How To Use Outtake In A Sentence
The unicorn segment was an outtake from the original footage discarded by Ridley Scott in 1982.
Boing Boing: September 18, 2005 - September 24, 2005 Archives
Perhaps my favorite extra feature was the outtake reel, which lasts about 8 minutes.
Watch the video below -- an outtake of our interviewwith Westergren -- to watch himtinkle the ivories of his classic 1970s era Fender Rhodes electric piano.
One More Chorus with Pandora's Tim Westergren
And the hard beats go on, though some of it is very pleasant such as Nanette Fabrayâs awed recollection of working with Davis, and even an outtake from the film.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
‘Killer Bloopers’ is a rough gag reel of flubs and outtakes from the production.
Their actual content's always up for debate and with Outtakes, it's gonna be a zinger of an argument.
Check out the fun outtake from the video below to hear Westergren tinkle the ivories of his classic 1970s era Fender Rhodes electric piano.
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My favorite among them was an outtake from the bowling alley scene, where the nearsighted Julius goes down a row of balls attempting to select one before grabbing a small boy by the head and hefting him suddenly into midair.
The sentencing of the two men, who were acquitted in May of the sexual assault charges and found guilty of official misconduct, has been delayed so defense lawyers can review the raw footage from the documentary, which included unaired outtakes of investigators discussing the case.
Sex-Crimes Unit's Lapses Trip Up Cases
What about those little flubs and outtakes, the musical equivalent of typos?
The end and beginning credits, punctuated with outtakes, dancing, and singing, seem to last roughly the length of time it took for the Titanic to sink.
Saturday, July 25, 2009 to the beach! to the beach! wanted to post a couple of old outtakes of ms. leila before we head out to the airport to pick up my sis and her family for a weekend at rockaway beach followed by a whirlwind tour of the portland sites. happy weekend to all!
To the beach! to the beach!
Update: BB commenter DHC says, It's worth noting that his is an outtake from a TV show that Warhol developed and aired on Manhattan cable.
Boing Boing
There are a few humorous moments among the outtakes, though otherwise they get old pretty quickly.
An outtakes reel includes some halfway humorous flubs by the cast and crew (another sad case of the cast's mistakes being funnier then what ended up on screen).
However, persevering through trial and error could reveal bonus material such as outtake reels, more behind-the-scenes features, or even entire re-edits of films.
BBC News | Technology | World Edition
The chord progression itself sounds like a Dimmu Borgir outtake, which is very effective here, as it gives the lyrics room to breathe and take hold, rather than crash down like an avalanche; the listener has time to digest the themes and overlaid messages.
Metal Underground .com
To give you an idea, these giant circular areas here, where outtake pipes will go through and pump any kind of floodwater that could threaten this area back out into Lake Pontchartrain, which is just a couple of hundred yards down there.
CNN Transcript Apr 11, 2006
One is an outtake of Stanley Burroughs concoction using fresh squeezed juice oranges, which are a nonsweet variety found on the island.
Third World Juice Cleansing
Altogether it looked like an outtake from the final episode of Twin Peaks.
Dear President Obama #247: Tom DeLay: The forbidden dance
The last section is outtakes, titled, charmingly if a little dottily, ‘A Lagniappe for the Reader.’
Or Jonathon, if anyone has an idea for a missing scene outtake of the cracky or silly variety.
It didn't make it into the original article but was part of a selection of 'outtake' quotes.
Undercover Music News
To a soundtrack of cooking tips, paedophilia newsflashes and outtakes from the film Brief Encounter, she tries to seduce a stuffed tiger, intercutting her swaying flamenco with mad, petulant little flounces.
Alonzo King Lines Ballet; Retina dance company, Collisions, Juliet Aster