How To Use Outvie In A Sentence
Yen Lu was vulgar and mean, and Yen Hui outvied all his companions.
This generation ought surely to be the last to laugh at such a story, at least as long as the Amazonian guards of the King of Dahomey continue to outvie the men in that relentless ferocity, with which they have subdued every neighboring tribe, save the Christians of Abbeokuta.
Westward Ho!
We have often had occasion to witness the extraordinary skill displayed by this lady in imitating the beauties of nature from her kindly materials, but we must confess (although previously informed that the present works outvied all the previous attempts of the artiste) that we were unprepared for designs and executions so exquisitely chaste and artistic, and true in the imitation of nature.
The Royal Guide to Wax Flower Modelling
Which every Turk and Arab wight in loveliness outvies:
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
In their great pride and self-will, they always sought to press in the advance and take the post of danger, trying to outvie our Spanish chivalry.
Washington Irving
Thou must beg from those who have the giving of it; thou who covetest to outvie others in honour must lower thyself to the humble posture of petition.
Consolation of Philosophy
Cecilia’s modesty made her wish the dresses had been less expensive; she feared the countess of Torrington would think her presuming, and accuse her of attempting to outvie herself and her guests in the splendour of dress; she shrunk from the idea of incurring ridicule, and provoking animadversions on her birth and dependent state.
Lovers and Friends; or, Modern Attachments
Mr. Caton is violently carried off, locked up in a horrible stinking room, prevented from seeing his friends; after a day or two he is forced on board a tender, where Mr. Tripp, a midshipman, behaves with humanity, but the Captain and Lieutenant outvie each other in brutality; Captain Hamilton behaving as an ‘enraged partisan.’
Castle Rackrent
The Fatimid rulers outvied each other in embellishing Kâhira with artistic structures; this seems surprising because, on account of the charge of heresy, Kâhira was cut off from the Arabian centres of art and learning, -- from Bagdad, Damascus, and Cordova, -- and of course the artists and students, who formerly frequented the mosques, could not do so when they were in the hands of heretics.
Travels in the Far East
Then they returned to Dunyazade and displayed her in the fifth dress and in the sixth, which was green, when she surpassed with her loveliness the fair of the four quarters of the world, and outvied with the brightness of her countenance the full moon at rising tide, for she was even as saith of her the poet in these couplets:
Tehran Winter
Hence we were driven to the huge palace of Necessidades, which is but a wing of a building that no King of Portugal ought ever to be rich enough to complete, and which, if perfect, might outvie the
Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
As then grew the works up, no less stately in size than exquisite in form, the workmen striving to outvie the material and the design with the beauty of their workmanship, yet the most wonderful thing of all was the rapidity of their execution.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
By charms that glorify the place and every charm outvie.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Large rose-trees, covered with blooms, outvied each other in scenting the air with delicious perfume.
The Argosy Vol. 51, No. 3, March, 1891
And, indeed, they showed the greatest emulation to outvie each other; especially Nicocreon, king of Salamis, and
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Tholouse, whom Montoni had mentioned with more eclat to his own vanity than credit to their discretion, or regard to truth, she determined to give concerts, though she had neither ear nor taste for music; conversazioni, though she had no talents for conversation; and to outvie, if possible, in the gaieties of her parties and the magnificence of her liveries, all the noblesse of
The Mysteries of Udolpho
Then they changed that suit for another and, veiling her face in the luxuriance of her hair, loosed her lovelocks, so dark, so long that their darkness and length outvied the darkest nights, and she shot through all hearts with the magical shaft of her eye-babes.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
And if I would please not to laugh (which was so unkind of me), had I never heard of imprisonments, and torturing with the cruel boot, and selling into slavery, where the sun and the lash outvied one another in cutting a man to pieces?
Lorna Doone
As the novelist asked him whether he liked the horse, Jules, not to be outvied, answered with an enumeration of its qualities.
Captain Servadac, an adept in athletics, almost outvied his instructor, the count; and Ben Zoof, who had upon some rare occasions skated upon the Lake of Montmartre (in his eyes, of course, a sea), performed prodigies in the art.
Off on a Comet
Tholouse, whom Montoni had mentioned with more eclat to his own vanity than credit to their discretion, or regard to truth, she determined to give concerts, though she had neither ear nor taste for music; conversazioni, though she had no talents for conversation; and to outvie, if possible, in the gaieties of her parties and the magnificence of her liveries, all the noblesse of
The Mysteries of Udolpho
When shows that slender form that doth the willow-branch outvie.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Then they returned to Dunyazad and displayed her in the fifth dress and in the sixth, which was green, when she surpassed with her loveliness the fair of the four quarters of the world and outvied, with the brightness of her countenance, the full moon at rising tide; for she was even as saith of her the poet in these couplets122: —
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night