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How To Use Outskirts In A Sentence

  • Tanks often attacked the outskirts of the city in skirmishes with resistance fighters, adding to the chaos and unrest.
  • Fashion outlets, also known as discount warehouse stores, are large shopping areas often located on a city's outskirts.
  • Shortly after leaving the outskirts of Adonis the car slithered down a sloping piece of ground, teetered over a low bank, and splashed logily into water. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • Planners are committed to developing the city's brownfield sites before granting permission to build on the rural outskirts.
  • A derelict synagogue may not be visible in the bazaar, but a Jewish cemetery is accessible on the city outskirts. Magda Abu-Fadil: Lebanon's Jews: Loyalty to Whom? BBC Documentary Tracks Vanished Community
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  • Thousands of pounds worth of property have been stolen from properties on the outskirts of town in recent weeks.
  • Huge towers grew into the sky, as the countryside gradually encroached on the city outskirts.
  • The main roads remind me of the roads on the outskirts of huge cities in the USA, with their seemingly endless miles of fast food joints and lurid neon signs.
  • Most of the victims had dwelt in the crowded slums that had grown up around the factory on the outskirts of the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than 200 people gathered outside his home on the outskirts of Bolton as a steam-powered cavalcade flanked by police motorcycle outriders escorted him on his final journey.
  • Conditions in this makeshift camp on the outskirts of the town are appalling. Times, Sunday Times
  • They took a cab out to the small chapel and graveyard amongst the marble quarries on the outskirts of town. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • It's hard to say because there were so many wonderful things from the people to the beaches on the outskirts of the city.
  • But we also have reduced road space and built I don't know how many new homes on the outskirts of town.
  • Fleeing his broken relationship, Mitch moves into a low-rent house on the outskirts of nearby Harrison University.
  • It was situated towards the northern end of the forest, a mile or so from the outskirts of the town of Lariat.
  • Sci Fi was one of the last sacred places on the outskirts of mainstream commercialism, which is what made it so great! SciFi Changes Its Name to "SyFy"
  • On the outskirts, what we call the inland empire, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, out in the desert, where people had to move because those were the only homes that they could afford, there's been a huge drop, a huge collapse in housing there. CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2009
  • The following advertisement also appeared in the same edition: The gaily painted caravan of the Irish tinkers is still a common sight on the country roads, the waste lots and outskirts of our cities and towns.
  • On Monday, election results from 52 of Swaziland's 55 districts were officially released at the election commission in Lobamba, on the outskirts of the capital. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He was tied to a telegraph pole in a field on the outskirts of Cork City where he was repeatedly beaten by a gang of up to five men.
  • The evening is beautiful and mysterious and the outskirts of Reading full of softly lit curtained windows and familiar homely sounds.
  • Conditions in this makeshift camp on the outskirts of the town are appalling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The President vowed on Saturday to hold his besieged capital against rebels pressing hard from the outskirts.
  • It was a moment of inspiration for the Lions Club members in Toscana, Italy, that led to the building of these houses for the poor in Aroor, on the outskirts of the city.
  • She had been even prettier than he had thought her yesterday, on her silver-roan, long-tailed 'palfrey'; and it seemed to him, self-critical in the brumous October gloaming and the outskirts of London, that only his boots had shone throughout their two-hour companionship. The Forsyte Saga - Complete
  • Kate's house was on the western outskirts of the town.
  • But behind the picture-postcard facade, residents of the rural community of Bradfield, on the outskirts of Sheffield, have become increasingly unsettled.
  • We drove around and eventually found a reasonable hotel on the outskirts of the town.
  • The traveling circus known as pro tennis arrived on the outskirts of London on June 23.
  • The next day, their father read about the body of an unidentified young woman being found on the outskirts of the capital.
  • The rebel Nationalists were drawn up on its outskirts and the Condor Legion of the Luftwaffe was trying to bomb it into submission. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Some years ago a footpath was installed from Carnforth to the outskirts of Nether Kellet but stopped at a point where the road enters the village on the brow of a hill and round a sharp, narrow bend.
  • They huzzah as they reached the outskirts of Starla.
  • They were entering the outskirts of Canterbury, threading their way through the ancient streets. A SEASON IN HELL
  • Only a fortnight ago, they were in a farmhouse on the city outskirts away from the gaze of the public.
  • Planners are committed to developing the city's brownfield sites before granting permission to build on the rural outskirts.
  • I didn't drive 100s of thousands of miles per year NoB, but I did drive from North San Diego to LA daily for five years and did a daily circle of most all of the freeways in Houston for a period of time, commuted from Alameda, Marin, and San Mateo counties to The City for a period of years, and commuted from the outskirts of Sacramento to Tahoe or Grass Valley four days a week for a couple of years. Drivers in Mexico
  • The offended blacks had discovered the guilty pair on the outskirts of Breeza Downs, and Oola's husband, with a company of braves, had attacked their gunya. Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • As they drew close to the outskirts of Chichester itself rain clouds were gathering.
  • The trio are believed to have crossed the border into nearby Venezuela as soon as they shook off a heavy police escort that protected them on the journey from prison to the outskirts of Bogota.
  • They took the high ground around the city in the past week before pushing into the western outskirts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tents and wooden structures, an entire provisory village, surrounded the outskirts of the open height of the central site.
  • On the outskirts he drove past manufactured homes, well spaced, with metal barnlike structures in the yard and freestanding canopies under which the occupants had parked tractors and other pieces of equipment. Bodily Harm
  • Boston, I saw him oftenest, and always when I was there, but for two summers he took a charming old-fashioned country house on the outskirts of the beautiful village of Pittsfield, six miles from my own summer residence in Lenox, and during those seasons I saw him and his wife very frequently, and was often in that house, on the staircase landing of which stood the famous clock whose hourly song, "Never – for ever; ever – never," has long been familiar to all English speaking people. Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
  • He was sitting in a traffic queue on York's eastern outskirts when the familiar sound of sirens wafted through the air.
  • A big concern is how to keep the takhi from interbreeding with domesticated horses, which the park does by wherever possible keeping domesticated horses away from the outskirts of the park. Wild Horses Drag You Away
  • It only comes out at the outskirts of the land where the barren wasteland ends and things begin to grow again.
  • There's a defiled cemetery in the outskirts of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, the city I was born in. People who can't afford to pay funerary services often bury their loved ones here.
  • they built a factory on the outskirts of the city
  • Then there are all the large pubs on the outskirts of our towns and villages whose car parks are full at night.
  • How the switch from behind-the-scenes weatherman to on-screen presenter occurred still mystifies John, who lives with his family on the outskirts of London.
  • The name Cynic, derived from the Greek word for a dog, is variously accounted for, some attributing it to the 'doglike' habits of the school, others to their love of 'barking' criticism, others to the fact that a certain gymnasium in the outskirts of Athens, called A Short History of Greek Philosophy
  • It was a long, tiresome walk through the outskirts of the town, where the dwelling-houses were, -- long rows of two-story bricks drabbled with soot-stains. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
  • The Restaurant du Soleil, where the marriage feast was held, was an earwiggy hostelry on the outskirts of the town, sheltered from the prying roadway by a screen of green lattice and a series of _tonnelles_, the dusty arbours, each furnished with table and chairs, beloved of The Belovéd Vagabond
  • Planners are committed to developing the city's brownfield sites before granting permission to build on the rural outskirts.
  • The car overturned and rolled down an embankment, ending on its roof at the bottom of a grass bank off the M61 motorway on the outskirts of Bolton.
  • The stay was arranged in collaboration with a hotel school in Chateau Chinon on the outskirts of Beaune in the heart of the Burgundy region.
  • Located on the outskirts of Iowa Falls on Henderson Street, an area striated with railway lines, the tower is tucked away from the town's thoroughfare, with only a metal fence separating it from the countryside.
  • Meanwhile, an estimated 20,000 poor and unemployed citizens live in slums or bidonvilles on the outskirts of the capital.
  • As we moved slowly through the outskirts of the town we passed row after row of little grey slum houses. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would guess it was about five or six in the evening before we arrived at the outskirts.
  • Slavish to this creed, planners brought us three soulless retail parks boasting multi-national chains selling artless tat on the outskirts of town.
  • they lived on the outskirts of Houston
  • Soon, she was breezing into the outskirts of Blessing.
  • George and Sue Matchett have been growing carob trees on their property at Woorree, on the outskirts of Geraldton, for the past 14 years.
  • On the outskirts of Tabor there were long rows of multi-storey apartment blocks of an extraordinary ugliness; many flats looked empty.
  • As the news of their son's bravery came in, his parents didn't seem surprised that he had been in the thick of the action on the outskirts of the city.
  • It formally began manufacturing at its facility on the outskirts of Carlow town six weeks ago.
  • The representatives struck the agreement in peace talks held on the outskirts of Geneva.
  • The Abu Shouk camp, on the outskirts of the provincial capital, Al-Fasher, is a far cry from Ismail's village, where he says houses lie in ruins and the fields unplanted.
  • Although the outskirts of the town are relatively undamaged, the centre is completely destroyed. Times, Sunday Times
  • After about half an hour tailing my taxi, we arrive in a smart area on the outskirts of Rhodes town itself, where modern hotels stand shoulder-to-shoulder facing a small but pleasant beach.
  • A year ago the necessities of Alfred Waltham's affairs had led to a change; he and his wife and their two children, together with Mrs. Waltham the dowager, removed to what the auctioneers call a commodious residence on the outskirts of Belwick. Demos
  • Anything topical is now a week old, and I'm out of the loop ... or on the outskirts waving frantically. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The time of meeting was appointed at six in the morning, beyond the gate of the outer barricade; and the chase was declared to be ended in the afternoon, when the _recheat_ should be blown beneath the great oak, known by the name of Sholto's Club, which stood a remarkable object, where Douglas Dale was bounded by several scattered trees, the outskirts of the forest and hill country. Waverley Novels — Volume 12
  • He then tore off his white gloves, and stuffed the garments into his knapsack as he drew closer to a pub near the outskirts of Firith.
  • Born in Mede, he lived with his wife and children in a modest group of houses built in the traditional style and situated on the outskirts of the village.
  • I noticed a crowd was gathering, a flock of women in huddles whispering to each other on the outskirts of the crowd.
  • At a packed Tower Theater, on the outskirts of Philadelphia, the Wisconsin singer-songwriter, who performs under the name Bon Iver, reimagined his solitary odes to heartbreak as fully orchestrated pop anthems. The Full Feed from
  • Giggs Look What The Cat Dragged In (XL) While the aesthetic of other young UK rappers may involve dry-humping whichever female singer happens to turn up to their video shoot, Giggs stalks around the outskirts of a party filmed in a multistorey car park seemingly lit using a couple of wind-up torches. This week's new singles
  • It is not until the car approaches the outskirts of Reykjavik that I realise I am still on the map.
  • Taken home by car, he was transferred to an open tourer at the outskirts of Newry, the streets thronged by cheering fans, eager to shake the hero's hand and gain his autograph.
  • The place hums with urgent activity, but on the outskirts of the town the simpler pleasures in life are easier to find.
  • While developments on the outskirts of Cork city and properties in areas such as Carrigaline and Ballincollig are selling well, many buyers are now looking to buy in satellite towns.
  • Infact I live right on the outskirts of the city and am pretty much surrounded by trees and greenery.
  • Stunned townsfolk were beginning to return to homes on the outskirts of the disaster zone as the impact of the horrific blast sank in. The Sun
  • Shameless polyandrist, she maintains several consorts -- from three to five seems to be the average number -- and they, semi-transparent, feeble, meek, subdued little fellows, maintain precarious isolated existences in the outskirts of the web. Tropic Days
  • The factory is on a large industrial estate on the outskirts of town.
  • We reached the outskirts of town and began to pick up speed.
  • We lost the farm in a land crash, and we moved onto 2 1/2 acres on the outskirts of Bettendorf, Iowa.
  • This year, the battle has proved as compelling as any since the 60 cyclists were flagged off on the outskirts of Paris on 1 July 1903.
  • None are native Shanghainese, and all live in the city's outskirts; they agree that this corresponds to their position within the artistic world.
  • The factory is on a large industrial estate on the outskirts of town.
  • The postboy was driving briskly through the open streets, and past the handsome and well – lighted shops that intervene between the outskirts of the town and the Old Royal Hotel, before Mr. Pickwick had begun to consider the very difficult and delicate nature of the commission which had carried him thither. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • The chateau on the northern outskirts is a strongpoint of bunkers connected by tunnels, surrounded by dense minefields and barbed wire.
  • He did not take the direct route to his home, but made a detour around the outskirts of the city.
  • The outskirts of this level water-meadow were diversified by rounded and hollow pastures, where just now every flower that was not a buttercup was a daisy. Far from the Madding Crowd
  • And a best thing about Aix, the parking is atrocious except plenty of it on the outskirts (which is good for us bipeds) Que Faire a Aix-en-Provence? / What to do in Aix-en-Provence? - French Word-A-Day
  • On the outskirts of the city by the river I watch washerwomen scrub clothes at giant water tanks.
  • On the outskirts of town, soldiers in fatigues continued to focus on their search.
  • Djibouti's poor take refuge in slums on the city outskirts, constructing shelters from corrugated iron and other scrap material.
  • A landlady was arrested when police swooped on a pub on the outskirts of Bolton town centre.
  • I arrived at Piccadilly, and settled down on a stone bench on the outskirts of the square.
  • Meanwhile, in Gansu Province, a work camp laborer named Lin is finally released from eight years of forced labor on the outskirts of civilization. Paper Butterfly by Diane Wei Liang: Book summary
  • They live on the outskirts ( ie in an outlying district ) of Paris.
  • The funeral took place in an ornate baroque building on the outskirts of Munich. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The factory is in/on the outskirts of New Delhi.
  • When all was said and done, the queen and her five guardians led their horses out of the stables and into the clean, wide open of the Larkand outskirts.
  • He led her to a meadow on the outskirts of town where the grass was lush and flowers grew abundantly.
  • American marines defeated Iraqi forces in a battle on the outskirts of Basra.
  • Manuel Varela de Seijas Brabo, who works under the name Manu Brabo, is one of four journalists seized by Gadhafi's forces on April 5 while reporting on the conflict from the outskirts of Brega. The Seattle Times
  • After visiting two schools under construction in Jalalabad, a team of Integrity Watch supervisors recently headed to the outskirts of the city to meet an angry group of elders. As anti-corruption measures lag in Afghanistan, U.S. looks to grass-roots effort
  • She found a small, inexpensive motel on the outskirts of the town; it was barren and unlovely. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • There is modern housing on its outskirts, but look carefully and you will find one of the most picturesque spots in Wales. Times, Sunday Times
  • The experiments were conducted at Boes Rd located on the outskirts of the Hastings township in Mornington Peninsula Shire, Victoria.
  • In water-starved Bangalore, lakes on its outskirts are not just neglected but turn prime property for land sharks.
  • So Swannson-on-Wheels will gain considerable benefit from the purchase of a relatively local garage facility on the outskirts of Tetbury.
  • Fashionable, little town houses lined the cobble stone streets, and large farmhouses dotted the towns outskirts.
  • Most live in illegal colonies that ring the northern outskirts of the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • Monday, the family erected a white tent of mourning outside their house in Rimal, on the outskirts of Gaza City.
  • My parents had moved to the outskirts of Glasgow and I joined the local pipe band and met Duncan McIntyre.
  • Sky's headquarters are in an ugly business park in the anonymous western outskirts of London. Times, Sunday Times
  • The three of them live together in a very modest, almost nondescript house on the outskirts of Princeton, across the railroad tracks.
  • Skeleton House, pays homage to the shantytowns and favelas that sprout up unbidden on the outskirts of the world's major cities.
  • The place hums with urgent activity, but on the outskirts of the town the simpler pleasures in life are easier to find.
  • Shorty, the Japanese half-caste, clown that he was, dancing and grinning on the outskirts of the struggle, with a final grimace and hysterical giggle led the retreat across the poop and down the poop-ladder. CHAPTER XLII
  • Now there was a movement — far, far away; a concentrating of the lambency; the dead-alive swayed, oscillated, separated — forming a long lane against whose outskirts they crowded with avid, hungry insistence. The Moon Pool
  • Instead of the artily converted post-industrial warehouse I had imagined, it is modestly scaled one-bedroom flat set on the top floor of a quiet, modern residential block in the outskirts of Krakow. Evening Standard - Home
  • Instead, they established settlements on the outskirts of towns, where they worked as wage laborers.
  • But whatever she did by day, she danced by night, with her wild gyration and gesture, as naturally as a moth flies; and when not in demand with the seigniory, was wont to perform in even keener force and fire at the quarters, to an admiring circle of her own kind, with ambitious imitators on the outskirts. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 96, October 1865
  • My first term was spent sharing a room with a schoolfriend in a motel on the outskirts of the city.
  • At one three-way junction on the outskirts, there is the familiar and pure chaos that results when such junctions are left untended and unsignalled.
  • He was a pit deputy at Redbrook colliery on the outskirts of Barnsley, in a different union.
  • Working on this assumption, we continued our fieldwork along the outskirts of Starosel.
  • Our hotel was in a suburb on the outskirts of the city, and was noticeably shabbier than the one we had in Newark.
  • Largely autobiographical, the novel concerns itself with Hannah, a biracial house slave educated by a white couple who lived on the outskirts of the plantation where she was born.
  • Planners are committed to developing the city's brownfield sites before granting permission to build on the rural outskirts.
  • In recent years, the allotment of plots is speeding up in towns and on the outskirts of the bigger cities.
  • Holiday should arrive immediately, how to plan your program, go outskirts excursion, go uprise looks far or it is to go shopping purchase.
  • As marginal, they live on the outskirts of society, civilization or the known world. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Most of them came from two small towns: Silivri, in the outskirts of Istanbul, and Kirklareli (Kirklisse) near Edirne. Cuba.
  • The evening is beautiful and mysterious and the outskirts of Reading full of softly lit curtained windows and familiar homely sounds.
  • In the sleepy outskirts of Lorgues (southeast France) I park next to an open barn, leaving my parapluie* in the car before walking through a gentle rain, down the slippery moss-covered path to an old bastide* where an English painter and chef has built her nid d'amour* in one 'branch' of an old rectangular maison. Frotter - French Word-A-Day
  • Fairfield's quirky blend of farmers, computer programmers, accountants and organic-fabric clothing designers began in the early 1970s, when the maharishi, the Beatles' spiritual adviser and leader of the international transcendental meditation movement, took over the defunct Parsons College on the outskirts of town and turned it into the Maharishi University of Management. Meditators Back Paul for Peace
  • We at the Foreign Ministry guesthouse the northern outskirts of Kandahar shortly before 10 pm.
  • On the outskirts of the city, armed forces have constructed an 80-mile network of earth barriers, or berms, to stop vehicles getting out across country.
  • In 1937 he settled at Le Vésinet on the outskirts of Paris and in his final years gave as much time to religious devotions as to painting.
  • Situated on the outskirts of the ancient town of Olomouc in the eastern Czech Republic, Slunakov is a center for ecological and educational activities that South Korea Unveils Stunning Eco Dome Environmental Center | Inhabitat
  • Government forces continued their bombardment of rebel positions on the outskirts of Damascus after insurgents advanced to within a few miles of the heart of the capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • The church dominates the commercial centre with its clock tower visible from the housing developments on the outskirts.
  • As we moved slowly through the outskirts of the town we passed row after row of little grey slum houses. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the outskirts of town, soldiers in fatigues continued to focus on their search.
  • Adam Haslett's page-turner of a debut novel ranges brilliantly from the Strait of Hormuz to the outskirts of Boston to the belly of the financial beast — New York's Federal Reserve. Union Atlantic: Summary and book reviews of Union Atlantic by Adam Haslett.
  • There are plans to build a new shopping mall on the outskirts of town.
  • The building is located on the outskirts of Katowice, near a forest, on land deteriorated by 4th category mining damage, where tectonic faults are a possibility.
  • Arabs will revert to sleeping in ditches on the outskirts of town, molesting pubescent children, and stealing hubcaps — the activities provide the greatest boost to Arab Honor. It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
  • He did not take the direct route to his home, but made a detour around the outskirts of the city.
  • Convener of the samiti, Sanjay Dabhade said that though Gaddar is little-known in western Maharashtra, his show is expected to draw huge crowds from the city and rural outskirts. Pune to get a dose of leftist revolutionary ideology with Gaddar
  • They rattled through the industrial outskirts of the capital, past refinery tanks and banana trees — and then, for no good reason, the train coasted to a stop. The 12:39 to Matanzas
  • This encouraging workload is undertaken by Wimpey Alawi from its headquarters and depot at Azaiba on the outskirts of Muscat.
  • Kate's house was on the western outskirts of the town.
  • The plant, situated on the outskirts of the capital, Yerevan, was closed after the devastating earthquake in 1988.
  • A tent on the outskirts of the refugee camp was staffed by religious personnel who had a nightly assembly, a camp meeting.
  • Coke was arrested by police on the outskirts of Kingston on Tuesday, peacefully ending a manhunt for the fugitive at the center of last month's deadly raids in the Jamaican capital.
  • Already the outskirts of town were crowded with buckboards and gigs and carts, anchored like odd boats in a sea of salt grass. The Lightkeeper
  • The only piece of property left when this process had been gone through was a little broken-down farmhouse called Venstöb, in the outskirts of Skien. Henrik Ibsen
  • The Germans launched violent counter-attacks against our new positions on the outskirts of Heudicourt.
  • Thus, in a minor degree, the emigrant from the southern seas who has been for years amongst the cabins on the outskirts of uncultivated plains, where cities were built of huts, where spireless churches of thatched roof served for the basilicas of divine worship, and where public justice was administered under canvas, is startled and delighted with the refinement and civilization of his more favored fellow-mortal who lives in the French capital. Alvira, the Heroine of Vesuvius
  • Nearby were high-status buildings made of stone with plastered walls and more humble structures on the outskirts of the city.
  • The Cham towers, which sit perched on the town's outskirts, are a place for the locals to come and pray.
  • they mingled in the outskirts of the crowd
  • Ensure strict checks on the city outskirts to ensure that vehicles are not overloaded.
  • I was driving a car, I saw two people thumbing a lift near the Barlo garage on the outskirts of Kilkenny.
  • And Julie, you live in Chula Vista, which is, as I mentioned, on the outskirts of San Diego. CNN Transcript Oct 27, 2007
  • This involved a day-long excursion to a farm and lake on the outskirts of the city.
  • They moved to a cottage on the outskirts of the city and eked out an existence on Trocchi's demob pay.
  • KINGSTON (Reuters) - Alleged drug kingpin Christopher "Dudus" Coke was arrested by police on the outskirts of Kingston on Tuesday, peacefully ending a manhunt for the fugitive at the center of last month's deadly raids in the Jamaican capital. RSSMicro Search - Top News on RSS Feeds
  • Along with my friends, I've gone to almost all the dhabas on the outskirts of the town.
  • Alexander saw the smokestack of a fishing plant on the outskirts of the village. THE BRONZE HORSEMAN
  • chasseur" style of oratory -- now skirmishing on the outskirts of an opponent's position, then rallying on some strange point, pouring in a rattling fire, standing firm against a charge, and ever displaying a perfect independence of action and a disregard of partisan drill. Perley's Reminiscences, v. 1-2 of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis
  • It can be in centro or on the outskirts of town as long as it has secure parking, I do not mind taking a taxi to visit sites such as the Ambar Mueso or other cento sites ... Hotel needed San Cristobal
  • ‘They threw me over the back of a camel and told me they would kill me if I cried,’ he said, sitting quietly under a thorn tree on the outskirts of Turalei.
  • He was treed by bloodhounds in the swamp on the outskirts of my holdings.
  • Visitors can make the half-year journey complete by climbing up to the Seven Stars Cave, located in the northern outskirts of the city.
  • The meteorological bureau is in a nondescript building on the outskirts of town.
  • Miser Jammy, as we all knew, was crabby miserable pinchpenny who lived alone in that wretched run down house on the outskirts of the town.
  • Some wildlife experts believe that more than 50 beavers could be roaming free: families of beavers, and evidence of their lodge building, have been regularly seen by villagers and naturalists around Invergowrie on the outskirts of Dundee, Forfar in Angus, Glamis in Perthshire, and Tentsmuir near the mouth of the river Tay. Scotland's beaver-trapping plan has wildlife campaigners up in arms
  • Trucks loaded with boxes and containers drove out of an army base on the outskirts of town.
  • Massive and unregulated foreign investment is the basis for expanding the textile industry, which runs out of maquilas in ‘free trade zones’ on the outskirts of cities.
  • At a large refinery on the outskirts of the city, 100-foot 30-meter -high bright orange flames rose in the air, spitting out dark plumes of smoke. The Full Feed from
  • Seven of the fifteen stores in the capital and its outskirts have been reoccupied. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then just as we were getting to the outskirts of town and heading for the motorway, we stopped at the lights.
  • Police are following a definite line of enquiry in their ongoing investigation into the vandalisation of a memorial shrine on the outskirts of the town.
  • None of the women is a fitness freak and in preparation they trained at the Irene and Monument koppies on the outskirts of Pretoria.
  • It was on the outskirts of the village and belonged to an elderly, childless couple.
  • There's a defiled cemetery in the outskirts of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, the city I was born in. People who can't afford to pay funerary services often bury their loved ones here.
  • In the miserably high-number conapt building 492 on the outskirts of Marilyn Monroe, New Jersey, Richard Hnatt ate breakfast indifferently while, with something greater than indifference, he glanced over the morning's homeopape's weather-syndrome readings of the previous day. Genre Fiction
  • The firefight left palm and pomegranate groves smouldering, and large craters in the ground on the outskirts of the town.
  • Adding to the list of ignored forewarnings from the volcano, they reported that poisonous centipedes and snakes had swarmed over the outskirts of the city and that people had been dying from an epidemic triggered by volcanic pollution.

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