopbamboom, mentions a Stan Freberg satire on pop music of the 1950s: a young heartthrob is ushered into a recording studio and just sings the words "highschool highschool highschool" over and over again. Indicate precisely what you're trying to say
  • So, while the media was mindlessly parroting that information over and over again, these viewers already understood that it most likely was not true.
  • Over and over again, when reading newspaper articles full of pompous words borrowed from Latin through French, when wearied with 'velleities' and 'solidarities' and 'altruisms' and The Letters of Cassiodorus Being A Condensed Translation Of The Variae Epistolae Of Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator
  • Sometimes I tell a story over and over and over again until you just want to hang yourself with some kind of nylon rope or like a bathrobe belt, or maybe something silkier, and hey, where's that ham I lost? The Archive
  • Well, hundreds of animal experiments were done; the mechanical heart was put in calves and sheep over and over and over again. Heart Replacement—Progress & Problems
  • But it gets simply wearying seeing this over and over again. TOC: The Mammoth Book of Mindblowing SF edited by Mike Ashley
  • I was stunned and sickened by the appalling images, replayed over and over again on the TV screen.
  • This is the point at which you go in there and listen to one song over and over again, and rewrite the scenes you don't like. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has never bored of it, messing around apparently endlessly with tyres, rejigging qualification over and over again, fiddling on with aerodynamics and banning everything from launch controls to automatic gearboxes all with the express intention of making the sport more exciting and getting people like myself to chunter: Bloody typical: just when I finally worked out what data downlink telemetry does, they get rid of it. Introducing Bernie the mogul's next blockbuster: Star Wars F1? | Harry Pearson
  • In order that the crime of killing the "postmen" may be recognized in its true light, it is but fair that I should say, that the brutes, having partaken once of the good cheer on board or around the ships, seldom seemed satisfied with the mere empty honours of a copper collar, and returned to be caught over and over again. Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal; or, Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions, in Search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition, in the Years 1850-51
  • I would sit in my rather dim, hot room with the scent from the lemon tree coming through the window, feverishly going through the same issues over and over again.
  • And it is a strange and curious mixture of a hymn to anality, the deeply held belief that the quiet, orderly life is the one that brings happiness, and a torchsong to the demonic, that wild, disruptive and compulsive force of life that destroys and creates over and over again. How To Be Good « Tales from the Reading Room
  • I mean, with wars going in two nations most Americans can't find on a map and thousands dying or coming home in pieces after having their deployments extended over and over again (while at the same time being prevented from leaving the service when their enlistment is up), who wouldn't rather obsesses over some missing white woman or other, or bemoan the steroidal state of professional baseball? America The Stupid
  • Paradigms and different formatives have been presented over and over again as well as word formation means.
  • I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan 
  • Gabriel removed his shirt, and I kissed his neck, his chest, his stomach, over and over again.
  • They played old and new hits, got the audience jumping over and over again, and ended it by going back into the crowd and jamming for 20 minutes or so.
  • He plays his pirated cassette of the score, with its glitches and sudden stops, over and over again.
  • So how come such misfortunes have happened over and over again?
  • I had a recording played at full blast while telling him over and over again to press my hand if he could hear it. Times, Sunday Times
  • His lips kept forming the same words over and over again.
  • The still-living juvenile inside of me hears the word anus and giggles, bursting with the need to crack endless jokes or just to say the word anus over and over again and laugh uncontrollably. HumidCity
  • In the absence of anything else, the day is just a series of personal tragedies repeated over and over again, with an entire nation sharing in the pain and the grief.
  • THE basic gist of this is to kill a room of enemies as quickly as possible, over and over again. The Sun
  • Saskia Van Uylenburgh was the daughter of an impoverished though respected burgomaster and Rembrandt drew and painted her over and over again.
  • Over and over again, until the cell rang with the dull sounds and his head throbbed to the terrible beat.
  • Dale watched for five minutes until it was clear that all the band was going to do was march endlessly around the track oval playing the same song over and over again.
  • Plus his gaydar was bleeping ‘lesbian’ over and over again.
  • After two hours of repeating the same drill over and over again, it was time for riding.
  • He chose a pew near the altar and said the Lord's Prayer over and over again until he stopped shaking.
  • It has happened over and over again in the earth's history so why blame man now or even expect to be so intellegent to "standardize" our weather conditions. Scientists 'cooking the books' on global warming?
  • Only an emotionally incompetent person would persist in repeating the pass over and over again. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time LL COOL J shows up -- apparently he's been paid to merely to drop in and walk thru the room -- most of the real grownups seem sensorily saturated, and I've begun to ask myself "Why do I exist?" over and over again. Alex Gersten: Saying Yes
  • I have never been back to the site and don't know if or when I will again, but I am girding myself for the 9/11 Ground Hog Day, the painful and frightening images that reappear for days, over and over again with a vengeance. Sharon Premoli: Ten Years
  • Note 30: Epistolae, 2.7.8: "Parieti eius cubiculi mei in bibliothecae speciem armarium insertum est quod non legendos libros sed letitandos capit" (My cubiculum has a press let into the wall that does duty as a library, and holds books not merely to be read, but read over and over again). Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The story told about a World War II German submarine that was doomed to torpedo the same ship over and over again and, in doing so, driving the submarine captain mad.
  • One of the most private of writers, she has also incorporated part of her past in her stories, over and over again in different transmutations.
  • Scandinavian musicians were in possession of an art of expressive melody resting upon a simple harmonic foundation, these writers can find nothing to say but to repeat over and over again their tedious calculations concerning the intonations of _nete hypate_ and the other A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • By the firesides of Irish cottages when songs are sung during the long winter evenings the listeners often "croon" an accompaniment, droning in low voices over and over again a few simple notes which harmonise with the singer's voice. The Northern Iron
  • And you repeat this over and over again, so that even when for example there be concrete instances in which you can document the ongoing existence of racism.
  • The contents of this series of tombs have been given thus in detail, in order to show that the same grouping of objects occurs over and over again, and that they can therefore be with confidence attributed to the original burials, though if only a single tomb had been examined there would be no proof of the contemporaneousness of any object in it. El Kab
  • Robyn had fought her illness so valiantly, amazing doctors and others with her fortitude over and over again.
  • Mrs. Halifax looked after them proudly – motherlike, she gloried in her sons; while John, walking slowly, and assuring Mrs. Tod over and over again that we should all come back next summer, went down the steep hill, carrying, hidden under many wraps and nestled close to his warm shoulder, his little frail winter rose – his only daughter. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • 'with their children,' they spend the time in trotting them, or shaking the rattle, or dragging about the little cart, or repeating over and over again, The Mother's Book
  • The images were still vivid in her mind, as if she were watching a scene of a movie over and over again.
  • As we said over and over again during the Democratic primary, gender is a factor but not * the only factor* in choosing a candidate to support. Latest Articles
  • Saskia Van Uylenburgh was the daughter of an impoverished though respected burgomaster and Rembrandt drew and painted her over and over again.
  • At first, they made sweet inarticulate music alone; but, by-and-by, the sound seemed to begin to take shape, and to be gradually moulding itself into words; till, at last, I seemed able to distinguish these, half-dissolved in a little ocean of circumfluent tones: "A great good is coming -- is coming -- is coming to thee, Anodos;" and so over and over again. Phantastes, a Faerie Romance for Men and Women
  • A lot of christians are unhappy about their chronical diseases and pain, so they go to healers over and over and over again - and end up disappointed and depressed, thinking that they are unworthy christians, that they don't BELIEVE enough, that their -faith is too weak. Non-human
  • God gracious bless me, how my poor head is vexed and worried by that girl Gupe's so perseveringly asking, over and over again , about her tiresome letters!
  • I would rehash the situation over and over again to see if I had forgotten any minor detail - a gesture, a word, or even a facial expression - that missed my rigorous analysis.
  • That has been proved over and over again with your sellout concerts. The Sun
  • And you can't wear the same outfit over and over again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now we buy them over and over again, lured by new geegaws and crisper sound.
  • She kept repeating it over and over again like a robot.
  • They sat there in complete silence, save for the consistent rat-tat-tat of Gabe's leg knocking over and over against the hard metal of the chair.
  • This much, Jerry, with his head becoming more and more spiky as the law terms bristled it, made out with huge satisfaction, and so arrived circuitously at the understanding that the aforesaid, and over and over again aforesaid, Charles Darnay, stood there before him upon his trial; that the jury were swearing in; and that Mr. Attorney-General was making ready to speak. A Tale of Two Cities
  • It is not a dopey thing to tell yourself over and over again: I'm a good person, I'm a worthwhile person, I can be successful, I'm good enough to do this.
  • Keep on repeating them to yourself over and over again so that they become firmly imprinted in the subconscious mind. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • You're going to have Gore over and over again trying to associate Bush with the rightist right wing elements of his party.
  • Like, for example, clubs who do business with the same intermediaries over and over again for no apparent reason. Times, Sunday Times
  • For his part, Petrarch had resuscitated such classical authors as Pliny the Younger, who in his private letters described his study — "cubiculi mei" — as located near the bedroom and furnished with an armarium containing books to be read "over and over again. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Her moves became automatic, her muscles cramped into the same movements over and over again.
  • As I have been taught over and over again, the officer with the dilemma is the one covering the officer pointing the TASER, if the TASER misses then they will be taking the lethal shot. “Ruralshire Constabulary to get TASER on the front line” « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The definition of doing something over and over again expecting a different result is one definition of insanity. Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 18, 2010
  • Like hearing the word spic over and over again, and just feeling the hatred that Eddie had for Fernando and vice versa. Dark Dude
  • The whole car ride home the girls rehashed the night over and over again, but I sat in the passenger seat and stared at the city lights flashing past my window.
  • One senior fireman was singing an old music-hall ditty over and over again as he worked at the pump. Bomber
  • One interview even had her proclaiming her heterosexuality over and over again, hoping that her fans got the message.
  • You can use both to practise writing their name over and over again and drawing love hearts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nick Duerden's second novel studies the spiral of self destructiveness, and how some can fail over and over again yet still come out winning.
  • I banged my head on the desk over and over again as everyone turned to look at me, snickering and smirking.
  • We have agonized over and over again about our relatively small oil business.

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