How To Use Outvote In A Sentence
The Government bowed to the inevitable after other countries threatened to outvote it.
They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.
So district councillors, through the casting vote of the chairman, could outvote all other members.
They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.
Ministers on the council must answer to their national constituencies, but they can easily claim to have been outvoted in Brussels.

Mr. Dodik argues that his first responsibility is to the people who elected him in Republika Srpska, who feel that any move to a centralized state threatens them because Bosnian Muslims will always have a majority to outvote them — the reason why the Dayton accord created such an unwieldy polity in the first place.
Bosnian Serb Leader Damps Hopes of Post-Vote Accord
Once it became possible for the minister to be outvoted, the national parliaments lost even this nominal, negative control over decisions.
At any time when the Democrats had anywhere from 34 up through 67 Senators present and voting their way, the nominees could be confirmed, e.g., at 4 am tomorrow morning when 40 Democrats are around to outvote 18 Republicans.
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They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.
Most of the power stays with the member states, although their representatives can find themselves outvoted on a wider range of issues.
Military and economic giants will not be outvoted or pushed around by hordes of pygmies.
They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.
African, Arab or Asian countries, or indeed Europeans voting en bloc, can easily outvote the United States.
Governments are hoping other ECB members will outvote Mr. Weidmann—especially if they are confident the German government supports the move.
Europe's Leaders Pursue New Pact
The use of qualified majority voting in the Council was an obvious constraint: any individual government might be outvoted.
But with 'one country one vote', African, Arab or Asian countries, or indeed Europeans voting en bloc, can easily outvote the United States.
Germany argued that despite its 80 million population it could be easily outvoted by the 54 votes of Poland and Spain, whose combined population is also 80 million.
At party congresses, the revisionists, who argued for a reconciliation with the existing social order, were regularly outvoted.
Therefore, the large countries must be given greater influence and be able to outvote a minority of countries by majority decisions.
Richard and David tried to get the question put on the agenda but they were heavily outvoted.
The meeting turned to farce as Conservatives staged a walkout, having been outvoted on their amendments to the budget.
Forced savings is a reluctant compromise position, because people who believe that Americans are too stupid to save properly outvote us at present.
Social Security Incrementalism, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
There are makers, takers, and fakers, and right now, the latter two outnumber (and outvote and outlobby) the makers by a large margin.
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They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.
But with 'one country one vote', African, Arab or Asian countries, or indeed Europeans voting en bloc, can easily outvote the United States.
He demurs, is outflanked and outvoted and finally gives grudging agreement to the match.
The committee Democrats were simply outvoted on the rules change.
Randal's seconder was a bluff yeoman, an outvoter of weight with the agricultural electors.
My Novel — Volume 12
Mark Fairfield, an outvoter, who, though a Lansmere freeman, had settled in Hazeldean, where he had obtained the situation of head carpenter on the squire's estate.
My Novel — Volume 01
The Senate functions on unanimous consent: any Senator can object to anything, and require that the majority either outvote him, or buy him off.
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Britain was heavily outvoted on the issue.
Polls in the past month have shown consistently that Mr. Sarkozy may not even make it to the election run-off, with International Monetary Fund boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Front National leader Marine Le Pen poised to outvote him in the first round.
Sarkozy Set to Run for Re-election
African, Arab or Asian countries, or indeed Europeans voting en bloc, can easily outvote the United States.
At party congresses, the revisionists, who argued for a reconciliation with the existing social order, were regularly outvoted.
The race would be tight every month, I should imagine, with Republicans and Democrats trying to outvote each other.
I may be outvoted on that, but at least I will have had the chance to stand up for people who do not get a voice in the workplace.
But with 'one country one vote', African, Arab or Asian countries, or indeed Europeans voting en bloc, can easily outvote the United States.
If you don't do something now, you're going to be outnumbered and outvoted in your own country.
They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.
They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.
If the present rules were retained, the entry of many relatively smaller and economically weak countries would either paralyse the EU completely, or the smaller countries could outvote the larger ones.
It seems unlikely that simply being outvoted would deflect them from their path.
She, apparently, also has noticed that I am hopelessly outnumbered and outvoted.
Britain was heavily outvoted on the issue.
Purslow, Ayre and the chairman, Martin Broughton? who can outvote Hicks and Gillett, clearly approved the release of the statement.
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The whole problem with the RealAmerica shtick is the way they define it, RealAmericans are going to get consistently outvoted.
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Students often feel that their voice really doesn't matter and that they'll be outvoted in matters of municipal politics anyway.
A Mexican judge recently ruled that the company can consider its own subsidiaries as creditors, allowing them to outvote the actual investors who bought the company's bonds.
Apocalypto for Bondholders?
African, Arab or Asian countries, or indeed Europeans voting en bloc, can easily outvote the United States.
The Democrats outvoted the Republicans
We objected strongly but were outvoted.
You only have to outvote, outspend or outshout them.
He didn't believe the argument but got outvoted, he said.