How To Use Outshine In A Sentence
The show featured both menswear and womenswear, but next season's womenswear outshines menswear!
You can outshine the competition for a job.
The Sun
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts.May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.
Lagged realisation prices and weak markets are likely to have affected its coal and industrial minerals businesses, but that won't outshine the good news.
The introduction, where we see Lexie kicking her heels in the stifling atmosphere of her Devonshire family before a too-chance encounter with the glamorous, corduroy-suited Innes, feels a little stagey; for all the brilliance of O'Farrell's depictions of new motherhood, the historical plot outshines and unbalances the contemporary one.
The Hand that First Held Mine by Maggie O'Farrell

Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth.
The production complements him, yet never outshines him.
Château Les Ormes de Pez, Cru Bourgeois, St-Estèphe, Bordeaux 1995 £35, MajesticFrom the same stable as the very smart bordeaux-classed growth Château Lynch-Bages, this is a perfectly mature Christmas claret from a chateau that regularly outshines its relatively lowly cru bourgeois ranking.
The 20 best Christmas red wines
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts.May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts.May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.
The show featured both menswear and womenswear, but next season's womenswear outshines menswear!
They are more than a billion times brighter than the Sun and can outshine an entire galaxy for several weeks.
My gentleman gives the law where he is; he will outpray saints in chapel, outgeneral veterans in the field, and outshine all courtesy in the hall.
XII. Essays. Manners. 1844
It will outshine your dealings with Wright in shear stupidity alone.
Clinton gaining on Obama in North Carolina
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
The interesting question is: Do the problems arise because women outshine their spouses?
Soon after a cream-colored bell-flower begins to nod from a tall, slender stalk; another of sky-blue soon opens beside it; beneath these a little five-petaled flower of deep pink tries to outshine the blossoms of the alfileria; and above them soon stands the radiant shooting-star, with reflexed petals of white, yellow, and pink shining behind its purplish ovaries.
Our Italy
It is the renowned Monsieur Des Cartes, whose lustre far outshines the aged winking tapers of Peripatetic Philosophy, and has eclipsed the stagyrite, with all the ancient lights of Greece and Rome.
The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II
Despite her relatively plain looks, she outshines Murphy every time they're on screen together.
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts.May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
Supernovae can outshine an entire galaxy and are often easily seen in neighbouring galaxies with simple amateur telescopes.
At work, your calm approach helps you outshine the competition.
The Sun
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts.May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.
Your ruling light, the sun, makes you outshine rivals at work and sports results go the way you want.
The Sun
These mass marketing dominions have attitudes struck with such unbelievable good cheer and personalities so beaming they outshine the Northern lights.
At work, your calm approach helps you outshine the competition.
The Sun
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
The optical afterglow of this burst is still so bright that it outshines the entire galaxy in which it is located, making it too bright to obtain information about its host galaxy for now.
Ninon, and outshine t'em and all t'e ot'er beauties t'at efer lifed.
The Bacillus of Beauty A Romance of To-day
But it's time to put our hands up and admit the French do outshine us in one particular area of popular music: hip hop.
The stars shined as brightly as they could, as if trying to outshine the other lights that hung in the night sky.
What star outshines the sun?
Expert tailors and dressmakers had been called in to make her dresses, for it was common agreement that none should outshine her in the coming celebration.
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
‘In certain regards, she outshines me,’ says Pak of his wife.
Indeed, it is not just television personalities that often outshine real people.
From some angles, a supernova may outshine a galaxy.
Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth.
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
She's just a great girl with this personality that outshines her.
The tuna, salmon and yellow-tail sashimi far outshines the sushi you get in the ‘sushi and sashimi’ mix, as the balance is upset in the sushi rolls, perhaps by the taste of mayo, which tends to overshadow other small ingredients.
The undisputed heavyweight champion of sporting goods has continued to outshine its former sparring partner.
Times, Sunday Times
But at that time the difference was not so clearly distinguishable; though Charlotte ever felt and owned her sister's superiority in this respect, it was not recognised as of a sort to quite outshine her own little tales in verse, and quite outlustre Anne's pious effusions.
Emily Brontë
The undisputed heavyweight champion of sporting goods has continued to outshine its former sparring partner.
Times, Sunday Times
Lady Delacour was immediately ambitious to outshine her in equipage; and it was this paltry ambition that made her condescend to all the meanness of the transaction by which she obtained Miss Portman's draft, and Clarence Hervey's two hundred guineas.
A supernova is an explosion of a massive star - the explosion is so bright that it briefly outshines the rest of the galaxy.
Tea at a tiny inn sunk in a dell through which a sleepy lane trickled between high banks -- tea in the pocket garden under sweet-smelling limes, where stocks stood orderly and honeysuckle sprawled over the brick-nogging, brought back old days of happy fellowship, just to outshine their memory.
Anthony Lyveden
Do the problems arise because women outshine their spouses?
What he hates is that there are multiple posters here who can outshine him without a search.
Think Progress » Drilling Is Not The Solution To Create Jobs And Reduce Reliance On Foreign Oil
Jupiter rises below Aries in the ENE some 30 minutes after our map times and outshines every star at mag -2.2 to -2.4 as it climbs to stand well up in the E to SE before dawn.
Starwatch: The July night sky
A supporting actor in nearly every role he takes, he routinely outshines those who share the screen with him.
An extremely hot fireball is seen that often outshines the host galaxy.
Their voices were massed together in one indiscriminate mix, ruining the only reason for the group sing-along: the chance for someone to outshine and outsing the others.
Michael Giltz: American Idol -- Top 11: Bye Alexis
Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth.
Data from the U.S. Department of Education and from several recent university studies show that far from being shy and demoralized, today's girls outshine boys.
We put him in our first round after his sterling performance at the February Five Nations Tournament, but now we've rocketed him all the way up to No. 10 in our rankings after watching him outwork, outhustle and outshine most of the big-name forwards in Minsk last month. - Red Line Report: NHL's top draft prospects
The Palm OS outshines its rivals through its ability to combine application variety with compatibility.
Your ruling light, the sun, makes you outshine rivals at work and sports results go the way you want.
The Sun
You can outshine the competition for a job.
The Sun
Also, the many of the moderators have tried to "outshine" the candidates or to make the news, like russert and this bozo, which is really pathetic.
Obama Defends Biden After Moderator Smacks Him On Race
How must it feel to know that not just one, but two of the bands you drummed for, so brightly outshine your own?
As I watched Sir William Parr repeatedly pluck the ring from the post and outshine every other competitor at the quintain, too, I could not help but imagine him in that role.
Secrets of the Tudor Court