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How To Use Outmode In A Sentence

  • So will the investment in capital goods and engineering skills needed to modernise outmoded factories.
  • Already considering flip-top cell phones pretty outmoded, we attach Bluetooth devices, with no thought of Lt Uhura opening the hailing frequencies through an elaborate earpiece. Officers Starship | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • It was a cheapjack company that paid writers and artists at rates ranging from poor to involuntary servitude, then printed their wares on presses that were outmoded.
  • I'm outmoded in this city of nouveau riche values and consumer durables.
  • In Scotland, however, the old code remained legal and came to be viewed simultaneously as a relic of outmoded ways of life and as a sign of modernity.
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  • Why is the U.S. blindly plunging ahead with such a potentially disastrous and outmoded concept?
  • President Bush argues that civil-service regulations are outmoded and that national security will be enhanced if the secretary of Homeland Security can punish laggards and reward talent.
  • outmoded ideas
  • Why do these theories of good study habits that are in outmoded persist? Think You Know How To Study? Think Again
  • Isn't it time to declare all such vessels outmoded, obsolete and a danger to peace?
  • Failure to do so will mean that outmoded services and practices will prevail and that improvements in the patient experience will not be achieved.
  • Damages for "loss of reputation" are as outmoded as the damages which husbands used to recover against co-respondents and jilted females used to recover for breach of promise. Labour MP Wins Libel Case
  • Romania badly needs aid to modernise its outmoded industries.
  • What exactly are you limiting to being "outmoded"? Weird Beliefs
  • So it's a pretty dubious and in fact now a completely outmoded term.
  • Yet ultimately it's too ingenious to resist for long in its sincere attempts to repurpose something both significant and outmoded. Times, Sunday Times
  • If, like me, you'd rather gargle drain cleaner than watch anything to do with our outmoded, obsolete head of state, there are only a few escape routes.
  • His political philosophy tends to be written of as an outmoded fantasy.
  • I am suggesting that claims toward a kind of universal truth are not outmoded.
  • Then there is the now sadly outmoded term, brassie, what used to be a 2-wood before metal made timber all but obsolete.
  • Except, clearly, that is a reductive and outmoded view. Times, Sunday Times
  • The journalist, Gemma Soames, seems to be arguing that the recent Miss University London beauty pageant is a microcosmic example of a change in the focus of feminist activism by cis women away from a ‘retro’ (and, by implication, outmoded and irrelevant) feminism: Ohz noez! Not *another* 2008 roundup…
  • And isn't the idea of damsels in distress kind of outmoded anyway? Nothing Revolts
  • Rather than being in favor of the caste system, as this article states, Mr. Sarkar, in one of his books, called casteism "another manifestation of long standing selfish mentality" Ananda Marga's strong stand against the caste system provoked resentment from orthodox Hindu leaders who supported such outmoded distinctions. Ananda Marga Replies
  • The Baker Wind Turbine not only has a wider range of operation but also produces more power at any given wind speed than a propeller driven wind mill and therefore the new turbine wind energy technology should rightfully outmode the old propeller driven windmill technology. A Wind Turbine for Every Rooftop?
  • SUZANNE MALVEAUX, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Heidi, they're really in full outmode damage control at this point. CNN Transcript Oct 2, 2006
  • Check chimney flues and heating equipment in summer and do maintenance, make repairs or replace an outmoded system.
  • Romania badly needs aid to modernise its outmoded industries.
  • Grey-cast, billiard-bald Major Edwin Howard Armstrong, deviser of the frequency modulation system of broadcasting, has twice in his time revolutionized radio-first by the regenerative, or feedback, circuit, which outmoded crystal sets; next by his superheterodyne hookup, the basis for present-day one-dial tuning. Top Stories
  • In an outmoded attempt at modishness, the play moves backward in time, though moving forward it would have proved just as backward.
  • He devised a set of heavy draft horse casting hobbles which are now outmoded but still bear his name.
  • But at the same time they talked down the prospects for electrification as though it was yesterday's outmoded solution.
  • In actual fact, what the monarchy does do is to reinforce Britain's position in the world as an outmoded Ruritania.
  • But lately the devotion has been viewed by many in as "outmoded" in the post-Vatican II Catholic world. Rev. James Martin, S.J.: Sexual Abuse and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • What if you're just passing on outmoded ideas you were raised with? Times, Sunday Times
  • It's an outmoded idea more often than not mooted by the media on behalf of the fans they purport to represent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The society macroclimate of seeking the liberation was cleaning up the outmoded consuetudes on the style of the costume, which tended to be succinct, and people strived to be simple and elegant on the hue and paid attention to embody female's natural beauty.
  • It obviously makes very little sense, then, to take the outmoded attitude that it only requires willpower to conquer an addiction. Healthy By Nature
  • The term hermaphrodite is now outmoded and regarded as derogatory by intersexuals. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • His political philosophy tends to be written off as an outmoded fantasy.
  • Indeed, as Gould points out, the digital facsimiles of basic human activities "chatting," "befriending," even "poking" oftentimes seem poised to outmode the actual physical acts on which they were originally modeled! Harvard University Press Publicity Blog :
  • Isn't it time to declare all such vessels outmoded, obsolete and a danger to peace?
  • And now the pitch of Paulson before Congress was not to turn back and look at history but to demean it as being "outmoded" and not "modern", whatever that means. Wayne Rogers: Forgetting the Past
  • For instance, the decision to become a mass party is explained away (p12); while ANC leaders 'input into debates on the character of the SACP is aimed "... ostensibly to' imprison 'the SACP and the left to' outmoded 'alliance traditions and methods as an attempt to' liquidate 'it (p8) ". MANAGING NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TRANSFORMATION
  • The use of spoken English instead of Chinese with subtitles deprives the dialogue of authenticity as does the rendering of Chinese script in the outmoded Wade-Giles System of Romanization in which "Qin" is spelled "Chin" leading the narrator to the false conclusion that it is the root of the word "China. China's First Emperor
  • Some departments hastily and explicitly school impressionable reporters in shrugging off scoops by other news organizations, with the reassuring but dangerously outmoded Times maxim "It's not news until we say it's news. My Times
  • My only cavil is that I would have liked to see her in a part which gave her greater scope to display her abilities, rather than in this outdated and outmoded piece.
  • Today, the risks of not knowing more about your customers mean that traditional methods of surveying us are increasingly outmoded.
  • Historically both are central to the sides they represent but they should be no more than that, just outmoded symbols of a past which should be left behind.
  • The dress code may sound outmoded and overly strict but most racegoers enjoy dressing up for what is always a very special occasion.
  • Medicine is constantly changing and unless you keep up you are doomed to cling to outmoded ideas. Times, Sunday Times
  • … described as outmoded "constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution" will look very sensible and relevant in the years ahead. ChronWatch - Articles
  • It's an outmoded idea more often than not mooted by the media on behalf of the fans they purport to represent. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are trying to do more and better research with less support staff, in outmoded laboratories and depleted libraries. The Ivory Tower and the Boardroom: The University as an Organizational Laboratory
  • If opera is an elitist, outmoded art form for high-brow aesthetes, then no one's told these kids.
  • The political system has become thoroughly outmoded.
  • His initial poems lean heavily on outmoded styles and subjects, such as Norse personification, sailors of Devon, or the bird as a correlative for soaring aspiration.
  • It's unfortunate that there are no statistics on the number of lives that are clobbered yearly as a result of laws: outmoded laws; laws that found their way onto the books as a result of ignorance, hysteria or political haymaking; antilife laws; biased laws; laws that pretend that reality is fixed and nature is definable; laws that deny people the right to refuse protection. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • The more you see it, the less outmoded it seems. Self-Hypnosis
  • For some, this is an outmoded concept, almost a quaint one.
  • Insisting that people should say data are, in spite of the fact that an American English speaker can’t use data are without sounding pretentious or outmoded, is stupid. 2008 August « Motivated Grammar
  • How can we as a faith community keep credibility among the youth of today if we cling to every jot and tittle of an outmoded social code while thousands die of leprosy and hunger?
  • Throughout his life he sought to defend an idea of Britishness that was becoming increasingly outmoded.
  • In the early 1990s the authorities froze the project because of lack of funding and outmoded technology.
  • What's interesting is that this language of failure has become so outmoded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Selective memory sought to erase the traces of the outmoded European-style colonialism that the Americans abortively tried to practice in the archipelago.
  • Therefore, the techniques of modernism, rather than outmoded conceptions of realism, might offer the necessary strategies for representing the reality of modernist events.
  • This organizational structure was now outmoded.
  • By modern lights, many of her views seem outmoded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such twaddle is outmoded and a sure formula for disappointment.
  • The Church can no longer afford to take such outmoded attitudes. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's an outmoded idea more often than not mooted by the media on behalf of the fans they purport to represent. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are some simple facts here that make this case totally irrelevant to the future of digital media, merely the dying influence of outmoded copyright law.
  • since buggies have been replaced by cars the buggy whip has become a symbol for anything that is hopelessly outmoded
  • The struggle for genuine spiritual self-definition using outmoded, sexist terms becomes these girls' existential crisis.
  • Many organizations fail to disband outdated or outmoded processes.
  • By the end of the seventeenth century, Spain itself had begun to decline as a world power through financial mismanagement, outmoded trade policies, and continued reliance on exhausted extractive industries.
  • Let's stop sentimentalising the fuddy-duddies who cling to outmoded ‘ethical’ concepts and start applauding those with the courage to brush away the cobwebs of scruple and get on with making money!
  • As things stand, the voters seem to regard the concept as outmoded, a bit wussy, and definitely non-core.
  • Did I realize that Canon has it in their best corporate interest to continue selling technology that they will outmode until the last possible moment without warning the consumer? More Apple « BuzzMachine
  • But in a way, it is like flying cars - it is way more complicated than what is current there, and way more complex than most people need - and would entirely outmode every type of music player in existance. Techdirt
  • His style of investing, featuring long hours devoted to intensive research, seemed outmoded. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new NASA administrator, Michael Griffin, made a revealing comparison, likening the space shuttle to a clipper ship - i.e., a once brilliant but now completely outmoded technology.
  • The explosion was the result of chlorine gas leaking from outmoded furnaces at the plant.
  • You may think of them as quaint or outmoded, but vanity units are incredibly useful in maintaining the look of a clutter-free bathroom.
  • Now the sentiment seems outmoded. Times, Sunday Times
  • The report sparked the first nationwide debate over whether low-calorie dieting was now outmoded.
  • The notion was not even entertained that an equilibrium between contending forces might set in, that the subsequent evolution of both contenders under the impact of this equilibrium could alter their distinguishing characteristics and therefore outmode the original Leninist theorems. Interpretations of American History
  • It reflects an outmoded way of thinking. The Sun
  • The tabloids condemned them, not unfittingly, as the curdled dregs of an outmoded caste.
  • Modern ways of cooking have outmoded the hearth
  • But then, who gives a toss for outmoded aesthetics these days, eh?
  • Whole areas of libraries fade from use as they become outdated or outmoded.
  • All the embarrassing baggage of ethnicity - unassimilated habits, Yiddish accent, incomplete understanding of American mores - was projected onto the mother, a representative of outmoded values.
  • In fact, I'm probably pretty close to how old Jessel was back then, when he'd be dragged out of mothballs to warble outmoded old songs in that peculiar nasal delivery of his.
  • This is evident in the Enlightenment's attack on tradition as outmoded superstition - an argument Hayek brilliantly demolishes.
  • Luckily, there's still plenty of outmoded and simplistic theories.
  • We work on an outmoded and unrealistic notion: that land is either for intensive agriculture or it's for wildlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • This organizational structure was now outmoded.
  • The chain made up an organization that was clinging to an outmoded notion of its own uniqueness.
  • Some of the interactive exhibits seemed outmoded; others didn't work at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Costumes are cultural repositories; they are antiquated, outmoded images of a nostalgised past.
  • Despite the inadequate lightfastness and typically dull color appearance of these outmoded historical pigments, the names rose madder, brown madder, carmine, Indian yellow, gamboge, sap green, indigo, van dyke brown and sepia are still frequently used as marketing monnikers for watercolors made with completely unrelated and typically much more lightfast synthetic organic pigments.
  • The rishis gave forth treatises on all subjects with such insight that ages have been powerless to outmode them; yet, to the subsequent consternation of historians, the sages made no effort to attach their own dates and personalities to their literary works. Autobiography of a Yogi
  • demode (or outmoded) attire
  • It would have forced us to re-vamp our outmoded taxation system.
  • In point of fact, the clash between outmoded newsgathering and neoteric tech-wizardry is a long time coming. Rob Fishman: Old Dogs, New Media: Why J-School Apps Are Up
  • Check chimney flues and heating equipment in summer and do maintenance, make repairs or replace an outmoded system.
  • Suddenly, Brazilians had money to spend - but not on the outmoded, second-rate models that had been rolling off local assembly lines.
  • Property rates are an outmoded method of raising revenue as people's incomes are no longer related to the property that they live in.
  • But discarding a few outmoded shibboleths does not create a society that is at ease with itself and free of class anxieties, frictions and divisions.
  • It reflects an outmoded way of thinking. The Sun
  • It is a pre-scientific concept that has been outmoded by modern scientific understanding of matter and natural laws.
  • To some, the sculpture park will seem an outmoded concept.
  • Gone were the artificial and outmoded divisions into three or four acts with scene changes and elaborate tableaux.
  • We work on an outmoded and unrealistic notion: that land is either for intensive agriculture or it's for wildlife. Times, Sunday Times
  • The United States has suggested setting numerical targets for capping current account surpluses and deficits, something Beijing has called outmoded central planning. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • In Scotland, however, the old code remained legal and came to be viewed simultaneously as a relic of outmoded ways of life and as a sign of modernity.

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