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[ UK /a‍ʊtɹˈʌn/ ]
[ US /aʊˈtɹən/ ]
  1. run faster than
    in this race, I managed to outran everybody else

How To Use outrun In A Sentence

  • A wily fox will outrun a pack of hounds, but never a bullet.
  • Healthy hares can easily outrun foxes, but can rarely escape relentless packs of hounds chasing them for up to 90 minutes.
  • Justin was gaining up quickly; she couldn't outrun him even if she tried.
  • The officers of the xebecs knew they couldn't outmaneuver or outrun the British so they decided to scuttle their craft, toss their armament overboard and escape on foot to the north.
  • No one can outrun someone by running backwards, so don't try… if you are facing someone and decide to run, step cornerwise back, turning and running at the same time.
  • Cows weigh the best part of a ton and can easily outrun the average person.
  • The occasional burst of speed is required to outrun real and imaginary predators.
  • He could outclimb, outswim, outrun, outdevil any of them; while none dared fight with him. When the World Was Young
  • He could outclimb, outswim, outrun, outdevil any of them; while none dared fight with him. When the World Was Young
  • To win, simply outrun your rival. Times, Sunday Times
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