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How To Use Outspokenness In A Sentence

  • His outspokenness has ensured that he has at least one senior enemy within the BBC hierarchy.
  • His outspokenness denied him access to the magic circle and he was never given high office.
  • He is rather like me, a true skeptic whose passion for questioning emotionally held beliefs and outspokenness makes him many dangerous enemies.
  • In 1956, in response to Lessing's courageous outspokenness, she was declared a prohibited alien in both Southern Rhodesia and South Africa.
  • Scargill was a very controversial figure for his outspokenness and the tactics he used.
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  • I admire his outspokenness.
  • Such outspokenness is unusual in diplomatic circles, particularly at such a sensitive time.
  • His outspokenness in political matters forced his career into a temporary lull, but also won him increased standing within the army.
  • That spiritual confidence and authority available to the average believer was confirmed in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, where I learned that boldness comes from the original Greek word, parrhesia, meaning "outspokenness; unreserved utterance; freedom of speech; with frankness, candor, careful courage; and the opposite of cowardice, timidity or fear. Larry Ross: Oral Roberts Showed Us the Way to the Throne
  • And he's paid dearly for his outspokenness, resulting in numerous attests and detentions under the country's past military juntas.
  • And he was English in his forthright outspokenness - ‘liberty is telling people what they do not want to hear’.
  • He is rather like me, a true skeptic whose passion for questioning emotionally held beliefs and outspokenness makes him many dangerous enemies.
  • On the flyleaf was a Greek elegiac couplet in which Dover had managed (1) to use in an apposite and humorous way a Greek word whose meaning we had discussed in a co-authored article, disputing its translation with John Finnis; (2) to express pleasure at the collaboration; and (3) to compare the "daring" outspokenness of our article to that of his own memoir-all with not only impeccable meter and style, but also graciousness, wit, and elegance. The New Republic - All Feed
  • His outspokenness denied him access to the magic circle and he was never given high office.
  • He says he has lost friends, had his house ransacked, had his taxes audited and been publicly vilified for his outspokenness.
  • His outspokenness denied him access to the magic circle and he was never given high office.

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