How To Use Outpouring In A Sentence
As for the national outpouring of ersatz grief, reminiscent of the scenes that followed the death of Princess Diana, it surely spoke not of feeling but of an egotistical inability to feel, compensated for by outward show.
It might have been her outpouring of love and grief, it might have been her courage in driving away the wild animals, the length of her lonely vigil on the mountain, or a combination of these.
Knowest thou where he abideth, or if he doth attend the outpouring of the word hereabout?
Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2)
You can hear those guys from miles away and that's why there is such an outpouring of people.
The most recent outpourings have suggested that his marriage is failing, a claim the couple refute.
Times, Sunday Times

My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
Much of this outpouring to inform and educate or miseducate the public may well have been illegal under McCain-Feingold if we were closer to November 2012.
We Are All Citizens United
This contains a veritable outpouring of medieval art; frescoes cover most of the interior walls and porch.
The enormous outpouring of love, kindness, caring, generosity and courage was amazing to behold.
It can also react badly to emotional strain and mild shock conditions following accidents, or trauma following heavy outpouring of adrenalin and a lot of excitement.
Muscle Management
What is always so striking in the face of sheer evil is the outpouring of human kindness.
The Sun
We gather in cenacles as the apostles gathered with our Lady in the Upper Room in Jerusalem awaiting the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
It is very doubtful whether, to an untried or a young man, the warnings of Solomon, or the outpourings of that griefful prophet whose name now passes for a lamentation, have done much good.
Brave Men and Women
Love the outpouring of concern for the dog.
The Sun
Associated with these intrusions were outpourings of andesitic and more acidic lavas and fine ashes.
All of God's creation, animate and inanimate, reflected God's generosity toward his creatures and evoked an outpouring of praise and thanks.
Whenever one of us would pour a thimbleful into his cup, the other two would jealously measure the outpouring with their eyes.
I will never fully recover from the loss, but your outpouring of kindness and understanding has made her death that much more bearable.
However, it seems unlikely that the mare basins could each have been filled in one outpouring.
The following day in Wales there was an overwhelming outpouring of feeling.
Times, Sunday Times
Advocates, critics, and dispassionate observers alike have been responsible for a massive outpouring of work on the subject.
The compulsion to write - to fill up a blank page as an assertion of identity and ego - often produced volumes of personal jottings: page upon page of astounding outpouring and emotional release.
He found the huge outpouring of love humbling.
Times, Sunday Times
During the past 250 million years, there have been 29 massive lava outpourings around the world, called large igneous provinces (LIPs).
As always, some of those who do not share a love of the beautiful game have questioned the massive outpouring of grief.
A massive outpouring of charity had made this reconstruction possible.
Framing this problem in terms of a romantic comedy, however, will keep the issues carefully contained, thus preventing any undue outpourings of grief or rage.
No year has quite offered such an opportunity for a mass outpouring of national pride than the one on which we have just embarked.
The Sun
And the announcement prompted a joyous outpouring of good wishes from fans all over the country.
The Sun
When an outpouring of phone calls swamped Congress on November 6th as Kucinich's words hit CSPAN: "Wherefore Richard B. Cheney, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office," the lid on the simmering pot briefly bubbled over.
Next Impeach Target: Major Campaign Contributors
I find it impossible to subject myself to aesthetic outpourings about the beauty of landscapes on the part of noble-minded and sensitive persons whose prejudices prevent them from going to the theater.
It was a moment in time that marked the last great communal outpouring of a population's unquestioning faith and innocence.
I chose flamenco thinking it was the embodiment of wild, anarchic abandonment built on unstructured improvisational outpourings and learned that el arte is as strictly regimented as haiku.
A Conversation with Sarah Bird, author of the novel The Flamenco Academy
The outpouring of compassion for the daily deaths of thousands is suddenly treated as a frivolous distraction.
And they have been predicting just an enormous outpouring from the immigrant community here.
The outpouring of hatred can be massive but deep down most fans know that it is all part of the pantomime.
Their gratitude towards local people appears authentic, and the news of their deaths prompts an outpouring of grief.
The Times Literary Supplement
Now, when I am older than Elvis was when he died, it seems equally a massive outpouring of grief at the passing of a giant, mythical figure.
The news of his death produced an instant outpouring of grief.
I have really been quite encouraged by the outpouring of support that has flowed in non-stop.
My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
The couple are also buoyed by the outpouring of support they receive from their neighbours.
The Sun
I am saddended that in today's CiF Observer offering we have to deal with not only the apologist and excuser of all things coalition, Mr Rawnsley, but also are being subjected to the one sided outpourings of Mr Cameron and an inexplicably fawning article on Nick Clegg by Mr Porter and that's about it as far as the coverage of this weeks mismanagement of the country by our coalition government goes.
Project Merlin: Mr Osborne's paltry deal with the banks insults the taxpayer | Observer editorial
Was his permanent rage going to be banked by a great outpouring of slavering goodwill?
The natural outpouring of thought has a relish and a resistlessness of force that no art can rival.
The Young Priest's Keepsake
Zayn caused an outpouring of grief when he announced he was quitting the band last month.
The Sun
However, unlike much contemporary travel writing, his work is free of emotional outpourings.
All day he had argued with himself, surmised and made excuses, sunned himself in the cove at Rapparree, assuring himself stubbornly that everything was quite all right; and at last, dinnerless, desperate, and afraid, had started off hot foot to find her; intending to crush the resistance out of her with the outpourings of his love, and force her to risk everything for the sake of a life-long happiness.
Leonie of the Jungle
It prompted an outpouring of emotion from Cavendish.
Times, Sunday Times
Their gratitude towards local people appears authentic, and the news of their deaths prompts an outpouring of grief.
The Times Literary Supplement
Initially there was an online outpouring of love.
The Sun
His death in January shocked fans and there were huge outpourings of grief, days after the critically acclaimed album was released.
Times, Sunday Times
It's a stream-of-consciousness outpouring that attempts to capsulate portions or fragments of the 'Haleigh Cummings' Homicide Case. ' Current News - Top Stories
The lines were long, but I wish you could have been there to see the tremendous outpouring of joy and happiness and love.
The most recent outpourings have suggested that his marriage is failing, a claim the couple refute.
Times, Sunday Times
What happened on December 6, 1992 was not a breakdown of law and order; what happened was a cataclysmic event which was an outpouring of the anger of five centuries that nobody could have stopped.
What if his emotional outpourings were a problem in his marriage?
At his funeral, there was an outpouring of grief; the streets were lined with mourners.
Times, Sunday Times
There was an even greater proliferation of supplements and catalogues than their usual outpouring.
I think I'm about to go through a period where random moments of sentimentality will be the triggers for massive outpourings.
We're not going to dwell, we're not going to indulge in an orgy of introspection and outpourings of grief.
Their song is a continuous outpouring of sweet and harsher notes that, coming down from above, takes on an ethereal beauty.
Times, Sunday Times
The pretensions and pieties of national leaders merit an outpouring of derision and scorn.
He had a fitting, final, send off last Friday, an outpouring of sympathy that reflected the immense standing in which he was held.
Their gratitude towards local people appears authentic, and the news of their deaths prompts an outpouring of grief.
The Times Literary Supplement
Equally irksome, however, is the trend for outpourings of cloying sentimentality that deface the personal columns at this time of year.
Outpouring of Love for Kirchner Argentines flooded a plaza near the presidential palace Thursday to mourn N é stor Kirchner.
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My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
Alas, as these charts demonstrate, the outpouring of aid for the tsunami has not been matched in other disasters.
Regrettably, much of it is unrepeatable in the pages of this newspaper due to the sheer nastiness but, thankfully, there was also a degree of humour attached to one or two outpourings.
Romance calls for passion and usually an outpouring of emotion and sentiment.
The outpouring of emotions and media coverage are insulting to those who endure this condition without such hysteria.
Times, Sunday Times
_ -- "We can assure our readers who delight in mere joyous desipience that they will find a rich harvest of laughter in the purely irresponsible outpourings of Professor Leacock's fancy.
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All of God's creation, animate and inanimate, reflected God's generosity toward his creatures and evoked an outpouring of praise and thanks.
Wild outpourings of grief combine with a wildly festive atmosphere.
Molly Keane's Ireland
The current outpouring of books offering quick slurps of great thinkers for busy folk is remarkably blokeish.
My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
The result will be a massive outpouring of funds to serve others.
There were no mawkish sentimental outpourings, but you knew they were glad to have him back safe and sound.
The Sun
Youth only can understand all that lies in the dithyrambic outpourings of youth when, after a stormy siege, of the most frantic folly and coolest common-sense, the heart finally yields to the assault of the latest comer, be it hope, or despair, as some mysterious power determines.
The Deserted Woman
It has been quite some outpouring of emotion in the American Midwest.
Times, Sunday Times
I could go on and on and on to describe the outpouring of support for the families that have been impacted by this horrific tragedy.
The problems for the idea that these impacts triggered the massive volcanic outpourings are as follows.
Despite a voluminous outpouring of books and journal articles, historians are in some senses only beginning to catch up to certain facets of America's Civil War.
It would be an impervious being who would not note that this outpouring of the spirit of helpfulness is not present in all the dealings between the scattered members of our human family.
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There was a huge outpouring of grief and shock as the events unfolded on Tuesday.
I am saddened that in today's CiF Observer offering we have to deal with not only the apologist and excuser of all things coalition, Mr Rawnsley, but also are being subjected to the one sided outpourings of Mr Cameron and an inexplicably fawning article on Nick Clegg by Mr Porter and that's about it as far as the coverage of this weeks mismanagement of the country by our coalition government goes.
The spotlight begins to shine on the coalition's flaws and faultlines | Andrew Rawnsley
The outpouring of support that I have received in this effort has been a truly gratifying experience.
I've had an extreme outpouring of support from my teammates, my family and my friends from all over the country.
In the recent past, there has been an outpouring of publications on modern and contemporary Indian art.
This time, it was just an outpouring of mawkish sentiment.
This contains a veritable outpouring of medieval art; frescoes cover most of the interior walls and porch.
And all great movements are popular movements, volcanic eruptions of human passions and emotional sentiments, stirred either by the cruel Goddess of Distress or by the firebrand of the word hurled among the masses; they are not the lemonade-like outpourings of literary aesthetes and drawingroom heroes.
Mein Kampf
The outpouring of dog love is real.
Times, Sunday Times
No year has quite offered such an opportunity for a mass outpouring of national pride than the one on which we have just embarked.
The Sun
Wild outpourings of grief combine with a wildly festive atmosphere.
Molly Keane's Ireland
News of her death provoked an outpouring of grief on social media sites yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
The tsunami generated an unprecedented outpouring of generosity, with donor pledges reaching some US $13.6 billion.
That bunch of suburban girls in that garden-variety summer camp created an outpouring of thrill and joy that I have never forgotten.
World Wide Mind
'I really don't think it was altogether what you call malice, so much as the Lester idea of fun,' said Ellen, recovering herself after her outpouring.
Chantry House
The reaction and outpouring of emotion has made it so much better.
The Sun
The news of his death produced an instant outpouring of grief.
Against such a tsunamic outpouring of emotion from its constituents, confronted by an unprecedented outpouring of goodwill and even love, the inherent caution of elected representatives could not stand.
The most recent outpourings have suggested that his marriage is failing, a claim the couple refute.
Times, Sunday Times
My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
No year has quite offered such an opportunity for a mass outpouring of national pride than the one on which we have just embarked.
The Sun
This cathartic outpouring of national grief helped put to rest the notion that China lacks civic spirit.
To pay for this outpouring, a great drive was mounted for additional income -by Farquhar and Steel-Maitland.
The pretensions and pieties of national leaders merit an outpouring of derision and scorn.
While the plight of parasitic lice and mites are unlikely to attract outpourings of public sympathy, more charismatic insects are also at risk.
All following the bride and groom a-horseback made a crowd as long as any that ever attended an infair or any other public outpouring in this neighborhood.
Watch Yourself Go By
Their song is a continuous outpouring of sweet and harsher notes that, coming down from above, takes on an ethereal beauty.
Times, Sunday Times
His death at the age of 35 has occasioned an outpouring of grief.
No year has quite offered such an opportunity for a mass outpouring of national pride than the one on which we have just embarked.
The Sun
My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
The film is less a searing and devastating political attack upon Bush, than an emotional outpouring against him.
The meaning of love is not to be confused with some sentimental outpouring.
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The outpouring of love and affirmation that followed was overwhelming.
Christianity Today
BRISTOL: People that had this outpouring of sympathy to us and our family for losing her because I think they felt, knowing Christa, seeing Christa, I think they kind of grieved along with us that knowing what a great loss it was.
CNN Transcript Jan 22, 2006
Thousands of mourners flocked to witness the burial yesterday amid an outpouring of national grief over their killings.
Times, Sunday Times
News of her death was met with an outpouring of grief in her home country.
Times, Sunday Times
It is easy to dismiss them as the strategic outpourings of a new recruit trying to impress the party machine.
My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
A trip to Europe then allegedly resulted in an outpouring of homages to the old masters and to European architecture.
This is a day set apart by the various denominations to hold what they call a concert of prayer; namely, for all who will join of every denomination to unite in prayer for the outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord upon the world.
Beams of Light on Early Methodism in America. Chiefly Drawn from the Diary, Letters, Manuscripts, Documents, and Original Tracts of the Rev. Ezekiel Cooper.
In this inundation there comes to pass the essential outpouring or immersion in the superessential Unity; and this is the union without distinction, of which I have often told you.
The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
There were outpourings of prejudice and hatred, fantasies of violence accompanied by curses and epithets, psychotic rhapsodies, monologues of suicide and self-mutilation.
Why all the outpouring of emotion for one more dead rock star?
The Sun
The botanist's outpourings were a mix of empirical science, homespun philosophy and despair at human nature.
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There was an outpouring of grief in the city after the crash.
Times, Sunday Times
Why was she showing this outpouring of emotion?
The Sun
she attacked him with an outpouring of words
My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
I carefully cataloged these and simultaneously pulled together a group of apostles which I called the Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic
I can only imagine the tangled thoughts and confused emotions behind their outpouring as they feel the weight of a world marred by violence and loss.
Christianity Today
But passion became diluted in too eloquent outpourings of “sentiment,” the tragic style revolved in gloom, and this edulcorated form of cortezia modestly concealed, without disturbing, the money interests, while serving the purposes of the human race.
The Chronicles are the outpouring of his imaginative and religious experience; his witness of the life and faith he espoused.
It was still possible then to envision successors to this outpouring of his heart and soul and craft.
To read them as the simple and naive outpourings of his innermost thoughts is to misread them.
The Times Literary Supplement
But that is trivial compared to some of the other claims being made during the current outpouring of drivel.
This kind of effort requires such an outpouring of unconditional love that it is exhausting and totally draining.
It is far from certain that the outpouring of sympathy for the Kaczynski family - seen in the huge numbers that turned out in Warsaw to see the fallen leader's hearse travel to the presidential palace - would translate into ballow box support.
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There was an outpouring of reactions, many in a creative way.
It is difficult to understand what he hoped to achieve by his outpouring of vitriol.
You know that feeling, when you actively want someone to ask you what's wrong, just so you can explode in an outpouring of rapid-fire sentences.
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings became fraught with fears that his emotional outpourings would appear in print.
The past decade has seen an outpouring of publicity, and more than a trickle of research, about chronic fatigue syndrome.
There's an outpouring from the nation - it's a mockery against what home schooling is and the contributions home-schoolers have made to the country.
It is easy to dismiss them as the strategic outpourings of a new recruit trying to impress the party machine.
It can also react badly to emotional strain and mild shock conditions following accidents, or trauma following heavy outpouring of adrenalin and a lot of excitement.
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His death occasioned an outpouring of condolences, mourning, and reflection.
Next year, presumably, each conference will attempt to go one better by eliminating the speeches completely, replacing them instead with yet more examples of these entirely spontaneous outpourings of unrehearsed joy.
Charities and fund-raisers have reported a huge outpouring of support as members of the public rally to help those caught up in the devastating Asian earthquake.
His death at the age of 35 has occasioned an outpouring of grief.
Emotional outpourings of grief and anger are completely understandable, but now I think we need to consider every word as potentially dangerous, and in particular, the words used by our national and international leaders.
Even this outpouring of funds, though, won't take the technology to the level Crichton fancifully depicts.
When he passes away there will be tributes and outpourings of grief.
The Sun
It is easy to dismiss them as the strategic outpourings of a new recruit trying to impress the party machine.
The couple are also buoyed by the outpouring of support they receive from their neighbours.
The Sun
This tremendous outpouring can still be found upon the continents on both sides of the break.
My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters,(Sentence dictionary) concerts.
For me it wasn't that easy; my emotional outpouring was muted, or perhaps nonexistent.
It just confirms all my contempt for the modern music industry and the dumb tasteless shlubs in the listening world who lap up the industry's noxious and offensive outpourings.
And there has been an outpouring of enthusiasm for some current animation characters and shows.
Displaying all a martyr's egotism, she spoke of the inevitability of an outpouring of support or anger.
Zayn caused an outpouring of grief when he announced he was quitting the band last month.
The Sun
Its measurements show that the fast wind predominates in the heliosphere, which is a huge bubble blown into interstellar space by the Sun's outpourings, and extending far beyond the outermost planets.
Binoculars were lifted to the eyes of the big man and what he saw in the sky brought on an outpouring of childish excitement.
The vast outpouring over the last three decades of archaeological evidence relating to the rise of Cahokia renders such models nonviable.
The famous fog of London was an entirely chemical outpouring created by treacherous fumes and gases belching from countless chimneys.
The couple are also buoyed by the outpouring of support they receive from their neighbours.
The Sun
The most recent outpourings have suggested that his marriage is failing, a claim the couple refute.
Times, Sunday Times
His death at the age of 35 has occasioned an outpouring of grief.
My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
And I was stunned by the outpouring of charity and goodwill.
While the above has been one stream of outpouring in the country's press, the other has been to hammer away at what many columnists saw as a confession-and-pardon charade.