How To Use oval window In A Sentence
- The stirrup bone exerts pressure at the oval window of the inner ear, further increasing the sound energy up to fifteen times.
- Reclining in leather-wrapped luxury, she stared out the oval window of the jet at the silvered cloudscape and the rising moon.
- The peripheral system includes the external ear (auricle and ear canal), the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, the middle ear (three small and connected bones: malleus, incus, and stapes), the oval window boundary, and the inner ear (vestibular system and cochlea). You Raising Your Child
- The peripheral system includes the external ear (auricle and ear canal), the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, the middle ear (three small and connected bones: malleus, incus, and stapes), the oval window boundary, and the inner ear (vestibular system and cochlea). You Raising Your Child
- Exploration of the right ear suggested a fistula in the anterior annulus of the oval window, with perilymphatic fluid leak visible on Valsalva at middle ear exploration.
- The stapes has a large footplate which fits into the oval window of the inner ear and transduces the physical movement of the bones back into pressure waves in the perilymph of the inner ear.
- The footplate of the stirrup which serves as the innermost link of the ossicle chain is movably mounted in the opening of the oval window of the inner ear which faces the middle ear. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1961 - Presentation Speech
- THE INTERNAL EAR On the other side of the oval window covered by the stapes is the vestibule referred to on page 248. The Human Brain
- However, in about 25 percent of individuals, the tunnel (or foramen ovale, Latin for "oval window") remains open, or patent.
- Sound waves reaching the tympanic membrane will initiate vibrations that are transmitted through the bony ossicles of the middle ear to the oval window.