How To Use Outstrip In A Sentence
Since 1975, landmines have killed over a million people, far outstripping the deaths caused by those well-publicized bugaboos, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.
The pace things were going meant that liquidity demands would have outstripped liquidity resources.
Times, Sunday Times
Britain is facing a bungalow crisis as the demand for single-storey homes outstrips supply.
Times, Sunday Times
Cahoot's new interest range outstrips its online banking rival, Intelligent Finance, the Halifax's Internet bank.
This horse was so fleet, and its rider so expert, that they are said to have outstripped and coted, or turned, a hare upon the Bran-Law, near the head of Moffat Water, where the descent is so precipitous, that no merely earthly horse could keep its feet, or merely mortal rider could keep the saddle.
Old Mortality, Complete

With worldwide demand for nuclear skills far outstripping supply, that niche should become steadily more valuable.
Times, Sunday Times
Will the supply of new bonds outstrip demand?
Times, Sunday Times
In education, girls, who were once considered less worthy of a decent education, now outstrip their male counterparts at almost every stage.
Demand outstrips supply and in 1934 he goes to the toymakers Parker Brothers who turn him down on the grounds that it contains 52 ‘fundamental errors’.
To be clear, women, regardless of race, are outstripping men in college enrollment and graduation.
Retailers have attributed weakened sales in part to inflation outstripping pay.
Times, Sunday Times
But as we know, the pupil has now far outstripped the master.
Last year, the Chinese Eximbank pledged $20bn in development funds for African infrastructure and trade financing over the next three years, funds that outstripped all western donor pledges combined.
Mr Robinson said: ‘The demand for methadone greatly outstrips supply.’
Our technical ability to make things and to pollute now far outstrips our ability to understand the processes we have unleashed.
Where nutrients are plentiful, productivity is high, production far outstrips decomposition, and organic sediments accumulate on the lake beds.
In other words, I suggest that accomplishment may again outstrip expectations.
Some Economic and Financial Consequences of Defence
Women are beginning to outstrip men as a percentage of total employees.
Economic decline could begin in earnest before 2050 as the ageing population outstrips the workforce required to pay for them.
Times, Sunday Times
The improvement in graphics has vastly outstripped advances in interactive technology.
The number of tourist beds in the Old City outstrips the amount of residents by three to one.
Times, Sunday Times
The costs, which were not adjusted for inflation, outstripped median household incomes over the same period by 152 percentage points.
Therefore, with demand outstripping supply for new aircraft production, existing in-service aircraft are replaced more slowly.
So perfect was his jockeyship, so clever his management of the animal he mounted, so intimately acquainted was he with every cross-road in the neighborhood of the metropolis -- a book of which he constructed, and carried constantly about his person --, as well as with many other parts of England, particularly the counties of Chester, York, and Lancaster, that he outstripped every pursuer, and baffled all attempts at capture.
About 250,000 people a year now visit the forest to enjoy its shady woods and sunny glades - and recreation outstrips tree felling as the forest's main source of income.
For the first time in years, supply is outstripping demand.
Times, Sunday Times
In the developing countries where it dominates, bagged cement sales outstrip those of ready-mix.
Other countries have outstripped us, but why have we suddenly become so bad?
But the demand for transplant organs still outstrips the number of suitable donors available.
Times, Sunday Times
We are healthier and living longer but the rest of Europe has outstripped us.
But Britain's restaurant boom means demand continues to outstrip supply.
The Sun
This reflects the simple fact that demand has vastly outstripped supply.
Times, Sunday Times
Work overload Most of this book is devoted to the problem of demand outstripping resources.
Coping with Stress at Work
That manufacturer outstripped all his competitors in sales last year.
Households have suffered three years of effective pay cuts as inflation outstripped wage rises.
Times, Sunday Times
The young student starts to outstrip the old master.
Demand for new aircraft production is outstripping supply.
The costs, which were not adjusted for inflation, outstripped median household incomes over the same period by 152 percentage points.
It was originally passed during the Civil War to combat war-profiteering (hence the “Lincoln Law”), but health care fraud recoveries have now far outstripped recoveries from the traditional target of the defense industry.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” (continued)
It is more accurate to say that Houston is a partially planned city in which successive episodes of rapid expansion have outstripped whatever planning process might theretofore have been achieved.
In her 80s Halprin continues to work at a pace that would outstrip dancers half her age.
According to the report, while government aid has remained fairly constant for college students, tuition increases have outstripped the aid.
So why are older houses outstripping their younger rivals?
Times, Sunday Times
Households have suffered three years of effective pay cuts as inflation outstripped wage rises.
Times, Sunday Times
Taiwan's chipmakers can expect healthier bottom lines for the rest of the year as demand begins to outstrip supply, analysts said yesterday.
As a result, the country's main line railroads are running flat out and still demand outstrips available capacity.
He predicted that sales of the new game would outstrip not just other games but DVDs and other film merchandising.
Times, Sunday Times
We won't finance a boat unless it has a mooring, and demand for moorings far outstrips supply.
In vivid inventiveness and rhetorical originality he outstrips his master Le Sueur, while showing a firm grasp of contrapuntal and fugal techniques not at all evident in his examination results at the time.
The councils tell us that this tendering is being done in the interests of economy whilst concurrently our taxes outstrip inflation and while services are being curtailed and while wages are being driven down.
Flat Tax
However, demand for assisted housing always outstripped the limited supply.
This reflects the simple fact that demand has vastly outstripped supply.
Times, Sunday Times
Although tragically limited, these very limits of theoretical insights do not impinge in any way on the full beauty of experience: experience can outstrip mere information because it always plays through our complete sensorium.
Cahoot's new interest range outstrips its online banking rival, Intelligent Finance, the Halifax's Internet bank.
He had his father's dark wavy hair and dark eyes, but was built slender and tall, already outstripping me by at least a foot.
BPN 1223 Pre-internet 9: Videotex outstripped by...
Archive 2008-08-20
Half of that growth came from net exports, with export growth easily outstripping imports.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a salutary lesson, given that service charge rises are outstripping inflation anyway.
Times, Sunday Times
Work overload Most of this book is devoted to the problem of demand outstripping resources.
Coping with Stress at Work
This reflects the simple fact that demand has vastly outstripped supply.
Times, Sunday Times
He moved quietly among established giants, even though his own talent outstripped that of nearly everyone he played with or against.
Witnesses said that the number of security personnel outstripped the mourners.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a salutary lesson, given that service charge rises are outstripping inflation anyway.
Times, Sunday Times
With worldwide demand for nuclear skills far outstripping supply, that niche should become steadily more valuable.
Times, Sunday Times
Even 10 years ago girls were outstripping boys when it came to winning a university place.
After that time, civil unrest outstripped the ability of smiths to supply the demand.
Our three-wheeler exports have already outstripped local sales," Managing Director Rajiv Bajaj told reporters.
Bajaj Auto Expects Exports to Overtake Local Sales Soon
This is due to the rising population outstripping agricultural production after the industrial revolution, and to economic policies.
The Sun
In 1989 and 1990 demand outstripped supply, and prices went up by more than a third.
Not once since 1984 has annual economic growth outstripped population increase.
Times, Sunday Times
He believed, in a way that far outstripped his contemporaries, in the comprehensibility of God's creation, because it was God's creation.
Paul Wallace: Intelligent Design Is Dead: A Christian Perspective
Seats are few and far between and prices will be hiked up as demand outstrips supply.
The Sun
The series has inspired cultish devotion that easily outstrips its short first run.
Times, Sunday Times
It is worth noting here that, in any price comparison, twentieth-century American art has consistently outstripped British art in the salerooms.
Indeed York is outstripping Cambridge, in the area of biosciences and computer sciences’.
American commentators continue to object to orientate (used more frequently by the British), mainly because orient is shorter but also because the figurative use is outstripping the literal one.
July « 2009 « Sentence first
Seats are few and far between and prices will be hiked up as demand outstrips supply.
The Sun
Not once since 1984 has annual economic growth outstripped population increase.
Times, Sunday Times
On a day-to-day basis, it regulates the number of stem cells and their progeny so that the number of cells born never outstrips the number lost.
Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply.
The Sun
It is an indisputable fact that demand for healthcare will always outstrip supply.
But it bade far outstrip them; it flew on and on, a mass of interblending bubbles borne down a rapid stream from the hills.
Moby Dick; or the Whale
The reason that these bags retain - and often gain - value is because demand outstrips supply.
Times, Sunday Times
Ah, well, we just may have "outsmarted" ourselves, perhaps as a result of creation of the technologies we are now so dependent on and have begun to realize, belatedly, have also outstripped our ability to regulate within the population increase's hyperbolic upward curve and in co-evolutionary harmony with the finite resources and resiliancy of our planet's biosphere.
Posthuman Blues
It is also possible that, as later in the middle ages, the numbers of deacons and priests ordained outstripped the availability of benefices.
Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply.
The Sun
This is due to the rising population outstripping agricultural production after the industrial revolution, and to economic policies.
The Sun
In some parts of the capital, house price inflation is nearly 25% and demand far outstrips supply.
Retailers have attributed weakened sales in part to inflation outstripping pay.
Times, Sunday Times
Innovations, while important, are globally available, and America's productivity gains have outstripped those of other countries.
The demand is outstripping what I can keep up with.
Times, Sunday Times
The first who shall make it his business to get himself into favour and esteem by those ways, I am much deceived if he do not and by the best title outstrip his competitors: force and violence can do something, but not always all.
The Essays of Montaigne — Complete
Cahoot's new interest range outstrips its online banking rival, Intelligent Finance, the Halifax's Internet bank.
But Britain's restaurant boom means demand continues to outstrip supply.
The Sun
They also outstripped results predicted by independent assessors.
The Sun
But the demand for transplant organs still outstrips the number of suitable donors available.
Times, Sunday Times
The two growing points on the side of the embryo nearest the archegonium neck grow faster than the others, one of these outstripping the other, and soon becoming recognizable as the first leaf of the embryo (Fig. 67, _A_, _L_).
Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply.
The Sun
Rail fare rises outstripped inflation most years.
Times, Sunday Times
Prices are easily outstripping pay.
Times, Sunday Times
There are three counts in my indictment: he was a humourless boor, he was the epitome of negativity and his legend far outstrips his actual achievement.
Therefore, with demand outstripping supply for new aircraft production, existing in-service aircraft are replaced more slowly.
As for California, struggling to recover from the collapse in real estate, construction and retail: Cooper believes the private sector, led by high tech - including clean tech, in which he sees "huge opportunities"- will soon "outstrip" growth in the rest of the nation.
Business, not consumers, expected to prod recovery
Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply.
The Sun
Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply.
The Sun
He predicted that sales of the new game would outstrip not just other games but DVDs and other film merchandising.
Times, Sunday Times
Exports fell 7 per cent, outstripping the 1.6 per cent fall in imports.
Times, Sunday Times
The series has inspired cultish devotion that easily outstrips its short first run.
Times, Sunday Times
A pool of silver-haired jobbers would, he said, help to dampen the rise in the value of quotations because of demand outstripping supply.
With inflation at zero, wages began outstripping the cost of living.
The Sun
After Henry had outstripped him in celebrity, he grew riotous.
Demand for new aircraft production is outstripping supply.
BPN 1223 Pre-internet 9: Videotex outstripped by the time and technology
Archive 2008-08-27
What was encouraging this year was that the overall calibre of entries far-outstripped last year's submissions.
The man rises from his state of prostrate surrender to join himself to the force of the wind," writes Irene H. Chayes, "master it — fulfilling his [Shelley's] boyhood ambition to 'outstrip' it (ll. 50-51) — and turn it into an instrument of his own.
Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
But the demand for transplant organs still outstrips the number of suitable donors available.
Times, Sunday Times
The South African wing had barely a couple of metres to work in, but a combination of a pinpoint chip-kick and blistering pace saw him outstrip the cover to win the race to the touchdown.
The pace at which these new demands have come to be made of our bodies has far outstripped the speed of evolutionary change.
Repetitive Strain Injury
One project that is seemingly outstripping all others is Airbus's A380, introduced in a fanfare about eight years ago but is due for its first flight this year.
It tells you all you need to know about this country's industrial decline that opportunities to study popular music easily outstrip process engineering.
Times, Sunday Times
In New York, demand for great barbecue tends to outstrip supply.
You will see that the space given to ready meals frequently outstrips that given to fresh meat and fish combined.
SHOPPED: The Shocking Power of British Supermarkets
Britain's consumer-led recovery could worsen the trade position, with growth in imports outstripping exports.
Times, Sunday Times
The rise in student numbers has, in some cases, easily outstripped any increase in teaching capacity.
Times, Sunday Times
If the ignorant man knows no more respecting any particular art or branch of business than was generally known during the last century, _he belongs to the last century_, and he must consent to be outstripped by those who have the light and knowledge of the present.
Popular Education For the use of Parents and Teachers, and for Young Persons of Both Sexes
This front far outstripped the more publicized Manchurian front and soon became of nationwide importance.
Demand is severely outstripping supply and we are seeing the return of gazumping.
Times, Sunday Times
Money made from local groups hiring the hall comes in at £10,000 per year but this figure is outstripped by the £60,000 it costs to maintain the building.
Technology changes 'outstrip' netbooks photo: Creative Commons/Flickr upload bot - Articles related to Intuit app lets iPhones prepare US tax returns
Researchers say that rents are likely to increase as demand outstrips supply.
Times, Sunday Times
Even the most primitive computer can outstrip the human brain in certain types of calculation.
The demand for firewood now far outstrips supply.
The country's fast growth is rapidly outstripping natural resources such as oil, natural gas, iron and copper.
It was designed to achieve economic development in a region in which demographic increase consistently outstripped economic growth.
You will see that the space given to ready meals frequently outstrips that given to fresh meat and fish combined.
SHOPPED: The Shocking Power of British Supermarkets
Last year the number of users around the world surged past the billion mark - outstripping landlines for the first time.
Repayments outstripped spending, with every HK $1,000 of spending matched by HK $1,097 in repayments during the period.
The pace things were going meant that liquidity demands would have outstripped liquidity resources.
Times, Sunday Times
Half of that growth came from net exports, with export growth easily outstripping imports.
Times, Sunday Times
Economic decline could begin in earnest before 2050 as the ageing population outstrips the workforce required to pay for them.
Times, Sunday Times
What was encouraging this year was that the overall calibre of entries far-outstripped last year's submissions.
Because the growth in property prices in the past outstripped costs of borrowing, the more borrowed the better the return in the past decade.
At some point, internal productivity gains outstrip market growth, creating excess capacity.
Apparently, the reason for our seemingly inexplicable discontent is simply that our whacking great aspirations have outstripped our ability to fulfil them.
The plan reports that the demand for affordable housing continues to grow as house prices outstrip many people's incomes.
Demand for prison space and staff outstrips supply.
Times, Sunday Times
Demand has far outstripped supply of qualified teachers.
Arrogantly sure of themselves, carried away by a passion for facts, they covered with ridicule those — the seers, the poets, the childlike in heart — who, over and above the rational and knowable, caught glimpses of what was assumed to be unknowable; declaring, with a fierce and intolerant unimaginativeness, that the assertion which outstripped the evidence was not only a blunder, but a crime.
The Way Home
Prices already climb sky high in the summer holiday as demand massively outstrips supply.
The Sun
Will the supply of new bonds outstrip demand?
Times, Sunday Times
For the moment, China's solid tire industry is of the feature that exports outstrip imports.
The demand for firewood now far outstrips supply.
The Jump in its oil production also easily outstripped that of any other country last year.
Times, Sunday Times
As it is, the rapid ramp-up of treatment in Mozambique is outstripping the ability of the government and other institutions to treat all the infected, instead making them wait until the viral load increases to the point when they can no longer wait to begin treatment.
Ray Suarez: Reporter's Notebook: A Clinic's Strains in Mozambique
Demand for new aircraft production is outstripping supply.
Having supply outstrip demand is no good for anybody.
Times, Sunday Times
Eventually, the amount of CRT "cullet" - the crushed remains of trashed cathode ray tubes that are recycled - will outstrip demand, and the toxic screens will end up in landfills, explained Jeremy Gregory, a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a co-author of a new paper on CRT recycling.
The series has inspired cultish devotion that easily outstrips its short first run.
Times, Sunday Times
You will see that the space given to ready meals frequently outstrips that given to fresh meat and fish combined.
SHOPPED: The Shocking Power of British Supermarkets
Longer term, prospects should be good, with demand for new homes outstripping supply.
The Sun
Britain is facing a bungalow crisis as the demand for single-storey homes outstrips supply.
Times, Sunday Times
The Jump in its oil production also easily outstripped that of any other country last year.
Times, Sunday Times
The facts are outstripping the worstcase scenarios.
Times, Sunday Times
Your hatred68 of your father was of such stature that it entirely outstripped, overgrew, and overshadowed your love of me.
Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
The United States far outstrips all advanced nations in the international trend towards the penalization of social insecurity.
The high cost is a natural economic consequence of a demand that far outstrips the supply.
The value of the investments and exports it backs far outstrips Britain's annual aid budget.
This reflects the simple fact that demand has vastly outstripped supply.
Times, Sunday Times
It tells you all you need to know about this country's industrial decline that opportunities to study popular music easily outstrip process engineering.
Times, Sunday Times
It was designed to achieve economic development in a region in which demographic increase consistently outstripped economic growth.
The reason for that is that traders, particularly those in the dairy industry, are often outstripping or moving well ahead of the bureaucrats.
But she with piercing screams brought down her snow-white arm upon her bosom and loudly smote on her poor head; then turned her steps in flight, shod in her golden shoon; but Orestes, outstripping her slippered feet, clutched his fingers in her hair and bending back her neck on to her left shoulder was on the point of driving the grim steel into her throat.
Rail fare rises outstripped inflation most years.
Times, Sunday Times
The discussion on who had bagged what quote was vastly outstripping even the goss on who'd be wearing what to the senior college formal.
American production already far outstripped British production.
WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativity and Exploration
However, the same report says that labor costs are up sharply, far outstripping the gains in efficiency.
In 1990s England, where chicken tikka masala has outstripped roast beef and Yorkshire pudding in popularity, Hogwarts exists in its own time warp.
Health care costs also have outstripped inflation; the cost of a catastrophic illness can quickly knock a middle-class household into another, better-defined economic category: poverty.
Not fast enough to outstrip anticipated eustatic sea level changes, but hardly “sinking”.
Sinking river delta could mean trouble along Fraser « Stephen Rees's blog
The reason that these bags retain - and often gain - value is because demand outstrips supply.
Times, Sunday Times
Divorce lawyer Vanessa Lloyd Platt said Mrs Rooney's income may in the long-term outstrip that of her husband, who earns an estimated £7 million a year from Manchester United and his sponsors.
Evening Standard - Home
For the first time in years, supply is outstripping demand.
Times, Sunday Times
Here was a premature attempt to municipalize the Briton, which outstripped the readiness of the Briton to be municipalized.
Ancient Town-Planning
Prices are easily outstripping pay.
Times, Sunday Times
The level of detail outstrips many of the seven megapixel digicams on the market.
And the Farnley Flyer, a machine whose chassis was cannibalised from two BMX bikes rescued from a dump by pupils from Farnley Park High School, Leeds, outstripped the field to win by a clear margin.
They are in huge demand at Heathrow, where demand for access to the airport greatly outstrips capacity.
Work overload Most of this book is devoted to the problem of demand outstripping resources.
Coping with Stress at Work
Cahoot's new interest range outstrips its online banking rival, Intelligent Finance, the Halifax's Internet bank.
Although its population grew, as an entrepôt for the China trade it was soon outstripped in importance by Shanghai.
Most dangerous of all is that this will encourage those whose ambition outstrips their ability.
The rise in household wealth is fast outstripping growth in incomes.
Times, Sunday Times
This has meant that the supply of shares is outstripping demand for them, creating a share overhang, which has caused the price to remain quite flat.
Mobile phone ringtones are seen as the basis for an increasingly lucrative music market - sales have already outstripped CD singles.
Outstripping the York defence, he steadied himself before lashing the ball past Fettis with an unerring finish.
If by the end of fiscal 2002 sales have outstripped the cutbacks in compensation, LaMagna will distribute the difference as retroactive raises.
The rise in student numbers has, in some cases, easily outstripped any increase in teaching capacity.
Times, Sunday Times
In 1989 and 1990 demand outstripped supply, and prices went up by more than a third.
The demand is outstripping what I can keep up with.
Times, Sunday Times
Researchers say that rents are likely to increase as demand outstrips supply.
Times, Sunday Times