conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit
famed for his eccentric spelling
outre and affected stage antics
his off-the-wall antics
the outlandish clothes of teenagers
a freakish combination of styles
How To Use outre In A Sentence
- WASHINGTON (RNS) As Democrats conduct a grim postmortem on Tuesday's (Nov. 2) elections, some liberal leaders say one diagnosis is already clear: the party's outreach to religious voters was lifeless from the start. Have Democrats Lost Faith In Faith-Based Outreach?
- » Il bacio sulla bocca gribouillé par outre mesure le étiquettes: felix et errabunda ronrons: Felix et errabunda XLIV
- Let us walk away with the lessons of this," Gray told the crowd of dozens of employees, after adding that such an incident can "intimidate" elected officials from participating in outreach such as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's event Saturday. D.C. government observes moment of silence for Ariz. victims
- On lui appliqua, en outre, pour sa friponnerie, une vigoureuse bastonnade. French Conversation and Composition
- It would be a shame to lose this huge green space to militarization," said Michael P. Filippello, a budgeter for the International Monetary Fund, who is leading the outreach. Gardeners near Capitol Hill prepare to repel a Marine Corps invasion
- Indigenous paraprofessional health educators (outreach workers) identified and screened active drug injectors using street outreach and drug user social networks.
- Agriculture (MOFA) on Tuesday said all canoes along Ghana's coast have been assigned registration numbers for easy identification and other outreach Africa, has been identified as the foodstuff to provide food security for Africa, given the assets and opportunities prevailing on the ... - Photown News
- Her response was immediate, she said: “I would like to train volunteer workers to go as outreach workers to help the needy - rough sleepers who are in the outlaying areas and who are too frightened to come into town to the soup kitchens for help”. Archive 2009-09-01
- I had visions of quiffs and highlights and all manner of strange accoutrements being used to make me look like a complete twat.
- How do you help people make these connections between outreach and service and personal discipleship? Christianity Today